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Duysal Askun Celik

Duysal Askun Celik
Rice University Jones School of Business · Management



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February 2014 - June 2014
Altınbaş University
  • Professor (Associate)
  • I lectured two sections for the course: "Cross Cultural Psychology".
September 2013 - June 2014
Bahçeşehir University
  • Professor (Associate), Adjunct
February 2011 - July 2013
Istanbul Bilim University
  • Research Assistant


Publications (49)
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This paper examines the potential implications of the principles of swarm intelligence and collective behavior in nature for unmanned systems and autonomous organizational structures. Swarm intelligence is inspired by natural systems in which individual units interact according to simple rules to form a complex and organized whole. These principles...
Most studies that examine the net effects of the Big Five personality traits in explaining team performance are based on variance-based approaches. In the present study, we focus on exploring necessary and sufficient combinations for team performance based on the empirical analysis of the configurations of team personality compositions associated w...
Although there have been decades of research on the effect of cultural values on team effectiveness outcomes, knowledge of the interdependencies of team cultural values for explaining team performance remains nascent. Using a configurational qualitative approach, this study explores how cultural values combine and collectively contribute to the eff...
Etymologically oneness (or wholeness) has roots in Anglo-Saxon language (originally named as hal) meaning healthy, whole, or holy (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 2005) while the Sanskrit root is ‘sampoorna’ meaning totality, completeness, and wholeness (Apte, 2004). Having roots in theories of physics and cosmology, on a personal level, on...
This chapter examines the role of oneness in today’s business world both as a philosophical and a psychological resource. Oneness from a philosophical perspective center around being the confluence point that bridges the Eastern and the Western world both as an idea and a practice. From a WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democrat...
The current study aims to understand the mechanisms underlying the predictive relationship between mindfulness and organizational citizenship behaviors especially targeted for other individuals inside the organizations. As part of this relationship model, oneness behaviors were suggested as an actor of mediation. A sample of 281 blue collar employe...
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This study assesses the extent to which cohesion affects performance in Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) and whether this effect depends on team members technical skills. Data are collected from X-Culture, a largescale experiential learning project involving business students dispersed globally and relying on virtual electronic communication tools to so...
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As oneness reflects the much-needed worldview in the 21st century, exploring how oneness behaviors might play out in different cultures seem a worthwhile scientific pursuit in the service of humanity. The main purpose of the present study is to test whether factor structure and measurement construct of Oneness Behaviors Scale is valid on the Indian...
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Purpose Today, organizations work hard to improve the motivation of their employees and related knowledge, skills and abilities to enhance work performance. Among many other variables, self-efficacy proved to have an influential role in work performance. The main purpose of the current study is to investigate the role of occupational self-efficacy...
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Moderating role of self-efficacy has been studied in several research contexts which also frequently involved organizations. According to the theoretical framework borrowed by social cognitive theory and referent cognitions theory, we have decided to explore the moderating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between justice perceptions and tu...
As an important concept for the world today, oneness has been a topic of several philosophical teachings and scientific disciplines. Considering the types of problems humanity is facing in different spheres of life, we thought it is worthwhile to ask what might be some daily examples that reflected oneness in behavioral terms. As part of our query...
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The current study aims to explore the validity and reliability characteristics of the self-reflection and insight scale originally developed by Grant et al. (Soc Behav Pers 30(8):821–836, 2002). The study includes two convenience samples, comprising a total of 659 university students. The test–retest reliability study was carried out in a private u...
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Previous research in organizational behavior has reported many variables serving as either mediators or moderators in the predictive relationship between justice perceptions and turnover intentions. So far, none of the studies seems to have considered the possible influence of self-efficacy as a moderating variable in that relationship. Positive or...
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The current study aims to understand the roles of internal work motivation and psychological capital in terms of work performance outcomes within the scope of positive organizational behavior. The study is carried out as a longitudinal design by collecting data from voluntary 65 blue collar workers from a private firm in five different time periods...
As an important concept for the world today, oneness has been a topic of several philosophical teachings and scientific disciplines. Considering the types of problems humanity is facing in different spheres of life, we thought it is worthwhile to ask what might be some daily examples that reflected oneness in behavioral terms. As part of our query...
Amaç: Mevcut çalışmanın amacı ergenlere ve yetişkinlere yönelik araştırmalarda kullanılabilecek Ergen Egosantrizm Ölçeği (Adolescence Egocentrism Sociocentrism Scale)’nin (Enright ve ark. 1979, 1980) Türkçeye uyarlanması ve psikometrik özelliklerinin test edilmesidir. Yöntem: Ölçeğin Türkçeye çevirisi beş aşamada yapılmış, elde edilen form üç fark...
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This study aims to understand the role o f mindfulness according to locus o f control orientations in conflict communication styles. As there is no single study that tried to look at the possible relationship between ali o f the listed variables, the authors proposed that increasing mindfulness may lead to healthier conflict communication styles wi...
Conference Paper
Bu çalışmada öz kararlılık kuramından hareketle, iş performansına yönelik bireysel çabanın yoğunluğuna etki eden psikolojik motivasyon faktörlerinin (yetkinlik, otonomi ve ilişkililik) araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada 76 çalışanın altı haftalık sergiledikleri performansa yönelik çaba miktarları ölçülmüş ve hangi psikolojik motivasyon faktör...
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Enabling objective performance appraisals have been the aim of many organizations including years of research in performance management. As today's business environments become more complex and are ongoing rapid change, it is very important for managers not to ignore the attention and the time they should allocate to their subordinates’ performance...
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The current study provides an important step in determining the relations among resilience, hope, self esteem, locus of control and academic achievement. Our sample is composed of 1,169 male junior soccer players selected via nationwide sports selection program. We have employed a cross-sectional research design to assess the relationship between v...
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The current study provides an important step in determining the relations among resilience, hope, self esteem, locus of control and academic achievement. Our sample is composed of 1,169 male junior soccer players selected via nationwide sports selection program. We have employed a cross-sectional research design to assess the relationship between v...
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Son on yılda pozitif psikolojiye yönelik ilginin artmasıyla birlikte yeni kavramların araştırmalara konu olmaya başladığını görmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada, bu kavramlardan bilinçli farkındalık ve öz-bilinç’in kişilerarası çatışma çözme yaklaşımlarındaki rollerini ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Kişilerarası Çatışma Çözme Yaklaşımları Ölçeği, Bilinçli Far...
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The current study aims to explore both personal and team-related sports behavior dimensions of Turkish children soccer players. It has been argued that several personal dispositions such as achievement motivation, fear of failure, and aggression levels (Wann, Haynes, McLean, and Pullen, 2003) could be at play when the child is trying to achieve in...
For healthy and effective organizations, there has to be a unity in diversity which is sometimes termed as "Oneness", characterized by a mysterious spiritual and emotional bond between people (Hung, 2006). Related to Oneness principle, there is actually no "Other" but "We". In the same line of thought, when you see no other, you help and support th...
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Service industry gained importance in recent periods. Call Centers have been situated within that sector in which emotions are most intensively used. For competitiveness, understanding the emotional processes is important. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the effect emotional dissonance has on turnover intentions and absenteeism, a...
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The objective of this study was to explore certain managerial work values in Turkey. A total of 1023 managers from six Turkey regions participated in the study and filled out the questionnaires. Findings were analyzed using regression and anova analyses. A total of three managerial work value factors emerged, which was supported by the current valu...
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In this study, sexual attitudes and behaviors of Turkish university students were explored by taking many influential agents both at the distal and the proximal levels into consideration. A total of 563 students from three universities located in three cities completed a questionnaire that assessed their virginity status, first intercourse, sexual...


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