Dusko Bjelica

Dusko Bjelica
University of Montenegro | UCG · Department of Physical Education



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Publications (447)
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Ne uzimajući u obzir biološku zrelost, teško je odrediti da li su određena djeca premlada za izvođenje određenih programa treninga, posebno podnošenja specifičnih opterećenja. U svakom trenutku trener mora uzeti u obzir individualne razlike: stepen razvoja, treniranost i iskustvo, zdravstveni status, brzina oporavka između treninga i takmičenja, sp...
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Igra ne predstavlja samo zabavu koja ispunjava vrijeme, već predstavlja jedan važan dio života beba i djece uopšte. Igra je njihov svakodnevni posao i pomaže im da uče i rastu. Cjelovita njihova motivacija za igru proizilazi iz zadovoljstva koje osjećaju u samom procesu igranja. Djeca se fokusiraju na sami čin igre više nego na njen cilj i igra im...
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Godina Uspona Crnogorskog sporta (2001)
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Sistematizacija sportskih disciplina i sportski trening
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Godisnjak FSCG 1997/ 98 – VII
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Godisnjak FSCG 1996 / 97 - VI
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GODISNJAK FSCG 1995 / 96 - V
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Za leptosomne tipove najadekvatniji su sportovi oni gdje je tjelesna visina dominantna, gdje se zahvaljujući tjelesnoj visini lakše savladavaju prepreke, odnosno postiže se bolji rezultat. Tako, na primjer, u sportskim igrama, gdje je cilj ili visoko (košarka), ili postoji visoko postavljena mreža (odbojka), ili je postavljen "zid" od visokih igrač...
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Godisnjak Fudbalskog Saveza Crne Gore
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Mali Fudbal u Crnoj Gori
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Accumulating at least 60 min of physical activity every day is health-beneficial and will contribute to development of motor abilities. The objective was to compare some motor abilities of physically active [N=42; (24 boys & 18 girls)] and inactive [N=55; (24 boys & 31 girls)] school adolescents at the age of 13-15 years: (1) abdominal muscle stren...
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Teorija Fizickog Vaspitanja
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The aim of the research was to determine the association between weight status with residential status, geographic region, and sex in younger adolescent age group in Montenegro. The sample was stratified based on gender, settlement type, and geographic region in Montenegro. Anthropometric characteristics were assessed using a battery of three varia...
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Background Adiposity can be measured using BMI (which is based on weight and height) as well as indices of abdominal adiposity. We examined the association between BMI and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) within and across populations of different world regions and quantified how well these two metrics discriminate between people with and without hyper...
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Background Adiposity can be measured using BMI (which is based on weight and height) as well as indices of abdominal adiposity. We examined the association between BMI and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) within and across populations of different world regions and quantified how well these two metrics discriminate between people with and without hyper...
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Ranije je već istaknuto da metode koje se koriste u naučnim istraživanjima moraju da omoguće : Deskripciju-odnosno opis određenih procesa ili pojava. Bez poznavanja karaktera i strukture pojava i procesa nije moguće izvršiti operacionalizaciju procedura upravljanja trenažnim procesom. Dakle, deskripcija se odnosi na uočavanje n-tog broja činioca ko...
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U cjelokupnom razvojnom periodu broj i časovi treninga su se neprekidno povećavali, od 4 do 5 puta nedjeljno 50-tih godina, do više od 20 puta 70-tih godina prošlog vijeka. Danas je taj broj treninga u pojedinim sportovima i 24 nedjeljno, odnosno 3-4 puta dnevno. Doprinos nauke ovdje se ogledao u brzem i efikasnom procesu oporavka, koji je omogućio...
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U ovom abstraktu će se sažeto iznijeti osnovne karakteristike rasta i razvoja tkiva kod djece, razlike u njihovom fiziološkom i motoričkom kapacitetu, uticaj stepena rasta i razvoja i nivoa fiziološke zrelosti na promjenu strategije treninga .Govoriće se o generalnim principima fiziologije vježbanja i sporta, tj. treningu, njihovim aplikacijama u o...
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Ne uzimajući u obzir biološku zrelost, teško je odrediti da li su određena djeca premlada za izvođenje određenih programa treninga, posebno podnošenja specifičnih opterećenja. U svakom trenutku trener mora uzeti u obzir individualne razlike: stepen razvoja, treniranost i iskustvo, zdravstveni status, brzina oporavka između treninga i takmičenja, sp...
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Između 12. i 14. godine (oko puberteta) nema bitne razlike među polovima u: visini, težini, obimu, širini kostiju i kožnim naborima. Veće razlike između polova u veličini tijela i tjelesnoj kompoziciji nema do vremena puberteta.U pubertetu, znatno lučenje estrogena kod ženskog i testosterona kod muškog pola, dovodi do njihovih razlika u tjelesnoj k...
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Trening, odnosno trenažni proces predstavlja aktivnost koja ima za cilj sistematsko izazivanje planiranih promjena struktura i, ili funkcija organizma koji je podvrgnut djelovanju trenažnh stimulusa. Osnovno sredstvo kojim se ove promjene izazivaju je pokret u najširem smislu, odnosno vježba. Dakle, posebno struktuirana tjelesna aktivnost se korist...
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Previous research findings support the claim that physical activity (PA) and maturation result in changes in physical fitness (PF) and body composition (BC) parameters. Fitness assessment tests are especially important for monitoring the health of adolescents. The purpose of this study was to find the correlation between BC and PF parameters in stu...
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Detecting children and minors who are at risk of developing childhood sarcopenic obesity frequently necessitates the use of specialized equipment and costly testing procedures. Finding more affordable and efficient techniques would be extremely advantageous, particularly if they are applicable in various field environments. The aim of this research...
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Danilo Pantić, džudista nikšićkog Akademika izabran je za najboljeg sportistu 2015. godine u tradicio-nalnom izboru Udruženja sportskih novinara Crne Gore, čiji je domaćin i ovog puta bio Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje u Nikšiću. U tradicionalnom, 61 izboru Pantić je dobio 20 glasova od 85 sportskih novinara koliko ih je učestvovalo u izbor...
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Nedavno je iz štampe izašla najnovija knjiga iz popularne višetomne edicije "Laureati Crnogorskog sporta" za 2019. godinu, u izdanju Crnogorske sportske akademije i Zavičaja iz Danilovgrada. Crnogorski sport i sportska literatura ovim ekskluzivnim djelom bogatiji su za još jedno u nizu veliko ostvarenje, koje na originalan i jedinstven način široj...
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Univerzitet Crne Gore, Fakultet za sport i fizicko vaspitanje, Niksic, Crna Gora Sazetak Vaterpolista Aleksandar Ivović najbolji je sportista Crne Gore u 2015. godini, u izboru Crnogorskog olimpijskog komiteta. Pehar je umjesto njega primio brat Blagoje. Žiri COK-a je ovu odluku donio većinom glasova (devet od 17), u čijem sastavu su se, pored pred...
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Propaganda je oblik psihološkog delovanja u tesnoj vezi sa informativnom aktivnošću u sportu. Ponekad je propagandi podređen i sam proces informisanja. Cilj propagandne aktivnosti je da se određena populacija pridobije za propagandom sugerisano praktično ponašanje. Zavisno od oblasti socijalnog života u kojoj se ostvaruje propagandna praksa, propag...
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Motoričke sposobnosti se povećavaju u prvih 18 godina života kod oba pola, mada se kod ženskog pola zapaža plato u razvoju oko puberteta. Taj plato je vjerovatno zbog povišene koncentracije estrogena, koji dovodi do većeg nagomilavanja masti. Oni su uzročnici i veće sedenternosti kod djevojaka, manje fizičke aktivnosti, manjeg uključivanja u sport....
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The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the anthropometric characteristics, weight status, and posture of 6-and 7-year-old preschool-aged children. The sample of 922 children was divided by gender and age (monthly quartiles). Anthropometric characteristics were assessed using a battery of three variables: body height (BH), body mass...
Conference Paper
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Athletes should have anthropometric characteristics that correspond to their specializations. Therefore, it is considered that there should be certain differences in anthropometry and body composition between athletes in different sports. This study aimed to determine the differences in anthropometric characteristics and body composition between pr...
Conference Paper
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Findings related to anthropometry and weight status of players are of great importance for football. It is known that there are differences in anthropometric characteristics among football players of different levels of competition; however, differences in anthropometric profiles between youth football players from the top and bottom teams have not...
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Summary Background Underweight and obesity are associated with adverse health outcomes throughout the life course. We estimated the individual and combined prevalence of underweight or thinness and obesity, and their changes, from 1990 to 2022 for adults and school-aged children and adolescents in 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data...
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Regular physical activity (PA) plays a crucial role in promoting overall health and preventing non-communicable diseases, with exercise both during and outside working hours reducing accumulated fatigue and stress caused by various job tasks. However, despite this, many people do not engage in sufficient levels of PA for various reasons. In line wi...
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Elite futsal players in addition to other characteristics, must have suitable anthropometric and body composition according to their playing position. The research aimed to determine body composition of Bosnia and Herzegovina U-19 national futsal team players and also determine differences in anthropometric and body composition of players according...
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Za leptosomne tipove najadekvatniji su sportovi oni gdje je tjelesna visina dominantna, gdje se zahvaljujući tjelesnoj visini lakše savladavaju prepreke, odnosno postiže se bolji rezultat. Tako, na primjer, u sportskim igrama, gdje je cilj ili visoko (košarka), ili postoji visoko postavljena mreža (odbojka), ili je postavljen "zid" od visokih igrač...
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This study aimed to identify positional differences in the running performance (RP) of professional women soccer players. Seventy match performances were observed during the official matches (n = 13) over the course of half of a season at the highest level of national soccer competition in Slovenia. Players' RP were obtained using global positionin...
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Osnovni nalaz koji karakteriše sportistu u stanju pretreniranosti je njegova nespsobnost da ispoljava očekivane takmičarske rezultate. Ovo stanje prati promjena raspoloženja, visok stepen zamora koji perzistira, smanjena reproduktivna funkcija i poremećen imunološki.Iako, gubitak u takmičarskoj sposobnosti ne prelazi 0.5%-2% , ovo u visoko homogeni...
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Physical education (PE) curriculum is consisted of specific motor content that requires practice and movement. The main goal of the PE curriculum is development of motor abilities. The objective is to compare the effectiveness of both-face-to-face and online PE classes, in achieving the main goal of the PE curriculum. Data were extracted from the a...
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Opšti cilj prvog dijela pripremnog perioda je da se podizanjem nivoa aerobnih kapaciteta, uglavnom trčanjem u srednjoprugaškom atletskom tempu, pripremi organizam za veća opterećenja i za postepeni prelazak na zadatke koji će sve više insistirati na većoj potrošnji energije nego što je to organizam u stanju da obezbijedi. Pored toga, posebnim regio...
Cilj ovog dijela pripremnog perioda je da se razviju anaerobno-laktatni kapaciteti pomoću dionica ubrzanja, sa oštrijim režimom opterećenja. U ovom dijelu se broj dionica ubrzanja povećava, a odmorni intervali izmedju serija ubrzanja se postepeno skraćuju. Takođe u ovom dijelu počinje se i sa postepenim razvojem anaerobno-alaktatnih kapaciteta uklj...
Abstrakt Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, čak 10% svjetskog stanovništva čine osobe sa invaliditetom. Osobe sa invaliditetom su, dakle veoma brojne, a defnišu se kao pojedinci sa psihofzičkim nedostatcima (sa kojima se rađaju ili ih stču tokom života.. Ovi nedostaci utču na narušavanje njihovog integriteta kao ljudskih bića i onemo...
Abstrakt Skoro svi sportovi se baziraju na trčanju. U ovoj studiji kinematičkom metodom se tretira samo maksimalna brzina pravolinijskog kretanja-trčanja, postignuta vrhunskom tehnikom, koju postižu vrhunski sportisti-profesionalci. Radi mogućnosti upoređenje i na osnovu toga i zaključivanja, istraživala se brzina kretanja težišta kaudalnog dijela...
Početkom XX vijeka izolovan je jedan amin (danas poznat kao tiamin ili anaeurin ili vitamin B1) koji se pokazao uspješnim u liječenju oboljenja beri-beri kod ljudi. Na osnovu toga utvrđeno je da se radi o aminu od vitalnog značaja za čovjeka, pa je na osnovu toga predložn skraćeni naziv vitamin. Naziv je ubrzo prihvaćen za sve vitaminske supstance...
Sazetak Kontrakcija:-Pražnjenje motoneurona;-Oslobađanje transmitera (acetilholina) na motornoj pločici;-Vezivanje acetilholina za acetilholinske receptore u membrani motorne pločice;-Povećanje propustljivosti membrane motorne pločice za Na+ i K+;-Stvaranje potencijala motorne pločice i akcionog potencijala;-Širenje depolarizacije duž T cjevčica u...
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The problem of the growth of children is very current at a time, so it is extremely important to monitor the morphological and nutritional status of children. This study aimed to determine the differences in morphological and nutritional status of children in different regions in Montenegro. The research included a sample of 40 respondents, fifth-g...
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Due to the numerous side effects caused by the modern way of life, there is an urgent need to monitor the morphological characteristics and nutritional status of school children. The purpose of this research was to establish a level of morphological characteristics and nutritional status in young school children, as well as to determine differences...
Novija istraživanja i praktična zapažanja su pokazala da je efikasnost treninga veća ukoliko se u optimalnom odnosu (u zavisnosti od sportske discipline) kombinuju metode za razvoj bioenergetskih-aerobnih i anaerobnih sposobnosti sportiste. Kako efikasnost u bilo kojoj motoričkoj aktivnosti zavisi od energetskih procesa (metabolizma) potrebno je od...
Sazetak Motorička dijagnostika (pruža dragocjene podatke o nivou i karakteru razvijenosti bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti na koje je trenažni proces direktno usmjeren. Raspored i doziranje trenažnih operatora nije moguće optimalno odrediti bez dijagnostikovanog stanja motoričkih sposobnosti na početku određenog trenažnog ciklusa). Psi...
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Funkcionalna dijagnostika u sportu obuhvata široko područje (od registrovanja tzv. opštih funkcionalnih sposobnosti u rutinskoj laboratorijskoj sportsko-medicinskoj praksi, preko dubljeg uvida u pojedine fiziološke i biohemijske procese do istraživanja i mjerenja na sportskim terenima-situacionim uslovima). Ova posljednja, zahvaljujući napretku teh...
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The aim of this study was to determine urban-rural and regional differences in anthropo-metric characteristics among adolescents aged 12-14, as well as to present the prevalence of weight status. A total of 534 adolescents aged 12-14 from primary schools across Montenegro participated in this cross-sectional study (283 boys, aged 13.52 ± 0.42, body...
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Citation: Katanic, B.; Bjelica, D.; Stankovic, M.; Milosevic, Z.; Vukovic, J.; Mekic, A. Anthropometric Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine urban-rural and regional differences in anthropo-metric characteristics among adolescents aged 12-14, as well as to present the prevalence of weight status. A total of 534 adolescents aged 12-14 fr...
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U odnosu na trajanje, mikrociklus najkraće traje, oko sedam dana. Sadrži relativno najmanji skup zadataka. Ako, na primjer, pripremna faza u jednom sportu traje pet nedjelja, onda se program priprema realizuje u pet mikrociklusa. Sadržaji mikrociklusa su izdiferencirani i njihova realizacija nije komplikovana. Mikrociklusi su tako strukturisani, da...
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Female soccer players performs between 1350-1650 activity changes, along with jumping, accelerating and decelerating. The ability to repeat these actions identically in competition are essential for success in female soccer. Hence, the study aim was to summarize relevant literature on the effects of speed and agility training in female soccer playe...
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Anthropometric characteristics and body composition play an important role in achievements in most sports, however, there are still no specific recommendations on anthropometry-body composition for women in futsal. The research aimed to determine differences in anthropometric characteristics and body composition between elite female futsal players,...
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Informacije koje trener koristi za obradu, analizu i konačnu ocjenu efekata treninga crpi iz evidentiranih podataka o realizovanim trenažnim stimulusima i rezultata sprovedenih kontrola u toku trenažnog rada. Da bi se mogao pouzdano ocijeniti efekat treninga mora se na objektivan način pratiti stanje treniranosti sportiste. Za ovu svrhu neophodno j...
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Dijagnostika u sportu za predmet mjerenja ima sportistu (metodološki gledano), kao izuzetno složenu dinamičku strukturu sa isto tako složenim antropološkim karakteristikama, kao elementima te strukture. Čovjek (sportista) funkcioniše kao cjelina u cijeloj svojoj složenosti interakcijskih odnosa između antropoloških karakteristika, što predstavlja i...
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Danas postoje brojne specifične tehnike za dijagnostiku aktuelnog stanja treniranosti sportiste koje su se razvile kroz naučne discipline: antropometrije, kineziometrije, sportske metrologije, psihometrije i sociometrije. Sve te tehnike preživljavaju stalnu modifikaciju, zahvaljujući stalnim proučavanjem i provjeravanjem tačnosti mjerenja, instrume...
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Sažetak Struktura trenažnog procesa, zavisi od mnogih faktora i sastavnih elemenata. U konkretnoj nastavnoj situaciji oni su najtješnje povezani, ali se pri analizi trenažnog procesa moraju razlikovati. Na svakom času treninga dominira određen tehničko-taktički zadatak, uz specifičan razvoj sile, brzine i izdržljivosti, koji se ostvaruje kroz primj...
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Dijagnostika u sportu za predmet mjerenja ima sportistu, metodološki gledano izuzetno složenu dinamičku strukturu sa isto tako složenim antropološkim karakteristikama, kao elementima te strukture. Čovjek (sportista) funkcioniše kao cjelina u cijeloj svojoj složenosti interakcijskih odnosa između antro-poloških karakteristika, što predstavlja izrazi...
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Teorija tjelesnog vježbanja i sporta kao najaktuelnije teme istraživačkog rada u svom fokusu ima:-uticaj rekreativnih, obrazovnih i pedagoških aktivnosti procesa tjelesnog vježbanja i sporta kod različitih uzrasta učesnika, pola, nivoa obrazovanja, načina života, radne aktivnosti i sl;-unapređenje metoda podsticanja prirodnog rasta i psihofizičkog...
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Olimpijska 2016. godina nije obilovala uspjesima crnogorskih sportista. Medalje sa velikih takmičenja nisu izostale, pojedini takmičari i nacionalni timovi nagovijestili su bolje dane, a opšti utisak je da je moglo bolje… Biće upisano i da je Crna Gora imala do sada najbrojniju delegaciju na Olimpijskim igrama, ali i da se iz Rija vratila bez medal...
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Sažetak : U građi aparata za kretanje kod čovjeka ne postoji idealna simetrija. Ako se kroz težište tijela čovjeka u normalnom uspravnom stavu postavi koordinatni sistem, moći će se utvrditi da horizontalna ravan dijeli čovječiji aparat za kretanje na gornju i donju polovinu, koje se po obliku i po sadržaju izrazito razlikuju, da čeona ravan dijeli...
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Fizička kultura u savremenom društvu ne može se posmatrati izolovano od društvenog stanja i konteksta. Svako društvo predstavlja izvjesnu organizaciju proizvodnje, društvenih djelatnosti i društvenih odnosa. Društvo se sastoji iz mnoštva grupa i slojeva; društvena podjela rada stvara uslove i nameće da se pojedine grupe bave specijalizovanim djelat...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the lives of athletes, particularly regarding the uncertainty surrounding the continuation of sports training and the postponement of sporting events. Given these disruptions to athletes’ routines, the role of motivation in sports participation is considered even more crucial. Therefore, this...
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World study about BMI, height, weight and etc. parameters in a decade.
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Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6 . Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural an...
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There are many factors that have an influence on obesity therefore, early regular monitoring of morphological characteristics and nutritional status of children is the best prevention method. This study aimed to examine the influence of two regional zones in Montenegro on morphological differences and the nutritional status of school girls. The sam...
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The Covid-19 outbreak has also led to significant changes in football, such as the suspension of leagues, isolation , and the fact that football players are forced to train on their own. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences in the level of preparation, practices, and motivation for athletic training among...
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Elite female karatekas should have specific morphological characteristics suitable for their specializations. This study aimed to determine the differences in morphological characteristics and body composition of female karatekas according to different specializations. This study consisted of a total of 15 female karatekas divided according to spec...
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Background: Physical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the status and trends in PA surveillance, policy, and research in 164 countries. Methods: We used data from the Global Observator...
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The inhabitants of the Dinaric Alps (former Yugoslavia and Albania) have long been known as people of impressive body height, but after World War II, there was a critical lack of data related to this phenomenon. This anthropological synthesis includes the measurements of 47,158 individuals (24,642 males and 22,516 females) from the period 2010–2018...
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Restricting movement for the population and the impact of preventative measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have spurred research interests in analyzing the healthy lifestyle of the student population. The aim of the study was to examine gender differences between students in physical activity, and the perceptions of physical fitness and well-bein...
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The aim of this research was to examine the body height of Montenegrin adults-students of the University of Montenegro of both sexes, and the foot length which was used as an alternative to estimating the body height. The nature and scope of this study was to analyze 713 individuals (370 men, aged 21.78±2.13 and 343 women, aged 21.01±1.57). The pro...
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The problem of the growth of children is very current at a time, so it is extremely important to monitor the morphological and nutritional status of children. This study aimed to determine the differences in morphological and nutritional status of children in different regions in Montenegro. The research included a sample of 40 respondents, fifth-g...
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Competitive karate activity involves numerous factors affecting performance in sport. Physical structure and somatotype is considered to be one of them. This study aimed to determine whether there are differences between karate athletes in five male and five female official weight categories in different anthropometric measurements and to determine...
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The Police force personnel cover an exceptionally wide range of different activities, so it is logical that this heterochronic group has different abilities and characteristics, including daily needs, while changes in body composition and decrease in physical abilities represent a modern issue that has not bypassed this population either. Therefore...


Questions (3)
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
On behalf of the host, the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Conference Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to announce the upcoming 16th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy "Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives" to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 4 to 7 April, 2019.
We would like to announce our workshop presenters (http://www.csakademija.me/conference/workshops.html):
***Workshop 1***
Prof. José Pedro Ferreira, PhD
Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education
University of Coimbra
***Workshop 2***
Prof. Selcuk Akpinar, PhD
Department of Physical Education and Sports
Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
***Workshop 3***
Prof. Yang Zhang, PhD
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
University of Montenegro
***Workshop 4***
Prof. Uğur ÖDEK, PhD
Department of Physical Education and Sports
Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
***Workshop 5***
Mr. Igor Vusurovic
former Olympic athlete
Montenegrin Olympic Committee
We look forward to seeing you in April 2019,
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
On behalf of the host, the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Conference Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to announce the upcoming 16th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy "Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives" to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 4 to 7 April, 2019.
We would like to announce our invited speakers (http://csakademija.me/conference/invited-speakers.html):
Prof. Galleron Ioana, PhD
Department of Quality Assurance & Enhancement Processes
University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle
Prof. Lana Ruzic, PhD
Faculty of Kinesiology
University of Zagreb
Prof. Michael CHIA, PhD
Department of Physical Education & Sports Science
National Institute of Education
Prof. Michael R. Esco, PhD
Department of Kinesiology
University of Alabama
United States of America
Prof. Milan Zvan, PhD
Faculty of Sport
University of Ljubljana
Prof. Miodrag Spasic, PhD
Faculty of Kinesiology
University of Split
Prof. Robert C. Schneider, PhD
Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies & Physical Education
The College at Brockport
United States of America
Prof. Young Sub Kwon, PhD
Department of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration
Humboldt State University
United States of America
We look forward to seeing you in April 2019.
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
On behalf of the host, the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Conference Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to announce the upcoming 16th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy "Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives" to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 4 - 7 April, 2019. It is planned to be once again organized by the Montenegrin Sports Academy, in cooperation with the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro and other international partner institutions (specified in the partner section), as well as under the patronage of the traditional and new partners.
This year conference theme is "Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives", while it is focused on very current themes from all areas of sport science and sport medicine including physiology and sports medicine; social sciences & humanities; biomechanics and neuromuscular (see Abstract Submission page for more information at http://www.csakademija.me/conference/abstract-submission.html).
We do believe that the topics offer the conference participants a forum for the latest research and both theoretical and applied insight into the field of sports science and sports medicine disciplines.
More information can be found at: http://csakademija.me/conference/
We look forward to seeing you in April 2019.


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