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Publications (99)
Engagement with institutions from migrants’ country of origin, both in the destination country and in the country of origin, is distinct transnational behaviour. This study investigates the impact of geographical distance on the institutional engagement of migrants from Czechia in five global regions. We examine how geographic (physical) proximity...
Tato výzkumná zpráva navazuje na předchozí studii „Dotazníkové šetření mezi válečnými uprchlíky z Ukrajiny v Česku se zaměřením na jejich ekonomickou aktivitu, znalost českého jazyka a možný návrat“ autorů Dušana Drbohlava a Josefa Novotného z katedry sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, přírodovědecké fakulty UK (Drbohlav a kol., 2023). Prez...
The book examines diaspora policy in Central European countries in the context of changes following their accession to the EU, utilizing the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary as case studies. With a focus on the previously underexplored new Czech diaspora (i.e., the emigration of Czechs/Czechoslovaks after 1990), individual case studies...
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine set in motion a large number of refugees. Considerable amount of them came and stayed in Czechia. Refugees represent special vulnerable individuals often affected by war physically and psychologically. Due to the national regulations not allowing most of Ukrainian men aged 18–60 to leave the c...
In a period of increasing large-scale human effects on the planet, the named Anthropocene, the mobility turn has emerged as a crucial paradigm for social sciences. Since the end of the twentieth century, human mobility, associated with the globalisation process, has become a constitutive element of most of the social and economic changes, establish...
The authors contribute to filling a gap that exists in the knowledge of personal communications and their interaction with social remittances. Moldovans in Prague, Czechia, and Turin, Italy, and communications with their families and peers in Moldova are studied using our own survey data (from 2017/2018 – N = 203 in Prague and N = 206 in Turin, fac...
We examine the relationship between the social practice of migrant remitting and the transnational field connecting Moldova with Italy and Czechia. Using data from a harmonized migrant survey, we estimate ordinal regression models and distinguish two remitting practices. Family remitting is organized around a set of routinized activities and commun...
The growth of international migration and its societal and political impacts bring a greater need for accurate data to measure, understand and control migration flows. However, in the Czech immigration database, the birthplaces of immigrants are only kept in freeform text fields, a substantial obstacle to their further processing due to numerous er...
This article examines PhD students’ migration plans and strategies, their development over time, and the circumstances of their potential or real return within the changing life course context. The research is based on a longitudinal qualitative study conducted over six years (2012–17) among 21 international PhD students coming from developing coun...
Our goal is twofold: to contribute to conceptualizing social remittances and to shed new light on who the most important agents of change are. Using data from our own questionnaire surveys, carried out with Moldovan migrants in Prague, Czechia (N = 203) and Turin, Italy (N = 206) in 2017–2018, we applied classification and regression trees analysis...
Since regaining its independence in 1989 and peacefully splitting from the Slovak Republic in 1993, the Czech Republic has been transforming itself from a formerly socialist/communist state into a democratic, parliamentary one based on a free-market economy. In 1999, the country joined NATO, and, in 2004 along with several other former communist st...
The topic of an education-occupation mismatch of tertiary educated migrant workers in receiving countries is an important issue in contemporary research in international migration, especially in the context of growing international economic competition. In this article, we analyse the level of mismatch of tertiary educated migrant workers in the Cz...
This chapter contributes to the discussion about newly identified trends in intra-European migration. It concerns the complexity of migration movements, higher differentiation of the migratory causes, and the increased involvement of female migrants. Specifically, it focuses on an analysis of the migration of Czech care givers to Austria who make u...
The issue of utilization of educational potential of foreign migrant workers in Czechia belongs to the insufficiently explored topics at the edge of sociology, international migration and economy. Based on availability of representative statistical data, this paper represents an initial insight into the issue of educational mismatch (and overeducat...
This article advances critical migration theory by exploring how pastoral power works through relational life courses. Extending governmentality accounts, we posit and trace the circulation of use, exchange, and surplus values across the life courses of migrants from the former Soviet republic of Georgia. Field evidence shows how practices of migra...
This contribution advances knowledge of contemporary Moldovan migration and is the first comparative description of the situation of Moldovans in Czechia and Italy. Our specific objective is to review evidence about how the concept of the migration-development nexus applies to the Moldovan situation. In the absence of comparable primary data on Mol...
Social hazards as one of the dimensions of workplace discrimination are a potential social determinant of health inequalities. The aim of this study was to investigate relations between self-reported health and social hazard characteristics (defined as—discrimination as such, violence or threat of violence, time pressure or work overload and risk o...
Česko se řadí k dolní desetině zemí EU podle podílu imigrantů na celkovém počtu obyvatel. Přesto za období 1985-2015 se počet i podíl imigrantů výrazně zvýšil, a to z 37 tis. a 0,36 % v roce 1985 na 470 tis. a 4,5% v roce 2015. Více než polovinu ze současných imigrantů na území Česka tvoří muži, podle zemí původu je asi 23 % imigrantů z Ukrajiny a...
Migration theory and international policy recognises that migrant remittances play significant roles in shaping economic, social, and political transformations in origins and destinations. However, nobody deals with how migrants experience and use values. To contrib- ute to the development of migration theory we integrate insights from modernizatio...
A locality characterised by a high concentration of economic activities of immigrants, predominantly immigrants from Vietnam, has emerged on the outskirts of Prague. This article explores whether or not this locality—in terms of its function, structure, mutual relations among entrepreneurs and physical morphology—resembles certain rather well-known...
This article tries to thoroughly map Thai immigration into Czechia with an emphasis on the nature of the integration process. It analyzes what has not been studied yet, it uses an important comparative perspective, and, in practical terms, it sheds light on whether there is a spatial and social isolation/exclusion which Czechia should tackle. Four...
This report presents an overview of Czech integration policies, with a special focus on economic integration. It focuses on policies designed to support migrants’ incorporation in the Czech labor market, and assesses the extent to which these policies facilitate migrants’ upward mobility into more skilled work. The report examines policies in three...
Introduction: In Czechia, immigrants without permanent residence are not entitled to public health insurance and should purchase a commercial insurance.
Methods: Using data from a survey of Ukrainian immigrants and a country-wide Health Interview Survey for Czechs, we analyse inequalities in access to different healthcare services.
Results: Ukrai...
This study analyses the relationship between immigrants' self-reported/rated health (SRH) and their perceived working conditions in Czechia materialized via discrimination, based on the example of Ukrainian immigrants analyzed by gender dimension. The role of age, education, and marital status is also analyzed. A sample of native-born Czechs serves...
The Czech government has identified commercial health insurance as one of the major problems for migrants' access to health care. Non-EU immigrants are eligible for public health insurance only if they have employee status or permanent residency. The present study examined migrants' access to the public health insurance system in Czechia. A cross-s...
The article deals with regional and residential preferences of the Czech population. Regional and settlement preferences represent an interdisciplinary issue, which is relevant mostly to geography and sociology. In this article, the given issue is presented under the umbrella of a broader theoretical framework in the context of Czech and foreign st...
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the spatial behavior of unauthorized
migrants in their attempts to irregularly cross the Czech
state’s “green” border (including walking trails) into Austria and Germany,
between 2005 and 2007. It demonstrates the importance of
select demographic and human characteristics of the migrants, as well
as the phy...
This paper's primary objective is to contribute to the ‘never-ending story’ of estimating irregular migration. It presents an attempt to develop an empirically based approach/technique for estimating the size of an irregular migrant population, or more specifically of irregularly residing immigrants within the city of Prague. A pilot study, based o...
This volume of the latest research in European migration embraces a continent-wide outlook on migration processes and accounts particularly from Southern and Eastern European perspectives. This is accomplished by analyzing the long-term transition that countries undergo from net emigration to net immigration, as well as developments in their migran...
Acculturation of expatriate executive managers was examined in the sample of 16 sojourners transferring managerial know-how to companies in Czechia, using a structured longitudinal interview survey including in depth personal interviews. The interviews were conducted six and eighteen months after the arrival of respondents in Czechia. The responden...
Acculturation of expatriate executive managers was examined in the sample of 16 sojourners working in Czechia using a longitudinal study (questionnaires plus interviews). The aim of this research was to gain a better understanding of the process of acculturation of sojourners responsible for the transfer of management know-how across international...
The objective of this article is to summarize, or rather to emphasize, important findings from selected research projects carried out in Czechia regarding international migration and the integration of foreigners. The primary topics of the article include Czechia's migration position among other Central and Eastern European countries, illegal resid...
This paper introduces certain trends and links between labour migration and remittances, during the current global economic crisis. Based on available data, it can be stated that the current economic crisis has had/will have a short-term impact on remittance transfers to the developing regions that are dominant receivers of this type of financial r...
To test whether immigrants with illegal/irregular status have higher odds of poor self-rated health (SRH) than immigrants with legal status, and whether different demographic, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors affect SRH among legal and illegal/irregular immigrants.
Analysis is based on data from two questionnaire surveys of 285 Post-Soviet an...
Au cours de la decennie 1990, la Republique tcheque est devenue un pays d’immigration et de transit. La regulation des flux de migrants et leur mode d’integration sont desormais des questions essentielles. L’article presente les principales caracteristiques de la migration internationale en Republique tcheque. Compte tenu de l’evolution de la popul...
During the 1990s, the Czech Republic became a land of immigration and transit. Regulating the flow of immigrants and integrating them have become major issues. The principal characteristics of immigration to the Czech Republic are described. Given current population trends - a negative balance and the increasingly top-heavy age pyramid - immigratio...
Au cours de la décennie 1990, la République tchèque est devenue un pays d’immigration et de transit. La régulation des flux de migrants et leur mode d’intégration sont désormais des questions essentielles. L’article présente les principales caractéristiques de la migration internationale en République tchèque. Compte tenu de l’évolution de la popul...
This article examines the essential features of international migration and the illegal working activities of migrants in the Czech Republic, with a closer insight into the processes of trafficking and smuggling. The research is based on semi-structured interviews with 63 illegal migrants, both from countries of the former Soviet Union (mainly Ukra...
Czechia - A new immigration country? This article is based on the Czech national report on international migration that was prepared within the IDEA research project. Like other research springing from the IDEA project this article follows the conceptual framework created within the IDEA research activities (see FASSMANN & REEGER 2008; ARANGO 2007;...
This article presents selected results of a research project on irregular migration and migrants' irregular economic activities in the Czech Republic. The project explored several topics through quantitative as well as qualitative research techniques: a questionnaire survey (N=159) and interviews (N=37) with irregular migrants living in the Czech R...
The article draws on the concept of 'replacement migration', widely presented by the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in 2000 and 2001, which elaborated a concept and conducted a comprehensive analysis of international migration as a solution to the problem of population declines and demographic ageing. This c...
Vyd. 1. Část. přeloženo z angličtiny
This paper is based on research conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Office in Prague and the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague in the fall and winter of 2003‐2004. Within the questionnaire survey, 126 first‐generation immigrants in Prague (51 Ukrainians, 45 Vietnamese, and 30 Armenians) were successfully c...
This contribution concentrates upon three main tasks, i.e. to introduce some basic and often rather problematic aspects that are tied to creation and application of migration theories, to briefly describe and explain selected important migration theories/concepts as they developed in the course of time and to discuss a dichotomy between micro and m...
This contribution deals with foreign immigrant children/youths and their integration into the Czech society; it focuses upon the issue that has so far been rather terra incognita in Czechia. The paper brings results of a research on the integration process of two groups of foreign children/youths. Data/information come from a questionnaire survey i...
This article presents an overview of international migration in the Czech Republic, with a special focus on labor immigration. Currently, the Czech Republic is an immigration and transit country. The most important immigratory segment — economic immigrants — create a colorfulmosaic of various ethnicities (80% of them from Europe), each group with t...
The Czech Republic population development regardless of recently improving natural development balance and its present moderate surplus does not look optimistic in perspectives posterior to the year 2010. It is only international migration which can ensure population replacement in the medium and long term perspectives. In the following text, the R...
The main goal of this paper is to explore some of the complex circumstances associated with the concept of ethnicity in an international migration context, focusing on issues related to family and religion. The reality of the 1990s is dealt with in particular, and the United States experience is often quoted. The Author argues that ethnicity within...
Les immigrants post-soviétiques âgés à West Hollywood, Californie et leurs modalités d'intégration dans une société multiculturelle.
Cet article examine la question des immigrants post-soviétiques d'origine juive arrivés aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1990 et qui vivent dans la région de Los Angeles, en particulier à West Hollywood. Les résultats...
After November 1989, new political and economic establishments in the Czech Republic brought about new mobility/migratory patterns. The first part of the article is devoted to sketching the main mobility patterns in relation to settlement patterns. The basic conceptual and theoretical frameworks are described and special attention is devoted to dis...
This paper deals with an integration process of re-emigrants - the Chernobyl/Volhynian Czechs from Ukraine and Belorussia who returned to their mother country (the Czech Republic) within two migratory waves: 1945-48 and 1991-93. The analysis is based on two questionnaire surveys within which 140 and 345 re-emigrants were successfully contacted, res...
The aim of this chapter is to give a brief overview of what is going on in the international migration field in the Czech Republic (CR) and how the situation has changed over time. Special attention is paid to economic immigration, permanent immigration, asylum-seekers and refugees, temporary refuge, ethnic Czechs and transit migration.
Plus de dix ans après la "révolution de velours", la République tchèque a du mal à se penser comme une terre d'immigration. D'autant que sa situation économique, satisfaisante au début des années quatre-vingt-dix, est moins florissante depuis la fin de la décennie et que le niveau des migrations -de transit clandestines, légales, permanentes, provi...
CONTEXT .............................................................................................................................. 1 2. INTERNAL MIGRATION AND POPULATION CHANGE REVIEWED.......................... 2 3. METHODS USED AND DATA EMPLOYED....................................................................... 7 3.1. GEOGRAPHICAL SCALE A...
This paper concentrates on migration pressure in the Czech Republic. It starts with defining migration pressure and discussion on factors creating migration pressure in transition countries. Short description and explanation of some historical as well as current patterns of international migration movements in the Czech Republic follows. Further, a...
The article focuses on integration of resettlers - Volhynian Czechs - into the Czech society. This community of reemigrants began to return to their mother country in 1991 when also humanitarian aid programme was launched. The analysis is based on a questionnaire survey within the resettlers, experience and databases of state institutions and non-g...
This contribution deals with the basic concepts of migration. It focuses on how geographical aspects may be understood within an interdisciplinary research of migration. The following points are discussed: conditionality of the migration process, migration definition within a broader concept of a spatial mobility, data sources and their 'organizati...
This paper is a shortened version of the publication 'Czech Case Study: Internal Migration and Regional Population Dynamics in Europe' that originated as part of a comparative research carried out in ten European countries under the umbrella of the Council of Europe in between 1995 and 1998. It concentrates on analysis of internal migration movemen...
This issue contains three papers given at the XXVII Conference of the Czech Demographic Society on Migration in Europe and in the Czech Republic, which took place on May 21, 1997. The papers included are: Present trends of international migration in Europe, by Dusan Drbohlav; Geographic aspects of inner migration in the Czech Republic, by Zden...
The study contains selected results of Delphi research (subjective judgements concerning the future on a collective expert basis) on international migration between Central/Eastern (C/EEc) and Western European countries. Taking part in the research were 109 scholars and officers (70 in the first Delphi round and 39 in the second round) from all ove...
Report prepared for the Council of Europe (Directorate of Social and Economic Affairs, Population and Migration Division) and for European Commission (Directorate General V, Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, Unit E1, Analysis and Research on the Social Situation)
Czech Republic has experienced, over the last decade, quite a bala...
The study comprises selected results of a Delphi research (subjective judgements on the future on a collective expert basis) on international migration between Central/Eastern and Western European countries. 70 (in the first Delphi round) and 39 (in the second Delphi round) scholars and officers, especially sociologists, economists, geographers and...
This article "is devoted to the international migration issue in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Czechoslovakia). Besides the contemporary trends, the international migration situation is briefly traced back to the communist era. The probable future scenario of international migration development--based especially on migration patterns that Wester...
The article deals with international migration. Two basic topics from this broad theme are examined: 1) The key determinants of international migration movements and other factors and barriers which influence the character of such processes; 2) positive and negative aspects which are at any time typical of emigration and/or immigration societies. T...
The authors examine internal migration flows by region in the Czech Republic for the period 1961-1991. The impact of government economic development policy is assessed. (SUMMARY IN ENG AND RUS)
The author examines data from surveys conducted in 1986 and 1987 among samples of residents of Prague, Czechoslovakia. The surveys concerned ideal or desired choices of residential location within Czechoslovakia and were conducted among four age groups ranging from 17 to 64 years. A strong preference to remain permanently settled is noted for...
The article deals with the inter-district (76 districts) migration of population in the Czech Republic during the late 70's and early 80's. In the first part the district's typology according to their geographic, economic, social and demographic characteristics has been carried out by the use of cluster analysis. In the following sections districts...
The author examines migration preferences and behavior in the Czech Republic in the 1980s. Factors considered include age, economic status, and sex. (SUMMARY IN ENG)
The paper brings information on the principle of mental maps, integral part of so called "behavioural geography". It concentrates on the characterization of differences between the Gould's and Lynch's conception, or mental maps of "revealed" and "stated preference" type. A mental map of the Czech Republic and the ČSFR has been constructed and a con...
The paper treats of the problems of behavioral geography. Its characteristic is discussed from the viewpoint of its inner discontinuity, a wide extent of contents, and a multidisciplinary conception. A brief characteristic is included of the philosophical-methodical basis of behavioral geography, its development, applied methods, most prominent rep...
The paper treats of the analysis of arguments for regional or settlement preferences proclaimed by the population. By means of cluster and factor analyses it evaluates the attitude of the population in CR (data from 1984, n = 2 300 approx.) in connexion with special identification characteristics, i. e. age, sex, education, and place of permanent a...
The paper treats of individual regional centres, i. e. towns in the CSR with more than 10 thousand inhabitants, and elucidates reasons why in the seventies or at the beginning of the eighties they were attractive or unattractive from the viewpoint of migration.
Problems concerning the study of migration in Czechoslovakia are considered. The focus is on reasons given for migration, since a migrant is able to select only one of nine possible reasons at registration of migration. An analysis of migration in the Prague area in 1986 leads the author to suggest changes in the choices available at registrat...
The motives for internal migration in Czechoslovakia during the period 1971-1981 are examined, using official data concerning the Czech part of the country. Evidence for the period showed a general decline in migration, particularly migration for economic reasons. Regional differences in migration patterns are noted. (SUMMARY IN ENG AND RUS)
This contribution constitutes an effort to look deeper into the motivation for migration. It points out some problems of these motivations in the Czechoslovak statistics. The main objective of the contribution is an attempt to make a confrontations between the subjective migration motivation for "health reasons" on the one hand and objective charac...
1. ÚVOD Rusové v Česku představují podle prvotních, velmi sporých informací pravděpodobně spíše specifický typ imigrační komunity (viz blíže hypotézy v Drbohlav a kol. 1999). Zatímco kvantita ruské imigrační komunity, alespoň v oficiální, registrované podobě je známa -k 30.12. 2000 mělo celkem 12,964 Rusů 1 povolen pobyt na území Česka (Horáková 20...
1st ed. Pod názvem: Czech Geographic Society
Obálkový podnázev: výsledky anketního šetření v rámci projektu
Vydáno v rámci "European Commision project: "Sharing experience: Migration trends in selected applicant countries and lessons learned from the "New countries of immigration" in the EU and Austria"
The article draws on the concept of ‘replacement migration’, widely presented by the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in 2000 and 2001, which elaborated a concept and conducted a comprehensive analysis of international migration as a solution to the problem of population declines and demographic ageing. This c...