Duried Alwazeer

Duried Alwazeer
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Duried verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Iğdır Üniversitesi · Department of Nutrition

Head of the Research Center for Redox and Hydrogen Applications, Head of Nutrition and Dietetic Department


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In RCRAF Center, We are working mainly on the following topics: - Integrating the Molecular Hydrogen applications in different fields especially food, health, nutrition, and environment protection. - Exploring the molecular hydrogen benefits in biology, industry, health fields. - Drying the food products using the new technique Reducing Atmosphere Drying (RAD). - Increasing the shelf-life of food products using the Reducing Atmosphere Packaging (RAP) Technique. - Applying the oxidoreduction
Additional affiliations
June 2020 - present
Iğdır Üniversitesi
  • Professor
September 2014 - present
Iğdır Üniversitesi
  • Professor (Associate)
November 2015 - present
Iğdır Üniversitesi
  • Head of Research Center for Redox Applications in Foods (RCRAF)
September 1998 - June 2003
Institut Agro Dijon
Field of study
  • Microbiology
September 1997 - August 1998
Institut Agro Dijon
Field of study
  • Microbiology
September 1989 - August 1994
Al-Baath University
Field of study
  • Food Engineering


Publications (122)
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Oxidative stress is responsible for the pathogenesis of many diseases, and antioxidants are commonly included in their treatment protocols. Over the past two decades, numerous biomedical reports have revealed the therapeutic benefits of molecular hydrogen (H 2) in relieving oxidation-related diseases. H 2 has been found to have selective antioxidan...
Conference Paper
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Consumers are aware of the health risks of synthetic additives and the effects of high-heat treatment on ‎the nutritional and global quality of food products. Hydrogen (H2) was traditionally used in the ‎manufacturing of margarine and shortening. Recently, many novel applications of H2 have been ‎discovered in the food industry. In food drying, the...
Conference Paper
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Food is prone to many spoilage phenomena, causing undesirable changes in its quality, loss of nutritive value, and shortening its shelf life. Our team studied the effect of hydrogen application in different food processes on the quality attributes of products. In food drying, including hydrogen in the drying atmosphere allowed for the protection of...
Conference Paper
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Food is prone to many spoilage phenomena, causing undesirable changes in its quality, loss of nutritive value, ‎and shortening its shelf life. Our team studied the effect of hydrogen application in different food processes on ‎the quality attributes of products. In food drying, including hydrogen in the drying atmosphere allowed for the ‎protection...
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Molecular hydrogen (H2) was first produced in the early 16th century, and hydrogen was formally identified as an element by Cavendish in 1766. The effects of H2 on biological systems were relatively quickly studied by several people including Priestley, Lavoisier, Cavallo and Davy (Hancock and LeBaron, 2023). Although such research has been sporadi...
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Tarımsal gıdalar ve bunların atıkları, içerdikleri fitokimyasallar ve biyoaktif bileşikler bakımından zengin kaynaklardır. Fitokimyasal maddelerin elde edilmesi için birçok geleneksel ve yeni ekstraktsiyon yöntemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu yeni yöntemler süperkritik sıvı ekstraktsiyon, basınçlı sıvı ekstraktsiyon, mikrodalga destekli ekstraktsiyon, u...
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Dünya nüfusu her geçen gün artmaktadır. 2050’li yıllarda bu artışın 9.1 milyar insana ulaşması beklenmektedir. Nüfus artışı beraberinde yaklaşık %60’lık bir gıda üretim artışına ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu hedefe ulaşabilmek için ise yıllık %2.4’lük ürünlerde verim artışı gerekmektedir. Fakat, %1.6 ile bu verim artışının altında kalmaktadır. Bu artış h...
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Moleküler hidrojen, düşük molekül ağırlıklı, polar olmayan, renksiz, kokusuz bir gaz olup, fizikokimyasal ve fizyolojik özelliklere sahiptir. Hidrojen; gaz, su içerisinde çözündürülerek hidrojenli zenginleştirilmiş su (HZS), magnezyum (Mg) alkalisinden elde edilen gaz şeklinde gıda zincirinde kullanılmaktadır. Hidrojen çevreye zarar vermeden, gıdad...
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The world is confronting numerous challenges, including global warming, health epidemics, and population growth, each presenting significant threats to the stability and sustainability of our planet's ecosystems. Such issues have collectively contributed to a reduction in agricultural productivity, corresponding with an increase in demand and costs...
Cowslip (Primula veris L.) is an anioxidant-rich plant used for many food and medicinal purposes. In this study, the effect of incorporating hydrogen (H2) into water (HRW), ethanol (HRE), and methanol (HRM) on the extraction of flavonoids (TFC), phenolics (TPC), and antioxidants (metal chelation, FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS) as well as color (L*, a*, b*,...
Packaging aims first to protect the quality and safety of food. Although synthetic packaging is easy and practical to use, it significantly poses many health and environmental hazards. In this context, the need for environmentally and food-friendly packaging is increasing. Edible coatings with many barrier properties cover the food surface like a b...
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Background Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) consists of psychiatric or somatic symptoms negatively affecting the daily life. PMS treatment can involve the use of complementary-alternative approaches. Hydrogen-rich water (HRW) has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may treat PMS. This study aimed to investigate the effect of drinking HRW o...
Molecular hydrogen (H2) was proven to be a therapeutic agent for many diseases. In parallel with its biomedical benefits, H2 has been shown in recent reports to have many applications in horticultural and food industry fields. Many hydrogen-infused products including hydrogen-rich water (HRW), hydrogen-infused beverages, and hydrogen-incorporated a...
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Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a non-toxic, tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas with high diffusion properties in living tissues and cells. By scavenging dangerous free radicals like the hydroxyl radical (•OH) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) within cells, H2 functions as a selective antioxidant. It was aimed to determine the usability of molecular hydroge...
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Introduction Phytochemicals are used in many products, including foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. The extraction of phytochemicals is considered one of the best solutions to valorize these underestimated materials. Many methods have been developed to efficiently extract phytochemicals at high quality, high purity, and low costs wit...
Research question The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of hydrogen-rich water on rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Design The study involved the division of rats into four groups, each consisting of eight animals. The first group was the control group, which received a carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) solution. The seco...
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The impact of hydrogen infusion into solvents on the extraction of phytochemicals was evaluated. Pure (water, ethanol, methanol) and hydrogen-rich solvents at temperatures (25°C and 35°C) were used for extracting phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and antioxidants from lemon peel. Incorporating hydrogen into all solvents increased the extraction...
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The long apple cultivar is in increasing demand in the markets thanks to its unique shape, aroma, and its endemic and delicious taste. This study aimed to determine the physical and chemical changes throughout the fruit development, which indicates its optimum harvest time. Fruit samples were collected every two weeks from the last week of May to t...
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Hydrogen therapy, which originated in Japan, is gaining popularity and expanding its reach to other Asian countries as well as the USA. The rise in the number of centenarians in Japan has been linked to the elevated levels of hydrogen gas detected in their breath. Subsequently, extensive research, consisting of thousands of studies focusing on nume...
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Although the number of studies documenting the presence of Microplastics (MP) in fish is increasing, research studies focused on its detoxification are very limited. In this study, rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) were randomly divided into two groups after being fed with MPs (15% polypropylene [PP] +15% polyethylene [PE]) for 2 months. MP excret...
Biogenic amines (BAs) are produced in fermented and protein-rich food products forming a ‎serious health concern. Reducing the development of BAs is currently hindered by the ‎limitations of available strategies that are costly and rely on high-tech biological methods, ‎such as incorporating decarboxylase-deficient starters or amine oxidase-produci...
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Different methods are used for extracting phytochemicals from plant produce. Some ‎methods require sophisticated and expensive instruments, while others need multiple steps ‎and specialist equipment, leading to an increase in energy, solvents, cost, and time. Here, the effect of incorporating hydrogen (H2) into solvents (that is water, ethanol, ‎me...
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This study aimed to evaluate the use of an oxy-hydrogen generator for preparing hydrogen-rich water (HRW) and studying its effects on the L. garvieae-affected zebrafish. 0, 10, 20, and 100% HRW were prepared to determine the effects of HRW on the mortality rate and gene expression levels of L. garvieae infected-zebrafish. After 48 hours of bacteria...
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The anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects of molecular hydrogen, delivered as hydrogen rich saline (HRS), on spinal cord injury was investigated. Four-month-old male Sprague Dawley rats (n = 24) were classified into four groups: (1) control-laminectomy only at T7-T10; (2) spinal injury-dura left intact, Tator and Rivlin clip compression mode...
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The use of gases in different food applications has increased in the last decades. The incorporation of hydrogen into yogurt was reported to improve the organoleptic properties of some dairy products. A study is needed to understand the effect of this application on the behavior of yogurt bacteria during the fermentation stage. The effects of H 2-a...
The valorization of agri-food waste forms a pressing need in the present crop unavailability crisis. Phytochemical extraction may provide an attractive solution to this problem. The use of hydrogen rich water (HRW) as a solvent for extracting different phytochemicals from various wastes was investigated. The total phenolic content (TPC), total flav...
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Shalakh (Aprikoz), the most common table apricot cultivar grown in Iğdır province of Turkey, is known for its delicious taste, large volume, high water content, and short shelf life. This study aimed to determine optimal harvest time of cv. Shalakh apricot by measuring some significant physical and chemical parameters. Fruits were collected periodi...
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Phytochemicals are widely found in agri-food wastes. The extraction of ‎phytochemicals was evaluated using hydrogen-rich water extraction (HRW-E) and supercritical fluid ‎extraction (SFE) methods from different plant wastes (tomato peel, orange carrot, green ‎apple ‎peel, lemon peel, red cabbage). Total phenolic content (TPC), total ‎flavonoid cont...
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Olive leaves are a rich source of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds. ‎‎Extraction of phytochemicals is the best strategy for valorizing ‎by-products. Any ‎extraction method is chosen based on its economic feasibility, safety, and ‎environmental friendliness. In the present study, the extraction of phenolic ‎compounds (TPC), flavonoids (TFC)...
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Effects of washing crude olive pomace oil (COPO) with hydrogen-rich water (HRW) on its physicochemical and sensory properties, and phytochemicals were investigated. Acidity and peroxide values of normal water (NW) and HRW-washed COPOs decreased with a highest impact shown for HRW. The improving effects increased with the increases in washing cycle...
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The presence of microplastics (MPs) in several components of different ecosystems has aroused great concern and led to numerous studies on MP pollution. Although there has been an increasing number of these studies in aquatic ecosystems, no data about the MP pollution in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas 1771) living in Beyhan dam lake (El...
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Different gas formulations with inclusion of hydrogen were evaluated for extension of shelf life of chilled rainbow trout. A control and four treatment samples were as follows: Control (air), MAP1 (50% CO2 / 50% N2), MAP2 (60% CO2 / 40% N2), RAP1 (50% CO2 / 46% N2 / 4% H2) and RAP2 (60% CO2 / 36% N2 / 4% H2). Samples were stored at +2±1°C for 15 da...
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Fermented foods are considered the main sources of biogenic amines (BAs) in the human diet ‎while lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the main producers of BAs. Normal water (NW) and hydro-‎gen-rich water (HRW) were used for preparing red beet pickles, i.e., NWP and HRWP, respec-‎tively. The formation of BAs, i.e., aromatic amines (tyramine, 2-phenyleth...
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The effects of washing raw butter with hydrogen-rich water (HRW), prepared with hydrogen (H2) and/or magnesium (Mg), on butter quality were investigated in this research paper. During the washing process, titratable acidity (TA) decreased by 12% for all washed samples. During the storage period, TA increased by 28% and 93% (control), 14% and 58% (H...
Conference Paper
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ZET Meyvelerde optimum hasat tarihinin belirlenmesi, meyve üreticilerinin güvenini artırarak tüketici tercihlerini etkileyebilir ve nihayetinde kullanımını teşvik edebilir. Ülkemizde Kars'ın Kağızman ilçesinde yetiştirilen uzun elma (Malus communis) çeşidi, kendine özgü şekli, aroması, endemik özelliği ve lezzetli tadıyla pazarlarda talep görmekted...
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The transfer of heavy metals to products during food processing forms serious health concerns. The impact of cultured‐cream butter washing with hydrogen‐rich water (HRW) on the deaccumulation of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) in butter was evaluated. Raw cultured‐cream butter was washed with ordinary water or...
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Abstract: Molecular hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, flammable, and diatomic ‎gas. Molecular hydrogen is dissolved directly in water to be used in the form of hydrogen-‎rich water (HRW) to keep the freshness of fruits and vegetables. The shelf-life of the product ‎was increased and the quality attributes were maintained when...
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In recent years, studies investigating the protective effect of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) against different diseases and the toxicity of some substances have attracted increasing attention. Here, we assessed the effects of hydrogen-rich water on different nickel-induced toxic responses (reactive oxygen species (ROS), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TN...
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Abstract: COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is an acute respiratory syndrome disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 ‎‎(Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) strain. The first case of COVID-19 appeared in December ‎‎2019 and within several months it became a worldwide epidemic. Molecular hydrogen (H2) was used as an ‎effective treatment meth...
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Strawberries are known for their high perishability and short shelf life. The effects of incorporating hydrogen gas into sealed packaging on the quality and shelf life of strawberries were evaluated. Fruits were packaged under reducing atmosphere [RAP1 (5% CO 2 , 4% H 2 , 91% N 2 ) and RAP2 (10% CO 2 , 4% H 2 , 86% N 2 )], modified atmosphere [MAP1...
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The formation of biogenic amines (BAs) in fish products during storage forms a serious challenge to producers and is generally related to the growth of decarboxylase-producing microorganisms. Controlling the formation of BAs is a serious challenge for the fishery industry. This study evaluates the impact of incorporating molecular hydrogen (H2) in...
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ABSTRACT: Molecular hydrogen, which has the H2 formula, is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-metallic and non-toxic gas. Molecular hydrogen has a high diffusion rate and spreads rapidly in biological tissues and cells. Molecular hydrogen does not change the body's redox reactions and does not cause any side effects. H2 is a selective antioxidan...
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The toxic effects of mercury in earthworms and the potential alleviation effect of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) using ATR-FTIR and LC–MS analysis methods were investigated. Different concentrations of mercury chloride (H1: 5 µg/mL, H2: 10 µg/mL, H3: 20 µg/mL, H4: 40 µg/mL, and C1: control) and mercury chloride prepared in hydrogen-rich water (H5: 5 µg...
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The formation of biogenic amines in food products forms a serious challenge for food producers and a hazard for consumers. Butter was washed by hydrogen-rich water (HRW) prepared using two methods, i.e. hydrogen-bubbled water (H2 water) and magnesium-incorporated water (Mg water). After 90 days of storage, the lowest formation levels of biogenic am...
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Social development is possible with agriculture. With the impact of environmental pollution, natural disasters, climate change, food security, and population growth, interdisciplinary "new agriculture" is becoming an important trend of modern agriculture. Hydrogen (H2) is the most common element on earth, making up more than 75% of the mass of the...
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COVID-19 is a widespread global pandemic with nearly 185 million confirmed cases and about four million deaths. It is caused by an infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which primarily affects the alveolar type II pneumocytes. The infection induces pathological responses including increased inflammation, o...
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The effects of yoghurt fortification with rhubarb (RE), grape seed (GSE), thyme (TE), green tea (GTE) and mint (ME) extracts on the physicochemical, rheological, textural and sensory properties during cold storage were investigated. The syneresis value of the extract-fortified yoghurts was higher and the colour was lighter in comparison with contro...
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The sunn pest forms a serious risk to wheat by degrading its pasting and textural properties. The addition of tea waste extract to improving the pasting, rheological, and textural properties of the sunn pest-infected flour was investigated. The effects of the addition of different extract concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 %) of black tea (BT), bl...
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H2 formülüne sahip olan moleküler hidrojen, renksiz, kokusuz, tatsız, metalik olmayan ve toksik olmayan bir gazdır. Moleküler hidrojen (H2), yüksek difüzyon hızına sahiptir ve biyolojik doku ve hücrelerde hızla yayılır. Moleküler hidrojen, vücudun redoks reaksiyonlarını değiştirmemekte ve hiçbir yan etki göstermemektedir. Hücrelerdeki hidroksil rad...
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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different ethanol ratios in extraction solvent as well as the antioxidant properties of five plants. Thyme, mint, uckun, grape seeds and green tea waste fiber was analyzed to determine total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity by ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activity assay...
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An atmosphere composed of hydrogen gas-included gaseous mixture was tested for packaging fresh cheese samples. The cheese samples were packaged in reducing atmosphere packaging (RAP) [RAP 1 (90% CO2/6% N2/4% H2), RAP 2 (50% CO2/46% N2/4% H2)], modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) [MAP 1 (90% CO2/10% N2), MAP 2 (50% CO2/50% N2) and MAP 3 (Air)], and...
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There are many intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the nutritional, organoleptic, microbial-enzymatic and physicochemical characteristics of food products. Some of these factors are commonly considered by food processors such as the temperature, water activity, pH, dissolved oxygen and chemical composition, while others are less considered su...
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Antioxidant activity forms an essential component of bioactive properties of plant products. Three types of aqueous extracts of four herbs and spices were prepared. The antioxidant properties were evaluated by measuring the total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity and oxidoreduction potential methods. The antioxidant results showed...
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Food processors generally apply different techniques to extend the shelf-life of food products according to the characteristics of the product. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) uses different gases in specific combinations to replace the air surrounding the product, which leads to minimize the undesirable oxidation reactions and microbial spoila...
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Redox potential (Eh) like pH, it is a measurable parameter which means losing or gaining electrons in a system. Redox potential, expressed as volt, although this parameter is important for quality control of fermented dairy products, it is rarely considered. Yoghurt is a fermented dairy product that Lactobacillus delbrueckeii subsp. bulgaricus and...
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The presence of several trace elements, heavy metals, and antimony in polyethylene terephthalate–bottled local raw cow milk samples of Iğdır region in Turkey was investigated. The milk samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after microwave-assisted digestion. Milk samples were categorized into three groups according t...
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The acidification and reducing capacities of yoghurt bacteria were evaluated in different plant extract‐enriched milk samples. The milk samples enriched with thyme and grape seed extracts exhibited the highest values of acidification capacity for Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (LB) (0.0065 pH unit/min) and Streptococcus thermophilus (S...
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The aim of the present study was to develop an ion-selective electrode method for the continuous determination of the intracellular pH in Lactobacillus plantarum using a small-scale bioreactor. This method employed a salicylate-selective electrode basing on the distribution of salicylic acid across the cytoplasmic membrane. This developed electrode...
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Mikroorganizmalarda üreme
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Temel Mikrobiyoloji
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Mikrobiyal gelişimin ölçülmesi
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Reducing atmosphere drying (RAD) was assayed as a novel technique for preserving the color and the nutritional fresh notes of apricot. A freeze, hot air and vacuum drying techniques were applied for a comparison purpose. The results showed that the apricot samples dried by both RADMIX and RADNITROGEN preserved better the fresh color notes while the...
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This is a lecture for students in Food Engineering Department
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This is a lecture for students in Food Engineering Department
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Despite the numerous processes proposed as alternatives to heat pasteurization, thermally treated juices produced by full or flash pasteurization are still the most widely marketed product. It is well known that the flavor of fruit juices is influenced by heat treatment used for microbial stabilization; as an example, volatile compounds, such as al...
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ABSTRACT: In this study, apple and apricot fruits were dried with different drying techniques including Reducing Atmosphere Drying [three different drying media were used: air,100% nitrogen and a gas mixture containing reducing gas (1-4% H 2 , 5% CO 2 , 91-94% N 2 ; RAD (Mix)) ], lyophlizatör, vacuum and oven. The color values (L*, a*, b*) of the d...
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Fresh vegetables and fruits are recognized for its desirables color, flavor and aroma, as well as its richness of healthy bioactive compounds. Drying processing aims generally to increase the shelf-life of foods by decreasing both its free water content and water activity. The latter conditions lead to inhibit the microbial flora and enzymes respon...
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Food processors generally apply different techniques to extend the shelf-life of food products. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) uses different gases in specific combinations to replace the air surrounding the product, which leads to minimizing the undesirable oxidation reactions and microbial spoilage permitting extending the shelf-life of the...
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The intracellular pH (pHin) of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides 19D was evaluated by two different methods, fluorescent probe and ion-selective electrode. Two fluorescent probes 5 (and-6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (cFDASE) and 5 (and-6)-carboxy-2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (cDCFDASE) wer...
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Antibacterial and antioxidant activities form an essential component of the bioactive properties of plant products. The antibacterial and the antioxidant properties of three types of aqueous extracts of four herbs and spices were evaluated. While the total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity and oxidoreduction potential methods were...
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Şalak apricot variety is a table variety which is widely grown in Iğdır region. The tree usually grows thickly crowned and very strong. The yield of fruit is high and fruitful. Şalak apricot fruit is medium hard, elliptical and symmetrical. In this study, it is aimed to determine the physical change of the Şalak apricot fruit during the development...
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Oxidoreduction potential (Redox or Eh) is a physicochemical parameter that determines the ability of chemical or biochemical systems to oxidize or reduce. Biological systems as foods contain many oxidant molecules such as dissolved oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, free radicals and oxidative enzymes, and many reducing molecules such as vitamines (C, E, b...
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The preservation of strawberry fruits for long-time during storage is difficult due to the relatively high respiration rate of this fruit when compared to other fruits. Microbial, enzymatic and biochemical deteriorations accompany with high postharvest respiration rate phenomen. Strawberry fruit tends to be crushed because of its soft texture. When...
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Polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) oxidize phenolic compounds forming quinones, which undergo non-enzymatic reactions resulting in colored compounds. We studied ferulic acid and catechol oxidation by Myceliophthora thermophila laccases using oxidoreduction potential (ORP or Eh) as a novel method to determine PPO activity compared to the traditional spectro...
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تشكل الصناعات الغذائية المرتبطة بمنتجات الخضار والفاكهة قطاعاَ كبيراً وواسعاً ومتنوعاً في العالم، فهي تشمل مجالات متنوعة كصناعات الكونسروة والعصائر والمشروبات الغازية والمربيات والمرملاد والمخللات والخضار والفاكهة المجففة ومنتجات الزيتون المختلفة والشيبس والمقبلات ورب البندورة وغيرها. وتتميز كل صناعة بخصوصية مميزة لها من حيث التقانة المستخدمة في ال...
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There are some centers of researches around the world performing studies on Redox as secondary factor or compliment study, but there is not a specialized center in the world performing researches about Redox Applications in Foods. Furthermore, there are some papers and patents demonstrating the positive role of Redox in food applications. RECRAF is...
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This presentation includes many topics such as classification systems, bacterial Classification, Enterobacteriaceae and nomenclature of bacteria.
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This presentation includes many topics such as membrane transport and transport systems
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This presentation includes many topics in food microbiology such as the cellular structure and the characteristics of microorganisms, and the differences between Eukaryote and Prokaryote
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This presentation includes many topics such as classification systems, bacterial Classification, Enterobacteriaceae and nomenclature of bacteria.
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This presentation includes many topics such as characteristics used for ID, steps in isolation and identification, most clinically relevant methods for ID and diagnosis, rapid multitest systems, yeast, molds, bacteria, immunological detections of microorganisms, flow cytometry, ELISA, PCR.
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This presentation includes many topics such as batch cultures, bacterial growth, kinetic pattern of growth and product formation, continuous culture of microorganisms, fermentation process, immobilized cells, measuring microbial growth and predictive microbiology.
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Flower buds of capers were processed by pickling, salting, freezing and/or blanching, and canning. The results showed that at the end of storage (8 months), samples pickled in brines (5, 8%) and the