Drago Zuparic-IljicUniversity of Zagreb · Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FFZG)
Drago Zuparic-Iljic
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Publications (39)
The problem of a healthcare workforce shortage is present on a global scale, as evidenced by the World Health Organization's estimate that by 2035, there will be a global deficit of 12.9 million healthcare workers (Campbell et al., 2013). Previous research indicates that the emigration of highly qualified professionals is relatively under-researche...
In observing the integration process at a local and neighbourhood level, this paper aims to analyse the integration experiences of asylum beneficiaries (refugees) in Croatia and their relationships with various stakeholders. The analyses are based on data obtained in 2018 by interviewing 25 refugees about their perceptions of living prospects in Cr...
U radu se analiziraju medijske reprezentacije migranata s posebnim fokusom na slučaj pokušaja uspostave prihvatilišta za tražitelje azila u naselju Mala Gorica kod Petrinje. Kretanja prisilnih migranata kroz zemlje na balkanskoj ruti nakon zatvaranja Balkanskog koridora stavljaju države u regiji u izazovnu poziciju upravljanja migracijama, te event...
This paper addresses the use of metaphor as a mechanism of cross-linguistic negotiation of meaning for the concept of human migration in the media, and their use in expert academic circles. The conceptual metaphor PEOPLE ARE INANIMATE OBJECTS serves as a vehicle for the evolution of migration discourse in Croatia during the large movement of people...
Increased numbers of refugees transiting through the Balkan corridor triggered not only crisis and emergency management measures but also ethical considerations of enabling hospitality and a welcoming culture. While volunteers together with religious actors were part of a regional humanitarian regime providing aid to migrants within the corridor ma...
Between mid-September 2015 and mid-April 2016, more than 650,000 refugees and other forced migrants transited through Croatia, moving along the Balkan corridor towards Western countries. During this period a series of risk events, such as terrorist attacks in Paris and Nice or sexual assaults in Germany, have left their mark on the public perceptio...
This article analyses the international migrations and statuses of people who left Syria after the outbreak of the civil war. In addition to exploring the dynamics of Syrian refugee migrations since 2011, we also discuss future prospects and possibilities of return. The ambition of the article is twofold. First, we aim to develop and nuance the typ...
Based on two theoretical approaches—contact theory and threat perception theory—in combination with meaningful encounter and media perspective and using the example of two neighbourhoods in Zagreb, this paper aims to explore several issues related to asylum seekers: (1) the definition and perceptions of asylum seekers expressed by locals; (2) attit...
U razdoblju između 2011. i 2017. došlo je do oscilirajućeg, ali vidljivog, porasta broja maloljetnika bez pratnje u tranzitu kroz Hrvatsku. Događaji na balkanskom koridoru tijekom 2015. i 2016. uključivali su i značajan broj djece bez pratnje i djece odvojene od roditelja, koji se smatraju ranjivim skupinama izbjeglica i migranata. Državne politike...
This article focuses on the restrictive European asylum policies and on their humanitarian consequences in Southeastern Europe. We discuss two interrelated topics: (i) the dynamic of the migration of asylum seekers to Europe and (ii) the specific position of Southeastern European countries and the situation of stranded migrants in the region. We id...
Within the Balkan corridor Croatia combined state-driven ‘crisis management measures’ with humanitarian practices of immediate care and assistance provided by state, civil society, religious and humanitarian organizations, and new solidarity initiatives. While at the beginning majority of stakeholders were acting in humane/humanitarian and overtly...
Integracija i uključivanje osoba pod međunarodnom zaštitom (azilanata, izbjeglica) u društvo ostvaruje se u procesu njihova kontakta i interakcije s institucijama i građanima u lokalnim zajednicama u kojima se organizira njihov prihvat i smještaj. Pri tome je ostvarenje društvenih, ekonomskih, kulturnih i svih drugih dimenzija integracije u lokalni...
The integration and inclusion of persons under international protection (i.e. persons granted asylum and refugees) into society proceeds through their contacts and interactions with institutions and residents in local communities where their reception and accommodation have been organised. In this process, the achievement of social, economic, cultu...
This article examines the level of development of integration policies in the European Economic Area and the attempts to compare and standardize them. We discuss national integration models and policies based on the results of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and OECD/EU indicators of integration. Indicating the possible pitfalls of mea...
U radu se autori fokusiraju na lokalne i prekogranične migracijske procese u sjevernoj
Dalmaciji i njihov utjecaj na razvoj vranskog feuda tijekom 17. i 18. stoljeća.
Nakon kvalitativne analize demografske, crkvene i kartografske arhivske građe uspostavljena
je veza između ekonomskih i okolišnih procesa i razvoja u nizinskome
močvarnom pograničju,...
Croatia’s accession to the EU has brought new challenges and issues in researching and analysing migration flows and trends as well as attitudes and perceptions of real and potential newcomers. The aim of this paper is to explore attitudes of the residents of the two most easterly Croatian counties towards two distinct categories of newcomers: immi...
The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb brings this position paper as a
contribution to professional and public debate on the topic of the current humanitarian
refugee crisis which we also witness in the Republic of Croatia, in which more than 220
000 refugees and other forced migrants entered between September 16 and October 21
Strateška polazišta Instituta za migracije i narodnosti o integraciji migranata prilog su stručnoj i javnoj raspravi o temi integracije migranata u Europskoj uniji i Hrvatskoj. Zbog jačanja migracijskih, naročito izbjegličkih tokova tijekom 2015., pitanje integracije nameće se ključnim u svim europskim zemljama te odnedavno postaje sastavni dio jav...
The IMIN’s position paper is a contribution to professional and public debate on the issue of the integration of migrants in the European Union and Croatia. Due to the increased migration and particularly refugee flows in 2015, the issue of integration imposes itself as key in all European countries and has become an integral part of the public pol...
Several Member States of the European Union in Southeastern Europe have experienced increased pressure on their asylum systems after they joined the Union. The latest member of the European Union, Croatia, has received lower numbers of asylum-seekers than most other countries in Southeastern Europe. This article explores migrants assessments of the...
Suvremeni mješoviti migracijski tokovi često uključuju i djecu tj. maloljetnike bez pratnje, koji se svrstavaju među najranjivije skupine (neregularnih) migranata. Posljednjih nekoliko godina u Hrvatskoj je došlo do značajnog povećanja broja stranih maloljetnika bez pratnje, s vrhuncem trenda u 2011. i 2012. godini. Od 2006. do srpnja 2014. godine...
Tridesetu obljetnicu časopisa Migracijske i etničke teme (MET) autori su shvatili kao prigodu da najave novu ključnu problematiku suvremenoga svijeta i njegove budućnosti, koja po njihovu sudu postaje upravo i središnja tema multidisciplinarnog i interdisciplinarnog područja migracijskih studija. Riječ je o raseljavanju ljudi u lokalnim i državnim...
Newcomers to Croatia will face barely halfway favourable policies for their
integration. With an overall MIPEX score of 42/100, it ranks alongside other
‘new’ immigration countries in the MIPEX on the Balkans, such as Bulgaria,
Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Croatia’s policies that best
promote integration are in areas of European l...
It is an expert analyses and history overview of the immigration to and emigration from Croatia, including part of the analysis of the contemporary migration phenomena and trends. It also offers the selection of statistical and photographic illustrative materials. The paper is a part of the international project "Making Europe Bottom Up" with the o...
This paper describes the construction of "The Scale of
Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers" based on a survey
conducted on a convenience sample of 277 students of
social, natural and engineering studies within the University
of Zagreb. Applied exploratory factor analysis, using the
direct oblimin rotation, resulted in three factors: "perception
of soc...
This paper provides an overview of the basic characteristics regarding number, as well as normative and functional status, i.e. legal and institutional status of Serbs in Zagreb. Furthermore, the paper describes some distinctions among organizational levels of Serbian minority in Zagreb, concerning the most important aspects of socio-cultural, educ...
Sažetak Produkcijom vlastitih medijskih sadržaja nacionalne manjine preuzimaju od-govornost suprotstavljanja dominantnim medijskim diskursima većinske kul-ture te se bore za vlastitu prepoznatljivost i (samo)prezentaciju u hrvatsko-me medijskom prostoru. Mediji nacionalnih manjina služe ne samo očuvanju društveno-kulturnih vrijednosti i posebnosti...