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Dragana Trifunovic

Dragana Trifunovic


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Publications (22)
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Public awareness about renewable sources can contribute to social acceptance of sustainable development projects. The purpose of this study was to determine attitudes and level of awareness of the population of rural regions of Serbia about renewable energy sources. The research method included the random sampling of 400+ respondents in Southern, E...
Conference Paper
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Rezime: Porast interesovanja za prostorne dimenzije politike počinje u 19. i 20. veku, čime su doprineli razvoj prirodnih nauka, sa jedne strane, i sve zaoštrenija borba između velikih sila za osvajanje, podelu i preraspodelu kolonija u poslednjoj deceniji dvadesetog veka, sa druge strane. Naučno tehnološki napredak – posebno u oblasti saobraćaja...
Conference Paper
By predicting cash flows in the capital budgeting procedure, the profitability of an investment at the international level is determined in advance. Although investing globally provides greater opportunities for earnings, cost reduction and business diversification, all risks posed by international business must be considered when choosing a discou...
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Rezime: Opšte je poznata činjenica da mala i srednja preduzeća prema svojoj strukturu u ukupnom broju preduzeća preovladavaju, ne samo na teritoriji Republike Srbije, nego i u Evropi. Stoga, ulaganje u razvoj MSP sektora i davanje podsticaja malim i srednjim preduzećima doprineće daljem razvoju privrede, ali i regionalnom razvoju. S tim u vezi, cil...
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In modern conditions of business, innovations and new technologies have a great significance for the development of highly educated institutions. Major changes are under the influence of information-communication technologies, the Bologna process, the Internet, new tools for improving innovation in education and training. Investing in new technolog...
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Considering that some organizations implemented the ISO 9001 standard more than 25 years ago, while othersdid it a while ago, some quality management systems (QMS) are older than others. This fact led authors to question whether there are differences between long and recently implemented quality management systems. Is there a pattern that QMS follo...
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This paper presents opportunities for introducing network organization model and federalization principles on universities with the goal of raising the quality of learning outcomes and improving the efficiency of universities and its faculties. Organizational analysis was conducted on the example of the University of Belgrade which is the biggest u...
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Paper explains evolution of Global Quality Management Theory through changes of different quality management approaches in time and compares it to the evolution of Quality Management in Healthcare. Authors relied on already existing information and data sources published in scientific journals to define evolution paths and conduct their comparison...
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What particularly distinguishes human potential in comparison with other factors of development is the fact that without educated and professional people cannot effectively use other factors of development. In accordance, with what kind of intellectual capital, the company has and how much it invests in, depends on its present, and future image. Th...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: Media and cultural organizations are important promoters of artistic creativity. They play an important role in innovation through investment and successful implementation. That leads to the creation of new methods and solutions that will simplify and improve their reality and take them to the desired goal. Creativity is very important an...
Conference Paper
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Services play a key role in developed economies. Industries that deliver help, utility, experience, information, or other intellectual contents have expanded rapidly in recent decades and now account for more than 70% of a total value added in the OECD countries. Market-based services (that is, excluding those typically provided by the public secto...
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It appears that the economy is no longer able to adequately define educational profile that it needs. Why? Firstly, the development of science is more and more occurring in companies, rather than in state institutions. Knowledge is being privatized. Privatization of knowledge leads to new relations in the creation and dissemination of knowledge and...
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Talas svetske ekonomske krize uzdrmao je privredu još 2007. godine, a njene posledice po svim ekonomskim merilima osećaju se i danas. Preduzeća traže načine da opstanu na tržištu dok istovremeno rade na razvoju, a jedan od načina opstanka sve više se vezuje za sposobnost preduzeća da razvija i primenjuje novine u proizvodnji, koje su direktno rezul...


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