Dragan Prole

Dragan Prole
University of Novi Sad · Department of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy


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Dragan Prole currently works at the Department of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. Dragan does research in Metaphysics, Aesthetics and Ethics. Their current project is 'Phenomenology and the early avant-garde movements'.


Publications (61)
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U prvom delu rada, autor zastupa tezu da prosvetiteljstvo ne napušta hrišćansku antropologiju, nego je koriguje tako što zastupa izvesnu verziju spasenja. Nekadašnji život večni na onom svetu zamenjen je potpunim životom na ovom svetu. Vodeću ulogu pri tom je imala ključna reč 18. veka, ideja o savršenstvu. Vodeća ideja članka glasi da je proces pr...
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Nije neobično da u savremenosti često zatičemo pomen „greha“, udobno i bezazleno smeštenog među znakove navoda. Oni imaju ulogu da naglase da je prošla opasnost, jer na horizontu više nema Boga kao glavnog sudije koji kažnjava zbog greha. Za većinu sekularnih savremenika pojam greha više ništa ne znači, ostaje oznaka za jučerašnju pretnju uz čiju p...
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ABSTRACT In the first part of the article, the author describes the ideological ambience of the regional encounter with the coronavirus as marked by a conflict between much-needed cooperation and language policy. From the perspective of necessary solidarity to selflessly help others and readily share hard-earned resources, the dominant language pol...
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The article examines the work of the first modern writer of the Serbian language, Eustahija Arsic. Undoubtedly, Dositej Obradovic?s student, in her short ethical treatise, published under the title ?Moral Lessons? (1816), presented a kind of list of leading virtues. At the beginning of the 19th century, almost every story about morality responded t...
This article discusses fundamental contradictions regarding the social role of the new media. Avantgarde identifies the emergence of the new media with the possibilities of liberating the man and achieving true individuality, while dystopia qualifies it as the suffocation of individuality, as ballast that levels out and averages a man, as a threat...
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U prvom dijelu članka autor poklanja naročitu pažnju činjenici da je u Kafkinim dnevnicima upadljivo odsustvo njegova profesionalnog života. Da ne znamo da je slavni pisac bio pravni ekspert, na osnovi njegovih osobnih bilježaka to ne bismo mogli zaključiti. U njima nema niti spomena o njegovom studiju prava, profesionalnim ambicijama i problemima...
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The motives for bringing about the Hellenic-Serbian Dialogue Series originate from the sentiment that mutual relations between Greeks and Sebs far surpass the cultural exchange between Greece and Serbia. Knowing that cooperation does not simply fall into one’s lap, but must be initiated by human will and energy, a group of philosophers from Athens...
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U prvom dijelu članka, autor ispituje pitanje trubadurske subjektivnosti. Subjekt pjesme najavljuje samogubljenje, napuštanje postojećeg stanja stvari i samopredavanje, ali u tome ne vidi tragediju, već izvor istinske radosti. Ljubav zaslužuje žrtvu, ona je vrijedna cjelokupnog ljudskog htijenja, ali nije konvencionalna ljubav, nije ni bračna ni po...
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Ničeovu knjigu Fröhliche Wissenschaft iz 1882. preveo je na srpski jezik 1984. Milan Tabaković pod naslovom Vesela nauka. Možda i iznenađujuće, to prevodilačko rešenje bilo je široko prihvaćeno, nisu usledili gotovo nikakvi protiv-argumenti, niti drugačija prevodilačka rešenja. Umesto predloženog prideva vesela čini se da je daleko prikladnije i pr...
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This contribution discusses Introduction into Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology, published in Belgrade 1937, by his student Zagorka Mićić, which was one of the first introductory works on Husserl in Europe. What she found fruitful in Husserl’s thought was the idea that phenomenology does not uncover the existing world in a new way but uses a novel met...
In 1863, Jovan Andrejević Joles, a physician and anatomist, published a series of 20 articles under the common title Aesthetic excerpts in the journal Danica, based in Novi Sad, which was at that time a part of the Habsburg Monarchy. Andrejević’s choice of translated excerpts from writings on aesthetics was quite unusual, especially considering the...
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Troubadour? mask denotes a figure activated by Nietzsche in order to arrange a quarrel with his own time. Transformative capacities of its untimilyness were examined from the perspective of the contemporary instability of democratic order, recognized by bulgarian political scientist Ivan Krastev as an expression of encreasing crisis of the trust in...
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Variations of the idea that regardless of how bad things are in the world of man, man's tendency to protect himself by creating illusionary presentations about it is worse, exist in many places in Kafka's works. If the origin of the leading among the fatal illusions of the present is connected to the need for security, safe haven, protection - the...
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Action can only be spontaneous and impulsive if not guided by contemplation; contemplation, on the other hand, may only be luxurious playfulness if not either purposed - or suitable - to motivate action. This volume seeks to prove what may seem self-evident to common sense, but adhering to common sense is never pointless nor excessive. Next to this...
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Following their obsessive desire to bring about different, renewed ways of seeing things, Husserl and the early avant-garde artists tried hard to build open lines of communication with the genuine, “primitive”, authentic. By doing so, artists discovered new inspiration patterns in objects and artefacts, the origins and constitutes of which are comp...
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After explaining why phenomenology of the alien cannot be counted among traditional philosophical disciplines, the author explores why all of European history can be read as the “shading of the alien” (Verblendung des Fremden), although not in the sense of mere disregarding, neglecting or denying of the alien, but disciplining it, manipulating and...
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The article examines three crucial implications of the term ?classical?. The first meaning is defined as epochal, and it is primarily presented in view of the brief history of the concept of classicus, but also considering the Baudelaire?s idea of ?universal beauty?. The characteristics of the classical art are confronted with Friedrich Schlegel?s...
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The author examines the concept of new phenomenology based on a thesis that the history of phenomenology teaches us that progressive steps in philosophy occur by means of treason rather than faithfulness, and through unique disobedient thinking rather than loyal discipleship. The novelty of Hermann Schmitz’s phenomenology is founded on the insight...
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U prvom delu rada autor u okviru ranog romantičarskog pokreta prikazuje prva tumačenja klasičnih umetničkih dela, koja naglašavaju da klasična dela više ne bismo smeli da posmatramo kao najbolja umetnička postignuća, nego pre kao nesavremene doprinose koji nanose štetu izvorno novim umetničkim oblicima. Osnovna namera romantičarskog osporavanja oni...
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Članak zastupa tezu da se umetnik razlikuje od filozofa po tome što se po prirodi svoga posla već nalazi u ravni iskustva fenomenološke redukcije. Polazeći od metodoloških pretpostavki fenomenologije, kojima je izvan svega stalo da napuste okvire »mundane« filozofije, autor skreće pažnju da je i savremenoj umetnosti strana svaka pomisao da se zadrž...
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In the first part of the article, the author discusses the basic outlines of romantic and avant-garde anthropology. The crucial concept is related to the motives that drove the romantics in their journey toward individuation, whereas the members of avant-garde movement brought new visions of community into being. Unlike the romantics, early avant-g...
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The first part of this paper provides background and motivation for McLuhan's concept of alienation as a consequence of modern visual culture. Since this culture has been predominantly produced by means of traditional media, and not by economical organisation of production, the insight in media structures uncovers the very existence of certain sens...
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Članak istražuje rukopise Svetislava Banice i na osnovu njih reflektuje nastavničke projekte unapređenja prosvetne politike Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Uvid u njihovu složenost ukazuje da je međuratni rad na poboljšanju pedagoškog i prosvetnog statusa nastave filozofske propedeutike u gimnazijskim okvirima obuhvatao daleko šire okvire i interese nego š...
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U prvom delu rada autor interpretira Lajbnicovu fi lozofi ju kao pokušaj ponovnog obezbeđivanja naučnih prerogativa za prvu fi lozofi ju. Za razliku od Dekarta fi lozofske stranputice se kod njega ne mogu objašnjavati nekom transcendentnom, natprirodnom intervencijom (malin génie). Naprotiv, Lajbnic jednoznačno pokazuje da za naše greške u mišljenj...
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p>Naša filozofska kultura dugo je trajala u znaku nedostatka brojnih neophodnih elemenata. Nedostajala su sistematska istraživanja nacionalne filozofske baštine. Malo je knjiga, studija, ogleda, prevoda i bibliografija koji bi u svom misaonom i istraživačkom središtu imale problematiku filozofske propedeutike, metodike i didaktike filozofije, kao i...
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The first part of this paper explores the kinship in diagnosis of contemporaneity of Hugo Ball and Martin Heidegger. Both thinkers recognize leveling as an important trait of their age. In Ball’s terms, leveling is identified with the apocalyptic abolishment of humanity. That happens by equalizing all of human creation, which becomes possible only...
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In the first part of the article, the author delineates the first interpretations within the early romantic movement that pointed out that we can no longer regard classic works of art as the best representations of artistic achievements, but rather as untimely contibutions that detracted from genuinely new art forms. The main purpose of romantic qu...
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The article explores the relationship of disabled persons and theater, starting with the work of the Per-Art Association. In the first part, the author emphasizes that the mode of on- togeny of social solidarity with the disabled persons did not result in their greater representation in the arts but in a lesser one. After pointing out that the pres...
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In the first part of the paper, the author displays the specificities of the romantic concept of subjectivity. Based on the assumption that the Man is but a minute part of what he might be, the romantics emphasize on the imperative of infinite subjectivity. Giving up on the division of philosophical disciplines, the romantics request a unity of spi...
The paper investigates the writings of Svetislav Banica, and based on them, reflects the scholarly projects which were devoted to the promotion of educational policies in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. With insight into their complexity, we see that the Interbellum work on the enhancement of the pedagogical and educational status of schooling of philos...
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In the first part of the paper, the author examines Leibniz's philosophy as an attempt, whose purpose was to re-establish the scientific prerogatives of the philosophia prima. Unlike Descartes, Leibniz's philosophical detours and impasses cannot be elucidated via a presumption of a transcendent, supernatural intervention (malin génie). On the contr...
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The first part of the paper presents the phenomenological motives of Camus' "theoretical" opus. Putting forward the problem of absurdity, the phenomenon of strangeness, and the possibility of rebellion, Camus emphasised that his phenomenological interest is not aimed at fulfilling the programme of strict science, but towards possibilities of thinki...
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Im ersten Teil des Artikels stellt der Verfasser die Unergr?ndlichkeit des Vorurteils dar, dass die romantische ?sthetik an der M?glichkeit der Ver?nderung der bestehenden Realit?t nicht interessiert ist. Die Funktion der Fragment-Vielfalt fr?her Romantiker ?ber die Folgen von Arbeitsteilung, Toleranz, Ehe, Freundschaft, Frieden, Gerechtigkeit, Ges...
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The author describes the first decade of the philosophical journal Arhe, founded by the Department of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad in 2004. From the very beginning, the editorial policy has put a strong emphasis on topics related to the current curriculum, in order to broaden and deepen the present bibliography with original contributions mos...
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The author initially considers the philosophical circumstances that lead to the contemporary affirmation of ontology as the primary philosophy in the beginning of the 17th century. To better distinguish the difference between the "old" and "new", that is, the classical and modern philosophy, the relation between Descartes' thematization of being, a...
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Peter Sloterdijk is one of the rare contemporary philosophers who insist on the relevance of Hegel's thesis that philosophy is its own time apprehended in thought. Philosophy's duty to reflect on contemporary phenomena, according to him, is primarily concerned with the necessity of the adequate reflections of the media. Philosophy of the media, int...
(nemacki) Ausgehend von der Stellungnahme, dass in der modernen Philosophie die Tendenz in Richtung Relativisierung g?ltiger Grenzen zwischen Philosophie und Nichtphilosophie immer erkennbarer ist, er?rtert der Verfasser die Annahmen f?r den Durchbruch theologischer Motive in Hinblick der ph?nomenologischen Philosophie. Der erste Teil der Arbeit ko...
The author inspects the reasons because of which of the Levinas' thematic of being becomes completely irrelevant as a fundamental ontology and phenomenology of constitution. Levinas will legitimize his opinion as phenomenological while trying to affirm the basic phenomenological position that the origin of our cognitions is always based upon the mu...
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Sind es Geschichte und Kultur, die Europa zur Einheit bestimmen? Zieht Europa in der globalen Standortkonkurrenz die alte Karte der »kulturellen Errungenschaft« universeller Werte? Was als Wirtschaftsunion gegründet wurde, wird heute zunehmend als Wertegemeinschaft definiert. Diese Suche nach einem europäischen Wesen entwickelt Züge einer »Identitä...
This article discusses Heidegger's thesis that one cannot talk about Hegel's essential advancement from the inherited notion of time. Due to the ambivalent interpretation - according to which Hegel's notion of time was both not respected enough, but also vulgar; that from him one should not learn about temporality, but that his standpoint can still...
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(nemački) Von Heideggers Standpunkt aus wirkte der Mechanismus der Idee von der einheitlichen Geschichte der Menschheit trotz der proklamierten emanzipatorischen Absichten als Befürwörter in der Nivelierung des eigentlichen Daseins, und damit diente er eher seiner Versklavung als seiner Befreiung. Heideggers Abhandlung über die Geschichtlichkeit be...
(nemački) Heideggers Abhandlung über die Geschichtlichkeit beruht auf der Ablehnung des Begriffs der Geschichte, beziehungsweise Hegels Begriffs der Weltgeschichte. Die Rechtfertigung dieser Korrektur wurde in unverzichtbarer Opposition zwischen der Erkentnnis der Geschichte und der Befragung des geschichtlichen Seins gefunden, wessen eigene Strukt...
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U članku se najprije tematizira diskrepancija između oštre kritike fenomenologije Edmunda Husserla u Heideggerovim ranim freiburškim i marburškim godinama, s jedne strane, i afirmativnog spominjanja Husserlova imena u "Bitku i vremenu", s druge strane. Ovaj "okret" može se interpretirati na temelju tumačenja prema kojem Heidegger u svojem glavnom d...
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U prvom delu rada autor razmatra avangardne strategije otpora ideološkoj, političkoj i ekonomskoj zloupotrebi umetnosti. Njihov prekid sa tradicionalnim kulturnim sistemom bio je zasnovan na dekonstrukciji svakidašnjih rutina, što je presudna osobenost onoga što je Ridiger Bubner imenovao estetsko iskustvo, a Bernhard Waldenfels prelomnice iskustva...
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Članak najpre ispituje savremenu aktualizaciju »primitivnog« u istorijskom horizontu u kojem su evropske metropole osnivale institute za rasna istraživanja. Savremenost primitivnog odlukuje rastući politički naboj koji je doveden do vrhunca tokom nacističkog režima. Autor ističe da umetnost, koja je proglašena »degenerisanom umetnošću«, nije tako n...
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Ničeovo iskustvo stranog počiva na oslobađenju od vlastite individualnosti, omogućeno posredstvom samo-potonuća u neku predstavu. U njegovoj filozofiji kontakt sa stranim je izričito poistovećen sa umetničkim uživanjem, koje podrazumeva sjedinjenje s prividom. Pored Zaratustre, prividi koji potiču iz stranog sveta, a sa kojima se Niče po svojoj pri...


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