D.P. Singh

D.P. Singh
Indian Institute of Technology BHU | BHU · Department of Mining Engineering


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Publications (157)
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Keywords: Non-linear medium Modulational instability Spatial spectral density Perturbed wave field and intensity feedback a b s t r a c t Modulation instability (MI) and evolution of pattern formation inside a passive non-linear photorefrac-tive ring resonator having cavity-length longer than the coherence length of the light circulating in the res...
Two new macrocyclic Schiff base complexes of trivalent transition metal ion of Cr(III) and Fe(III) in their nitrates form have been synthesized and fully characterized by elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques, namely, IR, UV, ESI‐MS and ESR. The route of template methodology was adopted for the synthesis of the complexes. The electrolytic...
New tetra-azamacrocyclic complexes of Ni (II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized by template methodology leading to the formation of complex of type [MLX2] where L is a macrcocyclic ligand obtained from the condensation of 4-Methyl-ophenylenediamine (DAT) and 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione (DBM)and X= NO3-, Cl-, and CH3COO-. Characterization of newly...
A series of CuII, CoII, ZnII and NiII, complexes of 34,74-dimethyl-12,15,52,55-tetrahydro-2,4,6,8-tetraaza-1,5(2,5)-difurana-3,7(1,2)-dibenzenacyclooctaphane based ligand have been synthesized by template methodology. Characterization of the synthesized complexes has been carried out with the help of various physicochemical and spectroscopic techni...
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Orientation of building plays very important role in energy efficienncy of building. Proper orientaion of building depends on the location of building with respect to latitude and longitude. With orientation to design energy efficient building natural air flow is also important in naturally ventiilated building. Paper discussed the optimum orientat...
A collection of five macrocyclic complexes of Cd(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) have been synthesized through metal ion template [2+2] cyclocondensation of 1,8-diaminonaphthalene and pyrrolidine-2,5-dione. The newly designed metal complexes have been analyzed by various spectroscopic and physico-analytical techniques like UV-visible, elemen...
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The adaptability of crop varieties in multi-location trials (MVAT) is a problem in the presence of genotype by environment (G X E) interaction. Various statistical techniques are available to analyse the data in MVAT. But, the information on these methods and their relative performance on evaluation of adaptability of rice varieties are limited. Th...
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For sustainable design of building ventilation plays very important role. With proper location of inlet and outlet windows, uniform flow is possible at working area. Tunnel study was performed by researchers to understand the flow patterns. Since civil engineering structures are of very big scale, there is limitation on tunnel study of civil engine...
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Birds (433) were utilized for investigation at 7 weeks of age and at 45 weeks of age (119). The immunological traits measured included humoral response like HA, MER and MES; non-specific immune responses like CPW and APW complement and PI and CMI response. In two broiler lines, body weight at 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 weeks of age were measured in addition...
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With advance research in material technology, construction sector is using advance material at different stage of construction. AAC was used as construction material, which reduce the self weight of structure. AAC block are light weight and have less thermal conductivity as compared to traditional bricks. Due to use of advance energy efficient mate...
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International Science Community Association 49 from wind tunnel study. Study results are helpful to understand the effect of development of construction of new towers in city. Because of construction of towers, wind pressure assumed on already constructed building may change. Two modeling method are compared and discussion on results are done 5. Us...
A theory on incoherently coupled soliton pairs for photorefractive solitons is developed that gives rise to incoherently coupled soliton pairs and multi-component spatial solitons in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals in all three realizations, bright-bright, dark-dark and grey-grey. The properties and characteristics of these soliton...
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Birds (433) of both sexes developed from 8 genetically diverse lines of chickens like Aseel, Kadakanath, Naked Neck and Frizzle fowl along with imported breeds Dahlem Red, White Leghorn, Synthetic Dan Line broiler (SDL) and Naked Neck broiler (NNB) were evaluated for immunocompetence traits, viz. haemagglutinin test (HA), mercaptoethanol resistant...
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Rice is a staple cereal of India cultivated in about 43.5 Mha area but with relatively low average productivity. Abiotic factors like drought, flood and salinity affect rice production adversely in more than 50% of this area. Breeding rice varieties with inbuilt tolerance to these stresses offers an economically viable and sustainable option to imp...
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Genotype × environment (G × E) interaction effects are of special interest for identifying the most suitable genotypes with respect to target environments, representative locations and other specific stresses. Twenty-two advanced breeding lines contributed by the national partners of the Salinity Tolerance Breeding Network (STBN) along with four ch...
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From QTL to variety- harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought, flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-institutional network
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Single unidirectional photorefractive ring resonator (SUPRR) and coupled unidirectional photorefractive ring resonator (CUPRR) were considered with BaTiO3 and LiNbO3 crystals as inter-cavity photorefractive media. The relative oscillation intensity and oscillation frequency shift of two SUPRRs with BaTiO3 and LiNbO3 crystals in their cavities, and...
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In this paper we analyze the effect of grating spacing on relative oscillation intensity and two-beam coupling gain of a ring resonator in presence of an applied electric field. The photorefractive crystal used in the ring resonator is KNSBN. It is found that the relative oscillation intensity increases exponentially with grating spacing in presenc...
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Birds (433), 7-week-old, of both sexes belonging to Indian native breeds including Aseel, Kadakanath, Naked Neck and Frizzle fowl along with the exotic breeds like Dahlem red, White Leghorn, Synthetic Dam Line (SDL) and Naked Neck broiler were utilized to test the complement response (expressed as CH50 unit/ml) to sheep erythrocytes determined by m...
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Birds (433) of both sexes, 7-week-old, belonging to 4 Indian breeds, viz. Aseel, Kadakanath, Naked neck and frizzle and 4 exotic breeds, viz. Dahlem Red, White leghorn, Synthetic Dam Line (SDL) and Naked Neck Broiler (NNB) were evaluated for cell mediated immune response (CMI) by observing change in skin swelling expressed as foot index (FI). 0.1 m...
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Birds (433) of both the sexes developed from Aseel, Kadakanath, Naked Neck, Frizzle, Dahlem Red, White Leghorn, SDL and Naked Neck broilers, were evaluated for phagocytic activity at the age of 10 weeks of age. The mean phagocytic activity in terms of phagocytic index (PI) determined using in-vivo carbon clearance assay averaged over both the sexes...
Coupling gain constant as a function of applied electric field and grating spatial frequency at small modulation depth for Sn2P2S6 crystal is analysed theoretically. The computed results are compared with the experimental results and are found to be reasonably good.
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INTRODUCTION: The coexistence of diabetes and tuberculosis is common and challenge to the community. Diabetes predisposes to tuberculosis and treatment often become complicated. Though the prevalence of tuberculosis is decreasing due to success of combination chemotherapy but coexistence of diabetes with tuberculosis poses a threat to success of...
We calculate the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio and gain on the angle alpha between the pump and signal beams and the beam ratio beta in Cu-doped potassium-sodium-strontium-barium niobate (Cu:KNSBN) crystal and compare them with the experimental results available in the literature. We find good qualitative agreement between the calculated...
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Rice is sensitive to salinity stress at early seedling and reproductive stages. Surprisingly, major QTL/gene responsible for salinity tolerance at flowering stage is yet to be identified, mainly due to unavailability of suitable donors. In this investigation, a set of eight genotypes were phenotyped for grain yield and various yield attributing tra...
A rare case of tubercular brain abscess is reported. Our patient is a immunocompetent adult who was diagnosed to be tubercular brain following the histopathological demonstration of acid fast bacilli in the pus. Our patient improved following treatment with neurosurgical drainage and antitubercular therapy and was discharged successfully without an...
To evaluate the association of dyslipidemia as a risk factor of retinopathy in a population based study on a specific age group of patients with DM-2 with retinal hard exudates formation, the occurrence clinically significant macular edema (CSME), occurrence and severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and loss of vision in type 2 diabetics. Type 2 di...
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Dependence of signal to noise ratio with angle θ, formed by the bisector of the angle between pump and signal beams with the crystal c-axis has been theoretically studied and compared with the experimental results The agreement between the theory and experiment is found to be good only qualitatively.
The effects of the grating spacing, light intensity, concentration ratio, wavelength and applied electric field on coupling gain constant of two light beams entering in BaTiO3 material have been theoretically studied. It is found that the coupling gain constant decreases with increasing light intensity; each of them reaches a maximum value at some...
Photorefractive response time and photorefractive sensitivity are two important parameters characterizing photorefractive materials. We study theoretically the effect of the grating spacing on these parameters at large modulation depth in the absence and presence of an applied electric field for some of the most promising photorefractive materials,...
Intensity dependent space charge field and gain coefficient in the photorefractive medium due to the two interfering beams have been calculated by solving the material rate equations in presence of externally applied dc electric field. The gain coefficient has been studied with respect to variations in the input intensity, modulation depth, concent...
The reaction between 1-phenyltetrazoline-5-thione and [RhX(Pφ) 3] (X = Cl-, Br-, I-, NCS-, SnCl3-) in benzene as well as in monoethyl ether of ethyleneglycol were carried out. All the isolated solid products have been assigned Trans-square planer configuration, having general formula [RhX(Pφ)3] (ligand)2) using various physico- chemical data.
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Keywords: Space charge field Two-beam coupling in photorefractive materials and applied electric field a b s t r a c t Intensity dependent space charge field and gain coefficient in the photorefractive medium due to the two interfering beams have been calculated by solving the material rate equations in presence of externally applied dc electric fi...
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This book with 33 chapters divided into five parts is a compendium of selected papers from the conference that can be broadly categorized as land and water management, fisheries and aquaculture and rice-based agriculture systems. Intensification of aquaculture and rice-based agriculture frequently produces negative effects that range from environme...
Coastal saline areas are normally monocropped with rice grown during the wet season. On-farm trials were conducted in Ersama block of Jagatsinghpur district, Orissa, India, during 2005-2006 to evaluate the performance of selected non-rice crops in the coastal saline ecosystem during the dry season. In 2005, sunflower, Basella, watermelon, chilli, p...
This book with 33 chapters divided into five parts is a compendium of selected papers from the conference that can be broadly categorized as land and water management, fisheries and aquaculture and rice-based agriculture systems. Intensification of aquaculture and rice-based agriculture frequently produces negative effects that range from environme...
This book with 33 chapters divided into five parts is a compendium of selected papers from the conference that can be broadly categorized as land and water management, fisheries and aquaculture and rice-based agriculture systems. Intensification of aquaculture and rice-based agriculture frequently produces negative effects that range from environme...
Modulation instability (MI) and evolution of pattern formation inside a passive non-linear photorefractive ring resonator having cavity-length longer than the coherence length of the light circulating in the resonating cavity has been theoretically analyzed. Dynamics of the system below the threshold conditions have also been analyzed, numerically...
Low-valent organometallic derivatives of palladium(O) platinum(O) and rhodium(I) with 4-amino-5-mercapto-3-substituted-1,2,4-trizoles have been isolated from displacement reaction of M(PΦ3)4 (M = Pd/Pt) and Rh(PΦ3)3Cl with methyl and ethyl substitution of ligand in benzene medium. Oxidation state of metals in these compounds are determined iodometr...
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SUM MARY Rainfed lowland rice occupies 17.0 m ha of the total rice land in India, of which 14.6 m ha are in eastern India. This ecosystem is mostly prone to submergence, water logging, drought and salinity. Farmers generally use traditional varieties because high-yielding varieties are intolerant to these stresses. Through germplasm s creening at C...
Conference Paper
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The productivity of salt-affected coastal and inland areas is seriously hindered by salt stress, and disproportionately affects poor farmers. Our work involves identification of rice and non-rice crops and varieties tolerant to salt stress; unraveling the underlying mechanisms of tolerance, transferring tolerance into suitable varieties, and evalua...
The influence of dc biasing current on temperature dependence of resistivity and low-field magnetoresistance (MR) of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 bulk sample is reported. A prominent finding is the change in resistivity around the insulator-to-metal transition temperature (TIM) and the change in MR around the ferromagnetic transition temperature (TC). The decr...
Magnetic flux noise in Mg B <sub>2</sub> polycrystalline sample is measured using a high- T<sub>C</sub> rf-superconducting quantum interference device in the temperature range of 6–40 K . A small magnetic field (∼200 mG ) was applied while cooling the sample. The flux noise exhibits 1/f<sup>α</sup> type of behavior with α∼1.0–1.3 and shows enhanced...
Temperature dependent behavior of conduction noise of MgB2 superconductor has been studied. The frequency spectrum of conduction noise shows 1/fα type of behavior, with α = 0.7–0.8. Temperature dependence of conduction noise is found to exhibit two peaks at ∼26 K and ∼38 K respectively. The peak at ∼38 K is attributed to movement of vortices and du...
The temperature dependence of conduction noise and magnetic noise of a bulk sample of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 (LBMO) manganite was studied. It was observed that normalized conduction noise decreases with a decrease of temperature down to Tc (paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition temperature). For temperatures T<Tc, the conduction noise showed an increa...