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Currently, as CEO of Health Inn Med sp. o.o. [ltd.] I am involved in Dietetics and Innovative Medical Nutrition. (https://healthinnmed.pl/en/doriannowacki-en/)
Additional affiliations
October 2014 - October 2016
Publications (30)
Background: Liver diseases are among the most commonly diagnosed conditions, with the main risk factors being inappropriate lifestyles, including poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, low physical activity and smoking, including electronic cigarettes. Non-communicable chronic liver diseases also often develop as a result of accompanying overwei...
Citation: Maćków, M.; Dziubyna, T.; Jamer, T.; Slivinskyi, D.; Pytrus, T.; Neubauer, K.; Zwolińska-Wcisło, M.; Stawarski, A.; Piotrowska, E.; Nowacki, D. The Role of Dietary Ingredients and Herbs in the Prevention of Non-Communicable Chronic Liver Disease. Nutrients 2024, 16, 3505. https://doi.org/10.3390/ Abstract: Background: Liver diseases are a...
Introduction: Comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (COMISA) is not a well-identified sleep disorder, despite having a significant impact on health. This study investigates the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and sleep architecture in patients with COMISA, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and in those without any sleep disorders. Meth...
Study objectives
The International Classification of Sleep Disorders categorized catathrenia as a respiratory disorder, but there are doubts whether episodes appear during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or the non-rapid eye movement (NREM), their duration, and symptoms. The main objectives were to identify the most common features and relations of...
Introduction: Patients with ulcerative colitis are a group of patients who are particularly vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies. Supplementation, prescribed by a physician or clinical dietitian, is therefore important in these patients. Materials and methods: The study was carried out by means of a questionnaire on a group of 106 people diagnose...
Background: This study aimed to investigate whether The Dietary Fat and Free Sugar-Short Questionnaire (DFS) is a reliable and valid measure that can be used in Polish conditions. It involved 291 participants, aged 14 to 70 (M = 25.9, SD = 10.1), the majority of whom were women (75%). Methods: The questionnaire consisted of, among others, Polish DF...
Sleep bruxism (SB) is a common behavior that can result in various clinical consequences on human health. Risk factors for SB include among others emotional stress, anxiety, tobacco smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Coffee and black tea are among the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide. This study explores the influenc...
Sleep bruxism (SB) is a common sleep-related movement behavior with a complex etiology. A recent hypothesis suggests psychoactive substance usage, tobacco smoking, and alcohol intake are risk factors for SB. This study aimed to evaluate SB intensity in tobacco smokers and alcohol drinkers.
A total of 133 adults underwent ful...
Hypertension is the most common chronic cardiovascular disease in adults in all Western societies. Unfortunately, hypertension treatment is still often insufficient and in most countries the majority of patients still have inadequately controlled blood pressure. In recent years, dietary modifications and supplementations, including polyunsaturated...
Despite continuous research, an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension and the development of new antihypertensive therapies, hypertension is still the most prevalent chronic cardiovascular disease (CVD) among adults in Western societies. Stress is a common factor related to cardiovascular morbidity. An increase...
Hypertension is the most common risk factor for stroke, coronary heart disease and heart failure, which are the leading causes of death worldwide. Dietary patterns and supplements intakes are becoming important factors in the hypertension. The aim of this study was to estimate the effects of new generation egg yolk phospholipids rich in lecithin (S...
The nutritional status of 166 girls and boys from four middle schools in Wroclaw was evaluated using
anthropometric measurements, i.e. height and body mass, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. Anthropometric parameters such as BMI and WHtR were calculated. BMI above 85
pc occurred among 22.1% of girls and 19.5% of boys and w...
Objective: Hypertension is the most prevalent chronic cardiovascular disease in adults all in western societies. Stress is a common factor associated with cardiovascular morbidity including hypertension. Rise in blood pressure is part of classic reaction to stress. Acute and chronic exposure to stress has been linked to cardiovascular disorders. As...
Wynalazek dotyczy zastosowania preparatu fosfolipidowego z żółtka jaj - super lecytyny do wytwarzania leku lub jako substancja czynna leku o działaniu antyoksydacyjnym do stosowania przy leczeniu chorób albo wspomagająco w terapii chorób o podłożu zapalnym. Rozwiązanie dotyczy również zastosowania super lecytyny jako środka farmaceutycznego, suplem...
Wynalazek dotyczy zastosowania preparatu fosfolipidowego z żółtka jaj, zwanego super lecytyną, do wytwarzania leku lub jako substancja czynna leku przeciwzapalnego niesteroidowego do stosowania przy leczeniu, łagodzeniu lub profilaktyce stanów zapalnych oraz chorób o podłożu zapalnym, zwłaszcza takich jak choroby nowotworowe, otyłość, cukrzyca, nad...
Background. All known organisms develop and evolve in the presence of gravitational force, and it is evident that gravity has a significant influence on organism physiology and development. Microgravity is known to affect gene expression, enzyme activity, cytoskeleton organization, mitotic proliferation and intracellular signaling. Objectives. The...
Some dietary factors could inhibit lead toxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary compounds rich in unsaturated fatty acids (FA) on blood lead level, lipid metabolism, and vascular reactivity in rats. Serum metallothionein and organs' lead level were evaluated with the aim of assessing the possible mechanism of unsaturat...
Polyunsaturated fatty acids were shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular system. PUFA are known to lower blood pressure. The aim of present study was to evaluate the egg yolk phospholipid fraction (PF) reach in PUFA and lecithin on hypertension. Spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR; n=15; age: 7 weeks) and Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY; n=11; age...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lead (Pb)-contaminated drinking water on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-estimated cardiac function, vascular reactivity, and serum lipids in rats. For 3 months, male Wistar rats, aged 4-6 weeks, were given drinking water with the addition of lead acetate at a concentration of 100 ppm Pb (10 rats...
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is a serious health problem in the highly industrialized countries. In more than 95% of the cases, the etiology of hypertension remains unknown. A key role in the etiology of hypertension is played by endothelial dysfunction and the inflammatory reaction in the vascular wall, in...
Wynalazek dotyczy zastosowania preparatu fosfolipidowego z żółtka jaja, zwłaszcza kurzego - super lecytyny uzyskanej w sposób wcześniej ujawniony jako składnika leku albo jako substancji czynnej do wytwarzania leków do leczenia toksycznego efektu metali wywołanego ołowiem i jego związkami. Wynalazek obejmuje również zastosowania super lecytyny jako...
Wynalazek dotyczy zastosowania preparatu fosfolipidowego z żółtka jaja, zwłaszcza kurzego - super lecytyny, jako składnika leku albo jako substancji czynnej do wytwarzania leków do leczenia reakcji na ciężki stres oraz zaburzeń adaptacyjnych. Wynalazek dotyczy również zastosowania super lecytyny jako suplementu diety, dodatku żywieniowego lub jako...
Wynalazek dotyczy zastosowania preparatu fosfolipidowego z żółtka jaja jako substancji czynnej do wytwarzania leków lub suplementów diety, lub jako składnik preparatów złożonych, do stosowania w profilaktyce i leczeniu nadciśnienia tętniczego.
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a rare form of swine congenital renal malformation in contrast to other species, especially cats and humans. The most affected animals developed renal failure which can lead to death at the neonatal age. PKD was detected in 5 white domestic pigs (Polish Landrasse). All affected pigs are descendants of the same mal...
Background: Polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin were shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular system. Within the EU supported OVOCURA project fractions of egg yolk rich in lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty-acids were obtained. Methods: Egg yolk derived phospholipid fraction rich in lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids (LP) was a...
The aim of the present work was to investigate possible effects of culture in the Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) bioreactor simulating microgravity conditions on early stages of embryo formation using embryoid bodies (EBs) as an experimental model. Expression of five genes was analyzed (Gata-1, Brachyury, Nanog, Oct-4, Hnf-4) in such conditions...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in old adults thus, concerning aging society, problem is getting more significant. The causes of AD are still not well known. Overproduction and accumulation of β-amyloid protein (Aβ) which build amyloid plaques are typical. The formation of neurofibrillary tangles and the loss of neuron...