Dora Trejo-AguilarUniversity of Veracruz | UV · Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas
Dora Trejo-Aguilar
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Publications (67)
Objectives/Background. The objective of this work was to evaluate the in vitro antagonistic capacity of a strain of Clonostachys sp. against five species of fungi associated with diseases in economically important crops. Materials and Methods. Five fungal species associated with crop diseases were tested: Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum kahawa...
Introducción Los suelos del trópico húmedo son en general pobres en elementos nutritivos y frecuentemente ácidos. La capa superficial es muy delgada, a menudo con menos de 20 cm de profundidad, debido a la acción de un relieve muy accidentado y a que las altas temperaturas, combinadas con la humedad, provocan un rápido movimiento horizontal y desco...
Mexico is a center of diversity for the genus Pinus, with 44% of pine species being endemic to the country. Mexican pine forests are recognized as hotspots for ectomycorrhizal fungi and bacteria due to the extensive interactions that take place between microorganisms and plants in their roots. These microorganisms play a vital role in the survival...
The effect of an inoculum composed of Amanita stranella and Suillus decipiens was evaluated on morphological features and total phenolic compounds in seedlings of Pinus pseudostrobus var. coatepecensis – a narrow endemic Mexican variety. The treatments were used: (1) A. stranella; (2) S. decipiens; (3) combined inoculum and (4) control, using a com...
Biofertilizers supply living microorganisms to help plants grow and keep their health. This study examines the microbiome composition of a commercial biofertilizer known for its plant growth-promoting activity. Using ITS and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, we describe the microbial communities of a biofertilizer, with 163 fungal species and 485 ba...
It is a compilation of the most outstanding articles conducted by the research team led by Dr. Dora Trejo over several decades, related to the research on mycorrhizal interaction in coffee crop. These articles have been a valuable tool to increase production and serve as a guide for producers.
Biofertilizers supply living microorganisms to help plants grow and maintain their health. In this study, we examine the microbiome composition of a commercial biofertilizer that has been proven to promote plant growth. Using ITS and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, we describe the microbial communities of the biofertilizer, with 182 fungal species...
Pinus hartwegii is the only ectomycorrhizal host distributing at 4000 m asl in the Neotropics forming monospecific sky-island forests on the treeline. These ecosystems have unique environmental conditions like high solar radiation, dozens of soil freeze–thaw cycles per year, and high variability in daily temperatures; additionally their soils, as v...
Background: Symbiotic associations of plants with fungi are widely distributed, more than 90 % of terrestrial plants carry out this symbiosis. In Mexico, such associations with basal plant groups have been poorly explored, an example of this being the family Lycopodiaceae of which there are few studies related to this associations in our country.Qu...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have the potential to reduce the deleterious effect of soil-borne pathogens, but their ability for pathogen biocontrol may vary depending on the genotype of the plant, the pathogen, and the AMF interaction. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Mexican biofertilizer Rizofermic-UV based on a...
Las asociaciones simbióticas de plantas con hongos están ampliamente distribuidas, más del 90 % de las plantas terrestres llevan a cabo algún tipo de simbiosis. En México, estas relaciones mutualistas en grupos vegetales basales han sido poco exploradas, ejemplo de esto es la familia Lycopodiaceae de la cual existen pocos trabajos rel...
Excessive inorganic fertilizers applied to pineapple crops in Mexico cause the progressive degradation and pollution of soils in the short- and long-term, and they also increase production costs. An alternative to reduce excessive fertilization is its partial substitution by nutrition and growth enhancing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The goa...
La actividad forestal en México se sustenta en el aprovechamiento de diversas especies de pinos; una de las más utilizados es Pinus patula. Los hongos ectomicorrízicos (HECM) incrementan la supervivencia de las plántulas, por lo que su uso asegura el éxito de las plantaciones; además, la reforestación con taxa nativos de pino aumenta la diversidad...
La inoculación micorrízica en plantas coberteras incrementa la obtención de nutrientes y el establecimiento de otros microorganismos simbiontes, como las bacterias fijadoras de nitrógeno. La competencia en el suelo con otros microorganismos afecta la eficiencia de la inoculación micorrízica. La respuesta de la planta a la introducción...
Las plantas voluntarias se consideran un problema en suelos de cultivo como posible reservorio de enfermedades, pero también de diversidad de microorganismos. Plantas micotróficas como el maíz permitirían preservar inóculos micorrízicos. La zona de preservación ecológica La Uba, en Guasave, Sinaloa, es un relicto de vegetación de selv...
Distribution and effect of mycorrhizal fungi in the coffee agroecosystem: A review Introduction: Coffee is a highly mycotrophic plant, its interaction with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi has been studied among different tropical countries. The majority of the published works indicates that coffee is benefited from the mycorrhizal association, where t...
El café es una planta altamente micotrófica, por lo que la interacción con los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) se ha estudiado en distintos países tropicales. La mayoría de los trabajos publicados indican que el café se beneficia de la asociación micorrízica, donde los HMA confieren protección ante patógenos y enfermedades, inc...
Se conocen 143 especies de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) en México. El análisis micro-biómico permite analizar la diversidad de especies de HMA que interaccionan con una especie vegetal específica y reconocer nuevas especies desconocidas en nuestro país.
Analizar la diversidad de HMA asociados a papaya colonizada c...
A strategy to increase the productivity of pineapple agricultural systems is the excessive application of chemical fertilizers. In the state of Veracruz, Mexico, pineapple fields are being fertilized with P (180 to 240 kg ha-1) to maximize yields so that fertilizer applications keep increasing. We assessed the interaction between chemical phosphoru...
RESUMEN En f incas cafetaleras del sureste de México, la degradación química, física y biológica de los suelos afecta la producción de plantas. Esta situación perjudica económicamente a los cafeticultores, por lo que es común encontrar un descuido en sus plantaciones donde labores de cultivo como la poda y fertilización son costosas. Para resolver...
RESUMEN En f incas cafetaleras del sureste de México, la degradación química, física y biológica de los suelos afecta la producción de plantas. Esta situación perjudica económicamente a los cafeticultores, por lo que es común encontrar un descuido en sus plantaciones donde labores de cultivo como la poda y fertilización son costosas. Para resolver...
The isolation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from different land use is the starting point for selecting and producing inoculants. There are different techniques to isolate and produce large-scale arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-based inoculum, being soil, inert substrate, and in vitro culture techniques among the most used by different biofertilizer...
Arbuscular m ycorrhizal f ungi c an i ncrease y ield, i mproving g rowth
and t he v egetative d evelopment o f c offee p lants. T he i ntroduction
of arbuscular mycorrhizas during nursery stay increases the fungal
benefits s ince t he a dequate m anagement o f m ycorrhizal i noculum
favors t he p roduction o f m ore v igorous c offee s eedlings a t...
The effects of the interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal and phosphate-solubilizing (P-solubilizing) fungi on phosphorous availability, acid phosphatase activity, and the growth and development of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) var. garnica were evaluated. The experiment was performed under controlled conditions and was based on a randomize...
Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares pueden incrementar los rendimientos, mejorar el crecimiento y desarrollo vegetativo de las plantas. La introducción en vivero de la micorriza arbuscular en café es de suma importancia, debido a que el manejo adecuado de este biofertilizante favorece la producción de plántulas de cafeto más vigorosas y con bajo c...
Arbuscular mycorrhizae may reduce the susceptibility and damages
caused by pathogens. Coffee is a crop that has a high degree of
mycotrophy and it has been proven that mycorrhizas improve plant
development. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect
of plants inoculated with consortia of mycorrhizal fungi and their
interaction with phytopa...
Arbuscular mycorrhizae may reduce the susceptibility and damages caused by pathogens. Coffee is a crop that has a high degree of mycotrophy and it has been proven that mycorrhizas improve plant development. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of plants inoculated with consortia of mycorrhizal fungi and their interaction with phytopa...
The effects of the interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal and phosphate-solubilizing (P-solubilizing) fungi on phosphorous availability, acid phosphatase activity, and the growth and development of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) var. garnica were evaluated. The experiment was performed under controlled conditions and was based on a randomize...
Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) son una alternativa biológica para aumentar la absorción del fósforo y reducir el uso excesivo de fertilizantes fosfatados. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de fertilización fosforada en plantas de aguacate con y sin micorriza. Para el experimento se utilizó u...
The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (HMA) are a biological alternative to increase the absorption of phosphorus and reduce the excessive use of phosphate fertilizers. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of phosphorus fertilization on avocado plants with and without mycorrhiza. A factorial design was used w...
Acaulospora foveata, a glomeromycete fungus with pitted ornamentation on the outer spore surface, was originally isolated from a sugar cane field close to the city Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico, in 1982. At that time, the concepts of morphological spore descriptions were less evolved, and only two wall layers are mentioned in the protologue, an outer p...
Abstract The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity
in Mexico has not been intensively studied.
Although some studies have reported the presence of
29 % of the reported species in the world, the
knowledge regarding their functional diversity is poor.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the
disturbance on arbuscular mycorrhizal fung...
Las plantas medicinales han sido una alternativa frecuentemente usada por la población Mexicana en el tratamiento de diversos padecimientos y constituyen la base de nuestra medicina tradicional.
Acaulospora foveata, a glomeromycete fungus with pitted ornamentation on the outer spore surface, was originally isolated from a sugar cane feld close to the city Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico, in 1982. At that time, the concepts of morphological spore
descriptions were less evolved, and only two wall layers are mentioned in the protologue, an outer pi...
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el desempeño de 12 inoculantes de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) en el desarrollo de portainjertos de plantas de aguacate cv. ‘Hass’ en etapa de vivero. El experimento fue llevado a cabo en Uruapan, Michoacán, México, utilizanso plantas de 60 días de edad, recientemente injertados. Los 12 tratamientos...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of twelve inoculants of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the development of avocado rootstock cv. 'Hass' in the nursery stage. The experiment was conducted in Uruapan, Michoacán, Mexico, using 60-days-old, newly grafted rootstocks. The 12 treatments were in a completely randomized design wi...
Different degrees of dependency on the activity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) exist between native maize landraces and hybrids. In Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, the Popoluca people maintain a traditional polycultural land management with more than 15 native landraces of maize; however, it is not known whether the recent substitution of local maize f...
Biocontrol traits of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), in terms of single and mixed species inoculum, against the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incongita in Impatiens balsamina L., were examined with and without mineral fertilization in a greenhouse pot experiment. At harvest, 60 days after sowing, general plant growth parameters and plant defen...
Long-term successional dynamics of an inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with the maize rhizosphere (from traditionally managed agroecosystems in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico), was followed in Bracchiaria comata trap cultures for almost eight years. The results indicate that AMF diversity is lost following long-term subcultu...
The effect of inoculating African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl.) with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in a commercial nursery under the producer's farming system was determined. Two forms of the inoculum, fresh roots (TI) and inoculant encapsulated in calcium alginate beads (EI), were tested. The treatments consisted of plants inoculated wi...
Some mycorrhizal fungal species could have certain compatibility and efficiency in the development of the host. Recently, avocado producers became interested in the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for the production of plants in nurseries; therefore, it is important to revise the inoculants that are more efficient to this crop. The native...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have been found to be associated with plants useful in soil phytoremediation. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of diesel and biodiesel in soil and sand on the growth of Brachiaria decumbens inoculated with mycorrhizae. Two experiments were carried out: one experiment in soil and another in sand. A two-le...
The aim of this study was to isolate arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from soils of avocado orchards with different agricultural management and to propagate them through the minirhizotron technique. Soil was extracted directly from the study areas, using a completely randomized design and quantifying AMF species richness. Three of the most abunda...
This review analyzes the historical development and advances of the research on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Mexico, as well as the prospects for future research. AMF-research has been focused on studying both diversity and functionality in several ecosystems of Mexico, but mainly in the tropical dry and rainy ecosystems, and the agricultu...
A checklist of ectomycorrhyzal Ascomycetes collected in the Cofre de Perote National Park is presented, up to now 13 species are known that can potentially be used in projects to produce mycorrhyzal plants for reforestation. The genera found are: Elaphomyces, Helvella, Gyromitra, Otidea, Peziza, Sarcosphaera and Sowerbyella. Strains fom some specim...
A checklist of ectomycorrhyzal Ascomycetes collected in the Cofre de Perote National
Park is presented, up to now 13 species are known that can potentially be used in projects to
produce mycorrhyzal plants for reforestation. The genera found are: Elaphomyces, Helvella,
Gyromitra, Otidea, Peziza, Sarcosphaera and Sowerbyella. Strains fom some specim...
Plants stressed by pathogens activate a variety of defense mechanisms to survive. The osmoprotector amino acids, including proline, are among these defense mechanisms. In this work, the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants infested by root-knot nematodes were evaluated with regard to the accumulation of the os-moprotectant proline. A 2...
Seven arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) consortia isolated from coffee plantations with different agricultural inputs (low, intermediate, and high) at several sites of Veracruz State were tested on their effects on the growth of coffee plants (Coffea arábica L.) var. Garnica under nursery and field conditions. Agricultural input influenced the AM...
Seven arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) consortia isolated from coffee plantations with different agricultural inputs (low, intermediate, and high) at several sites of Veracruz State were tested on their effects on the growth of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) var. Garnica under nursery and field conditions. Agricultural input influenced the AM...
An experiment was conducted in Isla town, at the southern region of the State of Veracruz, Mexico. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi potential was evaluated using soil of three papaya plantations (Maradol type), with different agricultural management systems classified as: high technology (AT), median technology (MT) and low technology (BT), and a c...
We evaluated the mycorrhizal status of Jacaratia mexicana A. DC. and the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in three patches of dry deciduous forests located on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico. There were no mycorrhizal structures in any of the materials collected in field, and therefore the susceptibility of this specie to AMF was dete...
An experiment was conducted in Isla town, at the southern region of the State of Veracruz, Mexico. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi potential was evaluated using soil of three papaya plantations (Maradol type), with different agricultural management systems classified as: high technology (AT), median technology (MT) and low technology (BT), and a c...
We evaluated the mycorrhizal status of Jacaratia mexicana A. DC. and the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in three patches of dry deciduous forests located on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico. There were no mycorrhizal structures in any of the materials collected in field, and therefore the susceptibility of this specie to AMF was dete...
We evaluated the mycorrhizal status of Jacaratia mexicana A. DC. and the presence
of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in three patches of dry deciduous forests located on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico. There were no mycorrhizal structures in any of the materials collected in field, and therefore the susceptibility of this specie to AMF was dete...
las nuevas forma de producción sostenible implican adelantos tecnológicos, beneficios económicos e impactos sociales en su adopción y manejo. en este trabajo la mercadotecnia se aplica como un proceso decisivo para identificar y satisfacer las necesidades de un segmento, ubicar las características de la demanda, el desarrollo de la marca e imagen c...
Phytoremediation is an alternative, low-cost technology to clean up petroleum contaminated soils by stimulating microbial activity in the rhizosphere to degrade pollutants. This study evaluated biostimulation by fertilizing Phaseolus coccineus (Pcocc) with inorganic (nutrient solution) or organic (vermicompost made of coffee residues) fertilizer to...
Se hizo un estudio en invernadero para evaluar la tolerancia y el crecimiento de tres especies de leguminosas (Clitoria ternatea, Phaseolus coccineus, Cicer arietinum) y tres gramíneas (Brachiaria híbrido, Brachiaria brizantha y Panicum maximum) en suelo contaminado con combustóleo, así como su capacidad de reducir el contenido de hidrocarburos pro...
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the tolerance and growth of three legume species (Clitoria ternatea, Phaseolus coccineus, and Cicer arietinum) and three grass species (Brachiaria hybrid, Brachiaria brizantha and Panicum maximum) to fuel oil-contaminated soil, and to evaluate their ability to diminish the content of total hydrocarb...
La micorriza arbuscular es una simbiosis mutualista ampliamente distribuida que se forma entre las raíces de la mayoría de las comunidades vegetales de herbáceas y árboles tropicales y un pequeño grupo de hongos colonizadores de la raíz, del orden Glomales. Ésta simbiosis está caracterizada por el movimiento hacia la planta, de nutrimentos minerale...
El propósito de este trabajo fue conocer el comportamiento de los hongos endomicorrízicos, bajo tres sistemas de manejo de café y la influencia del clima, en la cuenca cafetalera del Coatepec. se encontró que el mayor desarrollo del hongo se presentó en el sistema menos tecnificado, así como un mayor porciento de colonización durante la época de ll...