Dominik Próchniewicz

Dominik Próchniewicz
Warsaw University of Technology · Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography



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October 2006 - October 2020
Warsaw University of Technology
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy


Publications (27)
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In the framework of the regional EURAMET.M.G-K2 comparison of absolute gravimeters, 17 gravimeters were compared in November 2015. Four gravimeters were from different NMIs and DIs, they were used to link the regional comparison to the CCM.G.K2 by means of linking converter. Combined least-squares adjustments with weighted constraint was used to de...
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The method of precise GNSS positioning using corrections from a network of reference stations, the so-called Network RTK, is currently the most accurate real time kinematic positioning method. The reliability of this method is largely dependent on the accuracy of determination of network ionospheric and geometric corrections (taking into account th...
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The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB), which is situated in Southern Poland, is one of the main fault zones on the boundary of the Outer and Inner Carpathians. The geodynamic investigations which have been carried out since 1960s indicate that PKB demonstrates neo-tectonic activity. In 1990s, the Dunajec river dam and the water reservoirs in Czorsztyn and...
The concept of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning through the use of multiple reference stations (Network RTK) is the most common approach to relative positioning, which makes it possible to achieve centimeter-level accuracy for medium baselines. In this approach, ionospheric and geometric correction ter...
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The reliability of precision GNSS positioning primarily depends on correct carrier-phase ambiguity resolution. An optimal estimation and correct validation of ambiguities necessitates a proper definition of mathematical positioning model. Of particular importance in the model definition is the taking into account of the atmospheric errors (ionosphe...
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The Pieniny Geodynamic Test Field is situated in the middle of the region between the Inner and Outer Carpathians. Geodynamic research conducted in the past in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) region were suggestive of neotectonic activity. The goal of the investigation was to determine whether the nearby structures, the Podhale Flysh (FP) and the Ma...
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At the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland, the novel primary reference baseline EURO5000 is required as part of the European Research project GeoMetre to both validate refractivity-compensated EDM prototypes and investigate the metrological traceability of GNSS-based distances. Since the aimed uncertainty is 1 mm at 5 km ( k = 2), the design, construct...
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Precise data processing from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reference station network is mainly based on a combination of double-differenced carrier phase and code observations. This approach allows most of the measurement errors to be removed or reduced and is characterized as the most accurate method. However, creating observation...
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Onboard satellite clocks are the basis of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) operation, and their revolution periods are at the level of 2 per day (about 12 h) in the case of the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. In this work, the authors analysed the entire BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) space segment (BDS-2 and BDS-3) in term...
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The stochastic model, together with the functional model, form the mathematical model of observation that enables the estimation of the unknown parameters. In Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the stochastic model is an especially important element as it affects not only the accuracy of the positioning model solution, but also the reliabi...
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Multipath is one of the major source of errors in precise Global Navigation Satellite System positioning. With the emergence of new navigation systems, such as Galileo, upgraded signals are progressively being used and are expected to provide greater resistance to the effects of multipath compared to legacy Global Positioning System (GPS) signals....
Continuously operating reference station (CORS) networks, as one of the fundamental segments of the precise global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) positioning techniques, have been undergoing rapid development and growth in the last two decades. The existing and newly created CORS networks coincide with both the services provided and the cover...
In the paper, we derive Procrustes-based closed-form solutions to the point-wise weighted rigid-body transformation under different adjustment scenarios. We treat both asymmetric and symmetric cases. By asymmetric (or Gauss–Markov) models we mean those in which either a source system or a target system is subject to random errors. On the other hand...
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This year the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology celebrates its 95th jubilee, which provides an opportunity to present the Faculty’s rich traditions in polar research. Employees and students of the faculty for almost 60 years have taken part in research expeditions to the polar circle. The article presents various s...
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The article presents current issues and research work conducted in the Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at Warsaw University of Technology. It contains the most important directions of research in the fields of physical geodesy, satellite measurement techniques, GNSS meteorology, geodynamic stud...
The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB), which is situated in Southern Poland, is one of the main fault zones on the boundary of the outer and inner Carpathians. The geodynamical investigations which have been carried out since 1960s indicate that PKB demonstrates neo-tectonic activity. In 1994, the GPS measurements were included in the horizontal network a...
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Testing of GNSS receivers should be considered as a set of complementary procedures which combines laboratory and real experiments. Most of these procedures can be carried out with the help of satellite signal generators. This article discusses results obtained when providing a few GNSS receivers with the satellite signal generated by the GSG-54 Pe...
Absolute gravity values are useful to regional geodynamic purposes as a complement of position monitoring at IGS/EPN permanent stations. Absolute gravity stations in region of geodynamic test field are also necessary as precise reference level for relative gravimetric measurements and long-period gravity monitoring. Absolute gravimetric network to...
Gravimetric laboratory located in the Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Obsevatory of the Warsaw University of Technology is appeared as an unique station in Poland, where the quasi - permanent absolute gravity determinations have been conducted as well as tidal observations. First AG observation has been started in nineties. Those investigations were pe...
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Polish zero-order absolute gravity network was established in mid-nineties of 20th century. It consisted 12 from 17 projected points. The density and localization of absolute stations is not sufficient for geodetic and geodynamical purposes. Different gravity meters (FG-5, JILAg, GABL, IMGC, ZZG) taking part in those works. Several types of gravime...
Gravimetric investigations of the long-standing, not tidal variations of the absolute gravity using ballistic FG - 5 No. 230 gravity meter, bought by Warsaw University of Technology at 2005, were performed on four stations outside the Teisseyre - Tornquist Zone (T - T Zone) as well as at Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Observatory of the Warsaw Univers...
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Wstęp Współczesne pomiary grawimetryczne w dużym stopniu opierają się na wykorzystaniu obserwacji bezwzględnych. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że obserwacje absolutnej wartości natężenia siły ciężkości stały się, dzięki dostępności i mobilności grawimetrów absolutnych, dość łatwe do wykonania. Niestety, pomiary takie wymagają długotrwałych obserwacji na...
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Wyprawa w 2006 roku organizowana przez Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii była kontynu-acją badań geodezyjnych prowadzonych na Spitsbergenie podczas wyprawy w 2005 roku. Głównym celem projektu były pomiary służące badaniom kinematyki lodowca. Wyprawa mia-ła w tym kontekście istotne znaczenie dla zachowania ciągłości badań. Dokonano wyzna-czenia średnie...


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