Dominik Antonowicz

Dominik Antonowicz
Nicolaus Copernicus University | umk · Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Msc, MA, PhD, Hab


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Additional affiliations
July 2016 - September 2016
Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Professor (Associate)
September 2002 - present
Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2001 - September 2002
University of Birmingham
Field of study
  • Public Managment


Publications (116)
There is a growing interest in the underlying mechanisms affecting female leaders in higher education. And this paper examines the problem by focusing specifically on Polish public universities which historically stands out by particularly low number of female university rectors. The core of the study is based on 15 in‐depth expert interviews with...
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Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są publiczne uczelnie zawodowe (PUZ), których tożsamość instytucjonalna kształtowana jest w oparciu o sprzeczne idee, dążenia oraz społeczne funkcje. Z jednej strony, realizują one nałożone na nie funkcje dydaktyczno-zawodowe w regionie, z drugiej strony, wiele z nich dryfuje pod wpływem zmian w prawie, ograniczeń f...
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Operacjonalizacja problemu badawczego stanowi konstytutywny etap procesu realizacji każdego badania naukowego. Jednak jej przeprowadzenie jest dla badacza wyzwaniem, wymaga bowiem dobrej, pełnej i aktualnej znajomości analizowanej problematyki. Dlatego też coraz częściej zachęca się badaczy do poszukiwania sposobów czy postępowań, dzięki którym moż...
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Inicjatywa Uniwersytetów Europejskich (European Universities Initiative, EUI), czyli ponadgranicznych partnerstw uczelni, docelowo oferujących wspólne kierunki studiów i jednolite dyplomy, jest flagowym przedsięwzięciem Komisji Europejskiej (KE) w obszarze szkolnictwa wyższego. Projekt ten, któremu początek dało przemówienie prezydenta Francji Emma...
This article explores rectors' perceptions of the changes to university governance in Poland, especially the impact of lay members on university councils. We investigate whether these new governing bodies make Polish universities more relevant to the needs of the economy and society. Empirical data from a large-scale national survey of Polish publi...
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This book explores the historical and social foundations of Canadian higher education and provides a detailed analysis of university boards within this broader context of university governance. By examining rich empirical data from a sociological perspective, it offers unique insights into the role of boards, and the structures and practices that f...
This paper addresses the problem of the development of postgraduate education in Poland. It aims to analyse how the different types of higher education institutions (HEIs), such as public universities, public universities of applied sciences (UAS) and private sector organisations, engage in postgraduate learning. It draws data from 11 case studies...
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The Polish and Russian higher education (HE) systems evolved from similar semi-peripheral positions and centralist administration into networks of actors whose collective but uncoordinated efforts steered the internationalisation of HE. However, it all was interrupted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that opened doors to new policy actors l...
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This papers explores the impact of the contraction of the mass HE system (after 2005) on rural youth who represent the biggest disadvantages group in Polish higher education. It provides empirical evidence that the system contraction is the major reason for widening access for rural youth to public (prestigious) higher education institutions. By do...
The aim of the article is to explore and understand contemporary structural developments in Slovak higher education (HE). This work examines the pre-conditions, policy rationales and organisational forms of a new phenomenon: the formation of university umbrella structures. The paper conceptually uses the theoretical backdrop of sociological institu...
In 2018, a new governance law (Ustawa 2.0) modernised the institutional governance of Polish public higher education institutions. This article investigates the governance changes from the cultural perspective of higher education governance through a survey administered to all Polish rectors. Responses were analysed by splitting higher education in...
The study investigates the reforms of university governing boards in Hungary and Poland. It seeks to fill that void and advance existing knowledge about the implementation of boards (councils) in CEE countries despite the great interest in HE dynamics in the region. The juxtaposition of the two countries is intentional because both share key charac...
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There is growing interest in the underlying mechanisms affecting female leaders in Higher Education (HE). This article compares four countries – Germany, Norway, Poland and Sweden to identify key structural conditions (enablers and barriers) for female representation in academia by studying the regulative framework of government policy. Two researc...
COVID-19 outbreak triggered a transboundary crisis in which even the normal functioning of universities has been no longer possible. Universities undertook a variety of measures to contend with the COVID-19 crisis and sustain their fundamental functions—namely teaching students and conducting research—questioning some institutionalised routines. Th...
The number of studies on female fans has recently increased, reflecting the growing number of women in the stands. Studies pay special attention to women’s identification and engagement in football fandom and the ways women struggle for recognition. However, they tend to marginalize the role of other actors in the process of feminization of footbal...
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Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest ukazanie napięć pomiędzy tradycyjnym kształceniem akademickim a wymogami procesu bolońskiego oraz konsekwencji, jakie one wywołują dla funkcjonowania poszczególnych dyscyplin. Koncentrujemy się na jednym z aspektów tego problemu-mobilności studentów pomiędzy I i II stopniem kształcenia-na przykładzie nauk socjologicz...
This chapter investigates how recent developments in European higher education resemble the current state of the most popular sport on earth: football. It begins by showing how both football and higher education, as organisational fields, have emerged as deeply embedded entities within national and/or local contexts, with only weak links to the tra...
The number of female supporters following football clubs—referred to as the ‘feminisation’ of sports fandom—has been steadily increasing across Europe. It has been driven by both the emancipation of women and the commercialisation of sports. The paper addresses the process of feminisation club football in Poland. It compares the attitudes of ultras...
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This book assesses the transformation of football fan culture from a gender perspective. Referring to the notions of homosociality, hegemonic masculinity, and performative perspectives on gender and fandom, it investigates the processes of women entering the world of football fandom. Drawing on multidimensional qualitative and quantitative researc...
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The chapter examines the past, discusses the present and speculates about the future outlook of technical universities, which perform an important though often undervalued role in Polish higher education. The study offers an interesting analysis of – undoubtedly under-researched type of higher education institutions – that have a strong organisatio...
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Reformowanie ustroju uczelni jest procesem złożonym, trudnym i rozciągniętym w czasie, a nadto zmian w ustroju uczelni nie można dokonywać wyłącznie za pomocą narzędzi legislacyjnych. Uchwalona w 2018 roku Ustawa 2.0 określiła jedynie ramy prawne z uwzględnieniem podstawowych części składowych ustroju, bez których uczelnie nie mogą prawidłowo funkc...
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Tematem rozdziału jest proces internacjonalizacji szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce w okresie transformacji ustrojowej. Umiędzynarodowienie jest jednym z centralnych osi przemian, jakim podlegały polskie uczelnie w minionych 30 latach, a których konsekwencje na trwale odmieniły ich funkcjonowanie w aspekcie dydaktycznym, badawczym i administrac...
Polish higher education provides a particular example of a system that, until very recently, has been largely reform‐resistant as it has a long‐standing tradition of bottom‐up ‘academic self‐governance’ at both the system and the institutional levels. This article explores the process of the structural reforms of the higher education system, common...
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Th is study investigates relatively new reforms of HE in Poland and Hungary, which introduced university supervisory bodies (although under diff erent local labels). Th e comparative studies between these two countries are particularly relevant due to the common (communist) past, geographical location (CEE) and Humboldtian universities. After prese...
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W artykule zbadano podejścia zastosowane w celu przyciągnięcia międzynarodowych studentów w trzech krajach leżących na obrzeżach Europy (Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego): Norwegii, Polski i Portugalii. Kraje te, uważane za półperyferyjne pod względem rekrutacji studentów z zagranicy, mają mniejsze tradycje w zakresie mobilności przyjazdowej niż...
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Sport, a szczególnie piłka nożna postrzegane są jako domena typowo męska, zarówno w kontekście zawodników, jak i kibiców. Poniższy artykuł dotyczy procesów kształtowania narracji o męskości w środowisku kibiców piłkarskich. Ma on na celu wyjście poza stwierdzenie, że świat kibiców to męski świat. Analiza zawarta w tekście dotyczy tego, jak męski ch...
The paper investigates the approaches employed for attracting international full-degree students in three countries on the periphery of Europe/the European Economic Area: Norway, Poland and Portugal. These countries, considered semi-peripheral regarding international student recruitment, have shorter traditions for incoming mobility than countries...
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Przepisy Statutowe Statut 2.0 Koncepcja porządku ustrojowego akademickiej uczelni publicznej
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Statut 2.0 Koncepcja porządku ustrojowego akademickiej uczelni publicznej- część A
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Niniejszy artykuł stanowi jeden z głosów w dyskusji nad półperyferyjnym charakterem systemów rodukcji naukowej, dla której pretekstem była publikacja książki Gra peryferyjna Tomasza Warczoka i Tomasza Zaryckiego. Autor skupia się w nim na scenariuszach wyswobodzenia się przez polskie nauki społeczne z (pół)peryferii globalnej nauki, jednocześnie po...
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Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są rady powiernicze w europejskim szkolnictwie wyższym. Analiza obejmuje proces kształtowania się idei rad w różnych tradycjach szkolnictwa wyższego, zwracając szczególną uwagę na rolę, jaką im przypisywano w budowaniu relacji między uczelniami a otoczeniem zewnętrznym. Praca nie ma wyłącznie charakteru historyczneg...
Higher education has become a central institution of society, building individual knowledge, skills, agency, and relational social networks at unprecedented depth and scale. Within a generation there has been an extraordinary global expansion of higher education, in every region in all but the poorest countries, outstripping economic growth and der...
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This paper analyses changes and trends in diversity and differentiation within high participation systems (HPS), that might be categorized as “universal” (to use Trow’s 1974 terminology) in that over 50 per cent of the age cohort is pursuing some form of higher education. The objective of the paper is to look at the relationships (if any) between t...
Social science research on higher education policies, systems, institutions, and academic communication in Eastern European countries.
Since the 1990s there has been a growing number of female supporters following football clubs and there is little doubt that they have recently become an important part of the audience for both football authorities and clubs. The process of football’s feminisation is neither simple nor is it taking place in a social vacuum, and female fans are enco...
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The paper aims to investigate the approaches employed for attracting international students in three different countries from the periphery of Europe (Norway, Poland and Portugal), further to the to changing global environment in higher education. First, it analyses national policies and strategies, focusing on policy rationales, actors and instrum...
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Since the 1980s, the modes of governance of public sectors have undergone substantial changes in most of the Western European countries.These public sector wide changes were in many cases inspired and driven by the principles of ‘New Public Management’ (NPM) that can be viewed as one of the global models of world society.This also applies to Polish...
The aim of the article is to explore the impact of excellence as a powerful policy idea in the context of recent and contemporary developments in three selected Central and Eastern European countries, namely, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine. More specifically, we explore how excellence as a ‘global script’ was translated by policy makers int...
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Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a growth in the number of woman at soccer stadiums. These women are supporters not only of the national teams but also of local clubs. Although the stadium socialization of women, in which their identity is shaped through their connection with a club and integration in the fan community, is not a new...
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The world of radical football fans across Europe is dominated by anti-system groups. While their sympathies in the west of the continent are mostly leftist, the ultras in the east tend to display right-wing attitudes. Poland makes a particularly interesting case in point, as the most intensive and emotional ideological criticism of the processes of...
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Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a growth in the number of woman at soccer stadiums. These women are supporters not only of the national teams but also of local clubs. Although the stadium socialization of women, in which their identity is shaped through their connection with a club and integration in the fan community, is not a new...
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Czy umiędzynarodowienie szkoły wyższej to cel czy środek do jego osiągnięcia? Czy jest elementem działań operacyjnych, taktycznych czy strategicznych uniwersytetu? Czy umiędzynarodowienie wpływa na wyższą jakość kształcenia i uprawianej nauki? Te paradoksalnie niełatwe w odpowiedzi pytania należy sobie zadać szczególnie teraz, gdy polskie szkolnict...
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Przedmiotem artykuły są reformy polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego w okresie 2007–2012 (tzw. reformy Kudryckiej) i próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, jaki wpływ na ich kierunek oraz dynamikę zachodzących zmian miał proces jego internacjonalizacji. W wymiarze teoretycznym artykuł czerpie inspiracje z koncepcji denacjonalizacji szkolnictwa wyższego Ulrich...
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Prezentowany tekst powstał jako wprowadzenie do dokumentu Projekt założeń do Ustawy Prawo o Szkolnictwie Wyższym (tzw. Ustawy 2.0). Ma charakter ekspercki, akademicki, interdyscyplinarny i ogólny, a został wypracowany w ramach prac 10-osobowego zespołu ekonomistów, prawników i naukowców z obszaru szeroko pojętych nauk społecznych. Pokazuje proponow...
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Przekazuję w Państwa ręce projekt założeń do nowej ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (i aktów towarzyszących) powstały w wyniku pracy kierowanego przeze mnie zespołu w ramach programu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (MNiSW) „Ustawa 2.0”. Dwa filary naszej propozycji stanowią doskonałość naukowa, osiągana poprzez szeroko zakrojoną i prze...
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One of the trademarks of transformation of Polish higher education is its tumultuous and inconsistent path of development driven by the rapid growth of private sector higher education. Such an expansion has been often described as a ‘sudden, shocking and unplanned’ phenomenon which revolutionized the institutional landscape of higher education in C...
The article aims to analyse the evolution of governmental policy in regard to football-related violence in Poland. The investigation is seen through a broader political prism of the country’s modernization efforts that were symbolically framed by two major events: the partially free parliamentary elections in 1989 and the finals of Euro 2012 co-hos...
The aim of this chapter is to explore the phenomenon of football fanatics in Poland. The analysis is conducted in the light of rapid political, economic and cultural modernisation that Poland has undergone since it joined the European Union (EU). At the heart of our analysis lie football fanatics, young people passionate about football and their cl...
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Książka stanowi przede wszystkim pionierskie i systematyczne omówienie procesu reform polskiego systemu szkolnictwa wyższego, prezentujące nie tylko jego ewolucję po roku 1989, ale także jego historię od samego zarania II Rzeczypospolitej. Obraz tego okresu okazuje się niezwykle ciekawy i daje też doskonały kontekst do spojrzenia na opisane w pracy...
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The aim of the paper is to explore the use of the new institutional perspective in the research of transformation of the Polish higher education. The paper viewpoint is that world society exercises massive influence on national systems of higher education and they tend to evolve into system convergence. This process is particularly well observed in...
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Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest zjawisko niepowodzeń edukacyjnych doświadczanych w trakcie studiów. Opisano, jak niepowodzenia są postrzegane przez przedstawicieli szkolnictwa wyższego, oraz jakie działania podejmuje się, aby im zaradzić. W pierwszej części przybliżono historię badań nad zjawiskiem niepowodzeń edukacyjnych oraz przea...
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Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu procesu modernizacji Polski w latach 1989-2012 na przemiany kultury kibicowskiej w Polsce. Proces ten został zobrazowany jako historyczne studium, pewnego zamkniętego etapu modernizacji (zwłaszcza w kontekście sportowym) ukazujące przemiany zachodzące w kraju. Jego symbolicznym rozpoczęciem były pierwsze częściowo...
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Od końca lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku futbol w Europie przechodzi głębokie przemiany w wymiarze ekonomiczno-politycznym oraz społeczno-kulturowym, których fascynującą złożoność przybliża ciekawa, a przy tym krytyczna książka autorstwa moich polskich kolegów. Lektura Aborygenów i konsumentów nie tylko pozwala zrozumieć istotę oraz szczególny charak...
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Krótki raport o reformie fińskich uniwersytetów 2009-2010
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The main goal of this paper is to explore the political and institutional complexity of the implementation of the Bologna process in Polish higher education within the context of the (a) expansion, (b) social accountability and (c) the internationalization (Europeanization). This paper argues from the perspective that the Bologna process missed a w...
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Access to higher education has become a key policy issue in most European countries in since the last half of the last century. We trace the historical development of the ways in which governments in two countries within the region, Norway and Poland, have attempted to steer developments. Three access waves or phases are identified and contextualiz...
Access to higher education has become a key policy issue in most European countries in since the last half of the last century. We trace the historical development of the ways in which governments in two countries within the region, Norway and Poland, have attempted to steer developments. Three access waves or phases are identified and contextualiz...
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The academic career in Europe used to be much more unstructured and much less competitive than today. Currently, as reflected in interviews carried out throughout Europe, “each step in a career is competitive“, from doctoral and postdoctoral to junior academic and senior academic positions. There are significant variations across the European count...
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Student representation in Poland has a relatively short but turbulent history. This article offers an historical appraisal of the development of student representation at the national level in the context of rapid and deep structural changes in Polish higher education. Based on a desktop analysis of official documentation, legislation, ideological...
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Modern multifunctional areas are designed to host a wide range of various events and provide comfortable space for both football fans and other guests. Modern arenas are places where ‚multi-sensory’ and ‚omnivorous’ needs of fans are met: As such, stadiums have become ‚machines for living’. This has serious social consequences for the segregation o...
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Th e article is devoted to Professor Ryszard Borowicz, his research and critical analysis of the changes taking place in the Polish higher education. Ryszard Borowicz was their researcher, witness and participant, as well as, in many aspects, also their co-author, fulfi lling many political, management and social functions in that period. Th e arti...
Modern multifunctional areas are designed to host a wide range of various events and provide comfortable space for both football fans and other guests. Modern arenas are places where,multi-sensory' and,omnivorous' needs of fans are met: As such, stadiums have become,machines for living'. This has serious social consequences for the segregation of f...
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Research in higher education has a short but turbulent history in Poland. This paper tries to address the development of the Polish research on higher education. By doing so, it starts with the reference to philosophical discourse on universities in the 19th and early the 20th century. It discusses first systematic attempts aiming to explore select...
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The aim of the paper is evaluate the process of research evaluation (2013) within the field of humanities and social sciences in Poland. it also aspires to provide suggestions and improvements for the next round in 2017. The paper is divided into five major sections. In the first one we try to address the issue of ”research unit” bringing into the...
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The article analyses the dynamics of change in higher education and identifies its main drivers. The systems of higher education are found in-between two conflicting forces: on the one hand external pressure toward convergence, stimulated by growing internationalisation, standarisation of data collected by transnational organizations, and internati...
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Ever since its incumbency in the middle ages, the University (Universitas in Latin, i.e. “the whole”) and its inner space have had a privileged position in society, insofar its legal character and social nature. Over time, academe came to symbolise creative and unattached reflection of individuals’ social realities, thus propelling the university c...
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In this analysis of changing academic work, working conditions and job satisfaction in Europe, we present the academics' assessment of facilities, resources and personnel. Subsequently, an overview will be provided about the academic workload and allocation of time between the four major types of academic activities: teaching, research, service and...
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The article is an attempt to analyse the social consequences of the commercialisation of the world of sport. The starting point is the conviction that the transformation of sport, and particularly football, is a consequence of ‘broad’ social changes consisting in the submission of a succeeding area of social life to the process of commercialisation...


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