Domenico Gatta

Domenico Gatta
University of Pisa | UNIPI · Department of Veterinary Sciences


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Publications (49)
Amino acids (AAs) are an abundant class of nectar solutes, and they are involved in the nectar attractiveness to flower visitors. Among the various AAs, proline is the most abundant proteogenic AA, and γ‐amino butyric acid (GABA) and β‐alanine are the two most abundant non‐proteogenic AAs. These three AAs are known to affect insect physiology, bein...
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Trace element status and metabolic milieu are sometimes overlooked in common veterinary clinical practice across animal species. The evaluation of requirements of trace elements, in fact, may be useful to prevent the perturbation of tissue-specific metabolic impair. In particular, essential trace elements in the diet play key roles within sub-cellu...
Hydrolysable tannins are polyphenolic molecules contained in plant foodstuffs, potentially toxic for animals. Since tannins have been found in some bee products such as bee pollen, propolis, and honey, this work aimed to test the effects of tannins dietary assumption on bees’ health. Results showed that supplementation of honey bees diets with 0.05...
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The pattern of selected metabolites for interpreting homeostasis during the growth of foals can be used as an indicator of energy balance state and liver health. Against this background, the literature on circulating parameters of foals across growth stages is scanty. We hypothesized that circulating metabolites indicating energy distribution such...
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The Food and Agriculture Organization’s previsions show that by 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.6 billion people, and the request for a high value protein source will increase as well. Poultry can guarantee high value protein for humans, even in the poorest regions of the world. Hence, efficient poultry production is needed, matching with...
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Cultivation of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) under Mediterranean photothermal conditions could affect synthesis of the flavonoid rutin and its partitioning within the plant, thus affecting the nutraceutical value of plant products. We examined rutin concentration and yield in the forage and the grain of common buckwheat grown under Medite...
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The effects of dietary supplementation of tannins mix (quebracho and chestnut) in rabbit diet were evaluated for productive performances, health parameters and digestibility in order to quantify their practical utilisation in the rearing system. One-hundred and twenty Martini group hybrid rabbits of 30 days old were fed four different diets for 60...
Aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a carbohydrate-based diet on serotonin blood concentrations in phobic dogs. For this study were recruited, from a public shelter, three dogs (2 neutered females and 1 male), weighing between 15 and 30 kg and living in the shelter for more than six months. Dogs received by a veterinary behaviorist a d...
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Milk has a complex highly variable nutritional com-position based on the different species and animal breeds, together with the strategy and management of the animal feed. It is the first food consumed by children, exclusively for the initial months because it contains all the nutrients necessary for body growth and the development of cognitive fun...
Contents Reproductive management of male donkeys employed for artificial breeding has been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of housing system, with the animals grouped together in a paddock or kept in individual boxes, on sexual behaviour, cortisol and testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics of adult m...
The content of rutin and quercetin was examined in fresh, hayed and ensiled forage of common buckwheat. The treatments were two varieties of buckwheat, ‘Bamby’ and ‘Lileja’, and two ripening stages of harvest, first green and first brown achenes. In the silage, produced with experimental mini-silos, additional treatments were the wilting of the for...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two dietary selenium (Se) sources in dairy goat's milk and cheese. Twentyone goats were allocated to 3 dietary treatments: control (C) with 0.07 mg of Se/kg dry matter (DM); Se yeast (SeY) with 0.14 mg of total Se/kg DM; and sodium selenite (SeNa) with 0.14 mg of total Se/kg DM supplementation. I...
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Introduction: Creatine (Cr) is widely used as supplement in human athletes. Its effect is to increase the muscle storage of phosphocreatine (PCr) and enhance the restoration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during short and high-intensity exercise. Anaerobic energy release results in depletion of phosphocreatine and accumulation of lactic acid, whic...
For its nutritional composition, donkey milk is an excellent alternative to breast milk for infants suffering from cow’s milk allergies. Even in donkeys, a passage of aflatoxin from contaminated feed to milk could occur, as reported by many authors in other dairy species, but there are no studies on this topic. This work was aimed at studying the e...
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Two experiments were carried out in 2013/2014 in order to evaluate the forage yield and the nutritional value of the fresh, hayed and ensiled common buckwheat. Two varieties were harvested at the Green and Brown achene stages. The silage was produced in experimental mini-silo. The need for wilting the forage (at 35% dry matter) and for adding Lacto...
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Pea (Pisum sativum L.) and Faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor) are valuable sources of protein and energy for monogastric animals, traditionally cultivated in the Mediterranean area. They can partially or even totally replace soybean meal, that is very expensive and often derived from GM plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate some immunolog...
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Aim - The aim of the present paper was to compare some screening tests, such as California Mastitis Test (CMT), pH, somatic cell count (SCC), electrical conductivity (EC), and bacteriology for diagnosis of mastitis in dairy cattle. The second aim of this work was to evaluate the predictive index of CMT, pH, SCC, EC and bacteriological exam for the...
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Introduction and aim of the work -This prospective controlled study was performed to compare two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets for dogs: the former (DI) was based on vegetable proteins and rich in carbohydrates, the latter (D2) was based on animal proteins and a lower percentage of carbohydrates. The aim of the research has been to evaluate...
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The study evaluated the partial substitution of soybean meal by faba beans (18%) or peas (20%) as additional protein sources in diets destined for typical Italian heavy pig production. It compared animal performances, meat quality, the presence of residual anti-nutritional factors (ANF) and phytoestrogens in plasma and meat and the possible effects...
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The effect of partial substitution of corn (-20%) and soybean meal (-10%) with buck-wheat bran (+30%) (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in the diet of ISA-Brown hens was investigated in sixteen 74-week old hens, housed in couple wire cages and submitted to a 16 h light:8 h dark photoperiod. The following traits were measured: body weight, egg pro-ducti...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the apparent digestibility of a total mixed ration (TMR) versus a traditional mixed hay/cereals diet. Four adult trained Standardbred geldings – BW = 478±37 kg - were used. The two diets consisted of 20 kg of a commercial TMR - corn silage, alfalfa hay, wet brewers’ grain, oat, apple pomace, molasses cane, soyb...
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Four untrained standardbred horses performed a standardized exercise test on the treadmill and an automated blood collection system programmed to obtain blood samples every 15 s was used for blood collection in order to evaluate the kinetics of adrenaline and noradrenaline. The highest average values obtained for adrenaline and noradrenaline were 1...
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The ration of performance horse usually includes great amount of cereals. Nevertheless there is a limit to the amount of starch which a ration should contain. Addition of dietary fat to improve the caloric density of horse mixed feed is a common practice. Fat supplement reduces the negative effect of excessive starch fermentations in large intestin...
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The aim of the trial was to evaluate the apparent digestibility of three isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets for lactating donkeys: a diet with 8 kg of hay and 1.5 kg of commercial flaked mixed feed (CM) (Diet 1); a diet with 7 kg of hay and a 2.2 kg of CM (Diet 2) and a diet with 7 kg of hay, 1.5 kg of CM, 200 ml of corn oil and 0.2 kg of soybean...
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Because of its energy density, fat is often added to the diet for exercising horses; however, little attention has been given to the effect of dietary fatty acid composition. The aims of this study were to compare the effect of two diets containing different oils on the fatty acids haematic profile during and after an aerobic exercise test on tread...
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A basic diet of hay and concentrate, the latter supplemented with olive oil calcium soap (7% as fed) was given to 11Massese ewes (group S) for a 3-month period, while a basic diet without the supplement was given to 11 control Masseseewes (group C) during the same period. Fatty acid composition of milk produced from the 5th to the 16th week post-pa...
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant status of meat from cattle fed diets supplemented with vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) during the finishing period and to evaluate the effect of this treatment on meat shelf-life. Twenty purebred Limousine calves reared in the same farm, were randomly selected, divided into control group (n...
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Introduction and aim of the work: Zeolites are minerals with peculiar chemical and physical properties. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of Clinoptilolite on canine health, digestibility and faeces quality. Materials and method: this study was divided in two steps using two homogeneous dog's groups, firstly introducing Clinoptilolite...
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18 Massese lactating ewes, divided into 3 homogeneous groups for parity and milk yield, were used to evaluate the replacement effects of soybean meal by Faba bean (Vicia faba minor) and Pea (Pisum sativum) seeds. During a 70 days trial (beginning after weaning: 30±1.5 days after lambing) animals were fed three isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets. E...
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RIASSUNTO Il presente lavoro rientra in una linea di ricerca volta a valutare fonti proteiche alternative alla farina di estrazione di soia. A tale scopo è stata condotta una prova sperimentale per valutare appetibilità, digeribilità, bilancio azotato e valore nutritivo di diete a base di pisello proteico (Pisum sativum, var. Classic) nella specie...
Catecholamines (CAT) play an important role in modulating the response to exercise. But the kinetics of CAT changes during exercise are difficult to study due to their short biological half-life. Learning about variations in plasma CAT levels during training could furnish new information regarding sweating, redistribution of blood flow and energy m...
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RIASSUNTO Il presente lavoro rientra in una linea di ricerca volta a valutare fonti proteiche alternative alla farina di estrazione di soia. A tale scopo è stata condotta una prova sperimentale per va- lutare l'appetibilità, la digeribilità, bilancio azotato e valore nutritivo di diete a base di favino (Vicia faba minor, var. Vesuvio), nella specie...
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RIASSUNTO – Ritenzione di energia e azoto in agnelli di razza Massese – Nel presente lavoro sono stati utilizzati i valori di ritenzione energetica e azotata, ottenuti mediante la tecnica della macellazione comparativa in quattro prove di accrescimento nelle quali sono stati complessivamente utilizzati 108 agnelli maschi di razza Massese. Tali sogg...
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RIASSUNTO Nell’ambito di tre prove di macellazione comparativa, sono stati macellati undici agnelli, di razza Appenninica, all’età di 50 giorni per stimarne la composizione corporea ad inizio prova. L’intero corpo animale è stato sottoposto ad analisi per determinarne la composizione in umidità, proteine, grassi, ceneri ed energia. È stato possibil...
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Lo scopo principale di questa indagine è stato quello di acquisire informazioni sui piani di razionamento adottati nei centri di allevamento e/o addestramento di Quarter Horses, in particolare nei soggetti da gara, da riproduzione e nel puledro. Per realizzare l'indagine abbiamo predisposto un questionario, sottoposto ai responsabili dei centri, in...
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RIASSUNTO Otto agnelli, di razza Massese, sono stati macellati all’età di 50 giorni allo scopo di stimare la composizione corporea iniziale dei soggetti impiegati in quattro prove di macellazione comparativa. L’intero corpo animale è stato sottoposto ad analisi per determinarne la composizione in umidità, proteine, grassi, ceneri ed energia. È stat...
The aim of the present study was to test a constant blood withdrawal method (CBWM) to collect blood samples from horses during treadmill exercise. CBWM was performed in 4 Standardbreds and 5 Haflinger horses. A peristaltic pump was used to control blood aspiration from an i.v. catheter via an extension line. Blood was collected using an automatic f...
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RIASSUNTO È stata condotta una prova di digeribilità e bilancio dell’azoto su 10 agnelli di razza Appenninica dell’età iniziale di 50 giorni. Gli animali sono stati alimentati con cinque diete pellettate contenenti, come base proteica la farina di estrazione di girasole e, come fonte energetica cinque diversi rapporti mais/orzo (100/0, 75/25, 50/50...
This study investigated the effect of prolonged BCAA supplementation on metabolic response to a 1600m run on treadmill in Standardbred trotters. Four trained Standardbreds were divided into two groups and assigned in a 2×2 Latin square design. Both groups were fed and exercised similarly: one group received an oral amino acids supplement (12 g leuc...
Changes in the plasma biochemistry of 12 stallions were studied over seven 24 h periods. Twelve healthy male horses of 4 different breeds (Thoroughbred [TB], Anglo-Arabo-Sardo [AAS], Avelignese [Av] and Maremmano [M]) were divided into 3 experimental groups and fed with an isoenergetic maintenance ration with different protein levels. The same amou...
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Seven growing Lipizzaner foals participated in a 12 months study. The diets of foals and mares consisted of local Karst hay plus grain and superconcentrate mixture. During the first year of life oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed every three months. Plasma baseline insulin concentration was significantly elevated at the age of 319-390...


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