Dmytro MykhailovShanghai Jiao Tong University | SJTU · University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI)
Dmytro Mykhailov
Doctor of Philosophy
I study the existential implications of digital technologies by rediscovering Karl Jaspers's philosophy of existence.
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I teach courses on Professional Ethics for Engineers, Ethics of AI, and Introduction to Philosophy of Technology. In parallel, I am doing research in the postphenomenology of artificial intelligence and studying the existential implications of digital technologies by rediscovering Karl Jaspers's philosophy of existence.
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Publications (29)
ChatGPT creates a new communication situation. Today, to communicate, we do not need another human being anymore. We can communicate directly with technology. This situation never existed before, creating new existential challenges that require new philosophical vocabulary. With this in mind, I am introducing the term techno-existential communicati...
This paper explores brain-to-brain interfaces (B2BI) as innovative human-technology interactions from a philosophical perspective to show how the implementation of this technology raises new philosophical questions about who we are and how we live in the world. More specifically, this text introduces the emergence of a collective living body throug...
This is a call for papers in the special issue "Postphenomenology in the Age of AI: Prospects, Challenges, Opportunities" for the Journal of Human-Technology Relations.
Guest Editor - Dr. Dmytro Mykhailov
For more details, please check the file attached or visit a webpage for the special issue -
This article suggests several design principles intended to assist in the development of ethical algorithms exemplified by the task of fighting fake news. Although numerous algorithmic solutions have been proposed, fake news still remains a wicked socio-technical problem that begs not only engineering but also ethical considerations. We suggest emp...
Students in the twenty-first century are different from the students of the past. Traditional education methodologies become less and less efficient while old learning models are rapidly replaced by new approaches from the Smart-education domain (such as personalized learning, game-based learning, etc). A significant part of contemporary learning a...
This paper revives phenomenological elements to have a better framework for addressing the implications of technologies on society. For this reason, we introduce the motto “back to the technologies themselves” to show how some phenomenological elements, which have not been highlighted in the philosophy of technology so far, can be fruitfully integr...
The problem of the existential dimension of technology remains an important point within different approaches in the contemporary philosophy of technology. However, despite the variety of angles taken on the relation between technology and existence contemporary philosophy of technology still lacks a systematic approach that rotates around the exis...
The purpose of the present article is to contribute to the postphenomenological theory of technological mediation by introducing a new type of ‘human-technology’ relation named ‘transcending mediation’. Previously postphenomenology didn’t pay much attention to the role technology plays in mediating human relation to Transcendence. This was because...
Although smart education is one of the most rapidly expanding technological practices nowadays, we still don't know much about the consequences that new educational technologies might have on the future generation of learners. While smart education is often used as an 'umbrella term' which covers a wide variety of different trends and approaches in...
Intelligent algorithms together with various machine learning techniques hold a dominant position among major challenges for contemporary value sensitive design. Self-learning capabilities of current AI applications blur the causal link between programmer and computer behavior. This creates a vital challenge for the design, development and implemen...
In the present paper, I take findings from the postphenomenological variation of instrumental realism to develop an ‘environmental framework’ to provide a philosophical answer to the ‘problem of representation.’ The framework focuses on three elements of the representational environment, image-making technology, image as a representational device,...
Novel learning approaches became possible by new technological solutions. AI is one of them. AI solutions are widely implemented in different areas of today’s education. Nowadays AI is successfully used to facilitate skills that require repetition (for example, language learning). The use of recommender systems might help students to identify conte...
Our connection with technology begins in early childhood and increases throughout our whole life. For example, in the UK 33% of 3–4-year-olds and 92% of 12–15-year-olds access the Internet, and across Europe the number of children having a smartphone increases by 58% for each year they become older. Relatively similar numbers may be found in other...
Today’s digital technologies make a vital impact on our ways of being together by shaping the distance between people, transforming modes of communication among different countries, creating new opportunities to stay ‘in touch’ with others. However, these technological benefits become possible only when humans know how to be ‘together’ with technol...
This paper aims to highlight the life of computer technologies to understand what kind of ‘technological intentionality’ is present in computers based upon the phenomenological elements constituting the objects in general. Such a study can better explain the effects of new digital technologies on our society and highlight the role of digital techno...
Medical imaging technologies form a backbone for today’s medical domain and, at the same time, propose some promising intellectual insights into the nature, functions, and disabilities of the human body. Perhaps, the easiest way to identify imaging technologies is by pointing to some of them. Everyone has faced X-Ray, ultra-sound scanning, magnetic...
Contemporary medical diagnostics has a dynamic moral landscape, which includes a variety of agents, factors, and components. A significant part of this landscape is composed of information technologies that play a vital role in doctors' decision-making. This paper focuses on the so-called Intelligent Decision-Support System that is widely implement...
Today’s medical diagnostic is complex. It includes a wide variety of components (problem-solving, pattern recognition, decision making, a judgment under uncertainty) and
involves the collection of facts coming from the patient interview, the results of laboratory
exams, or the clinical examination. Moreover, nowadays, medical diagnostic mostly de...
Interest concerning the problem of technological activity has grown in philosophical discussions during recent decades. The crux of the matter is whether technological objects are mere means for achieving human goals or possess some sort of inherent active quality of their own that influences our behavior, perception, goals, and ethical beliefs. In...
З-поміж досліджень, що здійснювалися на базі кафедри філософії та релігієзнавства Національного університету «Києво-Могилянська академія» з часу її заснування (1992), значне місце належить філософсько-антропологічній проблематиці. Автор статті зосереджує увагу на такому важливому філософсько-антропологічному питанні, як морально-етична природа люди...
This presentation investigate a new dimension of technological activity, namely, unification and multiplication performances. Simultaneously, those two types of technical activity were explained in a wider perspective of the issue of meaning. Or, said differently, I've tried to investigate a role that technology plays in the process of meaning prod...
This presentation investigates a new dimension of technological activity, namely, unification and multiplication performances. Simultaneously, those two types of technical activity will be explained in a wider perspective of the issue of meaning. Or, said differently, I'll try to investigate a role that technology plays in the process of meaning pr...
Запропоновано аналіз нової інтерпретації сутності людського буття, яку було реалізовано у першій половині минулого століття Мартіном Гайдеггером. Онтологія ХХ століття виявляє неабияке зацікавлення категорією сутності і водночас пропонує новий підхід до її розгляду. Оскільки наш аналіз вимагав реконструкції більш широкого історико–філософського кон...
У статті запропоновано аналіз ключових інтуїцій «симетричної антропології» Брюно Латура. Передусім ми спробували реконструювати загальний контекст онтології французького
філософа. Засадничими тут є поняття акторності та мережевості, які, на наше переконання, є відлунням традиційних метафізичних концептів сутності та існування. Ми показали схожість...
In this article we are trying to show the overall scale of Techno-Anthropology. In order to illustrate core ideas of this direction of scientific investigation we use the concept of posthuman. Referring to such researchers as Kathrine Hayles and Brent Waters we want to demonstrate that posthuman phenomenon isn't a homogeneous one. Modern anthropolo...
Questions (6)
It seems that the recent breakthrough in LLM has created a new situation when humans can talk to AI using natural language. However, there are still many questions about how these models understand the language, how they learn, generate the response and build predictions. I am wondering if we can say that the novel chat GPT-3 understands the meaning of the words and if it is possible to prove (from the philosophical or technical point of view) that it does (or does not) understand the meanings of the words/ sentences/paragraphs it generates.
I am regularly interacting with people outside the field of philosophy. Many of them ask me for a book recommendation. However, I found out that it is uneasy to recommend something really deep and at the same time not too technical (inclusive for people without philosophical education). Moreover, this book should be relatively new (published in this century).
Please, share some of your philosophical bestsellers.
Currently, more and more AI applications are being implemented in educational environments. However, because this technology is relatively new it seems that we still don't know much about the impact that it can have in the future. AI may have economic, social, psychological, philosophical, and cognitive consequences. There are a lot of various AI applications that have been already implemented (like: AI mentoring systems; AI adaptive systems, etc). In my research, I am studying so-called AI suggestions tools (e.g. systems that provide students with personalized suggestions and customize content and future learning paths). Of particular interest is the question of machine learning algorithms and their impact on the educational process. For example, will machine learning provide better suggestions for students and by doing so increase the interactivity and efficiency of the learning process? Or, on the contrary, will narrow students' attention and will lead to a new type of digital addiction?
I am currently working on some philosophical issues that today's neurotechnology can raise. My main field of research is the philosophy of technology (more specifically, phenomenology and postphenomenology). I will be very grateful for literature recommendations from experts in this field. Many thanks!
As we know Heidegger in "Sein und Zeit" and in "The Basic Problems of Phenomenology" deploys a new program of human essence which is based on the mode of existence. In "Sein und Zeit" Heidegger repeats that the essence of Dasein is located in its existence, due to that fact he criticizes an understanding of essence as quidditas. I can understand why Heidegger didn't accept the Aristotelian and Thomistic reducing human essence to quidditas, but I can't understand why he thinks that both of them didn't have a strong philosophy of what he calls Dasein. Especially in case of Aquinas who had a powerful epistemology which influenced the subsequent tradition. I'll be grateful to get your opinions or links for books and articles connected with my question.
Working with the last book of Bruno Latour I've found an interesting interpretation of existence through a multiplicity of its modes. But I can't catch up what directly Latour means using collocation "modes of existence". Frankly speaking the number of this modes is a secret for me as well. Hope for your help.