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Publications (90)
Citation: Vasilenko, A.; Frolova, N.; Grigoriev, V.Y.; Magritsky, D.; Shevchenko, A.; Winde, F. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Water Temperature of Arctic Rivers in Russia over the Past 60 Years. Appl. Sci. 2024, Abstract: This article presents the findings of a comprehensive statistical analysis based on one of the largest and most up-to-date data...
Статья содержит результаты комплексного анализа ситуации с наводнениями (речными, во время штормовых нагонов и смешанного типа), опасными стоковыми и сгонными обмелениями на устьевом участке р. Дон. Рассмотрены случаи этих опасных гидрологических явлений, их многолетняя повторяемость, и связь с меняющимися гидрометеорологическими условиями и крупно...
The Lena River delta is the largest Arctic delta with an area of about 32,000 km2. It consists of more than 800 branches with a total length of 6,500 km. The Lena delta is underlined by continuous permafrost 500–600 m thick and located in remote and unpopulated area in the Arctic continental climate with the mean annual air temperature by −12.5 °C....
Based on stationary and expeditionary hydrological data and information about the water manage- ment complex and volumes of water use, we have calculated for the first time the minimum permissible, aver- age, and optimal hydrographs (in monthly increments) of the influx of Ural waters from Russia to the West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions, which wou...
Оценен месячный и годовой природоохранный сток р. Урал на границе России и Казахстана, необходимый для воспроизводства осетровых пород рыбы, сохранения биопродуктивности и биоразнообразия пойменных экосистем. Это потребовало нестандартных решений, в том числе на базе существующих отечественных подходов по определению критических и оптимальных (по о...
Статья содержит итоги анализа водохозяйственных и экологических проблем, с которыми по-прежнему сталкиваются население, производственный комплекс и инфраструктура, природоохранная деятельность в уникальной дельте Терека. При этом большую часть исходных данных составили собственные материалы авторов, несколько десятилетий занимающихся гидрологически...
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the situation with dangerous hydrological processes at the mouth reaches of the Pechora River (from the mouth of the Sula River to the Pechora Bay). The study used data from observations of water levels, discharges and ice phenomena at hydrological gauges (until 2022), information about...
The analysis of long-term fluctuations in seasonal runoff of the Ural basin rivers is performed, statistical relationships between runoff and the main meteorological factors (air temperature and precipitation) are estimated. Weather stations with the highest correlation between the main meteorological factors and seasonal runoff of the Ural, Sakmar...
The article provides an overview of publications devoted to assessing changes in the water regime of Russian rivers under the conditions of current and projected climate changes. The most recent summary of the relevant publications is contained in the national assessment reports of Roshydromet. Since the publication of these fundamental works, a la...
Приводятся результаты исследования особенностей и причин уменьшения мутности воды и расходов взвешенных наносов рек (в 1.5–5 раз) в бассейне р.Алдан со второй половины 1980-х и с 1990-х гг. Установлено, что изменения гидрологических факторов за исследуемый период либо были незначительно негативными, либо чаще благоприятными по отношению к формирова...
Статья содержит результаты многолетних экспедиционных и научных исследований современного состояния гидрографической и водохозяйственной систем южной части дельты р.Терек, расположенной к югу от магистрального рукава. Основу ее составляют Дзержинская оросительная система, а также южная часть бывшего Аграханского залива и гидротехнические сооружения...
The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of long-term fluctuations in air temperature, precipitation amounts and annual runoff of rivers in the Ural River basin, and the search for a statistical relationship between them. According to the data of 15 meteorological stations, a detailed correlation analysis was performed for annual an...
The article contains the results of a review analysis and systematization of scientific and applied studies of the flow and water regime of the Ural River in the aspect of transboundary water use affecting it, their changes along the length of the river and over a long period. The authors have collected and analyzed more than 100 publications. Desp...
На основе всей имеющейся в открытом доступе информации оценены параметры водохозяйственной деятельности в российской части бассейна р.Урала, как в целом, так и по отдельным субъектам водохозяйственного комплекса, территориям, рекам и годам. Выяснено количество, местоположение, параметры водохранилищ и прудов в бассейне, величина и структура их влия...
На основе данных стационарного гидрологического мониторинга, спутникового зондирования и расчетов по эмпирическим формулам оценена роль Мамаканского водохранилища в нарушении водного режима и стока наносов рек Мамакан и Витим. Установлено, что трансформация им месячного и сезонного стока очень мала, суточное и недельное регулирование почти не просл...
В статье представлены итоги анализа и обобщения научных исследований стока и водного режима в бассейне реки Урал в XX в. – начале XXI в. Выделены основные научно-прикладные направления в изучении стока рек исследуемого бассейна и его изменений. По наиболее важным и фундаментальным публикациям приводятся основные результаты. Отмечено, что развитие н...
На основе месячных данных по температуре воздуха и слою осадков с 34 метеостанций на Северо-востоке азиатской части страны и за период 1930-2019 гг. были изучены многолетняя и пространственная изменчивость температуры и осадков, определены общие и индивидуальные закономерности. Удалось выявить климатическое потепление, начиная с 1988 г. на большей...
На основе данных сетевых наблюдений за уровнями и расходами воды на гидрологических постах на устьевом участке р.Печоры, включая е дельту (за весь период и до 2019-2021 гг.), уникальных сведений о произошедших в прошлом здесь речных наводнениях, по результатам дешифрирования спутниковых снимков (в оптическом диапазоне и радиолокационных), начиная с...
The heat flux of the large rivers flowing into the Arctic seas of Russia plays an essential role in the thermal and ice regime of the lower reaches of these rivers and the southern part of the Arctic seas. However, estimates of the total value of heat flux and its spatial-temporal distribution require clarification. In this research, we analyzed mo...
Estimates of the influence of the Vilyuy river reservoir cascade on the transformation of river streamflow discharges and suspended sediments load are presented in the article. The estimates are based on long-term network observations, field measurements in August-September 2021, and satellite imagery. During the fieldwork studies, the horizontal a...
Significant changes in the value and regime of river flow, since the late 1970s and since the 1980s, require updating of long-established tools for its calculation for rivers not covered by the network of observations. This is necessary when assessing the available water resources of rivers, the inflow of river waters into the seas, especially in t...
Нижнее течение р.Урал полностью расположено в пределах Республики Казахстан. Его гидроэкологическое состояние зависит от величины, режима и химического состава речных вод, поступающих с территории Оренбургской области, и от местных природных и антропогенных факторов. О современной ситуации с состоянием нижнего Урала, влиянием на него местной хозяйс...
Летом 2019 г., впервые за последние 60 лет, проведено масштабное гидрологическое обследование мало изученного устьевого участка р. Колымы, состоящего из придельтового отрезка и дельты. Программа работ включала измерения скоростей течения в речном потоке, уклонов водной поверхности и глубин, расходов, мутности, температуры и электропроводности воды,...
In the paper, a comparative analysis of previously developed methods for calculating the heat flux of rivers in the absence of gauging-station data are given, and a new method for such calculations is proposed. It is based on the Maps of specific annual heat flux of zonal rivers and empirical dependencies of heat flux on the average height of the c...
По материалам двух экспедиций в казахстанскую часть дельты Волги в 2019 г., справочным материалам получены новые данные о распределении волжских вод в системе рукава Кигач, влиянии на водный сток водопользования и, в частности, забора воды в водовод «Астрахань – Мангышлак». Отдельный блок исследований составила оценка качества воды по гидрохимическ...
The Ob is the main river of Western Siberia, one of the most dynamically developing regions of Russia. Among the various factors of the economic development of this region a special place is occupied by river flow. Changes in the flow of water, sediments, and heat determine the hydrological regime of the Ob Bay and the southern part of the Kara sea...
The study was based, firstly, on the diverse data collected during field work in 2018 – 2020 in the eastern part of the Terek River delta and long-term hydrological monitoring data on the Roshydromet gauges. Secondly, on a profound comparative analysis of multi-temporal cartographic materials and multiple satellite images, laboratory analysis of wa...
Climate and hydrological changes in the Ural River basin, together with water management activities determine the current hydroecological state of the river in its lower course. In comparison with the conventional natural background, the salinity of water in high water period increased by 2.5 times, in low water period- by 5-8 %. Contamination of t...
The Ural River basin is a transboundary object, which is characterized by a very uneven distribution of water resources, an extensive arid areas and water-intensive socioeconomic complex. There are about 3,130 reservoirs and ponds, which are evaporating 0.9 km 3 /yr. and carry out intra-annual regulation. Water intake peaked in the 1980s. Now the a...
Three groups of hydrological restrictions of Arctic water use are justified, and their features are determined. The informational basis for their identification was provided by unique data on the problems of water use and hydrological threats in the north of the Krasnoyarskiy krai, Yakutia, in the Chukotka, in the mouths of the Severnaya Dvina and...
In the summer of 2019, a complex hydrological expedition of the Department of Land Hydrology of MSU took place at the mouth of the Kolyma River. During it, the discharges, levels, temperature, and electrical conductivity of water, depths were measured, water samples were taken for analysis and turbidity. Important results were obtained
Based on data on water discharges and sediment yield for almost 200 gauges for the entire observation period and up to 2017, the features and current trends of long-term fluctuations in water turbidity and suspended sediment yield in the Kolyma, Lena, Yenisei, and Ob rivers, their main tributaries, were studied.
Various estimates of freshwater discharge to the Arctic Ocean with different methods and for different drainage areas have shown a good consistency in long-term mean runoff ranging from 200 mm/year to 226 mm/year. Most of the estimates are derived from available discharge measurements at the downstream gauging stations. According to the most recent...
Water consumption has been evaluated for the basins of the rivers flowing into the Arctic seas of the Russian Federation and, separately, for the Arctic zone of Russia (AZR). Long-term dynamics of the major characteristics of water consumption are given for the period from the 1980s to 2017 along with data on its structure. The possible effect of t...
Современная дельта р. Кубани относится к неприливному типу и представляет собой малорукавную структуру с прибрежной низменной полосой, заполняемой лагунами и плавнями. Основная часть ее занята низменной аккумулятивной равниной. В дельте выделяют три крупных голоценовые геоморфологические структуры: старую и молодую дельты Кубани и Кубано-Таманский...
Приводятся количественные показатели водопотребления в бассейнах рек, впадающих в арктические моря РФ, и отдельно для территории Арктической зоны России. Оценки получены для 1980-х гг. (периода максимальной антропогенной нагрузки) и современного периода 2006–2017 г. Оценено возможное влияние суммарного водозабора и безвозвратного водопотребления на...
В статье изложены история и основные результаты научно-прикладного изучения водного стока и режима рек российского сектора Арктики в XX–XXI вв. Выделены этапы и приоритетные направления исследований, определявшихся в разное время необходимостью поддержания функционирования Северного морского пути и транспортных коридоров вдоль судоходных рек, обесп...
Water and sediment transport from rivers to oceans is of primary importance in global geochemical cycle. Against the background of global change, this study examines the changes in water and sediment fluxes and their drivers for 4307 large rivers worldwide (basin area ≥1000 km²) based on the longest available records. Here we find that 24% of the w...
Water consumption into the Arctic zone of Russia and at the catchments of the Arctic seas of Russia is relatively small. In 2006-2017 on the watershed of the Arctic seas an average of 21.3 km3 of natural waters were being taken annually, and within the Arctic zone of Russia was 2.6 km3/year, or, respectively, of 28.8 and 3.5% of the national volume...
В учебном пособии изложены основы гидрологии устьев рек – науки,
занимающей в комплексе гидрологических наук место между гидрологией рек и
океанологией и изучающей устья рек как особые и одни из наиболее изменчивых и
экологически уязвимых географических объектов. В учебном пособии рассмотрены географические особенности устьев рек, новые принципы оп...
Статья содержит результаты исследования гидрологического режима нижнего течения р. Оби в современных условиях и в прошлом, особенностей и факторов изменений его основных характеристик за период наблюдений, регулирующих водопользование в регионе. Приведены новые оценки годового и сезонного речного стока, характеристик температурно-ледового режима, и...
На основе анализа обширного массива гидрологических данных изучены
особенности изменений компонентов речного стока и гидрологических ограни-
чений для природопользования в крупнейших дельтах российской Арктики. Вы-
явлены закономерности и причины внутригодовой и многолетней изменчивости
стока воды, наносов и теплоты, обоснованы тенденции их возможн...
Статья имеет методический и теоретический характер, содержит результаты исследования вопросов, касающихся терминологии и классификации опасных гидрологических процессов в устьевых областях рек. В статье представлена новая классификация устьевых опасных гидрологических процессов, уточненные и новые формулировки имеющих к ним отношение понятий. Переч...
The results of investigation of specific features and causes of the spatial and temporal changes of runoff of the Ural River and its main tributaries are presented. The focus is on finding the regularities and tendencies of the long-term fluctuations of annual and seasonal river runoff, climatic and anthropogenic causes of river runoff variability,...
The annual runoff of rivers from the territory of Russia into the Arctic seas is approximately equal to 2922 km3, or 55.6 % of the total inflow of river waters into the Arctic Ocean. Such an amount of fresh water and its long-term fluctuations, together with the sediments and heat transported by rivers, can have a significant impact on the regional...
The delta of the Lena River is one of the most amazing river deltas of the world. It is located in the mouth of the second-large river of Russia, has a huge size, complex hydrographic and morphological structure and hydrological regime. The delta plays an important ecological role in the region as a sedimentation barrier to the river sediments and...
The lower reach of the Ural or Zhaiyk is the main river of West Kazakhstan and one of the major rivers, inflowing to the Caspian Sea. The lower Ural catchment area is characterized by climate aridity, limitations in freshwater resources, which make the river as a very important water body for the region’s economy, livelihoods of population, proper...
Lena flow showed considerable, mostly climate-induced, changes in the recent 30–40 years. The character of these changes at the river watershed–sea border somewhat differs from that in the basin outlet station because of flow transformations in the near-mouth reach and, especially, in the delta. The new stationary and occasional expedition observat...
The results of investigation of specific features and causes of the spatial and temporal changes of runoff of the Ural River and its main tributaries are presented. The focus is on finding the regularities and tendencies of the long-term fluctuations of annual and seasonal river runoff, climatic and anthropogenic causes of river runoff variability,...
The article presents results of long-term monitoring, detailed studies and numerical simulation of hydrological hazards at the mouths of the Northern Dvina and the Pechora rivers. The Northern Dvina River discharges into the White Sea and the Pechora River flows into the Barents Sea. They are major rivers in northern European Russia. The main hydro...
The inundation situations on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar territory for the period from 1945 until 2013 were analysed and the main types of inundations at the coast are described. Synoptic factors of the formation of extreme precipitation and rainfall floods, features and regularities of the downstream flood wave transformation in the river...
We analyse inundation situations on the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar territory for the period from 1945 until 2013 and describe the main types of inundations at the coast. Synoptic factors of the formation of extreme rainfalls and rainfall floods, features and regularities of the downstream flood wave transformation in the rivers are studied. Asses...
Inundatios on the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar krai between 1945 and 2013 have been analyzed. The main genetic types of inundations on the coast have been identified. The specific features and regularities of inundation wave transformation along the rivers and over time have been studied. Seasonal and maximal runoff of Black Sea rivers has been ana...
The results of detailed studies of hazardous hydrological processes in the mouth of the Northern Dvina river are presented. The focus is on the ice jams, inundations from both pure maximum stream flow and peak discharges with ice jams, storm surges and surge-induced flooding, dangerous wind-induced down-surges and low-water periods. The updated and...
Specific features and trends of seasonal and long-term fluctuations of water, suspended sediment and heat runoff in the lower reaches of the Lena River and the Vilyui River are discussed. New estimates of runoff distribution parameters are presented. Both climatic and anthropogenic factors of the spatial and temporal variability of river runoff par...
The data of unique database "Floods in the coastal zones of Europeans
part of Russia", developed by authors, are shown, that frequency of
floods and damage in the coastal zones are growing. There is most
dangerous situation on the Black sea coast of Russia. Here the main part
of settlements, resorts and industry is situated in the river valleys
This paper provides information about the types, factors and features of ice
dam and storm surge inundations in the Northern Dvina River delta, new
methods and results of their research, changing the situation with
inundations for a long time-period. This article contains data on current
structure and regime of the Northern Dvina delta, changes of...
This paper provides information on the current regime and morphological processes in the river deltas of the Northern Dvina, Pechora, Ob, Pur, Taz, Yenisey, Olenek, Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma, and their possible changes in the 21st century. This article contains data on morphological type, structure and size of the major deltas, about the cur...
Regularities in the response of the mouths of major rivers, flowing into the Caspian Sea, to large-scale variations in its level and river water runoff and sediment yield are considered. Changes in the morphological structure and hydrological regime of the Volga, Terek, Sulak, Ural, and Kura mouths have been analyzed in both geological past and sep...
Data of network and expedition measurements and information about water management arrangements were used to study in detail the peculiarities of along-channel and long-term variations in the major characteristics of suspended sediment runoff in the lower reach and the delta of the Kuban River. For characteristics periods, the annual volumes of act...
A typification of inundations in Kuban River delta is proposed. The causes, recurrence, and the specific features of its manifestation
in the delta are discussed for each identified type of inundations. The efficiency of the existing measures for inundation
control is assessed. The present-day conveying capacity of major delta branches is evaluated...
Response of the Caspian river mouths to the changes of the sea level and river runoff and sediment yield is discussed. Changes of the hydrological regime and morphological structure of the \folga, Terek, Sulak, Ural and Kura river mouths were analyzed for three periods, namely the regression before 1978, the transgression of 1978-1995 and relative...
Interrelations between suspended matter flow of the Russian rivers belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin and their flow volumes and basin areas were studied. The parameters have shown rather stable and close correlations. Annual suspended matter flow was evaluated for medium and large rivers in their mouths and outlets, as well as the total annual fl...
The effect of water consumption and reservoirs on the regime and water resources of Russian rivers emptying into the Arctic
Ocean is discussed. The impact of reservoirs on the annual and seasonal runoff of regulated rivers is estimated. The transformation
of this impact along the rivers down to their outlet sections is analyzed. Possible variants o...
Mean annual water balance of the Kuban River delta has been evaluated. Its elements are as follows: atmospheric precipitation over the delta area, river inflow and input of return water to the delta, underground flow, total evaporation from different lands, water abstraction for use beyond the delta area, total flow through river channels to the se...
The development of the Sulak River Delta in the 19th and 20th centuries is discussed. It is shown that a drastic reduction in sediment runoff after the establishment of river flow regulation, anthropogenic restructuring of the river channel system in the delta area, and large-scale variations in the Caspian Sea level had an impact on the delta evol...
Peculiarities of the development of the Kura Delta over the last 200 years are discussed. As shown, changes in the delta were greatly affected by the Caspian Sea level drop during 1929–1977 and its rise during 1978–1995 as well as by natural and human-induced variations in the water and sediment runoff of the river. It was noted that the delta area...
The intensive development of water resources in the Kuban River basin has led to the almost complete regulation of the river runoff. As a result of these regulations and due to certain natural causes the regime of water and sediment runoff of the Lower Kuban River has experienced a considerable transformation. Basing on the materials of the long-te...
The concept of hydroecological safety of river mouths (HESRM) is proposed. It links conditions of economically efficient and ecologically secure resources use for a particular combination of natural factors and anthropogenic loads. A method of HESRM failure hazard estimation under the effect of fluvial, marine, hydromorphological, geological, and o...
The results of studying the water balance of a number of large river deltas are analyzed. It has been found that the average values of evaporation within deltas approximate those of evaporative capacity. The values of water runoff transformation were calculated for large deltas basing on the maps of precipitation and evaporative capacity from the A...
Basing on the new observational data (up to 1992) there were calculated statistical parameters of annual runoff for rivers Oleniok, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma. The analysis of long-term oscillations of annual runoff for these rivers was carried out. There are considered changes in values of annual runoff due to the influence economy activity and...