Dmitry Gubanov

Dmitry Gubanov
V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences | IPU

Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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February 2007 - present


Publications (70)
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This paper suggests a new approach to the constructive definition of user influence levels in social networks—the so-called actional model. According to the approach, the influence level of a user is calculated on the basis of their actions taking into account the goals of a control subject (a Principal). An example illustrates how the actional mod...
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This paper suggests an automated expert approach to analysis and synthesis of the terminological structure of a subject area. A key distinction is that the designed procedure employs formal analysis operations to obtain numerical characteristics for the terminological structure of a studied subject area. The basic capabilities of the developed appr...
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Based on VKontakte data, we study the influence of various factors on the dynamics of opinions and actions both at the macro level ("public opinion") and at the micro level (the opinions and actions of individual agents). A model of collective decision-making is briefly considered ; in this model, interconnected parameters reflect both the mental a...
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Based on VKontakte data, we study the influence of various factors on the dynamics of opinions and actions both at the macro level ("public opinion") and at the micro level (opinions and actions of individual agents). This paper concludes the multi-part study. Identification results are presented for binary models (threshold models and models with...
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This paper describes the approaches underlying ISAND, an information system for scientific activity analysis in the field of control theory and its applications. ISAND is being developed at the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences. The ISAND ontology is oriented toward the representation and collection of knowl...
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Представлено описание подходов, лежащих в основе разрабатываемой в ИПУ РАН Информационной системы анализа научной деятельности (ИСАНД) в области теории управления. Описана онтология ИСАНД, ориентированная на представление и сбор знаний в области теории управления: как научного знания (онтология теории управления), так и знаний, связанных с научной...
Centrality metrics play a crucial role in network analysis, while the choice of specific measures significantly influences the accuracy of conclusions as each measure represents a unique concept of node importance. Among over 400 proposed indices, selecting the most suitable ones for specific applications remains a challenge. Existing approaches—mo...
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Based on VKontakte data, we study the influence of various factors on the dynamics of opinions and actions both at the macro level ("public opinion") and at the micro level (the opinions and actions of individual agents). Primary analysis results are presented for the dynamics of opinions and actions of agents in this social network. In particular,...
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Analyzing the possibilities of mutual influence of users in new media, the researchers found a high level of aggression and hate speech when discussing an urgent social problem - measures for COVID-19 fighting. This fact determined the central aspect of the research at the next stage and the central topic of the proposed article. The first chapter...
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining politico-ideological preferences of users of online social networks. We propose a (DLS) model that allows assessing politico-ideological preferences of VKontakte users using information from their accounts (digital footprints). The model meets the main ideological directions in modern-day Russia...
The spread of COVID-19 has forced governments to impose unprecedented restrictive measures on their people. Lockdowns have been introduced in many countries, and most governments have decided to require citizens to wear masks. The current study characterizes users’ attitudes towards the face mask requirements introduced by the Russian government as...
Conference Paper
In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is crucial to analyze society's reaction to the information agenda related to the pandemic. This study examines news produced and broadcast by socially significant sources of information (in particular, accounts of news agencies, magazines, and newspapers) on the online social network VKontakte and Vko...
This cross-sectional study characterizes users' attitudes towards the face mask requirements introduced by the Russian government as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We study how they relate to other users' characteristics such as age, gender, and political attitudes. Our results indicate that men and elder individuals - demographic groups that...
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This paper introduces a constructive definition of an informational community, which agrees with formal models of opinion dynamics for bounded rational agents in social networks. As is shown below, uncertainty can be taken into account when detecting informational communities. An example of a stable informational community is given. A control probl...
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Many micro-level models of information processes in social networks consider either a change in the information-psychological state of agents (opinions, beliefs, attitudes) or a change in their observable behavior (actions). The goal in this paper is to develop and analyze a complex agent-based model of opinion dynamics that describes the dynamics...
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We propose a new method to select the most appropriate network centrality measure based on the user's opinion on how such a measure should work on a set of simple graphs. The method consists in: (1) forming a set $\cal F$ of candidate measures; (2) generating a sequence of sufficiently simple graphs that distinguish all measures in $\cal F$ on some...
Рассмотрена задача определения идейно-политических предпочтений пользователей онлайновых социальных сетей. Предложена модель, позволяющая оценивать идейно-политические предпочтения пользователей онлайновой социальной сети ВКонтакте на основе информации из их аккаунтов и учитывающая основные идеологические направления в современной России (ДЛС-модел...
We identify five levels for the description and analysis of active network structures (social networks, mobs, etc.) as follows. At the first (lowest) level, a network is considered in to; such a description gives no details, yet being essential for a fast analysis of the general properties of these objects. At the second level, the structural prope...
In this chapter presents an analytic survey of modern models of social networks as well as establishes a correspondence between different classes of models and the properties of social networks reflected by them (see the Preface).
In this chapter, we develop and study game-theoretic and optimization models and methods of informational influence and control in social networks.
This paper considers an extension of the actional model of influence in online social networks. Within the framework of this model, the influence and influence levels of separate agents (users) and meta-agents (subsets of users) are calculated on the basis of their actions taking into account the goals of a control subject (a Principal). We study s...
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We introduce a heterogeneous (colored) threshold network model of spreading several kinds of activity. This model with some adjustments is used to formalize social network where agents can maintain activities of several types.
The paper presents an investigation method of social networks based on language games. This method is used for finding implicit communities and influential agents in social networks. The authors introduce a naming game and explain how it is applied in investigation of social networks. Simulation results are demonstrated for specially designed graph...
This paper introduces a constructive approach to online social networks analysis. We suggest a conceptual model of a social network, formulate major problems of analysis and control in social networks, describe methods and algorithms for activity analysis in social networks, as well as technologies for social networks monitoring and analysis.
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In the preceding chapters, we have described e-expertise by assuming (implicitly or, par excellence, explicitly) that all participants of expert activity follow the primary goals of expertise, i.e., to provide maximum complete, adequate and reliable information on the object or subject of expertise for Principal’s decision-making.
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This chapter pretends to be a navigator over expert technologies. It describes the basic stages and methods of expertise, methods of expert grouping, typical errors, as well as the general technology of expertise organization and its principles. Finally, we discuss some prediction problems. The exposition par excellence proceeds from generalization...
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Figure 3.1 demonstrates the institutional organization of e-expertise. In what follows, we discuss it in detail, i.e., provide a list of feasible technologies, study different forms such as polling, electronic brainstorming, etc.
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Traditionally, theoreticians represent the process of decision-making as a block diagram of choosing a certain decision from several alternatives to achieve formulated goals using accumulated experience and available resources. It is necessary to define assessment criteria for evaluating the alternatives with respect to the goals and a current situ...
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Expert finding for specific e-expertise is a multidisciplinary problem at the junction of strategic analysis, decision-making theory, synergy, inverse problem solution, human capital and emotional potential assessment, motivation control, quantum semantics, knowledge management, organizational analysis, information retrieval (acquisition, indexing,...
Conference Paper
The paper analyses formal relations (“friendship”) among the Facebook users and studies their interrelation with informal relations (“commenting”). We define general characteristics of the network, give a definition to strong friendship links. Then we analyze strength of Facebook friendship links, study connectivity between a user’s friends, and gi...
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Предлагается автоматизированный экспертный подход к синтезу и анализу терминологической структуры предметной области. Одним из ключевых отличий разработанной методики является наличие в её составе операций формального анализа, направленного на получение количественных оценок, характеризующих терминологическую структуру изучаемой предметной области....
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Several models are considered to illustrate feasibility and appropriateness of involving the game theory framework in describing the process and result of informational confrontation in social networks.
Conference Paper
We model the forming and dynamics of opinions in a social network. We state the information control problem (problem of controlling agent opinions) and we consider two information control models, the model of information control of members’ opinions within social network and the model of information control of members’ trusts.
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We model the forming and dynamics of opinions in a social network with Markov chains. We set and solve, for a number of special cases, the problems of controlling agent opinions and game-theoretic problems of informational conflict.
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Работа посвящена рассмотрению технологий экспертной поддержки принятия управленческих решений, основывающихся на использовании современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ). В первом разделе «Сетевая экспертиза» кратко рассматривается роль сетевой экспертизы в процессах принятия решений, вводится система классификаций процедур сетевой...
Conference Paper
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Models, which allow to formulate and solve the reputation forming problems, being used in further information control, are considered.
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Онлайновые социальные сети, помимо выполнения функций поддержки общения, обмена мнениями и получения информации их членами, в последнее время всё чаще становятся объектами и средствами информационного управления и ареной информационного противоборства. В недалёком будущем они неизбежно станут существенным инструментом информационного влияния, в том...
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Рассматриваются модели унифицированного информационного управления в социальных сетях, описываемых регулярным графом взаимодействия их членов. Основной акцент делается на моделях учета зависимости доверия агента к сообщаемой информации от ее содержания.
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Рассматриваются проблемы информационного влияния, управления и противоборства в социальных сетях. Основной акцент делается на задачах информационных войн: нападения и защиты.
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Рассмотрен ряд моделей социальных сетей, позволяющих ставить и решать задачи формирования репутации с целью последующего ее использования при осуществлении информационного управления.
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Рассматриваются модели распределенного управления членами социальных сетей. Формулируются условия согласования интересов управляющих органов, осуществляющих информационные воздействия.
Conference Paper
On the increase of uncertainty and in the absence of coordination it is getting more and more complicated for companies to work successfully. In this concern Knowledge Management is of great interest as effective solution to the problem of effective adaptation of research companies to constantly changing environment, where new knowledge development...


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