Djong Hon TjongAndalas University | ANDA · Department of Biology (Faculty of Sciences)
Djong Hon Tjong
Doctor of Philosophy
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January 2000 - October 2015
January 2008 - December 2011
Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
- Hiroshima University
Publications (166)
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is an essential phytohormone that controls a variety of plant growth mechanisms. Bacteria can produce IAA to stimulate plant growth, with its production influenced by the culture conditions. Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 is recognized as an IAA-producing bacterium, exhibiting maximum IAA production in a yeast medium compris...
Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 produces the maximum level of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in yeast mannitol medium. However, the impact of medium ingredients on gene expression and metabolites related to IAA synthesis remains unclear. Therefore, Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to assess the effects of cult...
Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 produces the maximum level of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in yeast mannitol medium. However, the impact of medium ingredients on gene expression and metabolites related to IAA synthesis remains unclear. Therefore, Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to assess the effects of cult...
Sumatran Tigers Panthera tigris sumatrae inhabit 12 tiger conservation landscapes that stretch across Sumatra Island. Conservation efforts for these species require robust, information-based research, including a genetic approach. This study analyzed the haplotype diversity of P. t. sumatrae based on the mitochondrial CO1 (Cytochrome Oxidase Subuni...
Sex determination by DNA-based molecular techniques in Sumatran tigers needs to be investigated and developed for forensic and population genetic purposes. The amelogenin gene is a marker commonly used for sex determination. In some species, the difference between the AMELX and AMELY sequences has been reported to be in the intron region. However,...
Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance cause harm to the liver. In this study, ameliorative effect of Enhydra fluctuans on liver damage in alloxan-induced diabetic rats were examined. Thirty acclimatized male albino rats divided into six groups (n = 5). Normal rats were fed a standard diet (Group 1); diabetic rats were provided standard feed (Gro...
This study concerns the detection of Cryptosporidium infection in patients with colorectal cancer. Several studies report that Cryptosporidium parasite infections are present in newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients who have not received oncological therapy. At least 16 of 37 (43.2%) patients were positive for Cryptosporidium infection. This f...
The primary toxin class discovered in freshwater pufferfish is a category of neurotoxins called PSTs (Paralytic shellfish toxins) and pufferfish toxin has been observed to have biological, biochemical, and cytotoxic effects on cancer cell lines. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the cytotoxic activity, toxins present in the ovary of T. leiurus,...
One of the Cattleya species with aesthetic and commercial value is Cattleya Amazing Thailand. An efficient protocol with a high rate of plantlet regeneration is through in vitro culture. Plantlet regeneration is affected by the addition of a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR). Auxin and cytokinin (2,4-D and BAP) combined with PGR from organic material su...
The Pangolin (Manis javanica) is a unique scaly mammal with the IUCN status as a critically endangered species. In Indonesia, M. javanica is distributed in Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The population of M. javanica has been declined due to the high poaching. M. javanica has been reported present in some locations in West Sumatra however, there is...
Background and Objective: Local micro organism (LMO) is the result of the fermentation of various mixtures of organic matter. One of the organic materials used, based on the local wisdom of West Sumatra, is tapai (fermented Cassava), which is used as a bio activator in the manufacture of organic fertilizer. The research aims to produce organic fert...
The lowland region of Sumatra Barat has received little attention in previous biodiversity studies. Past studies have mainly focused on highland habitat and conservation areas. However, many populations of Cyrtodactylus in the lowland habitats of Sumatra Barat were not correctly identified. A phylogenetic tree based on the NADH dehydrogenase subuni...
Among the six species of Cyrtodactylus occurring in Sumatra, two species were described based on non-Sumatran type series, C. consobrinus and C. quadrivirgatus . The latter species was described originally from Thailand thus the wider distribution in Sumatra should be clarified taxonomically. Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus from Sumatra Barat was exam...
Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Beardless Barb fish) and Cyclocheilichthys armatus (Hihgfin Barb fish) in West Sumatra is known by the local name Turiak and Catua fish, respectively, are economically important species. Reducing populations and limited biological information about these fishes make their genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships cr...
One way to reduce dependence on the use of inorganic fertilizers is to substitute organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers come from the process of degradation of organic matter. To speed up the degradation process, a bio activator containing local microorganisms (LMO) was added as a starter. This study aims to compare bio activators from various s...
Our study aims to observe the effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in lowering amyloid accumulation and ryanodine receptor 3 (RYR3) gene expression, further improving cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Twenty male adult Wistar rats were randomly distributed into three groups of animals (n = 5). The AlCl3...
Roesma DI, Tjong DH, Syaifullah, Nofrita, Janra MN, Prawira FDL,Salis VM, Aidil DR. 2023.The importance of DNA barcode reference libraries and selection primer pair in monitoring fish diversity using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Biodiversitas 24: 2251-2260. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has become an alternative method used for biodive...
Research on the genetic variation of Anguilla spp. in the waters of the West Coast of West Sumatra was carried out from February to June 2022. This study used the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method. In this study, two Anguilla species were found, namely A. marmorata and A. bicolor bicolor. The highest heterozygosity value of A. marmorat...
One way to reduce dependence on the use of inorganic fertilizers is to substitute organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers come from the process of degradation of organic matter. To speed up the degradation process, a bio activator containing local microorganisms (LMO) was added as a starter. This study aims to compare bio activators from various s...
Background and Objective: Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups with diverse cultures. However, research on allele frequencies and genetic variations of each ethnic group in Indonesia has not been well established. Therefore, a study was conducted on 13 STR loci panels to analyze the mentawai population as an enhancement of the Indonesian pop...
INTRODUCTION: Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain can be both a symptom of tissue trauma associated with surgery or disease in itself. Surgical procedures may induce different alterations of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-6 that aff...
Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 is known as an auxin-producing bacteria that produced Indole-3-Acetic Acid
(IAA) best on YM media. Optimization of IAA production by UBCF_13 has been studied based on incubation time, pH,
tryptophan concentration, culture media types, and the addition of wall-affecting agents and metals. A previous study
demonstrated tha...
Indole-3-Acetic Acid [IAA] is one of the auxin hormones that affect plant physiological processes. One group
of bacteria that can produce the IAA hormone is from the genus Serratia sp. Serratia plymuthica strain UBCF_13 is
known to produce the IAA hormone. This study aims to determine the best media volume to obtain optimal IAA
production. The medi...
Leukemia merupakan suatu penyakit keganasan sel darah yang ditandai proliferasi leukosit secara tidak terkendali dengan manifestasi adanya sel-sel abnormal. Di Sumatera Barat penyakit ini menunjukkan prevalensi leukemia sebesar 2,4%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran nilai Leukosit, Eritrosit dan Trombosit pada Penderita Leukemia Limf...
Background and Objective: The optimization of the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) producing capability of Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 has
been intensively studied. This work tried to reveal the effect of growth phases on IAA production, gene expression and metabolite
synthesis related to the IAA biosynthesis pathway. Materials and Methods: The growth cu...
Clarias batrachus is a species of fish that can be found in Sundaland. The separation of Sundaland resulted in the separation of the islands, one of which was the island of Sumatra. The island of Sumatra is divided into west and east sides by the Bukit Barisan mountains. So, it is necessary to study the phylogenetic of C. batrachus. The CO1 gene is...
Background and Objective: The optimization of the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) producing capability of Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 has been intensively studied. This work tried to reveal the effect of growth phases on IAA production, gene expression and metabolite synthesis related to the IAA biosynthesis pathway. Materials and Methods: The growth cu...
Targets the development of breast cancer chemoprevention by blocking the expression of NaV 1.5 channels and NHE, decreasing the expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL, and increasing the expression of Bax. The ovarian extract Singkarak Lake Pufferfish (Tetraodon leiurus) has the potential as chemoprevention in breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7). This study a...
AbstrakPenelitian mengenai keanekaragaman jenis amfibi (ordo: Anura) di Desa Pasia Laweh, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Sumatra Barat ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis amfibi beserta indeks keanekaragamannya pada beberapa habitat yang diteliti. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Juni sampai Desember 2019 menggunakan metode survei dengan penan...
It is known that the ovarian extract of Singkarak Lake Pufferfish (Tetraodon leiurus) has the potential for chemoprevention in MCF-7 cells. However, the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax genes was associated with cancer. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the Bcl-2 and Bax gene expression induced by the ovarian extract of Singkarak Lake Pufferfish (T...
Ericca C, Tjong DH, Roesma DI, Novarino W, Syafullah, Janra MN, Aandrean. 2022. Short Communication: Taxonomic status of Great Argus (Argusianus argus) Sumatra and Borneo based on cytochrome B gene. Biodiversitas 23: 4670-4676. Great Argus (Argusianus argus) belongs to the bird family Phasianidae. Currently, there are two Great Argus subspecies: A....
Background and Objective: Chalcorana chalconota is a complex frog species in West Sumatra which has been revised and designated as Chalcorana parvaccola and Chalcorana rufipes based on several studies such as morphology and genetics. Other studies such as protein band patterns can be a marker to differentiate species. This research was done to dete...
Many reports of cases of illegal trade in animal body parts have resulted in more and more samples of animal body parts being seized. Seized sample from illegal trade needs to be identified with the help of molecular methods to ensure the profile of the seized samples including the determination of their sex. At the molecular level, amelogenin gene...
Research on the antimicrobial test of Fejervarya frog skin secretions (Anura: Dicroglossidae) in West Sumatra. This study aimed to analyze the ability of compounds secreted from the skin of F. cancrivora and F. limnocharis in West Sumatra to inhibit the growth of Gram Negative bacteria, Gram Positive bacteria, antibiotics-resistant bacteria and fun...
Minangkabau is the majority ethnic group in West Sumatra, Indonesia. West Sumatra is a disaster area, especially earthquakes and the potential for a tsunami. Allele frequency for 21 short tandem repeat locus and genetic variation are not well known. This data is essential for calculating the Paternity Index and Match Probability for fo...
Introduction: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov2) or Covid-19 has been spread quickly and caused 5 million deaths until February 2022. Severe symptoms of the infection may lead to death that prompt appropriate clinical diagnosis and adequate treatment going to be necessary. Covid-19 shows a severe inflammatory response which...
Roesma DI, Tjong DH, Janra MN, Aidil DR. 2022. DNA barcoding of freshwater fish in Siberut Island, Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 1795-1806. Information regarding molecular data of freshwater fish in Siberut Island, Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia, is not available. This study was conducted to provide DNA barcodes of freshwater...
Ashrifurrahman, Simamora S, Ritonga R, Novarino W, Tjong DH, Rizaldi, Syaifullah, Roesma DI. 2022. Sumatran tiger identification and phylogenetic analysis based on the CO1 gene: molecular forensic application. Biodiversitas 23: 1788-1794. Wild animal hunting, especially in the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), has been caused the populatio...
Biomaterial titanium mulai banyak digunakan sebagai bahan implan karena mempunyai kekuatan tinggi, lentur, tahan korosi dan biokompatibilitas yang baik. Namun demikian, titanium bersifat bioinert yang membuatnya tidak bisa berinteraksi dan menyatu dengan jaringan hidup. Untuk menutup kelemahan ini, titanium perlu dilapisi dengan bahan yang mempunya...
AIM: The aim of this study was to explore the effect of n-hexane fraction of Enhydra fluctuans aerial on kidney function in alloxan induced diabetic rats. METHODS: Five groups of diabetic Wistar rats were studied: Group 1 was given 0.5% Na-CMC (G0), group 2 was given glibenclamide 0.45 mg/kg (G1), groups 3, 4, and 5 were given a dose of n-hexane fr...
Bufonidae is widely distributed amphibian family around the world, including Indonesia (Sumatra) and Asia. Sumatra is an island which has separated because of sea level increase and create gene flows barrier for amphibian in Sumatra and Asia. The purpose of this research is to analyse Bufonidae phylogenetic which exist in several locations in Sumat...
Background: Whole genome sequencing is become an essential tool to explore potential of microorganism and evolutionary study. The Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 is one of phylloplane associated plant bacteria showing antifungal activity. For that reason, its complete genome information is necessary to enhance its potential as biocontrol against plant...
Background and Objective: Ureolytic bacteria are bacteria capable of hydrolyzing urea. In construction, these bacteria are known to help improve soil stability. One of the habitats of ureolytic bacteria is cave ornaments such as gourdam, flowstone, stalagmite and stalactite. This study aims to find isolates and characterization of ureolytic bacteri...
Various phenomena in nature and human activities have resulted in the loss of biodiversity, such as freshwater fish in Maninjau lake, West Sumatra, which has declined from year to year. A new method to monitor biodiversity quickly and efficiently is the NGS technique on environment DNA (eDNA). The study aimed to know the NGS technique’s ability and...
BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is a disease with the high mortality rate. Data indicate that 23.5% of maternal deaths due to preeclampsia. Urine protein testing is essential for pregnant women to discover the function of kidney during pregnancy and to identify the presence of preeclampsia, both mild and severe, which it can lead to eclampsia. Preeclampsi...
BACKGROUND: Cholesteatoma is a lesion of the temporal bone lined by stratified squamous epithelium that contains desquamated keratin. Cholesteatoma is considered more aggressive during childhood. The molecular mechanism of the pathogenesis of cholesteatoma formation is still unclear. Previous studies reported on immunohistochemical examination and...
Enhydra fluctuans is one of the medicinal plants of the Minangkabau tribe, West Sumatra, Indonesia which is widely used by the community to treat various diseases including diabetes mellitus. However, scientific studying of its hypoglycemic activity is very limited. In this study, we evaluated the hypoglycemic activity of E. fluctuans aerial ethano...
The Etiology of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBY) infection. In a high incidence of NPC, the EBY genome can be detected in almost all NPC cases. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has a unique geographical distribution pattern. This research was conducted to analyze the LMP1 (EBY DNA) load in NPC in the Minangkabau patient...
Roesma DI, Tjong DH, Janra MN, Aidil DR. 2021. Freshwater vertebrates monitoring in Maninjau Lake, West Sumatra, Indonesia using environmental DNA. Biodiversitas 22: 2794-2802. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is one of the DNA sources without directly disturbing the organisms. The eDNA potentially an effective method with next-generation sequencing (NGS)...
Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 is one of the bacteria that can increase plant growth
[plant growth-promoting bacteria] by producing IAA [Indole-3-Acetic Acid]. S. plymuthica
UBCF_13 is a strain of Andalas University Biotechnology Laboratory Collection which can
produce IAA and increase the growth of Solanaceae plants. Optimization of culture media
Non-pathogenic bacteria are used as biocontrol agents in plants because of their capability to induce the plant’s resistance system through the ISR [Induction Systemic Resistance] mechanism. Rhizobacteria are known for their ability to signal the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and ethylene, also stimulate an increased expression level of resistance...
A hybrid promoter is a synthetic promoter engineering technique that has a function as a tool for cis-acting elements validation. The hybrid promoter is assembled by combining the minimal promoter [MP] with fragments containing cis-acting elements. PD_CbNPR1 from Capsicum annuum cv. Berangkai has several potential cis-acting elements for the regula...
Geminivirus is one of the causes of losses in the agricultural sector. This virus infects many horticultural crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, and chilies. All genes in geminivirus have an important and interrelated role in the success of infection. Replicase is a gene that is key in the replication of the viral genome in its h...
Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Diseases [PepYLCD] one of the most damaging diseases in pepper and chili caused by a geminivirus. The coat protein of geminivirus plays an important role in encapsidation of the virus genome and also as a transmission mediator. This research aimed to predict the 3D structure and binding site of coat protein pepper leaf curl...
Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13 was a promising bacterium to control plant pathogenic fungal. Availability of this bacterium genome and genome mining approaches has assisted to identify gene-encoded antibiotics. In this study, we identified the biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) of andrimid and compared it with andrimid BGC from other bacterial strains an...
Cytochrome b gene mitochondrial DNA was used to study the Palo fish from Bukit Rangkak tributary, Harau Valley, West Sumatra. The study aimed to determine the taxonomy of Palo fish, which morphological suspected as the Betta group. Phylogenetic analysis was used to solve the relationship of Palo fish with other species of the Betta. The alignment o...
Implantation using titanium Ti-6Al-4V ELI still has disadvantages, in particular, low
osseointegration caused by less bioactive of material. Hydroxyapatite was then applied as a
coating material to increase the bioactivity and the osseonintegration as well. The Ti-6AL-4V ELI samples were coated with the hydroxyapatite using the electrophoretic depo...
Hydroxyapatite (HA) coating has been carried out on a titanium alloy Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr (TNTZ) to improve the biocompatibility and bioactivity of the alloy in order to attain a high degree of osseointegration and low inflammatory reactions in bone tissue after implantation in orthopedic implant applications. The coating process was carried out usin...
The research on antimicrobial activity of skin secretion derived from Rana hosii (Anura: Ranidae) against several pathogenic microbes had been conducted at Microbiology Laboratory and at Genetics and Biomolecular Laboratory, both in the Biology Department, Universitas Andalas. The research used to survey and experimental methods. The study aimed to...
We present new records of Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965 in West Sumatra. These records extend the known distribution of the species which was previously only known from the type locality in Padang, West Sumatra. We assess the morphology and habitats of this species and estimate its distribution. Predicted distribution based on maximum entropy...
A study about the morphological variation of plantain squirrel among several populations in West Sumatra has been done in West Sumatra. There were 38 specimens of C. notatus collected from Padang, Lubuk Basung, Sangir, and Baso by using a survey and direct collection method. The morphometric measurement was conducted in the Laboratory of Genetic an...
Implantasi menggunakan material titanium Ti-6Al-4V ELI masih memiliki keterbatasan yaitu osseointegrasi yang rendah karena bersifat kurang bioaktif. Hidroksiapatit digunakan sebagai bahan pelapisn meningkatkan bioaktivitas material dan ikatan material dengan jaringan tulang. Material Ti-6AL-4V ELI (kepingan) dilapisi dengan hidroksiapatit menggunak...
Demam berdarah adalah suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue dan ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Virus dengue yang masuk ke tubuh manusia, akan menyerang sel dendritik dan sel retikuloendotelial lain seperti sel hati, makrofag sehingga menyebabkan diproduksinya mediator imun selular dan humoral. Mediator imun meny...
This study aims to investigate the effect of the electrophoretic deposition process (EPD) of natural HA (extracted from bovine bones) with various particle size on Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr (TNTZ) coating surfaces. HA particles were refined from bovine bone powders using planetary ball mill and then sieving to separate the particle based on its size. The...