Dirk Geldof

Dirk Geldof
University of Antwerp | UA · Faculty of Design Sciences

Phd Sociology


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Dirk Geldof is professor in Sociology at the Faculty of Design Sciences (University of Antwerp). He is lecturer & senior Researcher at the Centre of Family Studies (Odisee University of Applied Sciences) & Lecturer Crossing Borders at Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences Antwerp). He published 'Superdiversity in the heart of Europe. How migration changes our society' (Acco, 2016), 'Transmigration' (Acco 2016) & 'Superdiversiteit. Hoe migratie onze samenleving verandert' (Acco, 2019).
Additional affiliations
January 1999 - October 2024
Odisee University of Applied Sciences
  • Senior researcher


Publications (97)
Over recent years, the number of refugee families with children fleeing to Europe has increased. Although reception centres in Europe are not equipped to host families with children, families nevertheless remain for extensive periods in these collective centres, where they lack autonomy, privacy, certainty and often even a sense of security. Drawin...
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Les familles avec enfants constituent un groupe important et particulier dans l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile. Plus de quatre résidents sur dix dans les centres d’accueil belges sont des familles. Près d’un résident sur trois est mineur. Beaucoup ont connu des situations menaçantes avant leur arrivée, certains aussi pendant leur séjour dans les ce...
Introduction Belgium – as most other Western European countries – has become an immigration country in the last decades. One in five Belgian citizens has or was born with a non-Belgian nationality. On a yearly basis, around 140,000 immigrants arrive in Belgium (Myria, 2020). Refugees granted international protection represent about 10 per cent of t...
The chapter examines a reconceptualization of resilience into resilient moves among young accompanied refugees in Belgium. First we contextualize the influx of refugees as part of the rising superdiversity and (trans)migration in Belgium. Secondly, we contextualize the growing number of refugee families with children and youngsters, and the rise of...
This article addresses housing and accommodation challenges for refugees in Flanders, a region in Belgium by merging the author’s distinct disciplinary perspectives—architectural and sociological. It builds upon two core concepts in housing literature: ‘housing pathways’ and ‘home-making’. Integrating results of several research projects, the artic...
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Gezinnen met kinderen vormen een belangrijke en bijzondere groep in de asielopvang. Meer dan vier op de tien van de bewoners in de Belgische opvangcentra zijn gezinnen. Bijna één op de drie bewoners is minderjarig. Velen maakten voor hun aankomst bedreigende situaties mee, sommigen ook tijdens hun verblijf in de opvangcentra. Opvangstructuren moe...
Using in-depth interviews, this paper examines the performance of resilient practices by 17 asylum-seeking and refugee families (27 parents, 35 children) living in Belgium, and the ways in which such practices have been facilitated by social professionals (22) in various types of relationships to these families. Different from much research that st...
The process of normalization of superdiversity in Western European countries goes together with a rising interest for identity politics—ranging from nationalist and populist counterreactions against increasing diversity and the fear of losing the national identity, to debates over decolonization and the search for identity in contexts of diaspora o...
Migration and diversity divide Western European societies. Even in context of superdiversity, multiculturalism remains contested. This article analyses the critiques on multiculturalism and the rise of ‘new realism’ and explores ways to a ‘multiculturalism 2.0’. In contexts of increasing diversity and complexity, in which social workers increasingl...
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De Verenigde Staten worden tegen 2040 een ‘majority-minority-society’, een samenleving waarin de huidige etnisch-culturele of raciale minderheden de meerderheid van de Amerikaanse bevolking uitmaken. Tegen dergelijke voorspellingen, die voortbouwen op de volkstellingen van het Amerikaanse censusbureau, verzet de Amerikaanse socioloog Richard Alba z...
Welke wereld willen we na corona? Hoe gaan we van noodtoestand naar normaliteit, en wat wordt de nieuwe normaliteit dan? Het zijn fundamentele vragen voor wie voorbij de dagelijkse besmettingscijfers wil kijken en de impact écht wil begrijpen. De coronacrisis zette in het voorjaar van 2020 onze samenleving en onze vanzelfsprekendheden on hold. Sch...
This chapter assesses transmigration. Within the fields of migration studies and superdiversity, transmigration and its impact on social policy are still underexplored. Yet, the rising number of transmigrants within Europe — from outside the EU as well as intra-EU-mobility — does not only challenge ideas of belonging and integration, but also exist...
Social work in the 21st century will be social work in contexts and times of superdiversity. The concept of superdiversity serves as a lens to understand rising complexities, impacted by migration. In this article, I first analyse the concept and the reality of superdiversity. Then the challenges for social work are explored, with a focus on divers...
By elaborating on the concept of 'resilient moves', we try to show how resilience in the case of asylum-seeking families living in open, collective reception centres exists in a complicated relationship with vulnerability and is very much a matter of local negotiation rather than mere adaptation in the face of adversity. Building upon consecutive w...
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By elaborating on the concept of 'resilient moves', we try to show how resilience in the case of asylum-seeking families living in open, collective reception centres exists in a complicated relationship with vulnerability and is very much a matter of local negotiation rather than mere adaptation in the face of adversity. Building upon consecutive w...
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Superdiversity implies increasing diversity within diversity, including the rise of flexible migration strategies: complex migration trajectories implying serial cross-border mobility between two or more countries. The article explores transmigration in the two main superdiverse Belgian cities of Brussels and Antwerp, based upon in-depth interviews...
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In societies characterized by globalization and increasing mobility, social workers are more often confronted with transmigrants: people who move multiple times, combine complex migration trajectories, and whose social lives are shaped in various sites. The growing complexity of these mobile clients’ needs calls for a paradigm shift in social work....
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The impact and scale of migrations and mobilities are possibly the most significant issue in the contemporary transformation of cities. Cities are the sites of negotiations of differences. Cities are plural spaces, characterised by a superdiversity that demands the particular attention of social work in terms of solidarities, cohesion and appropria...
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The 21st century will be the century of superdiversity. Ethnic-cultural diversity in Europe continues to grow, even though governments try to limit further migration with a series of short-sighted measures. In Brussels, the capital city of Belgium and Europe, two out of every three residents has a migration background. Within a matter of years, Ant...
Hoe ga je als welzijnswerker, leerkracht of ondersteuner om met volwassenen en jongeren die leven in onzekerheid rond hun verblijf: willen ze in België blijven of verder migreren? Mogen ze blijven, en voor hoelang? Hoe (snel) zullen ze werk vinden, de taal leren, een diploma behalen, een nieuw sociaal netwerk uitbouwen? En wat met familieleden en v...
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In een superdiverse samenleving neemt migratie nieuwe vormen aan. Voor velen is migratie niet langer een enkelvoudige beweging van een land van herkomst naar een land van aankomst. Migranten zijn vaker transmigranten. Hun migratietrajecten omvatten meer plaatsen dan enkel een land van herkomst en één van aankomst. diversiteit, gebruiker, sociale pr...
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Based on research amongst Brazilian and Moroccan temporary residents of the cities of Brussels and Antwerp (Belgium), this article engages with the changes in and current methodological approaches to migration studies. By demonstrating how the trajectories of many contemporary migrants are marked by ongoing mobility, it further complicates previous...
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Many Western European countries, and especially the larger cities within these countries, are making a transition towards super-diversity. This shift towards super-diversity is also characterised by a growth of the phenomenon of transmigration, whereby people frequently move back and forth across borders. The social life of transmigrants is not onl...
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Most European cities have been, and still are, faced with a strong increase of inhabitants with other ethnic backgrounds. Globalization has increased the processes of migration during the last three decades, especially to urban areas. These processes are changing cities and their social landscape profoundly, not least because many migrants are bein...
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We leven in een maatschappij van hyper-consumptie. Alles is te koop en je bent wat je koopt. We hebben nog nooit zoveel gekocht. Consumptie staat centraal in ons leven. De rekken in onze supermarkten puilen uit, net zoals onze kasten, kelders, zolders en garages thuis. Onze aarde kan de groeiende consumptie steeds moeilijker aan. Ons klimaat warm...
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Het volgend decennium is interculturalisering misschien wel dé uitdaging voor het sociaal werk. ' GEVOELIGE ETNISCHE DIMENSIE Terwijl de armoede bij mensen van andere etnische afkomst groeit, bestaat er in kringen van sociaal werkers nog steeds een grote terughoudendheid om sociale problemen ook vanuit een etnisch-cul-turele dimensie te benaderen....


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