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Analysis text on communication in new media
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April 2012 - present
September 2013 - July 2016
Publications (239)
The purpose of this study provides a description of the learning model rhetorical argumentation in social media effectively and emancipatory. Learning model used is replication of the model Tolumin argument. The research method used is a case study with qualitative methodology. The results showed that the learning model of rhetorical argumentation...
Islam Nusantara discourse, became a trending topic in new media, after the opening speech by President Joko Widodo in the national congress of NU's ( NahdlatulUlama) scholars, held before 33 rd NU Congress. Before the Congress, NU delivered a lot of rhetoric on Islam Nusantara. Unfortunately, few Islamic organizations in Indonesia held negative vie...
On December 23, 2016, PT. Prakarsa Alam Segar was getting protests from residents about the factory smoke waste that pollutes the air around the settlements and makes breathless breathing. The purpose of this research is to describe the process of community relations at PT Prakarsa Alam Segar after pollution of the smoke waste at Kaliabang RW 01 re...
Social media, as a form of internet technology innovation, has brought many positive changes in how people socialize and communicate. One of the changes that has occurred is the modern marketing approach using social media, commonly referred to as social media marketing. Vindes is one of the businesses that leverages internet technology innovation...
The spread of hoaxes amid the pandemic in East Jakarta increases health and social risks, triggering the need for appropriate education for youth to be able to filter unverified information properly. Qualitative methods were used with a focus on the use of X social media by nongovernmental organizations, residents, and the general public. The resea...
The existence of philosophy in the Islamic world means that the door of thought in the Islamic world has begun to open. However, it cannot be denied that Islamic philosophy has also experienced widespread social resistance from the past to the present. This begins with the contradiction of the views of Islamic philosophers regarding Islamic philoso...
Abstrak UMKM Mahasiswa umumnya tidak dikelola dengan baik. Kesadaran mahasiswa di perkotaan seperti Jakarta, belum sepenuhnya ingin mengembangkan kewirausahaan yang dikelola mahasiswa. Namun karena adanya beberapa tuntutan dari kampus untuk bisa berwirausaha, maka mahasiswa prodi S1 Ilmu komunikasi UNJ membuat wirausaha mahasiswa dengan melakukan o...
The organization of the 2024 elections is considered quite satisfactory. This is due to the existence of democratic freedom in its implementation. Democratic freedom is one of the things that will play a major role in the satisfaction of organizing the 2024 elections. This article was conducted regarding the effect of students' democratic freedom o...
The development towards digital has made many changes that have occurred in various aspects of human life. In this era, many social media applications have sprung up which are certainly a means of entertainment for some people. With the increasing frequency of access to social media, several product or service companies advertise their products or...
A rapid development, especially in the technology industry, led to a big impact on media development. A lot of media companies switched from conventional media to digital media because of fear of being eroded and disability to adapt with the digital advances. not only that, there were also a lot of new online media appearance based on social media,...
Instagram @indonesiabaik.id is a social media managed by the Ministry of Communication and Information, a social media management strategy is needed as a public information medium. This study aims to find out how to implement the strategy used by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in managing social media Instagram @indonesiabaik.id, thi...
Safitri) ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT PENDAHULUAN Dalam buku pengantar ilmu komunikasi yang telah dikutip oleh Hafied Cangara itu menjelaskan bahwa secara umum komunikasi itu digambarkan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan yang wajib dalam kehidupan manusia. Dengan melalui komunikasi yang baik ini, akan dapat memudahkan setiap individunya untuk mudah mendapatkan...
Pengelolaan sampah di Indonesia khususnya di Jakarta masih banyak menghadapi berbagai hambaran selain fasilitas tentunya sistem yang kurang efektif. Masyarakat pun memiliki literasinya yang minim mengenai pemilahan dan pengolahan sampah. Salah satu komunitas peduli sampah yaitu komunita Mat Peci mencoba menginisiasi sebuah program bank sampah diman...
Abstraksi Kelurahan Jatinegara Kaum memiliki program untuk memberdayakan pelaku UMKM sehingga dapat naik kelas. Sayangnya, program pemberdayaan tersebut masih kurang optimal, terutama pada bagian prmosi produk. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk pemberdayaan UMKM Jatinegara Kaum melalui kegiatan pemasaran online. Metode yang kami paka...
The rapid development of technology has given birth to many new media as intermediaries in communicating. And this development gave birth to a media, namely social media which has now become an intermediary for communicating and needs for humans which can be considered difficult to separate because humans are very dependent on social media, and one...
Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi informasi telah mencapai tingkat yang sangat canggih. Teknologi informasi muncul di bermacam-macam bidang kehidupan, salah satunya pada bidang pendidikan. Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, peran teknologi informasi sangat dominan dalam mengubah dunia pendidikan. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas dampak po...
Penelitian ini menganalisis strategi komunikasi Wardah Beauty dalam kampanye "Wardah Colorfit Ultralight Matte Lipstick" Korea Edition di Instagram dan dampaknya terhadap brand equity. Dengan tren K-pop dan produk kecantikan Korea yang populer, strategi ini memanfaatkan lagu Korea dan budaya Korea untuk menarik perhatian audiens yang lebih luas. Me...
moking, including cigarettes and other types
of tobacco, is harmful to health. Secondhand
smoke from cigarettes can be harmful to both
active smokers (those who smoke) and nonsmokers
(those who inhale second-hand
smoke). Cognitive dissonance is a feeling of
irrationality in which a person finds himself
doing something inconsistent with his
During the pandemic, there was a trend in the use of global information
technology, which showed a steady increase in the role of information
technology in supporting competitive organizational performance. This
use makes the phenomenon of digital transformation bring significant
changes to everything that humanity does (Uysal and Okumus, 2019).
A teacher must have teaching skills in order to become a professional teacher. The purpose of this article is to present the results of research on the development of teaching skills multimedia for microteaching courses in the Biology Education Study Program, FMIPA, State University of Jakarta. Multimedia is designed by combining text, images, audi...
This study was driven by the financial difficulties that many
students in continuing higher education face. BEMP IKOM UNJ, a
student organization, established the #TanganMas Campaign on
Instagram to urge students to donate to classmates who are
struggling to pay their tuition. The purpose of this study was to
determine how the #TanganMas campa...
This study examines the exposure of Tiket.com advertisements on Instagram to the purchase decision of #SerasaDi Eropa Tiket.com content advertisements on @tiket.com account followers. This research uses quantitative research where the analysis method is simple linear regression. The subjects of this research are followers of Tiket.com's official ac...
Online fraud continues to haunt internet users, especially WhatsApp as a messenger media which is the main medium for communication. The motive is now to spread messages such as couriers, wedding invitations, or bill payments by sending .apk format to break into the victim's account. This became a concern and was reported by Instagram @narasinewsro...
Abstrak-Pelaku UMKM banyak mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola media sosial instagram. Salah satunya dalam memoto foto produk yang akan digunakan sebagai alat promosi di instagram. Untuk itu diperlukan bimbingan teknis dalam menghasilkan foto yang instagramable produk UMKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan pemanfaatan trik fotogra...
Adolescence is also a critical time, where they are in the unstable psychological state. One of the problems that comes to the surface among teenagers is deviant sexual activity. Based on some researches, lots of teenager had done sex before marriage, even though it is prohibited on religion's eye. This is an important thing to learn so we can unde...
Berkembang pesatnya pengetahuan dan teknologi seiring zaman banyak membawa perubahan dan dampak dalam berbagai bidang dan sektor. Perkembangan tersebut banyak membawa nilai positif sebab dinilai mempermudah manusia dalam melakukan banyak hal, seperti akses internet yang dapat mempercepat alur informasi sehingga terciptanya sosial media yang semakin...
Polarization is now becoming a strategy in campaigning ads. Rabbani as a hijab brand also uses a polarization strategy. On December 25, 2022, Rabbani released an advertisement on the official Instagram. The written narration in the advertisement then causes polarization. The purpose of this study is to describe the polarizing strategy used by Rabba...
Advances in technology combined with the emergence of the proliferation of social media have facilitated public access to all information to find out. Students are active users of technology and social media. As active users, many students are exposed to social media which can cause worry and fear if they experience similar incidents in the future,...
The rapid growth of technology continues to bring great changes in human life both in terms of social and culture. The application that will be discussed in this research is the Tik Tok application, which is the latest social media application that allows users to create and various interesting videos. The purpose of this research is to find out th...
This study examines a case study of group entrepreneurial financing products initiated by Islamic Banks by implementing the Grameen Bank program. The concept of the financing product used is a product that provides capital financing and business knowledge to poor women's business groups without collateral. The guarantee used is the trust between gr...
This journal was created with the aim that students can avoid an unhealthy productivity. Especially when knowing the bad impact on the mental health of each individual.Restrictions on social life that are being lived bring about certain responses that affect the comfort of human life, such as the emergence of fear and worry, feeling lonely, "distan...
Interpersonal communication, the involvement of two people in communication is a major factor in creating a deeper relationship. The aim of the researchers is to find out how online dating users communicate themselves to their potential partners on the Tinder application. In conducting this research, researchers used the theory of Social Informatio...
Untuk menciptakan keamanan dalam bertransaksi secara online, masyarakat harusmempunyai kesadaran dalam melindungi kerahasiaan data pribadi. Oleh karena itudiperlukan kampanye bagi masyarakat untuk menciptakan kesadaran bagi masyarakat. Halini kemudian menarik peneliti untuk membuat penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahuiadakah pengaruh pesan kam...
Globalization's huge expansion of information technology has become a crucial component in the Indonesian people's desire for Hallyu. Hallyu is linked with the realm of entertainment, including music, theater, cinema, and a variety of programs beautifully packaged to promote Korean culture. The growth of South Korean films may also be witnessed in...
Globalization's huge expansion of information technology has become a crucial component in the Indonesian people's desire for Hallyu. Hallyu is linked with the realm of entertainment, including music, theater, cinema, and a variety of programs beautifully packaged to promote Korean culture. The growth of South Korean films may also be witnessed in...
Setiap lembaga pemerintah harus menjaga hubungan yang harmonis dengan masyarakat. Sebagai garda terdepan dalam menjalin hubungan antara sebuah organisasi dengan publiknya, public relations memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam memberikan pelayanan publik yang berkualitas dan memuaskan bagi masyarakat. Badan kepegawaian negara sebagai lembaga yan...
Jatinegara Kaum Urban Village has made several programs for UMKM in their area. However, there are still a few UMKM actors who want to take advantage of the program, such as being active in the e-order program and optimizing Instagram social media as a promotional medium. For this reason, we are trying to help UMKM optimize Instagram social media f...
This study aims to determine the process of lobbying and negotiation that occurs in Betawi Families who have daughters in deciding where to go to School for their children. The methodology of this research is qualitatife with data collection techniques through interviews. The result of this study is that there are differences of opinion in the Beta...
ABSTRAK Trend model komunikasi pemasaran yang diterapkan dalam perusahaan atau lembaga. Hal ini karena perubahan haluan konsep pengembangan ekonomi yang pada awalnya berfokus pada kesejahteraan masyarakat saja menjadi ekonomi hijau atau suatu gagasan ekonomi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kesetaraan sosial masyarakat, sekaligus...
Sekolah sebagai institusi pendidikan, sejatinya adalah tempat untuk mengembangkan karakter siswa agar dapat memahami orang lain dan mengasah kemampuan sosial. Namun tertnyata banyak perundungan yang terjadi di sekolah. Perundungan yang terjadi di sekolah bahkan sampai viral di media sosial. Viralnya perundungan terssebut terjadi karena para siswa m...
ABSTRAK Mitra pengabdian kepada masyarakat kami adalah Komunitas Mat Peci dan Sekolah Sungai Ciliwung. permasalahan yang muncul pada lingkungan mitra adalah yang pertama, masih minim kesadaran serta edukasi UMKM binaan mengenai identifikasi diferensiasi serta keunikan produk masing-masing UMKM, serta minimnya inovasi produk sehingga tidak memiliki...
Jatinegara Kaum Urban Village has made several programs for UMKM in their area. However, there are still a few UMKM actors who want to take advantage of the program, such as being active in the e-order program and optimizing Instagram social media as a promotional medium. For this reason, we are trying to help UMKM optimize Instagram social media f...
The most popular content is about food, thus opening up a livelihood as a food vlogger. This research uses a qualitative approach, with exploratory research methods. The data confirmation technique uses the concept of source triangulation, namely by interviewing several different sources. Tasyi Athasyia's role as an influencer often provides person...
Twitter merupakan salah satu media sosial yang memberikan kemudahan bagi penggunanya untuk berbagi pesan dengan menggunakan fitur khusus yaitu hashtag. Fitur tersebut memungkinkan pengguna memperluas jangkauan tweet mereka dan menarik lebih banyak pengikut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis fenomena hashtag #AnalogSwitchOff dan dampakn...
Santri, coffee and moderation are words that can synergize. The habit of drinking coffee has become a mandatory tradition for students in Islamic boarding schools. This habit then gave rise to the phrase, "Santri if they are not reading the Koran, it means they are drinking coffee". Even if there are students who are unproductive and lazy, they are...
Abstrak Aksi Cepat Tanggap atau biasa disebut ACT yaitu satu dari lembaga kemanusiaan terpopuler di Tanah Air. Dalam perkembangan ACT, Bareskrim Polri menduga telah terjadi penyalahgunaan dana bantuan yang digelontorkan ACT untuk korban peristiwa jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air JT-610 tahun 2018. Hal tersebut dikemukakan pihak polisi usai dilakukan Pusat...
Saat ini salah satu penilaian indikator kinerja utama Perguruan tinggi adalah dosen berkegiatan di luar kampus
salah satunya dengan mengikuti uji kompetensi. Untuk mengikuti uji kompetensi tersebut, dosen harus menyusun
portofolio. Uji kompetensi yang dapat diikuti dosen dapat disesuaikan dengan profil lulusan yang dihasilkan. Seperti
saya, salah s...
Aksi Cepat Tanggap or abbreviated as ACT is one of the largest philanthropic institutions in Indonesia. During ACT's development, Bareskrim Polri suspects that there was a misuse of aid funds made by ACT for the victims of the Lion Air JT-610 plane crash in 2018. These findings were conveyed by the police after the Financial Analysis and Transactio...
Teknologi media baru telah membawa banyak perubahan pada gaya hidup masyarakat saat ini. Salah satunya mengubah cara masyarakat dalam mendapatkan dan mengonsumsi berita. Hal tersebut terlihat pada polarisasi isu sosial dan politik dan konteks budaya yang terbingkai dalam aktivitas public relations pada meedia sosial. Buku referensi ini juga berisi...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis fenomena sosial yang terjadi di dalam cerita novel Red Queen karya Victoria Aveyard menggunakan teori relasi kuasa milik Michael Foucault. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis teks. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Red Queen karya Victoria Aveyard yang di...
Lobbying and negotiation are the strategic aspects used to construct reassurance and agreement on a common goal. Therefore, it is aligned with the collaboration context carried out by the UNJ BSI Scholarship Inspiration Awardee in creating a SIBERKASIH program with the residents of Kampung Pure Bali Rawamangun. BSI Scholarship Inspiration UNJ is an...
Abs trac t The Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) policy has been a lot of news topic since the beginning of 2022. IKN which is still in the initial planning and development stages makes the public dependent on information in IKN news to find out about the development of this policy. One of them is through IKN reporting on the online media Kompas.com. Moving th...
This study aims to find out the role of public relations as a
communication facilitator on Instagram @unj_official social media
for information dissemination. In this case, public relations had an
important role to be able to convey information so that it can be well
received and fulfill the information needed by the public about the
Dini Safitri IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR PADA PROGRAM STUDI S-1 ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNJ 3 PENDAHULUAN Program Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar pertama kali diluncurkan pada 23 April 2021 oleh Nadiem Makarim. Setelah peluncuran tersebut, program tersebut secara masif dilaksanakan sebagai program unggulan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan...
The function of public relations is to become a bridge of information from the company to the public and vice versa, to find out what the audience's expectations are for the company, both externally and internally. One way to communicate with the company's external community is through a large program to help solve environmental problems in the vic...
The current trend of making learning chatbots stimulates the creativity of educators to overcome the learning problems that many teenagers experience today, one of which is the creation of learning chatbots to address adolescent mental health. Currently, many adolescents are experiencing mental problems, it is estimated that there are more than 1 i...
Perkembangan teknologi tidak terlepas dengan perubahan kehidupan dan pola pikir setiap individu, begitu pula dengan generasi z. Generasi Z merupakan generasi yang sangat dekat dan mampu mengikuti arus perubahan teknologi. Salah satu dari perubahan teknologi itu ialah investasi online seperti crypto. Era postmodernisme merupakan era atau massa diman...
Program Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar pertama kali diluncurkan pada 23 April 2021 oleh Nadiem Makarim. Setelah peluncuran tersebut, program tersebut secara masif dilaksanakan sebagai program unggulan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek) dengan singkatan MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka). Pro...
The Covid-19 pandemic has made major changes to the use of digital application as a replacement for classroom meetings in. Online learning carried out during the pandemic also demands creativity from educators so that learning becomes interactive and easy to understand by students. One method used to achieve those goals is project-based learning. P...
his study aims to determine critical discourse of the news that is published by Tempo.co entitled“KontakEratdenganPositifCovid-19,Pemerintah:TesNegatif,TetapIsolasi”.Thisstudyfocusesonthreeaspects, microstruktural,mesostrukturalandmacrostrukturalwhichprocessedinordertomakenews texts.The newsthat isused for this studywaspublishedin22 February2022thr...
This study aims to determine critical discourse of the news that is published by Tempo.co entitled“KontakEratdenganPositifCovid-19,Pemerintah:TesNegatif,TetapIsolasi”.Thisstudyfocusesonthreeaspects, microstruktural,mesostrukturalandmacrostrukturalwhichprocessedinordertomakenews texts.The newsthat isused for this studywaspublishedin22 February2022th...
Power can occur anywhere, including in the classroom. Representation of power relates to how individuals or groups describe, display, and represent power through things that are marked by symbols (which in this context is language). The components involved are lecturers and students usingdiscourse in the Creative Advertising course class at Univers...
The Ciliwung River is a source of life for the community around the DAS (Watershed Area) River) which are in the areas of Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi. But now this has happened tremendous damage to the ecosystem in Ciliwung and most of it was caused by human's doing. Some of the damage to the Ciliwung river ecosystem, among others, is waste pollution...
he coffee shop business has recently grown rapidly. So, it is not surprising that coffee drinking has become part of the trends and culture of Indonesian society. The purpose of this study is to study several websites that provide fast-food coffee delivery services in Indonesia. The research methodology that will be used in this research is literat...
The existence of panopticism that occurs in the social structure regarding differences in skin color in advertisements that are broadcast massively through the mass media, especially for beauty products, is the main reason for researchers in conducting research. In addition, this paper aims to identify the truth game that manufacturers do in introd...
The rapid flow of globalization has caused the entry of popular culture, one of which is Korean culture. Korean culture, or we call it the Korean Wave, comes in various forms such as dramas or TV shows, films, songs, and music, as well as industrial products such as skincare, make-up, and foods. The increasingly sophisticated media platforms and ea...
Public relations uses social media to be able to do issue management. However, many issues created by Public Relations are polarized, there are two interest groups that conflict with each other, resulting in two groups arguing and making rhetorical arguments. The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of polarization of issues on socia...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui relevansi antara perkembangan teori kritis dengan kapitalisme pendidikan. Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui dampak kapitalisme pendidikan pada kalangan mahasiswa, serta langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi dampak kapitalisme pendidikan sesuai dengan pandangan teori kritis. Teori yang dig...
The Ciliwung River is a source of life for the community around the watershed (Watershed)in the Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi areas. But now there has been tremendous damage to theecosystem in Ciliwung and most of it is caused by human activities. Some of the damage to theCiliwung river ecosystem includes waste pollution due to industrial and household...
Mitra pengabdian kepada masyarakat kami adalah Komunitas Mat Peci dan Sekolah Sungai Ciliwung. permasalahan yang muncul pada lingkungan mitra adalah yang pertama, masih minim kesadaran serta edukasi masyarakat sekitar DAS mengenai pelestarian sungai Ciliwung yang berdampak pada perubahan ekosistem. Kedua, Masih minimnya pengetahuan mengenai pencema...
With the development of technology and information, the competition between companies is getting tougher. Using a brand ambassador is undoubtedly one of the marketing strategies that can communicate the brand and improve the brand image. Of course, every company wants its products to have a good impression and be accepted by various circles of soci...
In the daily activities of a PR, communication is important how the message to be conveyed can be communicated properly and correctly. Public Relations also works to get rid of all the negative issues that exist related to the workplace and has the power to dismiss these issues based on the existing reality and then spread them back to the public t...
The women's entrepreneurial community in Johar Baru Subdistrict, Central Jakarta consists of approximately 30 underprivileged entrepreneurs fostered by Yayasan Senyum Ibu Indonesia (YSII). The problem in the partner environment is the number of community members who do not use promotional media on social media. Even if anyone uses social media, jus...
This research discusses how the profession of becoming a Youtuber is a benchmark in professional transition that often occurs in the postmodern era of the present which is especially felt by millennials. The purpose of this research is to find out what things are produced related to being a Youtuber as a professional transition in this post-modern...
Yayasan Senyum Ibu Indonesia (YSII) is a foundation that is engaged in empowering women, including empowering mothers to carry out environmental care movements in their homes. The problem that occurs is the lack of guidance to community members in this case due to the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, entering the new normal era, we held training for Y...
Wirausaha perempuan banyak bermunculan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Para perempuan
yang merupakan ibu rumah tangga ini turut membantu ekonomi rumah tangga melalui usaha rumahan. Usaha rumahan yang dilakoni, mulai dari usaha kuliner, marketing herbal, sampai hantaran pengantin dilakoni para ibu rumah tangga. Agar usaha tersebut dapat berjalan dengan b...
Terlepas dari latar belakang setiap orang, pendidikan merupakan hal yang penting bagi setiap insan. Pendidikan merupakan proses membina generasi yang maju dan berbudaya untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi lobi dan negosiasi pembangunan Sekolah Di Utara, Kampung Baru Nelayan, Cilinci...
Purpose: This community service aims to improve skills and provide knowledge for majelis taklim members about using Zoom meeting for the virtual event and broadcasting virtual events through Youtube streaming service in Malaka Jaya District, Jakarta City. Method: This community service applied an interactive method with survey location, finding com...
Abstrak iWANCHU merupakan es krim berbahan dasar sayur. Sayur yang digunakan dalam es krim ini adalah mentimun. Mentimun merupakan salah satu sayur yang kurang diminati oleh sebagian masyarakat. Hal tersebut sangat disayangkan, karena mentimun memiliki kandungan yang baik untuk kesehatan. Oleh karena itu dipilih mentimun sebagai bahan dasar utama d...
This study examines the case of the money marketing communication used by Islamic banks to promote Grameen Bank products. Grameen Bank is a form of financing model for providing capital by a bank to a group of people who have a lack of ability in terms of economics. This study aims to determine the marketing mix model used by BTPN Syariah in attrac...
The current pandemic period has resulted in many restrictions on all offline activities. Online activities are required, one of which is online recitation activities at the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council, Pulo Gebang, Cakung. However, the use of online media has not been understood by all participants of the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council. Many members of the...
iWANCHU merupakan es krim berbahan dasar sayur. Sayur yang digunakan dalam es krim ini adalah mentimun. Mentimun merupakan salah satu sayur yang kurang diminati oleh sebagian masyarakat. Hal tersebut sangat disayangkan, karena mentimun memiliki kandungan yang baik untuk Kesehatan. Oleh karena itu kami memilih mentimun sebagai bahan dasar utama dala...
Boba is a bubble tea made from tapioca flour and has a sweet taste. However, not a few boba that uses sugar in excess which is very dangerous for human health. At the present time all things can be viral quickly, something new will quickly spread in the community. A thing that is trending in the community will affect one's desires. As is currently...
This community service aims to improve skills and provide knowledge for majelis taklim members about using Zoom meeting for the virtual event and broadcasting virtual events through Youtube streaming service in Malaka Jaya District, Jakarta City. This community service applied an interactive method with survey location, finding community problems w...
The creation of a good relationship between the company and the surrounding community is a form of public relations in carrying out its role and optimizing its functions. In the theory of public relations, it is explained that all public relations activities will always be visible to the culture. In the current era of globalization, the culture of...
This study aims to analyse the Elaborate phase in ICT and social studies to educate Junior High School students about Covid 19. The independent variables were the Elaborate phase in ICT and the Elaborate phase in social studies. Attitude towards Covid 19 is the dependent variable. The research uses a quantitative approach with simple linear regress...
One of the important factors in delivering information transformation is the intensity of the followers. With the intensity of the followers that causes the information reported by an information submitted by the Instagram account of BEMP Communication Science, State University of Jakarta. The purpose of this study is to see the information transfo...
Kasus bullying yang terus meningkat di Indonesia sehingga banyak akun media sosial yang menciptakan ruang untuk bercerita untuk para korban bullying salah satunya akun instagram ruang beka. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana studi enografi budaya public relations ruang beka dalam mengedukasi antibullying melalui media instagra...
Abstrak Media sosial sekarang ini merupakan suatu bagian yang tidak terlepaskan dari keseharian masing-masing hidup manusia. Melalui media sosial beragam informasi bisa ditemui, seperti hiburan, berita, olahraga, bahkan mengenai politik. Satu dari sekian medsos yang tengah marak penggunaannya yang cukup masif adalah Twitter. Tidak hanya digunakan o...
Media sosial sekarang ini merupakan suatu bagian yang tidak terlepaskan dari keseharian masing-masing hidup manusia. Melalui media sosial beragam informasi bisa ditemui, seperti hiburan, berita, olahraga, bahkan mengenai politik. Satu dari sekian medsos yang tengah marak penggunaannya yang cukup masif adalah Twitter. Tidak hanya digunakan oleh masy...
Youtube is one of the most influential social media in Indonesia. By watching YouTube, someone can find his or her identity, and know about what he or she likes to watch. The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of youtube social media in shaping the identity of Jakarta State University (UNJ) communication science students. The theory...
Since the pandemic outbreak until now, no drugs and vaccines have been found to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, one of the alternatives to fight covid 19 virus is to maintain health and increase endurance despite intense activity. With the condition of Indonesia that is being exposed to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, we made a breakthrough to...