Dina Angela

Dina Angela
Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology | ithb · Department of Electrical Engineering dan Computer Engineering

Master of Engineering


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Publications (16)
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Available handwashing sinks, especially during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, still required users to directly touch the water faucet and soap bottles. There were no guidelines for correct hand washing according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards, and water was simply wasted because the faucet was left open while scrubbing hand....
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Upaya penurunan menyebarnya virus Covid-19 serta penanganan setiap pasien yang terdampak Covid-19 menjadi target utama pemerintah Indonesia dalam menghadapi masa pandemi saat ini. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan kerjasama antar individu. Salah satunya adalah antara tenaga kesehatan dengan pasien yang sedang menjalani isolasi mandiri (isoman) akibat terinfeks...
This research was developed to plan, monitor, and control the production in a modern manufacturing system model with heterogeneous production facilities, consisting of several automatic machine tools and conventional machine tools. Therefore, it proposed, a smart factory concept that utilises computer technology, internet networks and sensors so th...
To support the implementation of Industry 4.0, industrial /factory machine tools need to be equipped with an energy sensor. This paper will discuss a system that can monitor the energy consumption of a machine tool. The system that will be created is a monitoring system, where the system can measure energy consumption, send and store it in a web se...
Property is a industry that will grow. Some of the problems in property sale and purchase transactions are lack of information about fair sale prices. This price information may be above or below market prices. This study will develop a model for predicting the market price of property in an area. The premise of this research is that the selling pr...
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One of the value drivers in Industry 4.0 is asset utilization that has capability to remote monitoring and controlling the assets. Some of the problems on the production floor, especially in modern manufacturing areas such as machining process in the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), requires the condition of the cutting tools. This paper will d...
p class="AbstractEnglish"> Abstract: . Electric Railway (KRL) in Jabodetabek is one of the most reliable land transportation because it can carry passengers in large quantities. Timetables, fares, seat availability, travel time, and travel routes are the most needed information for KRL passengers. Currently, information technology has not been full...
Salah satu hal yang paling penting untuk dipantau adalah cuaca, terutama di sektor pertanian yang sangat tergantung kepada cuaca. Informasi kecepatan dan arah angin selalu harus dapat diketahui oleh para petani untuk memprediksi cuaca dan iklim. Penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan suatu perangkat sistem pengukur kecepatan dan arah angin yan...
Pada sistem transmisi radio komunikasi bergerakyang dilayani biasanya berupa daerah yang tidak teraturpermukaannya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perhitungan yangcukup rumit untuk memperkirakan redaman lintasannya.Beberapa model propagasi yang akan dikemukakan dibawah inilayak untuk memperkirakan redaman lintasan sepanjangpermukaan daerah yang tidak t...
Pengguna transportasi umum seringkali membutuhkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan tempat-tempat yang dilewati sepanjang rutenya. Informasi tersebut biasanya dapat diketahui dengan memperhatikan papan iklan, spanduk, atau papan nama yang terpampang di area tersebut, bahkan tidak jarang pula harus dicari terlebih dahulu melalui Internet. Pencarian in...
Dalam bidang pendidikan terdapat metode pengajaran yang sedang berkembang saat ini yaitu e-Learning. E-Learning membantu para pengajar mendistribusikan bahan ajar tanpa harus berada di kelas dengan menggunakan internet, hal ini memaksimalkan waktu pembelajaran di kelas yang terbatas. Salah satu teknologi web yang dapat membantu mengoptimalkan kiner...
Planar Inverted F Antenna or PIFA is the type of antenna with small dimensions, light weight, and low manufacturing cost, so it is suitable to be applied in communication devices which has relatively small dimension. PIFA is composed of groundplane, radiating element, a wire that connected to the groundplane and radiating element, and a shorting pi...
Conference Paper
Agricultural sector has been facing great challenges in order to feed the increasing number of population living in the world. In the future, it will be very difficult to rely on traditional farming to produce food. Some researchers and industry experts have begun developing smart farming by utilizing information technology. This paper presents the...
Isu lingkungan telah menjadi masalah umum yang harus segera ditindaklanjuti. Berbagai pencemaran lingkungan telah terjadi, seperti polusi udara dan sungai. Teknologi dapat memainkan peran untuk mencegah degradasi lingkungan. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah untuk memantau parameter atau indikator kerusakan lingkungan dan bencana alam. Paramet...


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