Dilek BüyükahıskaOndokuz Mayıs University · Department of Foreign Languages Education
Dilek Büyükahıska
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (58)
This study explores the effectiveness of using ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) language model, as an Automated Essay Scoring (AES) tool for grading English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ essays. The corpus consists of 50 essays representing various types including analysis, compare and contrast, descriptive, narrative, and opinion e...
The main aim of this study was to investigate the correlation among test anxiety (TA), foreign language anxiety (FLA) and language achievement of university preparatory students learning English as a foreign language. The sample of the research consisted of 301 (211 females, 90 males) attending a one-year EFL preparatory school at Ondokuz Mayıs Uni...
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the critical role of students' speaking self-efficacy, motivation and engagement during English online sessions. Additionally, the current research aims to provide a fresh perspective on addressing challenges such as low self-efficacy, speaking anxiety, and low motivation among the students, which ma...
The goal of the current research is to reflect critical thinking levels of reading activities in the 7th grade English coursebook. Moreover, it also aims to propose extra activities to complete the missing cognitive levels of the reading passages. Within this perspective, several questions are forwarded. Firstly, the extent of the reading activitie...
This study aims to evaluate the extent of the objectives in the Secondary-School English curriculum concerning cognitive levels in Bloom’s taxonomy. This aim underlies the first question of the study. The second and third questions inquire about the comparison among the grades and the homogeneity. Along with the adoption of the qualitative method,...
Young learners' proficiency, interaction, and learning outcomes have increasingly been related to speaking performance during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Theories like the sociocultural theory and the interaction hypothesis have also emphasized the same concept of speaking capacity aligned with the significant role of participation and i...
Researchers have promulgated the idea that the rapid and continuous changes in foreign language teaching environment put new demands on language teacher education programs. Accordingly, recent debates have centered on fundamental issues: testing, evaluation and assessment and have been investigated by a burgeoning number of studies at tertiary leve...
Listening skill is practised in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes by the help of listening texts prepared for the coursebooks with a pure British accent which may not reflect the natural communication elements that the learners will face throughout their ordinary lives. As a consequence of the use of English in different geographies, non-...
The primary aim of current study was to investigate the possible relationship between Metacognitive Awareness (MA) and Critical Thinking Skills (CTS) in a foreign language learning context. In addition, this research aimed to probe the effect of gender and years of pre-service English language teachers on the relation between metacognitive awarenes...
The use of the mother tongue in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching context has always been a matter of debate. Still, there remains great debate and confusion among language teachers regarding whether or not to use the students’ first language (L1) in EFL classrooms. There seems to be a wide range...
İletişimsel dil öğretim yaklaşımı’na göre dil öğreniminin asıl amacı o dilde etkileşim yoluyla iletişim kurmaktır. Bu anlamda, dilin işlevi kendimizi anlatmak ve diğer insanları da anlamak şeklinde ifade edilebilir. Aynı şekilde, duygusal zekâ’nın yapılan tüm tanımları da hem kendi hem de diğer insanların duygularını anlamanın gerekliliğine ve önem...
This study investigated the teachers’ perceptions as to what extent learners should be involved in decision making processes concerning the general aspects of learner autonomy. The primary aim of the research was to find out learning autonomy perceptions of Turkish prospective teachers of English. It is also aimed to explore the effect of gender on...
International Journal of Social Science
Doi number:http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/JASSS7074
Number: 57 , p. 67-82, Summer I 2017
Yayın Süreci / Publication Process
Yayın Geliş Tarihi / Article Arrival Date - Yayınlanma Tarihi / The Published Date
29.04.2017 15.07.2017
Parents’ and English Language Teachers' Views about Early Foreign Language Education in Turkey
English Language Teaching Department, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
With the technological developments, social, cultural and political relations among countries have increased nowadays, and this has increased the interac...
This study aims to investigate EFL teachers' beliefs about the use of reading strategies and what strategies they employ through reading stages in EFL classrooms. In addition, the study aims to compare the teachers' gender and the schools where they are working with the strategies they use. A total of 44 EFL teachers (18 females, 26 males) working...
The concept of learner autonomy in the field of foreign language learning was clearly articulated in the 1979 report prepared by Holec for the Council of Europe. The learner autonomy aims at providing language learners with the ability to take on more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, students may make decisions by themselves...
Bu çalışma, İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen üniversite öğrencilerinin sınav kaygı düzeylerini iki alt boyuta göre belirlemeyi ve bu kaygı boyutlarının cinsiyet, yaş, okuyacakları bölüm, zorunlu veya isteğe bağlı hazırlık okuma gibi bağımsız değişkenlerle ilişkisini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, durumu betimlemeye yönelik ve...
This study aimed to determine foreign language anxiety level of prospective teachers in the Department of Foreign Languages at Ondokuz Mayıs University and reveal whether there was a significant relationship between foreign language anxiety and independent variables such as gender, age and year of students. A total of 198 student (155 fema...
In this study The Science and Technology Programme 2004 in Primary Education was evaluated in accordance with the views of science teachers in terms of its contents and implementation. Within this context, 45 science teachers working in primary schools in the centre of Samsun were subjected to a survey composed of 14 multiple choice questions and 3...
In this study The Science and Technology Programme 2004 in Primary Education was evaluated in accordance with the views of science teachers in terms of its contents and implementation. Within this context, 45 science teachers working in primary schools in the centre of Samsun were subjected to a survey composed of 14 multiple choice questions and 3...
zet: Zihinde bulunan önceden edinilmiş bilgi yapılarına şema adı verilmektedir. Şema kuramına göre, bir metni anlama okuyucunun ön bilgileri ve metin arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimle mümkündür. Şemaların okuduğunu anlama sürecindeki rolü yadsınamaz. Bu nedenle, bu makalenin temel amacı şema kuramının okuduğunu anlamadaki önem ve gerekliliğini işar...
In this review study, the differences between women and men in language learning and acqusition process are examined from different perspectives as sex-based or gender-based theoretically. Basic definitions related to gender and sex in literature review have been presented and discussed by dealing with the findings of various researches. Afterwards...
zet Bu çalışma, D. Ausubel tarafından geliştirilen ön örgütleyici stratejisi, öğretimdeki önemi, özellikleri, işlevleri ve İngilizce okuduğunu anlama sürecinde kullanımı hakkında bilgi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, ön örgütleyicilerin nasıl hazırlandığı ve sunulduğu üzerinde durulmuş; ön örgütleyicilerin, okuma öncesi etkinliklerde k...
zet Bu araştırmanın amacı, Erzurum il merkezinde görev yapmakta olan okul yöneticilerinin karar verme stratejilerinin yönetici olarak görev türleri, görev yaptıkları okul tUrleri, cinsiyetIeri, çalışma süreleri, yönetici olarak çalışma süreleri, medeni durumları, yaşları, egitim düzeyleri açısından incelenmesidir. Bu araştırmanın evreni, Erzurum il...
zet Bu makalede Ausubel'in anlamı! ögrenme kuramı ve temel prensipleri hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Anlamlı ögrenme sunuş yoluyla ögretimin uygulandıgı sınıflarda gerçekleşmektedir. Bir başka deyişle, sunuş yoluyla ö~etim Ausubel'in kuramının ögretim stratejisidir. Bu nedenle, çalışmada sunuş yoluyla ögretim, uygulama kriterleri ve bu stratejide i...
As one of the main language skills, reading is an active and complex activity
involving comprehension. From this respect, it is clear that reading and comprehension
are two closely related cognitive processes. The purpose o f reading is to comprehend. In
addition, reading, an indispensable part o f our lives, is the natural way to make sen...