Dilara ÖzelUniversity of Glasgow | UofG
Dilara Özel
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September 2018 - June 2024
February 2016 - September 2018
September 2009 - June 2014
Publications (55)
A total of 82.4 million persons had emigrated from their countries by the end of 2020 because of global conflicts. A total of 3.6 million settled in Turkey, which became the most refugee-receiving country. Among those resettled in Turkey, the majority were school-aged children, and schools became an inseparable instrument in the adaptation process....
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on all countries and induced excessive stress and anxiety among many who are dealing with this invisible danger. Stress and anxiety originate from a threat, and chronic exposure to stressors results in feeling overwhelmed. When the coping strategies are not effective in a certain situation, the person might d...
Language learning involves four skills named as reading, listening, writing, and speaking for learners to practice both in and outside the classroom. Interaction in the class may be limited to the backgrounds and common values of its members, but once learners are outside the class, pragmatic skills are required to engage in social and cultural asp...
Data of The Healing Touch: Somatic Experiencing's Role in Trauma Recovery and Heart Rate Variability
Farklı meslek grupları karşılaştırıldığında akademisyenlerin en çok ruh sağlığı problemleri yaşayan meslek gruplarından biri olarak değerlendirildiği görülmektedir. Bunun bir göstergesi olarak Levecque vd. (2017) akademisyenler ve doktora sonrası araştırmacılarda psikolojik bozukluk oranlarının %32 ile %47 arasında olduğunu vurgulamışlardır. Buna e...
Problem Tanımı Akademisyenlik, günümüzde hem bir meslek hem de bir yaşam biçimi olarak farklı kuşaklar tarafından çeşitli şekillerde algılanmaktadır. Bu algı farklılıkları, akademik motivasyon ve katılım üzerinde belirgin etkiler yaratmaktadır (Heyns ve Kerr, 2018). Archer (2008), yaptığı görüşmelerde İngiltere'deki üniversitelerde çalışan genç aka...
Peace education is defined as humanization and dialogue for peacebuilding
(Gill & Niens, 2014). Peace education emphasizes social justice and the
empowerment of marginalized communities and provides a rich theoretical
framework for understanding and enhancing peace education programs in
diverse settings (Bajaj & Hantzopoulos, 2016). The peace educa...
Results The study highlights the fluctuations in heart rate variability (HRV) as a physiological marker of emotional responses during psychotherapy sessions. Higher HRV was observed at the beginning of sessions, which decreased with the initiation of the session, indicating increased sympathetic activation. Therapist touch interventions led to an i...
Bu çalışmanın amacı travma ile çalışmada yeni bir
yaklaşım olan Somatik Deneyimleme (SD)
yaklaşımının gelişimi, yöntem ve teknikleri ve
kullanım alanları hakkında bilgi vererek ülkemizde
kullanımının önemini ve gerekliliğini vurgulamaktır.
Travma, psikoterapistlerin sıklıkla karşısına çıkan bir
konu olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu bağlamda SD,
travmaya n...
After the first case was seen in Wuhan, China, the Covid-19 has begun to spread worldwide at an enormous speed. Education started to migrate to digital technology tools, and the problem of starting online education gave birth to many problems in all countries, including Turkey. There are almost 25 million students affected by the Covid-19 at all le...
Creating a harmonious and amenable atmosphere in the language classroom is an essential step for peaceful learning. Plurilingual and pluricultural language education was put forward in CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) was developed by the Council of Europe and officially launched in 2001. The purpose of this study is to e...
While the World Health Organization claimed a pandemic in March 2020, different online platforms started to be used all over the world, including Turkey. The increasing workload with distance education and the health concerns affected the psychological health of teachers. Even though enhancing well-being support to increase the quality of work and...
ReMO COST Aksiyonu, araştırmacı ruh sağlığı ve iyi oluşunun politika, kurum, topluluk ve birey düzeylerinde eylem ve inisiyatiflerle nasıl en iyi şekilde desteklenebileceğini ve sürdürülebileceğini tespit etmeye yönelik bir çağrı olan “Araştırmacı Ruh Sağlığı ve İyi Oluşu Manifestosu”nu ortaya koyan ve araştırma topluluğunun her seviyesinden bileşe...
Reflexivity refers to the process of taking the role of others and evaluating oneself from the other’s perspective in the general sense (Rosenberg, 1990). Using reflexivity while conducting research and working with complex issues such as trauma, assault, and abuse assist researchers and employees to be self-aware and reflective of the meaning-maki...
The counseling profession is based on the scientific knowledge of researchers and practitioners to provide services to diverse populations. The concept of multiculturalism in counseling is an ever-growing and shaping issue. Besides Sue et al. (1982) model on multicultural counseling competencies, several associations trained counselors to serve div...
This study revealed that SE-based groups can help people reduce their stress and increase their coping mechanisms. Participants mentioned many SE techniques such as grounding, boundaries, and embodiment exercises during the interviews. They started to use these techniques in their lives in a short time. Thus, this study demonstrated that SE-based p...
Critical consciousness defines as the process of continuously reflecting upon and questioning how biases, assumptions, and cultural worldviews affect the ways of perceiving the difference and power dynamics between individuals. Counselors should provide objective counseling practices to clients, students, and families to have an ethical stand. ASCA...
Keywords: intercultural awareness, English as a foreign language, multicultural education, qualitative research Four language skills such as reading, listening, writing, and speaking are the main essentials of a language classroom and we also construct healthy communication with them outside the classroom. Culture is regarded as the fifth skill of...
Peace education has different definitions and meanings since the late 1960s. Galtung (1969)
defined peace as two different terms; negative peace and positive peace. Where negative
peace refers to the absence of violence, positive peace includes the absence of structural
violence (Sommers, 2001). Peace education programs help to prevent structural v...
There are 79.5 million people, including children, who left their home countries forcibly. Besides, the duration of exile for people who forcibly displaced their countries becomes 17 years. During the time refugees stay in the host countries, they try to learn the host country’s culture, traditions, and values to adapt and survive. Schools are the...
Article Info Education, which is accepted as a fundamental human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, started to include the concepts of social justice and equality with the Salamanca Declaration (UNESCO, 1994). According to this statement, education should have a structure that focuses on the individual differences of stud...
In October 2019, Obara and Okada had an opportunity to visit a community center for Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey run by AAR Japan, an international NGO and also to interview Syrian refugee families who have children. We also met with researchers working on school counselling and refugee assistance. Through a field work in Turkey,...
Schools are the key components for helping to develop cultural competency. Schools assist refugee students to understand the new country, find social support, build new relationships in which they can feel safe and feel the acceptance. Even there are many studies that emphasize the role of education in refugee students' psychosocial developments, t...
Examining Needs And Issues Of Refugee- Receiving Schools in Turkey from the Perspectives Of School Counselors
Proposal Information
65.3 million people were forced to leave their countries in 2017 as a result of the conflicts all over the world (ECHO, 2018). 3.9 million people settled down Turkey according to the official figures in 2018 (ECHO, 2018...
School counseling services included in the curriculum at the 1950s in Turkey. School counselors continue to face problems from different sources and types since then. In addition to school counselors’ Professional problems, students who have primary liability for school counselors have issues and expectations which are growing fastly in accordance...
Critical consciousness is the process of continuously reflecting upon and examining how our own biases, assumptions, and cultural worldviews affect the ways we perceive difference and power dynamics (Pitner& Sakemoto, 1994). School counselors should understand the privilege and power dynamics inside the society. Therefore, they can evaluate their s...
65.3 million people were forced to leave their countries in 2017 as a result of the conflicts all over the world (ECHO, 2017). 3.9 million people settled down Turkey according to the official figures in 2018 (ECHO, 2018). Turkey became the most refugee- receiving country along with this number (UNICEF, 2017). Refugee crisis exists around the world....
Bu çalışmanın amacı öğretmen yetiştiren eğitim fakültelerindeki öğretim üyelerinin barış kavramına bakış açısını anlamak, buna bağlı olarak da barış eğitimine öğretmen eğitimleri süresince ihtiyaç duyup duymadıklarını tespit edebilmektir. 2015 yılında 65.3 milyon insan yaşadıkları yerlerden zorla ayrılmak zorunda kaldı (Figures at Glance, 2016). Ül...
Problem Durumu Okul ortamında veya özel danışma merkezlerinde çalışan psikolojik danışmanlar birçok kriz ve afet durumu ile karşı karşıya gelmekte ve karşılaştıkları vakalara müdahale etmek durumunda kalmaktalar. Yas ve kayıp, cinsiyet temelli şiddet, kendini yaralama davranışları, özkıyım vakaları, savaş ve göç gibi vakalar özellikle ülkemizde son...
The purpose of the present study is to identify high school students’ anxiety and emotional state in the process of learning English as a foreign language. While looking at the emotional status of students, most research studies put an emphasis on the students’ motivation and anxiety. As the emotion is an inseparable part of human beings, it cannot...
The aim of this study is to identify if there is a relationship between peace education and children’s self-concept. Peace education puts an emphasis to peace, “involving attitudes, values and behaviors” (Page, 2008, p.16). Main aim of peace education is to show current problems of society to students and address those problems. Thereby, this educa...