Dil Nath DangalTribhuvan University
Dil Nath Dangal
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (24)
This study examines the relationship between remittance inflows and its macroeconomic dynamics (inflation, exchange rate, and domestic interest rate on savings) in the presence of potential break, using annual time series data (1995-2020). The Gregory Hansen co-integration tests (presence of a single break) and the error correction model were run a...
The objective of this study is to examine how foreign aid has influenced Nepal’s Gross Domestic. It employs a causal-comparative research design to analyze the effect of foreign aid on Nepal’s GDP based on panel data covering from 2000/2001 to 2020/2023. By applying the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and correlation coefficient to estimate...
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between natural resources rents and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), using the descriptive research design. The study collected quantitative data from the World Bank, covering the period from 1970 to 2020. Upon analyzing the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and total natural r...
Social overhead capital (SOC) is complementary to increasing productivity, particularly when the economy is also experiencing technological progress, thus spurring economies of scale and spillover effects. In its absence, the objective of developing nations to increase national output may be difficult to achieve. Such logjams are also found in Nepa...
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of remittance on Nepal's agricultural GDP. It employed a causal-comparative research design to analyze the impact of remittance on Nepal's agricultural GDP based on panel data covering the periods from 2000 to 2022. Remittances play a major role in Nepal's economy, contributing significantly to i...
This study attempts to explore the fiscal and financial dynamics of the economic development in Nepal. Employing robust ordinary least squares (OLS) with time series spanning from 1993 to 2022, this study examined the long-run impact of various fiscal and financial variables on Nepal's GDP. Before it, this study pretested cointegration between stud...
This research analyses the government intervention's instincts in Nepal with reference to document analysis. This study used many policy documents from the Nepali government that dealt with economic intervention based on purposive sampling. Analysis of the fiscal and monetary sector policy has been done. The methodology for this research paper's re...
Education serves as the foundation of human capital, enhancing productivity and innovation, ultimately driving economic growth. This study aims to assess the relationship between public financing in education and Nepal's economic growth. Utilizing the ARDL error correction model with data spanning from 1982 to 2018, the findings indicate that publi...
The link between economic development and sports is what Nepal needs right now. The policy evaluations appear to be necessary in an effort to investigate how sports and economic development are related. This research focuses on the investigation of some of the key policies relating to sports and youth, discovering the connections...
This paper examines non-linear relationship between remittance inflow and inflation in Nepal on the basis of time series data. The Zivot unit-root testing, which permits a single substantial break in the model, the NARDL cointegration analysis, which was used to check for the presence of the structural break, and the examination of the long-run asy...
The fiscal deficit soared tremendously after Nepal endorsed economic liberalization aftermath of the 1990s democracy. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effects of fiscal deficit in the economic growth of Nepal. Data from 1980 to 2019 were used to estimate the short-and long-run causal relations of fiscal deficit proxied by total govern...
This paper intends to investigate the relationship between military expenditure and fixed capital formation on economic growth of some SAARC and ASEAN countries including Nepal with balanced yearly panel data of military expenditure (MILEX), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and constant GDP as the proxied for the variables of interest over the...
This study focuses on exploring the economic opportunities and potential challenges of cross-border electricity trade between Nepal and India. The main focus is on the transmission infrastructure, economic prospects, regulatory frameworks, and challenges involved. The study was conducted through secondary data analysis and descriptive research meth...
This study examined the relationship between tertiary schooling and economic growth in Nepal. The autoregressive distributed-lagged (ARDL) bound test for cointegration and error-correction method (ECM) were employed. Time series data of 1989/90 to 2018/19 were taken into consideration. Updated time series and ARDL bounds test were applied for coint...
The major intend of this study is to investigate the volatility clustering in NEPSE index. To reach the conclusion, 3392 annually observed time series data from 1 June 2006 to 7 April 2021 were obtained from various volume of annual trading report of Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) and website of NEPSE and symmetric Generalized Autoregressive Conditio...
This study investigated the correlation of tax revenue on the economic development of Nepal, focusing on its GDP. To achieve the objective, by utilize time-series macroeconomic data, specifically focusing on GDP and tax revenue from 2000 to 2001 fiscal year to 2020/2021. This descriptive study employs ordinary Least Square regression and correlatio...
This study intended to evaluate the trends of public expenditure and to show the relationship between public expenditure and economic growth in Nepal. In order to fulfill these objectives, the chart, correlation, and regression were employed by using time series data sets over the period of 1974/75 to 20108/19. Economic growth (RGDP) (proxied as th...
This study tries to analyze the trend and structure of indirect tax in Nepal and examine the contribution of indirect tax in Gross Domestic Product of Nepal. This study has been based on secondary data published by the Government of Nepal covering a period between 2002/03 to 2019/20 fiscal year. Descriptive method of analysis has been adopted in th...
Taxes, usually regarded as an unpleasant subject, are compulsory levies for the general purposes of the government. The objective of this article is to make comparative study between Kautilya tax system and modern tax system of Nepal. For methodology that helps meet the objective of this study, historical and analytical research design has been use...
देशको सामाजिक एवम् आर्थिक क्षेत्रमा सवाङ्गीण विकास गरी देश सञ्चालन गर्नका लागि राजस्व चाहिन्छ । कर र गैर कर स्रोत गरी राजस्वका मुख्य दुई वटा स्रोतहरू छन् । राजस्वको कर स्रोतहरूमा मूल्य अभिवृद्धि कर, भन्सार कर, अन्तशुल्क, आयकर, मालपोत र सवारी कर पर्दछन् भने गैर कर स्रोत अन्तर्गत दस्तुर तथा शुल्क, दण्ड र जरिवाना, सेवा शुल्क लाभांश तथा ब्याज, रोयल्टी,...
The purpose of this study is to explore remittance inflow trends and structures, as well as their influence on inflation in the Nepali economy. This study was mainly based on secondary data published by the Nepal Rasta Bank annual report and an Economic survey published by the Ministry of Finance, Nepal, for the fiscal year 2000/01 to 2019/20. The...
Education serves as the foundation of human capital, enhancing productivity and innovation, and ultimately driving economic growth. This study aims to assess the relationship between public financing in education and Nepal's economic growth. Utilizing the ARDL error correction model with data spanning from 1982 to 2018, the findings indicate that p...
This study tried to analyze trends and structures of direct tax in Nepal with the adoption of descriptive method. This study, based on secondary data published by the Government of Nepal covering a fiscal year between 1999/00 to 2019/20, also examined the contribution of direct tax in gross domestic product of Nepal. During the study period, direct...
This study has been designed to calculate elasticity and buoyancy and projection of various taxes in Nepal from 2018 to 2020. This study is based on secondary data published by the government of Nepal covering a period between the fiscal year 2000 to 2016. The various sources of revenue as a proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have been...