Dieter William JoenssenHochschule Aalen · Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Dieter William Joenssen
Prof. Dr.
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Publications (31)
Missing Data is of concern in smart manufacturing. There are various reasons why data may be missing. Buffering issues, sensor failure, or protocol issues can cause missing entries or skipped captures. This missing data leads to distorted datasets, failure to train models, and either to disregard, deletion of records or typically to vast manual rew...
Structural PET foam has a plethora of industry applications, such as inlays for wind turbine blades. However relevant material properties, especially mechanical characteristics, vary significantly between foam types. With new foam compositions being continuously developed by leading vendors, there naturally is limited empirical data in literature o...
Structural PET foam has a plethora of industry applications, such as inlays for wind turbine blades. However relevant material properties, especially mechanical characteristics, vary significantly between foam types. With new foam compositions being continuously developed by leading vendors, there naturally is limited empirical data in literature o...
Electric vehicles are a viable solution to mitigate the effects of pollution and energy security. A non-sufficient infrastructure and range anxiety hinder the adoption of EVs. E-mobility can be considered as a service system. Especially the underlying processes in this service system determine its success. Recently, inductive charging, which requir...
Business processes and the management thereof can create value for companies. This expected contribution of BPM may only unfold if the processes are executed as designed. The execution in itself is dependant on an initial process trigger. A decision not to trigger the business process or to modify it during execution depends on the subject's proces...
Crowdfunding, a process with which enterprises or individuals seek to secure project funding, has received much attention recently, not only from the media. The boon in visibility provided to crowdfunding by Internet platforms has made securing project funding, by soliciting pledges from potential donors, simpler than ever. A popular way of allocat...
Crowdfunding is a process by which enterprises or individuals seek to secure project funding by soliciting pledges from potential donors, usually via an Internet platform. These platforms offer project initiators the ability to limit the number of times a certain reward is claimed by supporters. This can be used to either offer a reward, which is n...
Hot deck methods impute missing data by matching records that are complete to those that are missing values. Observations absent within the recipient are then replaced by replicating the values from the matched donor. Some hot deck procedures constrain the frequency with which any donor may be matched to increase the precision of post-imputation pa...
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Crowdfunding als Finanzierungsmöglichkeit für
innovative Unternehmen in der Early Stage-Phase. Hierbei wird der Frage nachgegangen,
warum in Deutschland Mezzanine-Kapital bei Crowdfunding-Plattformen mit der Ausrich-
tung auf monetäre Gegenleistungen dominiert und welche Instrumente aus Sicht von
Crowdfunding als Möglichkeit für Unternehmen, Einzelpersonen und karitative Einrichtungen Projektmittel einzuwerben, hat in der letzten Zeit viel Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Dies ist einerseits an der erhöhten Berichterstattung über Crowdfunding in den Medien ersichtlich, andererseits ist die Zahl der Projekte und Projektunterstützer stark gestiegen....
Testing data for conformity to Benford's law is used not only by auditors exploiting a numerical phenomenon to detect fraudulently reported data. Operationally goodness-of-fit tests are used to conclude if data that should, does indeed comply with Benford's law. Naturally, not all statistical tests share the same sensitivity for detecting departure...
Hot deck methods impute missing values within a data matrix by using available values from the same matrix. The object from which these available values are taken for imputation is called the donor. Selection of a suitable donor for the receiving object can be done within imputation classes. The risk inherent to this strategy is that any donor migh...
Der Beitrag zeigt, in welchem Schritt der Analyse von großen Datenmengen die Behandlung von fehlenden Daten stattfindet und warum ein angemessener Umgang mit diesen unerlässlich ist. Vorgestellt werden zudem Methoden zum Umgang mit fehlenden Werten, die sich insbesondere im Kontext von Data-Mining eignen, da hier die Komplexität der Algorithmen ein...
Crowdfunding is a process where commercial or non-commercial projects are initiated in a public announcement by organizations or individuals to receive funding, assess the market potential, and build customer relationships. Crowdfunding is employed in a variety of different categories, ranging from technology to arts and even disaster relief. Even...
Multivariate statistical analysis procedures often require data to be multivariate normally distributed. Many tests have been developed to verify if a sample could indeed have come from a normally distributed population. These tests do not all share the same sensitivity for detecting departures from normality, and thus a choice of test is of centra...
The economic crisis’ impact on the Eurozone is being felt especially in structurally
weak regions due to public investment reductions. This reduction further accelerates
the rural exodus, gentrification, and emigration, which in turn leads to further
reductions in public investments. Parallel to this development, public investments
have seen public...
Methods for dealing with missing data in the context of large surveys or data mining projects are limited by the computational complexity that they may exhibit. Hot deck imputation methods are computationally simple, yet effective for creating complete data sets from which correct inferences may be drawn. All hot deck methods draw values for the im...
Missing data methods, within the data mining context, are limited in computational complexity due to large data amounts. Amongst the computationally simple yet effective imputation methods are the hot deck procedures. Hot deck methods impute missing values within a data matrix by using available values from the same matrix. The object, from which t...