Diego Rodrigues MacedoFederal University of Minas Gerais | UFMG · Departamento de Geografia
Diego Rodrigues Macedo
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I am Geographer by UFMG (2005), GIS specialist graduate (UFMG, 2005) Master in Geography (UFMG, 2009) and Doctor in Ecology (UFMG, 2013). Since 2016 works as Adjunct Professor at Geography Department and Postgraduate program of Environmental Systems Analysis and Modeling, both at UFMG's Geoscience Institute. I have experience in Physical Geography, Water Resource, Landscape Ecology, Biomonitoring, Geographic Information System, Spatial Statistics and Territorial Planing.
Additional affiliations
March 2016 - present
July 2010 - February 2016
September 2009 - August 2013
March 2007 - March 2009
March 2005 - December 2005
Publications (126)
For this review paper:
Vadas, R.L. Jr., and 26 coauthors. 2022. Assemblage-based biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystem health via multimetric indices: a critical review and suggestions for improving their applicability. Water Biology and Security [online] 1(3): 100054 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772735122000737).
Os recursos hídricos são essenciais para a manutenção da vida e da dinâmica terrestre. Para entender as dinâmicas entre recursos hídricos e uso do solo em diferentes paisagens as análises espaciais são ferramentas valiosas. Uma das metodologias amplamente utilizadas é o Soil Conservation Service (SCS), que se baseia no coeficiente do Número da Curv...
Hydrological modeling in decision-making is particularly challenging in tropical countries such as Brazil. There are numerous modeling tools; however, many applications have focused on watersheds with a total area of <20,000km². Here we tailored a customized SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) ecohydrological model application using the SWAT CUP...
The types and intensification of land use in the watershed affect the living organisms in aquatic ecosystems differently; this impact will also vary according to temporal and spatial scales. Understanding these interactions is crucial in the design of biomonitoring programs to detect the effect of different pollutants in freshwater ecosystems and i...
Environmental rehabilitation of urban streams has been widely applied in Global North countries, at least since the 1970s, but it is a recent approach in Global South countries. The objective of this paper is to evaluate whether the rehabilitation experience carried out since 2006 in three urban stream sites in the third-largest Brazilian metropoli...
Freshwater biota are more comprehensive and direct indicators of biological impacts, and more meaningful to the public than water quality or physical habitat surrogates. Freshwater biotic data and the multiple biological indicators developed from them offer a much richer array of data for assessing the impacts of pollution controls than a limited s...
Rivers suffer from multiple stressors acting simultaneously on their biota, but the consequences are poorly quantified at the global scale. We evaluated the biological condition of rivers globally, including the largest proportion of countries from the Global South published to date. We gathered macroinvertebrate‐ and fish‐based assessments from 72...
Corbicula fluminea is one of the most successful invasive species in neotropical freshwater ecosystems. As alien species’ distribution in invaded regions is often facilitated by the presence of anthropogenic altered ecosystems, such as artificial channels and reservoirs. The present study is part of a larger joint scientific assessment of the ecolo...
Freshwater gastropods play a pivotal role in the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems, but despite their importance, there are still gaps in their ecology. Our goal was to understand what physical habitat factors are the most important for the distribution of freshwater gastropods in headwater stream ecosystems in the Neotropical Sava...
The past is never dead: legacy effects alter the structure of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages Land use is the most common and widespread threat to lotic ecosystem health and freshwater biodiversity conservation. The legacy effects of past anthropogenic land use and cover may also affect the structure and functioning of current lotic ecosystem...
A análise integrada da morfologia urbana e das características funcionais permite uma melhor compreensão da estrutura e da dinâmica intraurbana das cidades médias, indicando uma série de elementos que demonstram associações entre o espaço intraurbano e a intensidade e qualidade do relacionamento de uma determinada centralidade com o seu entorno. Co...
The das Velhas river basin has been intensively studied with water quality bioindicators in the last two decades. The objective was to evaluate the ecological quality in the upper das Velhas river (São Bartolomeu, Ouro Preto, MG), using the Rapid Ecological Assessment approach. We seek to answer: (i) Is the water quality of the das Velhas river alt...
Increased demands for water affect its quality and availability and threaten biodiversity. In freshwaters, the Chironomidae (Diptera) represents ~ 50% of macroinvertebrate individuals and have great potential to improve ecological assessment tools. Incorporating trait-based approaches in those tools can further improve how we assess the effects of...
Conditions in freshwater ecosystems are responsible for maintaining biodiversity and other ecosystem services. Identifying and understanding how anthropogenic disturbances affect biotic conditions are important steps in rehabilitating and protecting environmental quality. The relative risk, relative extent, and attributable risk approaches are used...
Over 70% of the total channel length in all river basins is formed by low order streams, many of which originate on mountaintops. Headwater streams play fundamental roles in processing and transporting terrestrial and aquatic organic matter, often harboring high biodiversity in bottom leaf patches deposited from riparian vegetation. The objective o...
The biological assessment of rivers i.e., their assessment through use of aquatic assemblages, integrates the effects of multiple-stressors on these systems over time and is essential to evaluate ecosystem condition and establish recovery measures. It has been undertaken in many countries since the 1990s, but not globally. And where national or mul...
Natural disturbances play important roles in the functioning and structure of lotic ecosystems, especially in small streams. Adaptation to natural disturbances, in the form of resilience, can be affected by anthropogenic disturbances such as urbanization and industrial zones, which in turn can limit stream biodiversity. The aim of this study was to...
Changes in land use and cover (hereafter land use) affect freshwater ecosystems at different spatial scales. We tested the effects of land use on the dispersal capacity of stream macroinvertebrates through local and regional processes.
In all, 183 Brazilian headwater stream sites, located in the Neotropical Savanna with variable land...
The effects of anthropogenic disturbance on multiple facets of biodiversity are poorly understood. In this study, we worked with the hypothesis that anthropogenic disturbances affect the relationship between environmental heterogeneity (EH) and biodiversity. We used a model selection approach to test three predictions. P1: The greater the level of...
Brazil contains the largest volume of freshwater of any nation in the world; however, this essential natural resource is threatened by rapid increases in water consumption and water quality degradation, mainly as a result of anthropogenic pressures. Declining water quality has become an increasingly more significant global concern as economic activ...
Reservoirs are a common sight in most rivers systems in the world and a frequent problem related to them is the introduction of non-native invasive mollusk species. We aimed to determine which local variables (near-site land use, physical habitat structure, water quality) were most strongly associated with the local distribution of invasive
Protecting riparian vegetation around streams is vital in reducing the detrimental effects of environmental change on freshwater ecosystems and in maintaining aquatic biodiversity. Thus, identifying ecological thresholds is useful for defining regulatory limits and for guiding the management of riparian zones towards the conservation of freshwater...
The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is listed among the 100 worst invasive plants and was ranked as the 11th worst invasive species in Europe, being a threat to aquatic biodiversity and water-provision. Predicting species distribution is the first step to understanding niche suitability, forecasting the invasion impact and building resilience...
Tackling complex environmental issues requires transdisciplinary solutions that cannot be achieved, unless we integrate scientific disciplines and communicate science directly with civil society actors, decision-makers, and stakeholders. Alexander von Humboldt offered an approach to integrate knowledge across disciplines aiming to broadly understan...
Tackling complex environmental issues requires transdisciplinary solutions that cannot be achieved, unless we integrate scientific disciplines and communicate science directly with civil society actors, decision-makers, and stakeholders. Alexander von Humboldt offered an approach to integrate knowledge across disciplines aiming to broadly understan...
On November 5th, 2015, The Fundão dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais was disrupted, dumping 34 million m³ of tailings spills into the river system and resulting in several environmental, social and economic impacts. This work aims to understand how this fine sediment altered the channel dynamic adjustment of the rio do Gualaxo do Norte affected by the ru...
In many countries of the Global South, aquatic ecosystems such as streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands are severely impacted by several simultaneous environmental stressors, associated with accelerated urban development, and extreme climate. However, this problem receives little attention. Applying a DPSIR approach (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impac...
The Brazilian Amazon contains the most active rainforest frontier in the world, and its socioeconomic, demographic and spatial dynamism has been a topic of interest for academics and policy makers for decades. In this paper, we use spatial statistical modeling to examine the context of migration in the Brazilian Amazon by investigating its socioeco...
Mountains harbor rich biodiversity and high levels of endemism, particularly due to changes in environmental conditions over short spatial distances, which affects species distribution and composition. Studies on mountain ecosystems are increasingly needed, as mountains are highly threatened despite providing ecosystem services, such as water suppl...
Os resultados mostraram o quanto as bases de dados do Chelsa e Worldclim são aderentes as estimativas pontuais provenientes das estações de monitoramento ANA/INMET; Ÿ Melhor ajuste da base de dados Wordclim em relação ao Chelsa no geral (R² = 0,61 vs 0,24) e por bacia hidrográfica (R² mediano = 0,70 vs 0,07; Figura 2). Resultados Ÿ A precisão das b...
Campo rupestre is a megadiverse vegetation mosaic dominating one of the world’s geologically oldest tropical mountains. The campo rupestre hosts nearly 15% of Brazil’s flora, with 40% of endemism in an area smaller than 1% of the national territory. Here, we summarize and explain the rationale underlying the long-term ecological research at Serra d...
Stream site classification is a fundamental step in defining reference conditions for freshwater bioassessments globally. Landscape regionalisation and stream typology approaches have both been used to determine classes that reduce inherent environmental variation and to show classes with ecological meaning. We evaluated the applicability of ecoreg...
Resumo: Nas últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento e utilização de novas ferramentas e métodos estatísticos e computacionais permitiram que pesquisadores pudessem compreender melhor as relações entre fenômenos socioeconômicos e espaciais. Nesse sentido, a partir de técnicas de estatística espacial e geoprocessamento, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisa...
Resumo A concentração de indígenas vivendo em áreas urbanas no Brasil é um assunto de grande importância, visto que em 2010 39% dos declarados indígenas moravam nestas áreas, mas por outro lado, este fenômeno é pouco estudado do ponto de vista demográfico. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a inserção dos indígenas na Região Metropolita...
RESUMO-O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar um modelo dinâmico de transformação do uso e cobertura da terra na região compreendida entre os estados do Pará e Maranhão utilizando a plataforma livre Dinamica EGO, com simulação para os anos de 2008 e 2016 para detecção da expansão do desmatamento. A metodologia foi dividida em três etap...
Este artigo propõe um método para mapear e qualificar a inserção social
dos Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) na área de Ciências Ambientais da
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
A construção do modelo consistiu na integração espacial de três componentes:
o índice de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica (infraestrutura, c...
Resumo Neste estudo foram avaliados serviços ecossistêmicos de regulação de processos erosivos, prestados pela manutenção da zona ripária para a conservação de cursos d'água na bacia hidrográfica de um empreendimento hidrelétrico. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as variáveis que contribuem para os serviços ecossistêmicos de controle de eros...
Augmented production and transport of fine sediments resulting from increased human activities are major threats to freshwater ecosystems, including reservoirs and their ecosystem services. To support large scale assessment of the likelihood of soil erosion and reservoir sedimentation, we developed and validated an environmental fragility index (EF...
Areas with minimal anthropogenic influences are frequently used as reference sites and represent the best ecological state available in a region. Streams in such conditions are necessary for evaluating the conservation status of aquatic ecosystems of a region and to monitor them, taking natural environmental variability into consideration. Therefor...
Ecossistemas aquáticos continentais sofrem influência direta de pressões antrópicas que podem ser quantificadas através do mapeamento do uso e cobertura do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação entre o uso e cobertura do solo e a qualidade de água em uma bacia hidrográfica legalmente protegida: a bacia do rio Pandeiros, Minas Gerais....
Short Abstract In this paper, we use spatial statistical modeling to examine the context of migration in Brazilian Legal Amazonia by investigating its socioeconomic, demographic, spatial and environmental heterogeneities at the municipal level between 2000 and 2010. We explored the spatial autocorrelation among factors using Global Moran's I Index...
O artigo descreve os resultados da análise da evolução da mancha urbana de Belo Horizonte/MG associada com as características dos domicílios em 2000 e 2010. O objetivo é identificar se a fase histórica de ocupação dos domicílios () está relacionada com os indicadores de estrutura etária e renda. Desta maneira, pretende-se identificar para os dados...
Os povos indígenas estão entre os segmentos sociais mais marginalizados nos países onde se fazem presentes. Aliado a isso, há uma grande dificuldade de obtenção de dados representativos do contingente indígena nos países latinoamericanos, o que compromete a formulação de políticas voltadas para essas populações. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar as...
Os povos indígenas estão entre os segmentos sociais mais marginalizados nos países onde se fazem presentes. Aliado a isso, há uma grande dificuldade de obtenção de dados
representativos do contingente indígena nos países latinoamericanos, o que compromete
a formulação de políticas voltadas para essas populações. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar as...
Effects of environmental variables at different spatial scales on freshwater fish assemblages are relatively unexplored in Neotropical ecosystems. However, those influences are important for developing management strategies to conserve fish diversity and water resources. We evaluated the influences of site- (in-stream) and catchment-scale (land use...
We assessed the sh assemblage structure and composition of Nova Ponte Reservoir (Araguari River, Upper Paraná Basin, Brazil). We observed signi cant differences in abundance (p = 0.0003), richness (p = 0.0005) and diversity (p = 0.02) between lacustrine and riverine zones of the reservoir. Nine species were signi cantly more abundant in the riverin...
Reservoirs can have both positive and negative effects on different fish species depending on the species concerned and reservoir morphology, flow regime, and basin location. We assessed the influence of limnological zones on the ichthyofauna of three large neotropical reservoirs in two different river basins. We sampled fish through use of gill ne...
Macroinvertebrates are important for processing leaf detritus in temperate streams, but studies about their role in tropical streams often present conflicting results. Via digestive tract analyses, we assessed the diets of Phylloicus sp. larvae (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), collected from streams of two southeastern Brazil river basins (Araguari,...
Resumo – Para a conservação de riachos de cabeceira é fundamental o entendimento das interações de fatores ambientais (p.ex., habitats físicos e composição química da água) com organismos aquáticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se fatores ambientais influenciam a riqueza taxonômica de assembleias de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera (E...