Diego Filipe Bezerra Silva

Diego Filipe Bezerra Silva
State University of Paraíba | UEPB · Departamento de Odontologia

Doctor of Dental Surgery -Master of Sciente- Ph.D.


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Post-graduate student at State University of Paraíba.
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August 2018 - present
State University of Paraíba
  • Master's Student


Publications (49)
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The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of modified-ILIB (intravascular laser irradiation of blood) in the control of systemic conditions and/or oral changes during dental care. This systematic literature review study aimed to answer the question, "Is modified-ILIB an effective adjuvant therapy i...
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Objectives To summarize the current evidence on the performance of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc assessment and TMJ internal derangement diagnosis in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. Methods Studies were gathered by searching five electronic databases and partial grey literature up to Ma...
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Objective To assess the temperature variation of gutta-percha removal with stainless steel and two NiTi instruments using infrared thermography and thermocouples. Material and Methods 45 single-rooted teeth were divided into three groups (n = 15) according to the following gutta-percha removal instruments: Largo Peeso (L), Protaper Retreatment (PR...
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The aim of this study was to assess, through a systematic review, the status of infrared thermography (IRT) as a diagnostic tool for skin neoplasms of the head and neck region and in order to validate its effectiveness in differentiating benign and malignant lesions. A search was carried out in the LILACS, PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Web of Science and...
Objectives To assess the influence of two conventional and one adapted cheek and lip retractors and three emissivity setting values on intraoral infrared thermography (IT) temperature values. Methods The sample was composed by 50 volunteers. Three cheek and lip retractors were tested: Group 1 - flex retractor (FR); Group 2 - FR adapted with Styrof...
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Purpose To report a clinical case involving the use of photobiomodulation (PBMT) and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) in the management of delayed healing after multiple extractions in a patient irradiated in the head and neck region. Case report A 62-year-old male patient sought the service complaining of fractured teeth, difficulty chew...
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Background The purpose of this study was to assess the external root surface thermal behavior when submitted to three different obturation techniques. Material and Methods Forty-five single-rooted premolars were selected, prepared and randomly divided into three groups according to the studied obturation techniques: lateral condensation (LC), sing...
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The aim of this study is to report an unusual case of actinomycosis in the maxilla region of an asymptomatic patient. A 21-year-old white man was referred for the analysis of panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography, where it was observed the presence of a hypodense lesion on the left side of the maxilla, which extended from the maxi...
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Purpose To report a case of vascular lesion (VL) located in the region of skin and internal mucosa of the lower lip, treated with a diode laser. A 70-year-old man presented for evaluation of a set of nodular lesions with exophytic growth, sessile, purple-colored, well-defined edges and contours, soft consistency, and lobulated, measuring approximat...
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Purpose The aim of this study was to report a clinical case of oral leukoplakia (OL) treated with high-power diode laser and discuss aspects related to its clinical and histopathological characteristics. Case report A 61-year-old male, non-white, smoker, and alcoholic patient, presented for evaluation of an asymptomatic lesion in the tongue. On in...
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Purpose The aim of this study is to report two cases of pyogenic granuloma (PG) in young patients treated with high-power laser (HPL). The first case is from a 4-year-old male patient who presented a nodular lesion located on the left side of the vermilion of the lower lip measuring approximately 1.0 cm in diameter, with ulcerated surface and sessi...
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It was to report a rare case of peripheral odontogenic myxoma removed with high-power diode laser and to do an extensive review of studies of odontogenic cysts and tumors treated with high-power laser (HPL). This is a rare case of a 63-year-old male patient with a peripheral odontogenic myxoma measuring approximately 10 cm in the attached gingiva r...
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Purpose: To assess root temperature during filling techniques and quantify the volume of endodontic filling materials using infrared thermography (IT) and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Methods: Ninety premolars were divided into three groups: lateral condensation (LC), single cone (SC) and thermomechanical compaction (TMC). For thermal anal...
Conference Paper
This study reports a case of oral leukoplakia (OL) treated using a high-power diode laser. A 61-year-old male smoker and drinker, presented an asymptomatic tongue lesion. A white plaque located on the lateral border of the tongue on the left side was observed during intraoral examination. The lesion measured 4 cm in its largest diameter and present...
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To compare the efficacy between the surgical techniques of gingivectomy with high-power laser (HPL) and conventional gingivectomy for correction of a gummy smile (GS) due to altered passive eruption (APE). This was a case series of six female patients diagnosed with GS associated with APE. For the conventional gingivectomy procedure and for the one...
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Objective To assess three machine learning (ML) attribute extraction methods: radiomic, semantic and radiomic-semantic association on temporomandibular disorder (TMD) detection using infrared thermography (IT); and to determine which ML classifier, KNN, SVM and MLP, is the most efficient for this purpose. Methods and materials 78 patients were sel...
Introdução. Os dentes supranumerários (DS) são definidos como dentes ou qualquer estrutura odontogênica que estão em excesso em determinada região da arcada dentária. Dependendo da localização anatômica, os DS podem ocasionar falhas na erupção, diastemas, reabsorção radicular, deslocamento dos dentes adjacentes, dilaceração e formação de lesões odo...
Introdução: O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) constitui a neoplasia maligna mais comum da boca, afetando, principalmente, indivíduos com mais de 50 anos. Clinicamente, apresenta-se, geralmente, como úlcera persistente com bordas endurecidas, podendo a lesão estar ou não associada a vegetações, máculas eritroplásicas ou leucoplásicas. As locali...
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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial joint classified for its surface shape and complex biaxial movements as a ginglimoartrodial joint and presents the widest joint range of movements when compared with the other joints of the human body. The complexity of TMJ morphology has driven researchers to investigate its morphometric features and...
The aim of the present study is to describe a case report on the treatment of recurrent herpes using Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Photobiomodulation as the treatments of choice. A 21-year-old white man checked in in the clinic for evaluation of vesicles arranged in the lower lip skin region. The clinical diagnosis was recurrent herpes and, for tr...
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To evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) in root canal (RC) disinfection. An integrative review of the literature was per- formed in diferents databases. It was selected articles published between January 2014 and January 2018, in Portuguese, English or Spanish languages, which evaluated, in a clinical trial, the anti...
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Introdução: As neoplasias que surgem nas glândulas salivares são relativamente raras, as quais representam uma grande variedade de comportamentos biológicos e subtipos histológicos benignos e malignos. Objetivo: Determinar a frequência relativa e a distribuição de uma série de casos diagnosticados histopatologicamente como neoplasias primárias em g...
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To perform an integrative review of the literature on the effectiveness of intravascular laser irradiation of blood (ILIB) as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of chronic systemic diseases. This is an integrative literature review that included non-randomized and randomized controlled clinical trials that specifically evaluated the therapeutic ef...
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Introduction: Rehabilitation with dental implants became possible immediately from the knowledge and application of osseointegration. This procedure provides optimization between osseointegration time and bone maturation, in addition to minimizing alveolar resorption, preserving the gingival architecture, and avoid a new surgical procedure. Objecti...
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Introdução: A tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) consiste em um moderno sistema de imagens radiográficas criado especificamente para a análise do complexo maxilofacial. Devido às limitações apresentadas pelas radiografias convencionais, esse exame mostra-se de grande importância para o diagnóstico endodôntico, pois apresenta diversas...
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Introdução: A alveólise é uma condição patológica ósseo-gengival de baixa ocorrência, decorrente do deslocamento da raiz do dente decíduo em direção à lâmina óssea alveolar externa, com rompimento do osso e da gengiva ou mucosa alveolar, até se tornar clinicamente visível na cavidade oral. Objetivo: Relatar um caso clínico de alveólise, do tipo fen...
Conference Paper
The aim of the present study was to describe a case report on the treatment of recurrent herpes using photodynamic therapy as a therapy of choice. A 21-year-old white man presented for evaluation of vesicles arranged in a skin region just below the transition zone between mucosa and skin of lower lip. The clinical diagnosis was of recurrent herpes...
The traumatic neuroma (TN) is not a true neoplasm, but a reactive proliferation of neural tissue after transection or other damage to nerve bundles. A 32-year-old nonwhite male patient presented with a painful lesion in the buccal mucosa, which was first noticed 40 days before. Clinical examination revealed a small, soft, well-delimited, and purpli...
A 21-year-old white man was referred for the analysis of panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography, where the presence of a hypodense lesion was observed on the left side of the maxilla, which extended from the 21 to 25 tooth region. On intraoral examination, a depression was observed in the hard palate mucosa as well as a fistula in...
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Objetivo: Investigar o perfil das publicações brasileiras em laser/LED de 2015 a 2019. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, por meio de documentação indireta, através da análise dos trabalhos apresentados nas reuniões do SBPqO de 2015 a 2019. Os estudos foram classificados quanto à instituição de ensino dos pesquisadores, estado de orige...
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Objective: To describe the therapeutic activities of monoterpene (-)- isopulegol applied to dentistry through an in silico study. Methods: To conduct the study in the in silico model, the software for Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances (PASS) was used online, which provides the probability of being active (Pa) and the probability of bein...
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Objetivo: Avaliar, in vitro, a ação antimicrobiana e a influência de agentes desinfetantes sobre a reprodução de detalhes de siliconas de moldagem (Elite HD+ e Zetaplus/Oranwash) e a compatibilidade com o gesso (Elite Rock). Métodos: O estudo foi dividido em três partes: estudo da reprodução de detalhes, estudo da compatibilidade com o gesso e estu...
Myoepithelioma is a rare benign tumor of the salivary glands, in which the vast majority of neoplastic cells are myoepithelial. A rare microscopic finding in salivary gland tumors, including myoepitheliomas, is the presence of psammoma bodies (PBs), whose etiology and role in the tumors are uncertain. The objective of this study is to describe the...
Ranulas are mucoceles located on the floor of the mouth. The main form of treatment for these lesions is surgical excision, but this can lead to complications such as hemorrhage, recurrence of the lesion, and damage to the lingual nerve. Thus, other therapeutic modalities are indicated, such as modified micromarsupialization, which is a simple tech...
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Objetivo: Investigar as irregularidades éticas em Odontologia vinculadas a publicidade e propaganda em redes sociais (Facebook® e Instagram®). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal e exploratório. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um formulário elaborado a partir de itens obrigatórios do Código de Ética Odontológica-CEO, Resol...
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Introdução: Após fratura decorrente de trauma e consequente tratamento endodôntico, os dentes têm sua resistência mecânica reduzida, sendo necessária, em alguns casos, a utilização de um retentor intrarradicular. Objetivo: Descrever um caso clínico de reabilitação de um dente anterior que apresentava fratura decorrente de trauma, de um paciente ado...
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Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue is a rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma. This paper reports the case of a spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, in a 64-year-old male patient, and presents a review of the etiopathogenesis, clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features and treatment of the malignancy. The...
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During radiographic taking at the dental clinic, the operator contacts the patient's oral cavity and with the X-ray cone and exposure button, which may be cross-infection, without adequate biosafety measures. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the behavior of dental students of the State University of Paraíba regarding biosafety in...
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Introdução: No contexto da cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, a exodontia de terceiros molares é um dos procedimentos mais comuns e diversas são as suas indicações. Sua realização pode causar diversas complicações pós-operatórias, como lesão no nervo alveolar inferior (NAI). Para evitar essas complicações, os exames de imagem pré-operatórios se tornam indi...
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Low-level laser therapy has been widely used in treating many conditions, including oral mucositis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of oral mucositis in patients undergoing antineoplastic therapy submitted to preventive and therapeutic treatment with low-level laser therapy. This cross-sectional study was carried out with 5...
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O ceratocisto odontogênico (CO) é um cisto de origem odontogênica, cujo diagnóstico final é dado com base nos aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos. O tratamento mais comum consiste na enucleação cirúrgica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relatar um caso de CO em região posterior de mandíbula, abordando as características clínico-pa...
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introdução: O Diabetes Melittus (DM) é uma doença sistêmica metabólica crônica de prevalência alta na população idosa, que pode implicar no agravamento de manifestações orais prejudiciais ao paciente. O cirurgião-dentista tem papel importante no diagnóstico e no tratamento dessas manifestações, bem como, pode auxiliar no controle do DM. Objetivo: A...
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Introdução: A utilização de exames radiográficos para diagnóstico e plano de tratamento é frequente na Odontologia. A radiação X utilizada nesses exames é capaz de provocar efeitos deletérios ao organismo. No entanto, os níveis de dose de radiação na prática odontológica são relativamente baixos, mas deve-se considerar o efeito cumulativo de exposi...


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