Diana Mata-CodesalUniversity of Barcelona | UB · Department of Anthropology
Diana Mata-Codesal
PhD in Migration Studies
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I am an athropologist (PhD in Migration Studies, 2012, University of Sussex) interested in 1) The articulations and meanings of im/mobility including the links between migration and autochthony; and the study of transnational families and gender, particularly in relation to remittances; 2) Embodied and sensorial experiences of migration and interaction; and 3)Participatory methodologies and alliances beyond Academia
Publications (57)
Este artículo explora las posibilidades heurísticas de tratar conjuntamente las migraciones internas e internacionales, algo descuidado por los estudios migratorios que han tendido a analizarlas por separado. Centrado en el caso de Barcelona desde 1960 hasta 2020, el estudio conjuga el análisis de fuentes secundarias y los trabajos de campo etnográ...
This paper analyses differentiation processes between non-native groups in a stigmatized peripheral neighbourhood of Barcelona. Its more established dwellers – internal migrants from the South of Spain – have set in place differentiation processes between them and the more recently arrived international migrants. To substantivize differentiation pr...
Immobility is to be complicated as a topic of study in research on human migration. This paper analyses different ways of staying put, investigating the motivations, degree of (in)voluntariness and associated narratives, to show how immobility is as complex a research category as mobility. It does so in the context of irregular male migration from...
The relationship migrants forge with food is not straightforward. Along with migrants' personal or group features (e.g. gender, generation, age, etc.), specific origin and residence characteristics encourage or hinder specific practices in their new places of residency. Such descriptors also imbue migrants' food practices with different meanings. U...
Las aulas universitarias son cada día más diversas, lo que nos enfrenta en nuestra docencia a nuevos retos relacionados con la enorme y creciente diversidad de género, origen, clase, funcional, idioma, creencias religiosas y un largo etcétera. Esta pluralidad, uno de los ejes fundamentales de la historia de la disciplina, nos ofrece múltiples posib...
Este texto introduce un número especial que busca ampliar la teorización de la inmovilidad como categoría analítica relevante para el estudio de los fenómenos sociales. Proponemos una mirada relacional, que aborde movilidad e inmovilidad como experiencias que se confieren significados mutuamente, y un acercamiento fenomenológico, centrado en cómo l...
Simposio dual:
1. Parte clásica de presentaciones.
2. Parte paseada para reflexiones metodológicas a partir de la in/movilidad del cuerpo.
Como indicaran Desjarlais y Throop (2011), la investigación antropológica fenomenológicamente orientada ha crecido en las últimas décadas. Los enfoques fenomenológicos en antropología no conforman un corpus h...
En 2006 entró en vigor en Barcelona la popularmente conocida como «Ordenanza de Civismo» con el explicitado fin de promover la convivencia a través de la regulación de los comportamientos en los espacios públicos de la ciudad. Este texto analiza la relación existente entre la entrada en vigor de la normativa (y la hiperregulación resultante) y la i...
This special issue, entitled "Participatory methods in migration research", deals with the methodological challenges and ethical implications of applying participatory methods with migrant populations. Participatory research is often used as a general term for a variety of research projects using different methods, including action research, collab...
Tomando como ejemplo los planes de interculturalidad y gestión de la inmigración de la ciudad de Barcelona, este artículo analiza críticamente tres ideas que se toman como axiomáticas respecto al ámbito de las migraciones y la gestión de la diversidad en esos documentos políticos, y de qué manera estos utilizan, adaptan u omiten desarrollos académi...
Human mobility is an interdisciplinary and highly complex issue which has been approached from diverse national academic traditions and methodologies of investigation (De Tona et al. 2010). Although the study of migration was initially dominated by empiricist-positivist approaches, by now there is a well-established tradition of qualitative studies...
The aim of the research group "Migrants and Social Organisations" is to examine collaborations between academia and other relevant actors in the field of migration research. By bringing together scholars with expertise on participatory methods and research experiences carried out in liaison with institutions and groups beyond academia, this group i...
Why is there a field of study named Migration Studies but there are not Immobility Studies?
Why do we talk about ‘left behind’ or non-migrants but not about enabling or transnational stayers? Or, why is there so much research about the ‘other’ but so little about 'us'? In this presentation I would go back to the basics and think about the core cate...
In rural Mexico, as in many other locations worldwide, women’s mobility is depicted as less natural or more problematic than men’s. Simultaneously, women are perceived as less mobile than their male peers. Does this mean that they move less? Where are these images derived from? Using ethnographic data, this paper explores the social construction of...
Los diez trabajos que componen el presente libro, escritos por autores procedentes de diferentes países, mundos académicos y universos disciplinarios, tienen en común el hecho de abordar el estudio de la identidad católica dentro de la diáspora ecuatoriana; o, lo que es lo mismo, el estudio de esta última, vista y vivida a través de la pertenencia...
This introductory chapter provides an overview of food-related meanings and practices in the context of international migration. Food parcels act as bridging items in contexts of physical separation and spatial discontinuity. They signal the desire to maintain or create specific group membership—to a family, social class, national origin or rural b...
El simbolismo olfatorio está presente en procesos sociales de clasificación. El olor se utiliza como marcaje de subalteridad en los procesos de diferenciación y evitación del inmigrante en la ciudad, un otro inferior que «huele mal». A partir del ejemplo etnográfico del barrio de El Carmel en la ciudad de Barcelona, este texto analiza la odoro-soci...
El simbolismo olfatorio está presente en procesos sociales de clasificación. El olor se utiliza como marcaje de subalteridad en los procesos de diferenciación y evitación del inmigrante en la ciudad, un otro inferior que «huele mal». A partir del ejemplo etnográfico del barrio de El Carmel en la ciudad de Barcelona, este texto analiza la odoro-soci...
This paper ethnographically explores particular ways of staying put in a Mexican village that builds upon a myriad of present and past mobilities. By doing so, the research contributes to open the black box of rural immobility. Three broad types of stayers are identified: desired, acquiescent, and involuntary stayers. The ethnographic material supp...
This article analyses the processes of economic levelling attached to the reception of international remittances in rural Ecuador. It contributes to the debate on remittances and inequality by exploring the specific mechanisms through which socio-economic differentiation is neutralized or established in two villages of Andean Ecuador. Remittances d...
This book takes food parcels as a vehicle for exploring relationships, intimacy, care, consumption, exchange, and other fundamental anthropological concerns, examining them in relation to wider transnational spaces. As the contributors to this volume argue, food and its related practices offer a window through which to examine the reconciliation of...
Purpose: The article discusses the meanings of citizenship and citizenship education when formal citizenship is restricted by exploring the potential of photography education and practice as a tool that promotes the exercise of citizenship in the context of non-formal critical adult education. By doing it, this text aims to enhance our understandin...
La deriva neoliberal de la economía supone una doble perversión de la disciplina, en cuanto a su identidad y ciencia social.
Tomando los estudios sobre migraciones internacionales, este texto formula preguntas que nos permiten pensar de manera crítica cuestiones clave en lo que respecta a la práctica antropológica en " casa " y el encuentro con el/la otro. En el caso concreto de los estudios sobre migraciones y las personas nacidas en otros países, ¿estamos con nuestra p...
This paper provides a detailed analysis of financial remittances to families in rural Andean Ecuador. Five different types of transfers are identified and analyzed: family maintenance remittances, migrants’ savings, debt repayment, emergency money, and gift money. In each case, the dollars families receive as remittances have various meanings. In o...
This special issue looks at the ways in which migrants’ leisure activities contribute to self-perception, daily life organisation, multiple embeddedness and sense of belonging. The precariousness of, and the new challenges in, the situation of many migrants brings out the importance of leisure for leading meaningful lives. Leisure does not feature...
Muitas vezes, a migração tem como objetivo a construção de uma habitação no lugar de origem. Nas áreas rurais do planalto do Equador as remessas enviadas desde os EUA são comumente utilizadas para construir casas que mudaram a paisagem de muitos povoados. Este artigo descreve a paisagem arquitetônica em um desses povoados, Xarbán, e como ele mudou...
Set within the growing literature on migration and development, this paper has two interlinked objectives. First, it examines remittances, a key element of the migration-development nexus, from a gendered perspective. Second it does so in a comparative empirical perspective, focusing on remittance behaviour in two contrasting settings, Albania and...
This article explores the links between financial and social remittances in the context of Ecuadorian migration to the US and Spain. Ethnographic research on remittance patterns and impacts was carried out in two villages in Southern highland Ecuador. Each site has a different migration and remittance reception profile, in the broad contexts of Ecu...
Set within the broad debate on migration, development and remittances, this paper makes a comparative analysis of two migration-remittance corridors in contrasting regions of the world: Ecuador-USA and Albania-Greece. Operating mainly at the micro-level and based on two questionnaire surveys of remittance receiving households supported by in-depth...
Food is an important and specific kind of material culture. It is literally embodied and present in an everyday basis. Familiar food can play an important role in the migratory context; both at a public visible level and also, and overall, in the intimate domain of the domestic sphere and the mundane everyday. As migration involves discontinuity wi...