Diana Dudnyk

Diana Dudnyk
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | ISP · Institute of Archaeology

Master of Archaeology


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Additional affiliations
November 2020 - present
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • PhD Student
  • The area of issues is the archaeology of the Stone Age. Especially, lithic evidence of the Epigravettian industry.
September 2014 - May 2020
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Field of study
  • Archaeology and Museology


Publications (19)
Conference Paper
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Mezhyrich is one of the most thoroughly and comprehensively studied Upper Palaeolithic sites in Eastern Europe. The settlement is located in the village of Mezhyrich, Kaniv district, Cherkasy region, on a promontory formed by the valleys of Ros and Rosava rivers. According to radiocarbon dating, the age of the site is approximately 18.3-17.78 kyr c...
Conference Paper
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The discovery of products within a single enclosed assemblage and in a clearly defined stratigraphic position enables us to comprehend the technological processes characteristic of the Mezhyrichian variant of the Eastern European Epigravettian, thereby deepening our understanding of the household and everyday life of Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gathe...
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Використання кам’яної сировини і варіативність методів нуклеусного розколювання на пам’ятках фіналу останнього зледеніння має хронологічні, стилістичні та функціональні виміри. Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей первинного розколювання крем’яної сировини стоянки Мізин. На основі аналізу колекції артефактів розкопу 1 з’ясовано, що мешканці Мізи...
Conference Paper
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From 2018 to 2023, research on Dwelling 4 resumed, meticulously documenting all discovered materials and layers. Despite the ongoing war, this structure is the sole Upper Palaeolithic residential site in Ukraine subject to regular investigation using modern field study methods. The outcome of this research includes the identification of numerous ar...
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Known since 1981 and investigated in several campaigns between 1982 and 2007, the site of Barmaky in north-west Ukraine has recently been the subject of renewed investigations from 2018 to 2020. The assemblage is strikingly similar to the one reported from the famous site of Mizyn, located at a distance of about 490 km to the east, except for the a...
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У звітний сезон було проведено археологічні розвідки в межах сіл Межиріч, Лука, Гамарня і Бабичі та в їх околицях. ці населені пункти належать до Канівської об’єднаної територіальної громади Черкаської обл. й знаходяться в межиріччі Росі та Росави. Вдалося відкрити й обстежити кілька невідомих раніше пам’яток.
Conference Paper
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DOMESTICATION OF SPACE: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DWELLING STRUCTURES IN MIDDLE AND UPPER PALAEOLITHIC SITES [PAM] Theme: 5. Climate Change and Socioenvironmental Perspectives Organisers: PEAN, Stephane (Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, UMR 7194 HNHP); Shydlovskyi, Pavlo (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Archaeology an...
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The Barmaky cultural deposits accumulated under the harsh climatic conditions of the periglacial zone at about 19 kyr cal BP. It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of lithic raw material supply as a component of the technological organization of mobility patterns of hunter-gatherer groups. The applied core reduction strategies are an integral...
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In order to determine the degree of relatedness of archaeological sites, it is important to study lithic assemblages originated from relatively closed archaeological objects and which can serve as a reference for a comparative analysis of several industries. This article analyses a separate archaeological object - a flint Workshop 1 - against the b...
Conference Paper
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Recent research in the field of prehistoric archaeology in Eastern Europe, together with the rapid development of natural sciences and radiocarbon dating, is radically changing our perception about the development of prehistoric cultures as a slow, steady and gradual process. This knowledge allows us to draw conclusions about the vulnerability of h...
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The Upper Paleolithic site Barmaky, 2nd cultural layer from Volyhnia-Lublin upland is the most western manifestation of Epigravettian of the Mid Dnieper basin. During several field campaigns the 147 m2 of cultural deposits with three pits and one chalk / marl concentration were studied (fig. 1). The silty-loess deposits of Barmaky, 2 accumulated ab...
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The cultural subdivision of the Mid Dnieper Epigravettian is based on the typological peculiarities of stone insets of projectile weapons from 22 stratified assemblages. The Mezhyrich, Mizyn, Yudinovo and Ovruch industries, as well as the number of assemblage’s types were defined (Nuzhnyi 2008). The insets of Mezhyrich industry are represented by l...
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This article deals with new flint collection (surface materials) from Upper Paleolithic site Pushkari III near v. Pushkari Novgorod-Siversky district of the Chernihiv region. Site is located on the high right bank of the Desna River, and occupies the southwestern part of the Cape of Pogon. The flint collection of artifacts is 910 items, more of the...
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The abstract presents the results of archaeological excavations in 2018 with the emphasis on analysis of the obtained flint artifacts collection. It was found out that typological structure of tools collection is similar to Mizyn ones and is typical for Epigravettian lithic industries of the Middle Dnieper River
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This article deals with new flint collection (surface materials) from Upper Paleolithic site Pushkari III near v. Pushkari Novgorod-Siversky district of the Chernihiv region. Site is located on the high right bank of the Desna River, and occupies the southwestern part of the Cape of Pogon. The flint collection of artifacts is 910 items, more of the...
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Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich is a unique national value archeological monument (230017-N). The site is located in Mezhyrich village, Kaniv district, Cherkassy region. The purpose of the project - preservation of the dwelling construction remains of Upper Paleolithic inhabitants that will become the first step for museumification of Mezhyrich...
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The first excavations of Mezhyrich site occurred half a century ago, in 1966 and continue now. During this period, scientists found here four dwellings and fully explored three of them. In addition, household complex around dwellings was explored too. Excavations conducted by national scientists such as I. Pidoplichko, M. Gladkyh, N. Korniets, D. N...


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