Dewi dewi Kartika SariRiau University · faculty of fisheries and marine
Dewi dewi Kartika Sari
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Publications (30)
Through the use of oral tests to describe places described in descriptive texts, this study sought to investigate the efficacy of an instruction model combined with a learning model in enhancing the speaking abilities of Vocational High School (SMK) students. The goal of this study was to teach English speaking skills in a classroom setting. An exp...
The by-product of processing snakehead fish albumin extract is obtained in the form of fish meat with a tasteless taste because the fish juice has been separated in the form of albumin extract. The by product can still be used as other processed products, by adding a mixture of spices to obtain a product, namely shredded fish. The objectives of thi...
Postpartum contraception in Indonesia is the use or use of contraception immediately after delivery up to 6 weeks (42 days) after delivery. Data from the Health Center of the Northern Region of Kediri City still found mothers who did not use postpartum Contraception. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of counseling on the use of po...
Perineal wound is a tear in the birth canal (perineum) that occurs both in spontaneous labor and episotomy. Perineal wounds that take a long time to heal can cause infection and contribute to maternal death. Binahong leaf (Anredera cordifolia) can be used as an alternative for perineal wound healing because it contains several chemical compounds, n...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disebabkan oleh novel coronavirus. (COVID-19) adalah penyakit menular. Data Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) juga menunjukkan kelompok usia anak menjadi rentan terhadap penularan Covid-19. Ketua Umum IDAI menyatakan, sebanyak 1 dari 8 kasus Covid-19 adalah anak-anak. Dari jumlah kasus itu, sebanyak 3-5 persen...
Air Susu Ibu (ASI) adalah makanan utama dan terbaik untuk bayi, Colin dan Scott (2009) dalam penelitiannya yang dilakukan di Australia menjelaskan bahwa 29% ibu menyusui berhenti menyusui karena produksi ASI berkurang. Pemberian kurma dan pijat oksitosin dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu nifas. Kurma mengandung hor...
This study aims to find out: (1) Is there a significant difference in the Sketch to Stretch strategy in improving students' reading skills in offline learning?, (2) Does conventionally have a significant difference in improving students' reading skills through online learning? and (3) Is there any contribution to increasing students' reading abilit...
Anemia in pregnant women is a condition of hb levels below normal, which is below 11 gr / dl. Cangkupan giving Fe in kediri city has met the target of above 90% but still found pregnant women who have anemia. The goal of this study is to find out the effectiveness of Vitamin C and vitamin b12 against hemoglobin levels in pregnant women in the third...
The fishery sector is the mainstay in Paminggir District, one type of fish that is caught a lot is snakehead fish. So far, the use of snakehead fish is limited as fish consumption, so to increase the use of snakehead fish it is necessary to diversify the technology of processed snakehead fish into a product with higher nutritional and economic valu...
The aim of this research was to increase the students’ skill in reading narrative text by using Know-Want-Learned strategy at the eight grade students of Junior High School 3 Palembang. This research of this study was conducted by using classroom action research. The data used in this research are the result the pre-test to know the improvement o...
The aim of this research was to increase the students’ skill in reading narrative text by using Know-Want-Learned strategy at the eight grade students of Junior High School 3 Palembang. This research of this study was conducted by using classroom action research. The data used in this research are the result the pre-test to know the improvement o...
This research aimed to determine that E-Learning Based Learning and students’ interest in learning can make a significant difference in increasing learning achievement. Researchers took two research samples. The first group was taught using E-Learning and the second using conventgional (face-to-face). To collect data, both groups were given a sp...
This research aimed to determine that E-Learning Based Learning and students’ interest in learning can make a significant difference in increasing learning achievement. Researchers took two research samples. The first group was taught using E-Learning and the second using conventgional (face-to-face). To collect data, both groups were given a sp...
Baby massage is a relaxation technique that has been practiced for generations in Indonesia.The problem found in partners is the lack of knowledge of Posyandu activities about theimportance of baby massage and how to massage babies properly and correctly, while thePosyandu activities is an important person for the community because as one of the co...
The slow healing process of perineum wounds can increase the risk of infection, so it is necessary to intake proteins that support the growth of new cells in the perineum wound. This research is based on the high incidence of perineum need with delay in the healing process of perineum wounds in the Kediri Regency. The purpose of this study is to fi...
Bekasam is a fermented fish product made from fish, salt, and roasted rice or rice that is mixed and fermented for 7 days. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of ground chili at different concentrations on total acid, pH value, total lactic acid bacteria, and sensory properties of cork fish bekasam. The research design used was...
Background: Anemia is a pathologic condition produced by a decrease in red blood cell mass or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin. The initial survey carried out in the Tiron Puskesmas work area in the June-July 2019 period was still a high incidence of anemia in the Tiron Puskesmas Kediri Regency work area (60%). This study aimed to analyze fac...
Background: There are several factors, one of which is the cultural factor that influences the postpartum mother’s experience of changing abstinence behavior from the cultural aspect, and should be encouraged. Taboo foods are well known in almost all human societies. Indirectly this can affect the level of health and recovery in postpartum mothers....
Adanya teknik baru yaitu IUD Post Plasenta maka dapat memberikan harapan dan kesempatan bagi ibu yang tidak ingin hamil lagi namun juga dapat meningkatkan kecemasan dalam penggunaan awal. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kecemasan adalah: usia, keadaan fisik, sosial budaya, pendidikan dan pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Pengaruh Konselin...
Snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis) is a freshwater fish often consumed by the people of South Kalimantan. The meat and the bones of this fish can be processed into protein and calcium-rich fish sticks. This study was aimed to analyze the sensory and chemical characteristics of snakeskin gourami stick. The meat and bones of the fish were ad...
The researchers had found that learning reading strategies is a key element in developing student comprehension. However, many teachers lack a solid foundation for teaching these reading comprehension strategies. Therefore, teachers need to be prepared on how to design effective reading comprehension strategies and how to teach these strategies to...
Language is a mean of communication. To understand the language, we have to invent the meaning of words as many as possible either in a sentence or in whole texts. Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in a language, and teaching vocabulary is clearly more than presenting new words. Reading comprehension depends on several interrelated s...
Complementary feeding should be given to infants after 6 months to increase nutritional needs. Complementary feeding that is hygienic, practical to serve, and known by instant baby porridge. Toimprove the nutrition content of baby porridge can be substituted with Protein and vitamin A source such as snakehead fish (Ophiocephalus striatus ) meal and...
Background: Weight is the first indicator for baby’s growth value. Eforts to increasing the baby’s weight is maximise the nutrients and mother’s milk as the primmary food for baby on 1-6 months. Objective: This research was conducedt to analyze relation factors with giving mother’s milk and the view of weight accomplishment. This factors such as te...
Background: Weight is the first indicator for baby’s growth value. Eforts to increasing the baby’s weight is maximise the nutrients and mother’s milk as the primmary food for baby on 1-6 months. Objective: This research was conducedt to analyze relation factors with giving mother’s milk and the view of weight accomplishment. This factors such as te...
This research aimed to evaluate the bioavailability of fortificant, protein digestibility, and nutrition contribution of biscuits supplemented with snakehead fish flour and fortified with Zn and Fe. Randomized complete design was used in this research which consisted of two steps, namely: 1) Zn and Fe microencapsulation, 2) formulation of biscuit s...
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of administering biscuits enriched with albumin protein from snakehead fish, zinc and iron on immune response of under five children. This was pre-post, single blind, randomized control trial conducted in twenty eight preschool children aged 4-5 year attending Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Pilar vil...