Dessislava AlexovaInternational Business School · Tourism
Dessislava Alexova
Doctor of Philosophy
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Assoc. prof. Desislava Alexova, PhD, is a lecturer at the International Business School - Botevgrad, a member of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber and a manager of "Creativo.com" LTD. She has many years of professional experience as a teacher and expert in the field of tourism and education. She has participated in over than 50 projects related to regional tourism development; researches in the field of tourism and preparation of Tourism strategies in different municipalities in Bulgaria.
Additional affiliations
September 2012 - April 2024
October 2004 - July 2012
March 2012 - December 2014
April 2017 - April 2019
October 2004 - July 2006
October 2002 - July 2003
Publications (90)
Objectives: The study aims to investigate the "manifestation" of "slow
tourism", its economic importance and consequences for the sustainable development of regions.
Methods: A field study was used with managers working in the field of
tourism. The analysis of conducted surveys aims to reveal the presence and
manifestation of "slow" tourism in...
Thе study aims to investigate the "manifestation" of "slow tourism", its economic importance and consequences for the sustainable development of regions. A field study was used with managers working in the field of tourism. The analysis of conducted surveys aims to reveal the presence and manifestation of "slow" tourism in Bulgaria, the connection...
The present study reveals the impact of the visual component in digital marketing in tourism and examines the relationship with the strategy for the overall unified branding and merchandising of the specific destination, using the example of Bulgaria. The fundamentals of digital marketing in tourism, its tools and how visual branding accents should...
With the hope of rapid development of rural tourism in Bulgaria, how to innovate and optimize the marketing mode and successfully achieve marketing purposes is an urgent problem for the marketing of rural tourism destinations. Based on the theory of planned behavior and analysis of destinations in Bulgaria like Central and Western Balkan Mountain,...
The research is based on studies of the tourist potential in several municipalities in Bulgaria. The aim is to present the individual stages in the scientific research process in the planning and development of a tourist destination and their practical aspect. The object of research are unpopular developing destinations and the possibilities for su...
With the hope of rapid development of rural tourism in Bulgaria, how to innovate and optimize the marketing mode and successfully achieve marketing purposes is an urgent problem for the marketing of rural tourism destinations. Based on the analysis of destinations in Bulgaria like Botevgrad, Chiprovtsi, Radomir, etc., this paper has proposed sugges...
With the hope of rapid development of rural tourism in Bulgaria, how to innovate and optimize the marketing mode and successfully achieve marketing purposes is an urgent problem for the marketing of rural tourism destinations. Based on the analysis of destinations in Bulgaria like Botevgrad, Chiprovtsi, Radomir, etc., this paper has proposed sugges...
The aim of the study is to examine some important practical-applied aspects of gamification in the field of education, culture and tourism. The game elements and techniques of gamification are presented, as well as the non-game cases in which it can also be applied were explored in the study. The main differences between gamification and traditiona...
Despite the ongoing scholarly debate on technology-driven tourism experiences, research on pre-travel online destination experiences (ODEs) is still in its infancy, and theoretical knowledge about the nature of ODEs is limited. In particular, a suitable instrument is lacking to measure to evaluate the value of the pre-travel experience on destinati...
The aim of the study is to examine some important practical-applied aspects of gamification in the field of education, culture and tourism. The game elements and techniques of gamification are presented, as well as the non-game cases in which it can also be applied were explored in the study. The main differences between gamification and traditiona...
Despite the ongoing scholarly debate on technology-driven tourism experiences, research on pre-travel online destination experiences (ODEs) is still in its infancy, and theoretical knowledge about the nature of ODEs is limited. In particular, a suitable instrument is lacking to measure to evaluate the value of the pre-travel experience on destinati...
The present study aims to make an overview of the existing information centers in Bulgaria. Their types according to different classifications are presented. The aim of the study is to outline their role as a stakeholder and key players with an intermediary function in local self-government. A partial analysis of the legislative framework was made...
The present study aims to make an overview of the existing information centers in Bulgaria. Their types according to different classifications are presented. The aim of the study is to outline their role as a stakeholder and key players with an intermediary function in local self-government. A partial analysis of the legislative framework was made...
The report presents an analysis of the history, current state and trends in the
development of space tourism. Scientific and technical progress in the 20th century made it possible to fulfill the eternal dream of going into outer space. This allowed the concept of space tourism to be defined very quickly, such as flights into space at the expense o...
The main task in this paper is to present a general vision and to structure a basis for building a brand identity of a forming tourist destination with unexploited but promising tourist potential on the examples of four small municipalities in Bulgaria. A literature review was made and the main concepts were clarified. Based on the researches which...
The present study reveals the impact of the visual component in digital marketing in tourism and examines the relationship with the strategy for the overall unified branding and merchandising of the specific destination, using the example of Bulgaria.
The fundamentals of digital marketing in tourism, its tools and how visual branding accents should...
The main task in this report is to present a general vision and to structure a basis for building a visual identity of the municipality of Radomir. The destination was chosen because it has unexploited but promising tourist potential. A literature review was made and the main concepts were clarified. Based on the studies, the main messages were der...
The report presents the mechanisms for protection and conservation, as well as the construction of an archaeological park based on a well-studied rock-hewn monument (rock sanctuary) with astronomical content. This monument may refer to rock sanctuaries that were worshiped over a larger region, functioned continuously, and were remote from larger se...
The sustainable development of tourism at the local level is determined by various factors. These are the tourist resources, the specifics of the region and the material base, the degree of involvement of the local population in the various spheres of the tourist activity, the introduction of innovations, quality criteria, etc. Regions with a chara...
The report presents the possibility of making an archeological park on the basis of a well-studied rock-cut monument (rock sanctuary) with astronomical content. It is located near the village of Baylovo, in a small travertine massif, located along the valley of the Smolska River, in the territory of the Municipality of Gorna Malina, Sofia District,...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of national resorts in Bulgaria and the opportunities for destination management. The main accents are focused on their stages of development, mistakes made in the planning and regulations and setting guidelines for their sustainable development, in accordance with cur...
The present study aims to present the basic formulations for creating strategic guidelines for planning and management of a tourist destination. The report examines the features of the tourist resources of the cross-border region of Chiprovtsi and Pirot. The opportunities for development of alternative tourism and the creation of a diverse product...
Проучването обхваща въздействието на COVID-19 върху състоянието на кадрите в туризма. Неговата цел е да бъдат идентифицирани основните предизвикателства пред туристическия сектор по отношение на управлението на човешките ресурси, както и да бъдат формулирани работещи решения по какъв начин тези предизвикателства могат да бъдат преодолени. За целта...
The present study aims to present the basic formulations for creating strategic guidelines for planning and management of a tourist destination. The report examines the features of the tourist resources of the cross-border region of Chiprovtsi and Pirot. The opportunities for development of alternative tourism and the creation of a diverse product...
Настоящото изследване представя подход за разработване и последващо тестване на модел за мониторинг и oценка на устойчивото туристическо развитие, основана на системи от индикатори за оценка на състоянието и перспективите за развитие на националните курорти; техния иновационен потенциал, тоест способността им да предлагат уникални нови и подобрени...
Настоящото изследване представя подход за разработване и последващо тестване на модел за мониторинг и oценка на устойчивото туристическо развитие, основана на системи от индикатори за оценка на състоянието и перспективите за развитие на националните курорти; техния иновационен потенциал, тоест способността им да предлагат уникални нови и подобрени...
The purpose of the monograph is to familiarize potential readers with the basic principles and research approaches in the studies of the tourist environment and the sustainable development of a tourist destination, the creation of a tourist brand, as well as the organization and technology of strategic planning at the local level. The main theoreti...
The purpose of this study is to prove the importance of adventure tourism for local tourism development, incl. creating an image of a tourist destination, generating economic benefits for local businesses and improving the quality of the tourism product. Basic characteristics and definitions of adventure tourism in the context of sustainable develo...
The survey includes a study of destination planning at a local level through tourist zoning. A set of general and private methods corresponding to the interdisciplinary and heterogeneous nature of the study are used. The implementation of a micro-planning scheme for Kostinbrod Municipality as a tourist destination is an effective mechanism for sust...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of national resorts in Bulgaria and the opportunities for destination management. The main accents are focused on their stages of development, mistakes made in the planning and regulations and setting guidelines for their sustainable development, in accordance with cur...
The monograph offers a research and a planning technology of tourism development in an emerging tourist destination, whose current image does not support, but hinders the development of tourism. Vire this monograph the path from the desire of local authorities to develop viable tourism is traced to the final formulation of practice-oriented guideli...
The survey includes a study of the modern trends and challenges in Bulgarian resorts and the opportunities for their sustainable development and destination management. The main accents are focused on their stages of development, mistakes made in the planning and regulations and setting guidelines for their sustainable development, in accordance wi...
The survey involves developing a method for local tourist development of a tourist destination. Consideration has been given to the development of a methodological research framework, analysis and evaluation of tourism potential: external and internal environmental factors, tourism resources, material resources, human resources and administrative c...
The purpose of this study is to prove the importance of festival tourism for local tourism development, incl. creating an image of a tourist destination, generating economic benefits for local businesses and improving the quality of the tourism product. Cameral, statistical, sociological and geographical research methods and case studies of best pr...
The survey covers a study of the tourism potential, biodiversity and characteristics of ecotourism in the Western Rhodopes region in Bulgaria. The biodiversity of the region, tourist resources and opportunities for ecotourism supply were examined. A critical analysis of weaknesses in local tourism policies in the planning and development of the reg...
The book has a volume of 310 pages, covering an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, bibliography and annexes. The content is illustrated with over than 30 tables and 40 figures, included in the main text, and the bibliography of the book.
The aim of the monography is to analyze and evaluate the resource potential for sustainable tourism dev...
The survey includes a study of destination planning and development at a local level through microregionalization. The subject of this work is the study, analysis and definition of opportunities for sustainable tourism development at a local level as a model that can be multiplied to be used in other developing tourist destinations. The objective o...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of cultural tourism on example of Botevgrad Municipality, Bulgaria. The main accents are focused on theoretical formulations as system methods for territorial development of cultural tourism in the former tourist destination, and practical researches which include prop...
Настоящата монография е първата по рода си, посветена тематично на събитията и туризма. Съдържателно, текстът е структуриран в две основни части. Първа част е посветена на дефинирането на същността на събитията в контекста на туристическата индустрия. Специално внимание е посветено на видовете събития, категории, характеристики и специфика. Събития...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of cultural tourism on example of Botevgrad Municipality, Bulgaria. The main accents are focused on theoretical formulations as system methods for territorial development of cultural tourism in the former tourist destination, and practical researches which include prop...
Creative tourism is one of the most dynamic and evolving forms of sustainable and responsible tourism linking local traditional resources and the creative potential of the local authorities and local population to the new expectations of the tourists. Worldwide, the tourist industry is becoming more and more experience, and tourists are increasingl...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of Botevgrad Municipality and the opportunities for destination management. The main accents are focused on theoretical formulations as system methods for territorial development of tourist destination, implementation of European indicators and criteria for sustainable...
The survey includes a study of the potential for sustainable tourist development of Botevgrad Municipality and the opportunities for destination planning and management. The main accents are focused on theoretical formulations as system methods for territorial development of tourist destination, implementation of European indicators and criteria fo...
Дисертационният труд е в обем от 208 страници, обхващащи увод, пет глави, заключение, използвана литература и приложения. Съдържанието е илюстрирано с 30 таблици и 39 фигури, включени в основния текст и приложенията към дисертационния труд. За разработването на дисертационния труд са използвани общо 175 източника, от които 89 литературни източника...
The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide the leaders and other stakeholders in the global tourism development. It aims to contribute maximize the benefits of the sector by minimizing its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies around the world. Its main prin...
В резултат на проучване свързано с възможностите за устойчиво развитие на туризма в Община Ботевград, са дадени насоки за подобряване и разширяване на базовата инфраструктура, съобразно локалните условия на територията на общината, повишаване качеството на туристическото предлагане и за утвърждаване на Ботевград като предпочитана дестинация за алте...
Докладът е посветен на интерпретиране резултатите от международни и национални проучвания свързани с комплексните условия и проблеми, тенденции и предпоставки за пазарно ориентирано и устойчиво развитие на специализираните форми на здравния туризъм-медицински/балнеоложки, СПА и уелнес програми и услуги. Основните акценти са поставени върху иноватив...
The survey includes a study of the ecotourism potential of Botevgrad Municipality and the opportunities for attractive ecotourism products supply. An overview of the current trends in ecotourism demand and supply as well as the peculiarities of ecotourism marketing and advertising are made in the contests of sustainable development. The opportuniti...
С нарастването през последните години на проблемите свързани с масовия летен ваканционен и зимен планински туризъм в България, все по-осезаема става необходимостта от систематизиране и прилагане на знания, произтичащи от научната интерпретация на резултатите от професионален анализ и оценка в рамките на целеви пазарни изследвания на състоянието и п...
In the years of transition a lot of mistakes were made in the tourism
development which led to spontaneous and non methodical overdevelopment, loss
of traditional markets and partners, decrease of the competitiveness of the
Bulgarian tourism product, destruction of national tourism resources as well as of
natural, cultural and historical valuables....
Изследването включва проучване на екотуристическия потенциал на община Ботевград и възможностите за атрактивно предлагане на екотуристически продукти. В конкурсите за устойчиво развитие се прави преглед на текущите тенденции в търсенето и предлагането на екотуризъм, както и особеностите на маркетинга и рекламата на екотуризма. Възможностите, предос...
Botevgrad Municipality has no experience and traditions in the development of tourism at the moment, but it has a potential that was studied in 2017 and thus the municipality laid the foundation on which to define its vision and integrated tourism policy, defining clear objectives and priorities for the sustainable development of tourism. The aim o...
Статията представя добрите практики на международна интерактивна образователна мрежа и възможности за обучение по време на път съобразно доктрината на Кун. Анализирани са конкретни примери как устойчивото мислене може да се превърне в устойчиво действие чрез обучение в реална среда, съчетано с обмен на международен опит и установяване на трайна връ...
Abstract: The report presents concerted solutions to achieve specific market priorities justifying the importance of a new sectoral strategy for the development of health, SPA and wellness tourism in Bulgaria. The study of the trends in the development of this product range on the international and domestic market proves the necessity of creating a...
The report examines trends and prospects for development of educational and volunteer tourism in Bulgaria, by considering their specific features and their main competitive advantages. Article presents the results of several author studies on best practices. Conclusions for educational and educative effect were made in implementation of activities...
В годините на преход бяха допуснати много грешки в развитието на туризма, довели до стихийно и непланомерно презастрояване, загуба на традиционни пазари и партньори, понижаване на конкурентноспособността на българския туристически продукт, унищожаване на национални туристически ресурси, природни и културно-исторически ценности. За ограничаване на н...
Solidarity tourism is a herald of new messages and hopes in the public space, but also new ideas to promote sustainable models for local and regional development and education. It includes forms of tourism where the focus of the journey is contact with people, and also the participation of local people in various stages of tourism projects in terms...
В настоящото изследване са разгледани основните пазарни тенденции, определящи необходимостта от развитие на доброволчески туризъм. Анализирани са характеристиките на доброволческият туризъм, включително и спецификата на участващите в предлагането организации, различните видове добролочески програми и др. Представени са добри практики от стратата, с...
The survey defines the concept for responsible tourism and its implementation in Bulgaria. It is analyzed the situation with the overbuilding and the problems of the mass tourism development in Bulgaria and they are given proposals how the obstacles should be overcome. A special attention in the paper has the Memorandum for sustainable development...
In the present study it is made an analysis of the management plans of national and nature parks in Bulgaria, the problems connected with their implementation and updating, by which to be ensured the duration of the process of sustainable management, conservation and restoration of natural resources and habitats. It has submitted an accent on the n...
The process of gradual and sustained promotion of alternative forms of tourism on the Bulgarian market and social sphere is accompanied by an indication of dynamically changing problem conditions and factors in connection with parallel opportunities and prerequisites for successful development. The analysis of trends in the market breakthrough of u...
Докладът разглежда интердисциплинарният подход за обучение в реална среда на университетската кампания за гражданско участие и устойчиво развитие "Място за бъдеще". Дадени са конкретни примери как устойчивото мислене може да се превърне в устойчиво действие чрез обучение в реална среда, съчетано с обмен на международен опит и установяване на трайна...
This survey examines municipal planning as a tool of management in tourism. For this purpose, it is made an analysis of municipal plans and strategies in Smolyan district-basic business planning documents to ensure a long term implementation of an integrated tourist resource capacity of each municipality. It is studied the potential of each municip...
Процесът на постепенно и трайно утвърждаване на алтернативните видове туризъм в българската пазарна и обществена среда е съпътстван с индикация на динамично променящи се проблемни условия и фактори, съчетани от паралелни възможности и предпоставки за успешното им развитие. Анализът на тенденциите в пазарния пробив на уникални съчетания или комбинац...
The process of gradual and sustained promotion of alternative forms of tourism on the Bulgarian market and social sphere is accompanied by an indication of dynamically changing problem conditions and factors in connection with parallel opportunities and prerequisites for successful development. The analysis of trends in the market breakthrough of u...
The present study examines the specifics of the Health and Medical Spa tourism and the opportunities for its priority development according to the European and global trends, strategic development and the mechanisms of the regional sector policy. It is analyzed the tourist supply, the tourists profile as well as the characteristics of the specializ...
The survey examines the types of protected areas in Bulgaria, their conservation status and possibilities for optimum planning and sustainable development of tourism. The importance of the tourism management in each kind of protected areas and its instruments to achieve it are presented in the study. It analyses the different legal regulations of t...
The survey examines the types of protected areas in Bulgaria, their conservation status and possibilities for optimum planning and sustainable development of tourism. The importance of the tourism management in each kind of protected areas and its instruments to achieve it are presented in the study. It analyses the different legal regulations of t...
Настоящият текст цели да представи базистните постановки за създаване на регионален бранд, изграден върху туристическите ресурси на трансграничен регион „България-Румъния“. В доклада са разгледани особеностите на туристическите ресурси на трансграничния регион „България – Румъния“. Направен е анализ на българската част на региона, въз основа, на ко...
The report covers the results of the survey related to the concept of responsible tourism and overcoming the demographic and economic problems in the small rural areas. The main accents are placed on contemporary trends in the development of specialized types of tourism, the introduction of international standards, certification and innovative appr...
The survey presents the general characteristics of " Vitosha " Nature Park – its natural resources and heritage, conservation status, zoning and its management. It examines the historical development of the tourism in Vitosha Mountain, the existing tourist infrastructure, investment projects and activities regulated in the Management Plan of the Na...
The survey examines the historical development of forestry legislation in the protected areas in Bulgaria and its impact on the conservation of forest resources in different periods. It has made an analysis and evaluation of the existing legislation and the recent amendments in it. The threats in some amendments connected with the management and th...
The survey examines the importance of the tourism management in the protected areas. It analyses the different legal regulations of the management plans, their strenths and threats and the mechanisms for improvement of he regulations. The main point is the essence of management plans of protected areas, their importance and a role for the tourism m...
The survey covers the territory of Dragoman Marsh–the largest natural karst wetland in
Bulgaria and Chepan Mountain, situated near the town of Dragoman. The destination is
Natura 2000 site, storing a number of significant conservation plant and animal species. An
analysis of the potential for alternative tourism has been made, including the recreat...
The survey covers the territory of Dragoman Marsh – the largest natural karst wetland in Bulgaria and Chepan Mountain, situated near the town of Dragoman. The destination is Natura 2000 site, storing a number of significant conservation plant and animal species. An analysis of the potential for alternative tourism has been made, including the recre...
The survey examines the vegetation and flora of Vitosha Nature Park. It presents mostly rare, threatened, endemic and characteristic plant species of the nature park and their habitats, as well as their conservation value and attractiveness. An analysis of tourism supply has been made, including the recreation potential and operation of the existin...
The survey presents the importance of Vulture Center “Eastern Rhodopes” for the development of sustainable tourism and voluntary activities in the region of Madjarovo. It provides information for some best practices for ornithological, educational and ecotourism, combined with adventure and cultural activities. General proposals are given for speci...
The survey presents the importance of Vulture Center “Eastern Rhodopes” for the development of sustainable tourism and voluntary activities in the region of Madjarovo. It provides information for some best practices for ornithological, educational and ecotourism, combined with adventure and cultural activities. General proposals are given for speci...
Устойчивото развитие на туризма в защитените територии се обуславя от разнообразни фактори. Това са туристическите ресурси, спецификата на региона и материалната база, степента на ангажираност на местното население в различните сфери на туристическата дейност, ползите и ограниченията, свързани с режимите на управление и др. Региони с характерен обл...
1/2009 (37) FORESTRY IDEAS 1/2009 (37) опазването на природата в България има дълга история и традиции. още в началото на XX в. са приети законите за горите, за лова и риболова, създаден е съюзът за защита на родната природа, а през 1934 г. е обявен и първият на-ционален парк на Балканския полуостров – витоша. През втората половина на ХХ в. са обяв...
The survey covers the territory of Greek and Bulgarian part of Rhodope Mountains with a huge concentration of protected areas, storing a number of significant relict, endemic, rare and endangered species areas, characterized by considerable diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, including virgin forests. An analysis of natural resources and cultur...
The paper has done an analysis of the definitions and criteria for sustainable, responsible and ecotourism based on survey by leading global organizations related to sustainable development and tourism. Analyze the specific projects for ecotourism routes, taking into account the shortcomings in the practice and the necessary measures to be taken. I...
The survey includes studies related to the application of competences in the vocational training of students trained in the field of tourism. The competency model in tourism is presented, outlining the possibilities of applying an interdisciplinary approach following Thomas Kuhn's doctrine and John Dewey's Learning through experience. A good exampl...
This is a research about the role of the sustainable tourism like a measure for conservation of the biodiversity, the landscape and the natural resources in Western Rhodope Mountains. It is made a characteristic of the area and a specification of the activities, strategies, programs and projects in the region and their positive and negative influen...