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Publications (19)
Countries worldwide have attempted to reduce the incidence of HIV and AIDS associated deaths with varying success, despite significant progress in antiretroviral treatment (ART) and condom use. A chief obstacles is that key populations affected face high levels of stigma, discrimination and exclusion, limiting the successful response to HIV. Howeve...
Background: AIDS investments have been associated with unprecedented scale-up of HIV preventive services and ART coverage, reaching US$ 17 Billion in 2011. However, the evidence regarding the relationship between these investments and HIV/AIDS outcomes (incidence and mortality) is limited. The objective of this study was to determine the r...
Trends and predictors of domestic spending from public sources provide national authorities and international donors with a better understanding of the HIV financing architecture, the fulfillment of governments' commitments and potential for long-term sustainability.
We analyzed government financing of HIV using evidence from country reports on dom...
Background: Analysis of trends in regional domestic public spending provides national authorities and international donors with a better understanding of government investment with respect to HIV. Tracking HIV expenditures also provides evidence and informed guidance to allow governments to implement the “know your epidemic/know your respo...
Background: Unprecedented funding for HIV has been mobilized since 2001 when the Declaration of Commitment/UNGASS (DoC) was signed: US$10 billion in 2007.
Methods: Twenty-four, publicly available, country reports of HIV expenditures (from domestic public and international sources) to monitor implementation of the DoC (2006 data) were anal...
Global and regional projections of mortality and burden of disease by cause for the years 2000, 2010, and 2030 were published by Murray and Lopez in 1996 as part of the Global Burden of Disease project. These projections, which are based on 1990 data, continue to be widely quoted, although they are substantially outdated; in particular, they substa...
Deaths by Cause, Scenario, Sex, and Age for 2002, 2015, and 2030
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DALYs by Cause, Scenario, Sex, and Age for 2002, 2015, and 2030
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Translation of the Article into French
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Parsimonious Regression Equations for Nine Major Cause Clusters Based on the Full Country Panel Dataset, 1950–2002
(334 KB DOC)
Country Classifications Used for Reporting Results: World Bank Regional Groups and World Bank Income Groups
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Parsimonious Regression Equations for Nine Major Cause Clusters Based on the Low-Income Country Panel Dataset, 1950–2002
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Results of Regressions of Age–Sex-Specific Mortality for Detailed Causes on the Respective Cause Cluster Based on the Full Country Panel Dataset, 1950–2002
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Summary of Assumptions and Inputs for Baseline, Optimistic, and Pessimistic Projection Scenarios
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Results of Log-Linear Poisson Regressions for Deaths Due to Selected Causes, by Age and Sex, for Countries with Complete Death Registration Data and Population of More Than 5 Million
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