Dehua Gao

Dehua Gao
Shandong Technology and Business University · Department of Industrial Engineering



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Dehua Gao currently works at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Shandong Technology & Business University. His research interests include routine dynamics, experimental & computational social/organization science, industrial systems engineering, etc.
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January 2020 - November 2020
Shandong Institute of Business and Technology
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (28)
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Organizational routines consist of a mix of human actors and artifacts. Indeed, organizational settings are populated by a variety of cognitive artifacts, such as operating standards and prioritization rules, which encapsulate two types of knowledge: standards and regulations constraining individual action and rules sustaining explorative capacitie...
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This paper presents an overview of all scientific contributions using agent-based modeling (ABM) methodology in routine dynamics research. That is a specialized area of study and our extensive literature search revealed only a total of 12 contributions. We did a quantitative analysis of these published literature using co-authorship, cross-citation...
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The development of routine dynamics entails both a theoretical shift and changes in methodology. Agent-based modelling (ABM) offers an approach to enriching our understandings of routine dynamics from the ‘bottom-up’. This chapter provides an overview of ABM methodology in routine dynamics research. It includes a comparison of the eleven contempora...
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Organizational routines are at the core in capturing the typical way of how organizations accomplish their tasks. This paper primarily summarizes the development of scholars’ understanding of the crucial role that artifacts and the materiality play during the course of routines. We then focus on the material artifacts-based exploration and exploita...
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本文围绕基于主体建模(Agent-based modeling,ABM)在公共政策研究中的应用,从跨学科视角探讨当前数智时代深化与变革公共政策研究的新使命。通过聚焦于ABM 对于公共政策研究的方法(论)特色及优势,本文对应用ABM 开展公共政策研究的一些代表性文献进行较为系统地梳理,力图勾勒这一领域的发展概貌和前沿动态;在此基础上,归纳总结应用ABM 开展公共政策研究的时代机遇及所面临的困难和挑战,并且以公共政策研究的核心问题及其内在逻辑联系作为分析的起点,提出构建“计算+ABM”的新方法体系框架。本文的研究结果将有助于在一定程度上弥补当前公共政策抽象理论与鲜活现实之间的脱节现象,推动我国公共政策和公共管理决策的科学化、合理化、透明化进程,因此对于新时代背景下全方位提升社会公共治理能力、促进...
Cooperation is a cornerstone of social harmony and group success. Environmental feedbacks that provide information about resource availability play a crucial role in encouraging cooperation. Previous work indicates that the impact of resource heterogeneity on cooperation depends on the incentive to act in self-interest presented by a situation, dem...
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Routines are ubiquitous in every organization, capturing the typical way in which participants repetitively accomplish their organizational tasks. Conducting agent-based modelling (ABM) in organizational routines is an interdisciplinary but burgeoning area of research, and publications are still rare. This chapter offers an overview of the cotempor...
Research on routines replication across the intra-organizational boundary as an important value-creating strategy has grown rapidly in recent years. This paper focuses on interactivities between human and non-human actants at the individual level, and conceives digital artifacts as certain templates in routines replication practices. I formalize th...
Routines capture the typical ways in which organizations accomplish their tasks. It has been widespread consensus that routines are certain practices with internal structure, processes and dynamics that contribute to both stability and change in organizations. During the past decades, some scholars resorted to agent-based modeling (ABM), whilst oth...
Routine dynamics, as a branch of research on organizational routines, has grown in recent years by engaging practice theory and highlighting the role of human actors and agency. In this paper, we overview the development of routine dynamics to provide a road map to show how it has been linked to and applied in relative domains since the two pieces...
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[Prelimary abstract] The development of routine dynamics entails both a theoretical shift and changes in methodology. Agent-based modeling (ABM) offers an approach to enriching our understandings of routine dynamics from the ‘bottom-up’. This chapter provides an overview of ABM methodology in routine dynamics research. It includes a comparison of t...
Organizational routines are at the core in capturing how organizations accomplish their tasks. In this paper, I based the analysis of routines’ formation on the concept of ‘community’ under two distinct contexts – namely, (1) the exploitative/explorative activities regarding artifacts, and (2) the impact of leadership within the community. I adopte...
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Organizational routines are means through which organizations can re-utilize best practices and so their replication – i.e., duplicating beneficial routines across context – is a key value-creating strategy. However, it is difficult to map network effects on routine replication. Here, we investigated routine replicating dynamics considering two typ...
In this presentation, I reported an overview about the topic "Agent-based modeling of routine dynamics". It included four parts, (a) A brief introduction of the concepts of organizational routiens and routine dynamics; (b) Why agent-based modeling methodology? (c) What we've done -- a summary of literature involving totally 10 papers on this topic;...
Working Paper
The replication of organizational routines – as a means through which organizations can re-utilize the knowledge of their “best practice” that is already in use – has been considered as one of important value-creating strategies. In this paper, we investigated routine replicating dynamics within two distinguished types of network contexts – namely,...
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Urban public emergencies now break out frequently, causing heavy losses and threatening urban sustainability at the same time. To help better curb public emergencies, minimize their damage to cities, and maintain the sustainable operation of the city, this paper takes the urban public emergency as the research object, discussing the formation mecha...
Conference Paper
Artifacts play an important role in organizational routines deliberately designed and implemented by management. In this paper, we regarded creating and/or planning artifacts as an effective approach for the formation of the designed routines in practice, and treated the formation process from a game theory-based perspective and put forward a CG-MA...
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IT capability as an important source of competitive advantage has been strongly emphasized in the strategic management literature, yet the formation and evolution of IT capability in the ever-changing business environment are not well explained. To fill this gap, this paper takes routine as the unit of analysis, depicts a micro-interpretation of th...
Organizational routines are collective phenomena involving multiple individual actors, and are crucial to understanding organizations behave and change in a certain period. In this paper, by regarding the individual habits of multiple actors involved in as fundamental building blocks, we consider organizational routines from an emergence based pers...
Conference Paper
By exploring the formation mechanism of metro emergencies, theoretical support is offered for the prevention and management of emergencies. Using a case study of rear-end accident on Shanghai metro line 10, this paper introduces the Tropos goal risk framework to model the chain of risk transmission in the subway system. On the basis of the model, e...
Organizational routines are generative, dynamic systems involving multiple actors, and are crucial to understanding how organizations typically accomplish their tasks. In this paper, by regarding the individual habits of multiple actors as fundamental building blocks, we investigate organizational routines through a ‘bottom-up’ approach. On the bas...
For dealing with the complexity and dynamics inherited in dynamic capabilities area, we try to introduce the agent-based simulation method into our study. By taking operating routines as basic units of analysis, a micro- interpretation of dynamic capabilities is given from the routine-based perspective. The relationships among operating routines, d...
Conference Paper
Organizational routines are collective phenomena with multiple actors involved in. In this paper, we introduce the evolutionary game theory into the study of organizational routines, and build up an evolutionary game model of organizational routines on complex networks. On the bases of this model, we provide a multi-agent based simulation via Swarm...
Conference Paper
Organizational routines are some collective phenomena with multiple actors involved in. And In this paper, by taking the individual habits of the multiple actors as fundamental building blocks, we investigate organizational routines from an actor-based view, and build up a multi-agent based simulation model and realize it via Swarm package. The res...
Conference Paper
Rescue forces decide the results of a rescue. We try to quantitatively study the rescue forces' influence on the result of the earthquake relief(1)(2). We build a model of post-earthquake emergency rescue system on the CAS theory and build a simulation model based on Swarm platform. And analyze the outputs of the simulation. Through the analysis, w...
Conference Paper
For dealing with the complexities and dynamics inherited in enterprise capabilities problems, the complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory is introduced into our study. From the CAS perspective, the concept of enterprise capabilities and its complex adaptive characteristics are discussed. And a framework is put forward for building up agent-based simu...
This research aims to provide a new perspective on the evolution of enterprise information technology (IT) capability. Based on complex adaptive system (CAS) theory, this paper built a multi-agent simulation conceptual model for the evolution of enterprise IT capability, designed interaction rules of agent, and realized the simulation by Swarm. The...


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