Debrayan Bravo HidalgoCentral University of Ecuador | UCE · Mathematics and Physics
Debrayan Bravo Hidalgo
Master of Engineering
Professor of Thermodynamics Applied to Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Modeling.
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I investigate energy management, energy efficiency and thermal energy storage systems in buildings. In this process I use mathematical models and software.
Additional affiliations
October 2018 - present
Sharing Knowledge Group
- Professor (Full)
- Editorial team and academic research advisory.
April 2018 - present
June 2015 - September 2019
Research Management Learning (RML)
- Editor
September 2008 - June 2010
Universidad de Ceinfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"
Field of study
- Energy efficiency, Thermodynamics, Solar cooling, Thermal energy storage
September 2003 - June 2008
Universidad de Ceinfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodrígez"
Field of study
- Energy engineering
Publications (63)
The present investigation focuses on renewable energy applications to the cooling and heating of buildings. This aim is achieved by analyzing the statistical reports issued by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the performance of this thematic area in the international scientific community. To study this last aspect, the Web of S...
In this paper, we present an experimental study and statistical modeling of High-Performance Concrete subjected to high temperatures. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of concrete age subjected to high temperature cycles (ranging from 20 °C to 1000 °C) on the physical and the mechanical properties of (HPC). The compressive s...
The purpose of this research is to establish a comparative analysis between open access journals and those open access journals whose sole purpose is to research on energy as a socialized conduit. To achieve such objective three tools will be used, namely: 1) the bibliographic database of abstracts, 2) the citations
of articles for scientific journ...
Purpose: The aim of this scientific contribution is to show the potential that integral calculus has offered to the analysis of thermodynamic processes. Method: Application of Integral Calculus. In this context, the document covers the theoretical principles of integral calculus, such as Theoretical framework and background, Geometric interpretatio...
El objetivo de esta contribución científica es analizar la métrica de costos e inversiones en generación energética con fuentes renovables a escala global. Para lograr este objetivo se utiliza la información de las bases de datos de la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA, por su sigla en inglés) y la base de datos Web of Science. Me...
The aim of the paper is to show the implementation of fuzzy logic in business, administration and accounting, through the research published in Scopus. The results of the document focus on the following sections: 1) Fuzzy set theory, in business, administration and accounting. 2) Analysis of fuzzy logic bibliometrics in business, administration and...
The aim of this contribution is to show the detection of seminal papers using data mining techniques. To achieve the objective of this research, Rapidminer Studio software and its data mining tools are used, based on data created with information extracted from Google Scholar and Scopus, in three different areas of knowledge. In this process, other...
The objective of this contribution is to provide a state-of-the-art on research in solar thermal electricity systems. This objective is achieved using Scopus, and the softwears “Publish or Perish” and “VOSviewer”. The results of the research show the behavior of scientific productivity in this area. As well as the most productive thematic areas. Na...
The aim of this paper is to present a general bibliographic review about recent scientific papers focused on the design and operation of air conditioning systems in green and smart buildings.The suggested review is developed using tools offered by the Scopus academic research directory, with a defined search criteria.
Furthermore, the VOSviewer sc...
The aim of this paper is to present a general bibliographic review about recent scientific papers focused on the design and operation of air conditioning systems in green and smart buildings.The suggested review is developed using tools offered by the Scopus academic research directory, with a defined search criteria. Furthermore, the VOSviewer sci...
The objective of this contribution is a review of the state of research on the human dimension and data science in efficient energy management in buildings. The method of this research is a review of the literature on Scopus. As materials, the bibliometric analysis tools of this database and the VOSviewer software are used, which is used to generat...
EL EDITOR DE LA REVISTA VISIÓN ELECTRÓNICA "Algo más que un estado sólido" HAROLD VACCA GONZÁLEZ CERTIFICA: Que Debrayan Bravo Hidalgo, participó satisfactoriamente en procesos de arbitraje para un artículo científico correspondiente al volumen 14, del año 2020 de la revista Visión Electrónica (https://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/ojs/index.php/visel...
Debrayan Bravo Hidalgo
Estimado(a) colega:
Gracias por su reciente respuesta y evaluación del artículo que le fuera enviado para su revisión (6393IT-19).
Como se mencionó en nuestra carta de solicitud de evaluación, la calidad de los artículos y de la revista depende en gran parte de la rigurosidad con que se realice el proceso de revisión...
Accounting databases with fraudulent transactions inside was used to detect fraud patterns by data mining tool. The object was accomplished by the following method: first, inside data, fraudulent transactions according to three fraud patterns were settled, over it the algorithms, Euclidian distance and local outlier factors were run using Rapidmine...
Buildings represent a significant proportion of total carbon and energy emissions worldwide and play an important role in the formulation of sustainable development strategies. Several countries have adopted or consider the possibility of establishing Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) as their future energy targets to alleviate the problems related to th...
The aim of this article is to show the potentialities of thermodynamic simulation for pedagogical purposes in the area of engineering. To achieve this objective, this contribution is structured in the following parts: Bibliometric synopsis of this topic, thermodynamics laboratory, example of thermodynamic simulation in MATLAB, and finally the pedag...
Data extracted from the Scopus database. This data contains 74 Open Access Journals in subject area, Energy. Each biblometric indicator is declared as a comment of the columns.
Data information.
• CiteScore: Calculating CiteScore is simple and is based on the average citations received per document. CiteScore is the number of citations received by a journal in one year in relation to documents published in the three previous years, divided by the number of documents indexed in Scopus published in those same three years....
Data information.
• CiteScore: Calculating CiteScore is simple and is based on the average citations received per document. CiteScore is the number of citations received by a journal in one year in relation to documents published in the three previous years, divided by the number of documents indexed in Scopus published in those same three years....
Data extracted from the Scopus database. This data contains 426 Open Access Journals in subject area, Engineering. Each biblometric indicator is declared as a comment of the columns.
Data extracted from the Scopus database. This data contains 268 Open Access Journals in subject area, Computer Science. Each biblometric indicator is declared as a comment of the columns.
Data extracted from the Scopus database. This data contains 248 Open Access Journals in subject area, Mathematics. Each biblometric indicator is declared as a comment of the columns.
Data science techniques have been used to support and improve the basic aspects of energy efficiency and management in buildings. Consequently, this section focuses on the applications of data science. Figure V shows the process flow of this practice. This innovative and promising practice finds its current applications and future trends in the fol...
Buildings represent a significant proportion of total carbon and energy emissions worldwide and play an important role in the formulation of sustainable development strategies. Several countries have adopted or consider the possibility of establishing Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) as their future energy targets to alleviate the problems related to th...
The paper deals with the use of diffusion models, a useful tool to understand the development of technologies. The diffusion of technologies does not follow a unique pattern, it is complex and the challenge is in developing models for Renewable Energy Technologies TER.TERs have enormous potential to meet global demand for electric power, but the in...
The increase in global energy demand, environmental problems and geopolitical tensions due to the control of finite conventional energy resources; these are reasons that have currently focused the attention of scientists on the applications of solar energy.
of this contribution is to reflect the trends in research regardin...
The paper deals with the use of diffusion models, a useful tool to understand the development of technologies. The diffusion of technologies does not follow a unique pattern, it is complex and the challenge is in developing models for Renewable Energy Technologies TER.TERs have enormous potential to meet global demand for electric power, but the in...
The Revista de la Construcción (Journal of Construction) places on record through the present, Debrayan Bravo Hidalgo has participated as a reviewer of the article "Effects of thermoregulating microcapsules in clay plasters for indoor walls".
The Editorial Group of Journal, appreciates their valuable contribution.
Introducción Anualmente el astro rey derrama sobre muestro planeta 4 000 veces más energía de la que hoy consumimos. El sol es la fuente de vida de nuestro planeta y el origen de las fuentes de energías que la humanidad ha empleado en las distintas etapas de su historia. La utilización de la energía solar, el viento, las corrientes de los ríos, ent...
El Editor General de la revista Cuadernos de Administración
hace constar:
Que el profesor DEBRAYAN BRAVO HIDALGO participó como árbitro del manuscrito “Desempeño Sostenible en la Industria Manufacturera: Mercado Verde, Producción y Energías Renovables”, correspondiente a la edición del volumen 35 N° 63, periodo enero-abril de 2018.
La revista Cuade...
Context: The use of solar energy, rather than an alternative, is the viable solution to the energy demands of our planet for sustainable development. Given the population increase and the quality of life at a global scale, it is very reasonable to forecast an increase in global energy demand. In this context, solar cooling systems are a viable and...
The use of solar energy, rather than an alternative, is the viable solution to the energy demands of our planet for sustainable development. Given the population increase and quality of life on a global scale, it is very reasonable to forecast an increase in global energy demand. In this context, refrigeration or solar heating systems are...
Este libro está dirigido a los estudiantes y profesionales de ingeniería y arquitectura que
se plantean la tarea de analizar y practicar la climatización de espacios interiores a
través del empleo de la energía solar térmica. El texto se enfoca en tres líneas
fundamentales: Principios y fundamentos de la termodinámica de procesos de refrigeración
Context: The energy and environmental panorama that our societies confront nowadays, demand for renewable, clean and abundant sources of energy, not reliant on fossil fuels and detached from the geopo-litical pressures the latter represent. In this scenario solar thermal energy arises as a viable and functional option. The main disadvantage of this...
Objetivos del capítulo:
• Definición del proceso de refrigeración.
• Identificar los métodos de obtención de efecto refrigerante.
• Analizar la termodinámica de la refrigeración.
Buildings contain the environment in which almost all human activities take place, and therefore, nowadays, they represent a great sink of energy. Establishing thermal comfort conditions within these buildings is responsible for a large portion of their energy demand. This paper aims at providing a theoretical framework of the performance and the t...
Buildings contain the environment in which almost all human activities take place, and therefore, nowadays, they represent a great sink of energy. Establishing thermal comfort conditions within these buildings is responsible for a large portion of their energy demand. This paper aims at providing a theoretical framework of the performance and the t...
Este artículo tiene la intención de mostrar algunas de las aristas de la divulgación del quehacer científico investigativo en estas casi dos décadas del siglo XXI. La evaluación de la investigación puede jugar un papel importante en el desarrollo de la ciencia y sus interacciones con la sociedad. Y que los intereses económicos de los monopolios edi...
Annually the sun king pours on our planet 4,000 times more energy than we consume today. The sun is the source of life for our planet and the source of the energy sources that humanity has used in the different stages of its history.
The use of solar energy, wind, river currents, among others, more than an alternative, are the only possible solutio...
Las instalaciones de acumulación térmica permitendisponer de energía en ausencia de luz solar. Este hecho atenúa la dificultadque representa la intermitencia en la incidencia del astro rey en el planeta. La tecnología de acumulación térmica también ayuda a suavizar las fluctuacionesen la demanda de energía durante diferentes períodos del día. Esta...
Esta contribución tuvo como objetivo proponer un enfoque práctico para poder utilizar herramientas que permitan determinar aquellos artículos más citados, utilizando los valores del índice h reportado. Se realizó la búsqueda en dos directorios: Google Académico, empleando el denominado POP y en Scopus, en relación con los términos: Gestión del cono...
This contribution aimed to propose a practical approach to be able to use tools that allow to determine those articles most cited, using the values of the index h reported. The search was done in two directories: Google Scholar, using the so-called POP and in Scopus, in relation to the terms: Knowledge management in the title of articles and Knowle...
The continuing and growing deterioration of the global ecosystem and the medium-term depletion of fossil fuel reserves: coal, oil and gas; Are the main consequences of the current energy, economic and business system. The research presented aims to show the criteria of energy efficiency and business competitiveness, depending on the green economy o...
The study of natural science has shown that each species requires a relevant environment or habitat in order to perform functions lifetime, considering the ability to adapt to the environment as one of the primary factors for the existence in the kingdom of this world. The process of adaptation to the environment also involves the various evolution...
El empleo y perfeccionamiento de la utilización de las fuentes renovables de energía podría ser considerado como el inicio de una tercera ¨Revolución Industrial¨ la transición a una economía de baja emisión de dióxido de carbono permite dar un giro trascendental en la lucha contra el cambio climático, mejorar la seguridad energética, y reducir sign...
Employment and enhancing the use of renewable energy sources could be considered as the beginning of a third ¨Industrial Revolution¨. The transition to a low carbon dioxide emission permits to a momentous turning point in the fight against climate change, improve energy security, and last but not least, significantly reduce the geopolitical intenti...
La climatización con energías renovablesesuna cuestión clave en la política energéticade la región. Las altas temperaturas alcanzadas, generalmente atribuidas al cambioclimático, y el incremento del nivel de vida de la sociedad, continúan incrementando lademanda energética para establecer lascondiciones de confort térmicoen lasedificaciones.La clim...
The article presents the results of the energy analysis of a hybrid air conditioning system in Cuban hotels. Calculating an air conditioning system for solar assisted interconnected in series with a compression system under existing steam thermodynamic principles' governing this technology and the help of mathematical tools absorption was made. Cal...
Air Conditioning with renewable energy is a key issue in the region's energy policy. The high temperatures usually attributed to climate change and the increase of the standard of living in society continues increasing energy demand in order to establish the conditions for thermal comfort in buildings.
Solar air conditioning, although it contains...
El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis energético de un sistema híbrido de climatización en los hoteles cubanos. Se efectuó el cálculo de una instalación de climatización por absorción asistido con energía solar, interconectada en serie con un sistema de compresión de vapor existente. El procedimiento de cálculo se desarrolló bajo los pri...
El almacenamiento de frío constituye una alternativa para reducir los costos energéticos y de inversión en aquellos sistemas de refrigeración y climatización con una demanda variable en el tiempo. Este mecanismo, permite reducir la capacidad instalada, disminuir los costos fijos, así como reducir la demanda máxima contratada y el consumo de energía...
Los sistemas convencionales de refrigeración, principalmente los de compresión, son una ironía técnica. Pues envían más calor al planeta que frío a las necesidades de los usuarios. Esto supone que, si se siguen utilizando los sistemas de refrigeración convencionales, se continuará acelerando la espiral del calentamiento global. Pues cuantos más sis...
In the services sector, air conditioning represents between 50 and 70% of the electricity consumption, so optimization of the main process, which is the calculation of the thermal load, has a great energy and economic impact. In the work, an analysis of the heat load of air conditioning in a place of the ”Carlos Rafael Rodríguez” University, here i...
Questions (11)
The term energy has various meanings and definitions, related to the idea of a capacity to act, emerge, transform or set in motion. In physics, energy is defined as the ability to do work. In technology and economics, "energy" refers to a natural resource. Will the current and complex global energy scenario, as a result of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, provide any kind of advantages for the development and implementation of more ecological and sustainable energy alternatives? I greatly appreciate your time and attention.
On a global scale, the energy sector is acquiring great dynamism as a result of the notable technological changes that have been taking place in recent decades. This has been motivated by the significant reduction in the cost of renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic and wind power, and the growing concern caused by climate change, caused by the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide generated, mainly, by massive use of fossil fuels. In this context and considering aspects such as Distributed Generation, Transactive Energy: What would be possible applications of blockchain technology in the field of energy?
I appreciate your participation in this discussion.