David Rubilar-RogersMuseo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile · Área Paleontología
David Rubilar-Rogers
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Publications (139)
The early evolutionary and biogeographical history of Gondwanan iguanodontian dinosaurs is poorly understood due to their scarce Lower Cretaceous fossil record. In South America, the Lower Cretaceous iguanodontian osteological record is very fragmentary and most published reports cannot be used to discard or confirm hadrosauroid affinities. The sin...
In the dusk of the Mesozoic, advanced duck-billed dinosaurs (Hadrosauridae) were so successful that they likely outcompeted other herbivores, contributing to declines in dinosaur diversity. From Laurasia, hadrosaurids dispersed widely, colonizing Africa, South America, and, allegedly, Antarctica. Here, we present the first species of a duck-billed...
Ischyrhiza chilensis ha sido un nombre de uso extendido en la literatura paleontológica chilena, correspondiente a un pez esclerorrincoideo frecuente en unidades costeras del Cretácico Superior entre Algarrobo (Chile central) y Magallanes. Sin embargo, su historia taxonómica y nomenclatural, así como la autoría de la especie, arrastran una serie de...
In the dusk of the dinosaur era, the advanced duck-billed dinosaurs (Family Hadrosauridae) are thought to have outcompeted other herbivores, making ecosystems less diverse and more vulnerable to the Cretaceous-Paleogene asteroid impact. They were also among the first terrestrial organisms to disperse from North America into South America. Here, we...
The end Cretaceous mass extinction was marked by a dramatic change in biodiversity, and the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs. To understand the diversity of dinosaur clades prior to this event, as well as recovery by avian dinosaurs (birds), we need a better understanding of the global fossil record. However, the fossil record from southern lo...
We describe the first crocodyliform tooth found in continental deposits from the Quebrada Monardes Formation (Lower Cretaceous) at Cerro La Isla, Atacama Region, northern Chile. Though the fossil (SGO.PV.1160) is poorly preserved, the enamel surfaces clearly bear tightly-packed apicobasal ridges. Comparisons of SGO.PV.1160 with the dental morpholog...
In this study, new isolated fragmentary pterosaur bones are described from Lower Cretaceous outcrops exposed at Cerro La Isla, a site located approximately 95 km east of Copiapó city, Atacama Region, northern Chile. The material consists of a jaw fragment with broken teeth, the caudal portion of a mid-cervical vertebra and the distal portion of a f...
This work describes the first record of a fossil anuran from the Neogene of Chile, found in miocene outcrops of the Río Pedregoso Member of the Cura-Mallín Formation, near the town of Lonquimay, Araucanía Region. The material consists of a distal half of left humerus and the proximal half of a radioulnae preserved in natural articulation. These ele...
We describe a new locality with ctenochasmatid pterosaurs found in a tidal estuarine paleoenvironment of the Quebrada Monardes Formation (Lower Cretaceous). The new locality, which is named "Cerro Tormento", is in Cerros Bravos in the northeast Atacama region, Northern Chile. Here, we describe four cervical vertebrae, one of them belonging to a sma...
Armoured dinosaurs are well known for their evolution of specialized tail weapons—paired tail spikes in stegosaurs and heavy tail clubs in advanced ankylosaurs1. Armoured dinosaurs from southern Gondwana are rare and enigmatic, but probably include the earliest branches of Ankylosauria2–4. Here we describe a mostly complete, semi-articulated skelet...
Armoured dinosaurs are well known for forms that evolved specialized tail weapons: paired tail spikes in stegosaurs, and heavy tail clubs in advanced ankylosaurs1. Armoured dinosaurs from southern Gondwana are rare and enigmatic, but likely include the earliest branches of Ankylosauria2-4. Here, we describe a mostly complete, semiarticulated skelet...
We describe the basal mesoeucrocodylian Burkesuchus mallingrandensis nov. gen. et sp., from th Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) Toqui Formation of southern Chile. The new taxon constitutes one of the few records of non-pelagic Jurassic crocodyliforms for the entire South American continent. Burkesuchus was found on the same levels that yielded titanosaur...
Four vertebrae of a plesiosaur were recovered from the Katterfeld Formation of the Aysén Basin, north of Lago General Carrera, in the Patagonian Cordillera of Chile. Plesiosaur-bearing strata have been assigned to the Hauterivian based on ammonoid biostratigraphy, in particular they are inferred to be within the “Aegocrioceras and Crioceratites zon...
A new lithostrotian sauropod, Arackar licanantay gen. et sp. nov. is described based on a partial skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous (CampanianeMaastrichtian) beds of the Hornitos Formation, Atacama Region, northern Chile. The holotype consists of axial (cervical and dorsal vertebrae) and appendicular (humerus, femur and ischium) elements of a sub-...
A recent study by Norell et al. (2020) described new egg specimens for two dinosaur species, identified as the first soft-shelled dinosaur eggs. The authors used phylogenetic comparative methods to reconstruct eggshell type in a sample of reptiles, and identified the eggs of dinosaurs and archosaurs as ancestrally soft-shelled, with three independe...
Egg size and structure reflect important constraints on the reproductive and life-history characteristics of vertebrates. More than two-thirds of all extant amniotes lay eggs. During the Mesozoic era (around 250 million to 65 million years ago), body sizes reached extremes; nevertheless, the largest known egg belongs to the only recently extinct el...
Se describe a Magallanodon baikashkenke gen. et. sp. nov., un nuevo mamífero gondwanaterio del Cretácico tardío de la Región de Magallanes, en el sur de Chile (Valle del Río de Las Chinas, Estancia Cerro Guido, norte de Puerto Natales, Provincia de Última Esperanza). Las capas portadoras se ubican entre los niveles del Campaniano tardío-Maastrichti...
We describe Magallanodon baikashkenke gen. et. sp. nov., a new gondwanatherian mammal from the Late Cretaceous of the Magallanes Region in southern Chile (Río de Las Chinas Valley, Estancia Cerro Guido, north of Puerto Natales city, Última Esperanza Province). The mammal-bearing layer is placed within the Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian levels o...
New pterosaur remains from Cerro La Isla, Quebrada Monardes Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Northern Chile, are reported and described. The material comprises mandibular remains preserving dental bases and two vertebrae of the mid cervical series. The morphology and arrangement of the preserved dental bases of the pterosaurs of Cerro La Isla show a s...
El tema del origen de las aves es uno de los más dinámicos en la paleontología de vertebrados, producto especialmente de la creciente evidencia del registro fósil (procedente mayormente de China y Argentina), y la tendencia a la integración interdisciplinaria con otras áreas como la biología del desarrollo (Chiappe & Vargas 2003). Las metodologías...
A new locality with fossils of pterosaurs from Cerros Bravos, northeast of Copiapó, Atacama Region is reported, in outcrops of Quebrada Monardes Formation, a geological unit assigned to the Lower Cretaceous. Among the discovered remains are two incomplete first wing phalanges (one of them tridimensionally preserved), which have been assigned to pte...
Se da a conocer un nuevo sitio con fósiles de pterosaurios en la localidadde Cerros Bravos, al noreste de Copiapó, Región de Atacama, en afloramientos pertenecientes ala Formación Quebrada Monardes, unidad geológica asignada al Cretácico Inferior. Entre los restosdescubiertos se encuentran dos falanges alares del dedo I incompletas (una de ellas pr...
La familia Mylodontidae fue una de las más diversas de la fauna del Pleistoceno en Sudamérica. Dentro de esta, el género Glossotherium poseía una amplia distribución en el cono sur, con un solo registro en Chile, SGO.PV.2 depositado en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile. Dado que la asignación de especie de este ejemplar como Glossothe...
En este trabajo describimos la microanatomía e histología de varios huesos de un elasmosáurido juvenil de niveles del Maastrichtiano Superior de Isla Marambio (=Seymour), Antártica. Secciones finas fueron obtenidas a partir de la diáfisis de un propodio y de un fragmento de escápula. El análisis de la microanatomía fue realizado utilizando el softw...
Libro de resúmenes de la Primera Reunión de Paleontología de Vertebrados de Chile.
Many dinosaur skeletons show evidence of behavior, including feeding, predation, nesting, and parental care. The resting posture of the forelimbs has been studied in some theropod species, in relation to the acquisition of flight in advanced maniraptoran theropods. Chilesaurus diegosuarezi is a bizarre tetanuran recently described from the Toqui Fo...
The Mylodontidae family was once one of the most diverse Pleistocene fauna in South America. Within this family, the genus Glossotherium showed a wide distribution in the southern cone with a single record in Chile SGO.PV.2 housed at the National Museum of Natural History of Chile. Provided that the species allocation of this individual as Glossoth...
Reportamos una vértebra caudal anterior aislada de un saurópodo titanosaurio Lithostrotia. El material proviene de la Formación Hornitos en quebrada La Higuera, Región de Atacama, norte de Chile. Los registros locales previos corresponden exclusivamente a individuos juveniles. El nuevo hallazgo representa la primera evidencia de titanosaurios adult...
We describe here the microanatomy and histology of several bones from a juvenile elasmosaurid from
upper Maastrichtian beds of Marambio (=Seymour) Island, Antarctica. Transversal thin sections were
obtained from the diaphyseal region of a propodial bone and from a scapula fragment. Microanatomical
analyses were conducted using Bone Profiler© softwa...
We present a large, fragmentary skull and the humerus of a mosasaur (Squamata, Mosasauroidea) recovered from upper Maastrichtian beds of the López de Bertodano Formation in Marambio (=Seymour) Island, Antarctica. The material belongs to a large, adult individual with marked heterodonty as well as unusual humeral features. Different phylogenetic ana...
We report here an isolated anterior caudal vertebra belonging to a lithostrotian titanosaur sauropod. The material comes from the Hornitos Formation (Late Cretaceous) at quebrada La Higuera, Atacama Region, North of Chile. Previous local records only included juvenile individuals. The new find represents the first evidence of adult titanosaurs in t...
We report here an isolated anterior caudal vertebra belonging to a lithostrotian titanosaur sauropod.
The material comes from the Hornitos Formation (Late Cretaceous) at quebrada La Higuera, Atacama
Region, North of Chile. Previous local records only included juvenile individuals. The new find represents
the first evidence of adult titanosaurs in t...
Resumen. La familia Mylodontidae fue una de las más diversas de la fauna del Pleistoceno en Sudamérica. Dentro de esta, el género Glossotherium se caracteriza por poseer una amplia distribución en el cono sur, con un solo registro en Chile, SGO.PV-2 depositado en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile. Dado que la asignación de especie de e...
Resumen. El registro óseo de dinosaurios no avianos en Chile está principalmente representado por saurópodos, los cuales son registrados desde el Titoniano hasta el Maastrichtiano. Dentro de este grupo, los hallazgos más abundantes corresponden a titanosaurios (Sauropoda, Lithostrotia), clado abundante en el Cretácico de Sudamérica y bien represent...
Los mosasaurios son un clado especializado de Squamata marinos de amplia distribución global durante el Cretácico superior y su presencia es relativamente frecuente en depósitos marinos del Maastrichtiano de Chile Central y Antártica, sin embargo, hasta ahora, el grupo estaba ausente del registro fósil en el extremo sur de Chile. Aquí documentamos,...
Por décadas, el registro fósil de vertebrados en Chile fue exiguo, restringido a pocos hallazgos, muchos de ellos fortuitos. En contraposición a esta situación, grandes figuras de la ciencia, entre ellos Charles Darwin, Rudolph Philippi y Claude Gay, entre otros, notaron tempranamente el valor de este registro, a la vez que dieron a conocer desde e...
El presente capítulo reúne los hallazgos de plesiosaurios (Sauropterygia) ocurridos hasta ahora dentro de territorio Chileno. Éstos, en general, corresponden a material fragmentario, sin embargo, evidencian la presencia del grupo desde el Jurásico Inferior hasta fines del Cretácico, lo que representa la casi totalidad del biocrón conocido de estos...
Se lista y comenta el registro de aves fósiles de Chile Continental. El registro más antiguo corresponde al gaviforme fósil Neogaeornis wetzeli Lambrecht, 1929, proveniente de Formación Quiriquina (Maastrichtiano
superior). Las aves paleógenas registradas hasta el momento provienen de los Estratos de Algarrobo, Región de Valparaíso y de las formaci...
Mosasaurs were a specialized clade of marine squamates with global distribution during the Upper Cretaceous and their presence is relatively frequent in Maastrichtian levels of Central Chile and Antarctica. However, until now, the group was absent in Cretaceous units from Southern Chile. Herein we report for the first time the presence of this clad...
A description is provided of the first sauropod remains (i.e., isolated vertebrae and appendicular bones) from the Late Jurassic of Aysén, in Chilean Patagonia (Toqui Formation, late Tithonian). Although the bones found are fragmentary, they still allow the recognition of an unsuspected sauropod diversity for this period in South America. The mater...
Theropod dinosaurs were the dominant predators in most Mesozoic era terrestrial ecosystems. Early theropod evolution is currently interpreted as the diversification of various carnivorous and cursorial taxa, whereas the acquisition of herbivorism, together with the secondary loss of cursorial adaptations, occurred much later among advanced coeluros...
Se presenta a continuación una síntesis de los hallazgos de arcosaurios no avianos (Diapsida: Archosauria) en Chile. Estos registros cubren un rango temporal desde el Triásico medio-tardío hasta el Neógeno y se encuentran mayormente concentrados en la zona norte del país. Los materiales provenientes de niveles triásicos de los Estratos El Bordo est...
Documentamos nueva evidencia de huellas tridáctilas de dinosaurios, las que comprenden nueve huellas aisladas en una nueva localidad de la Región de Atacama, norte de Chile. Los afloramientos que portan las marcas están localizados principalmente en la quebrada La Descubridora, hallándose además una traza aislada cerca de la intersección entre las...
We report here new evidence of tridactyl dinosaur footprints, comprising nine isolated footprints from a new locality in the Atacama Region, northern Chile. The track-bearing levels are located mainly at La Descubridora ravine and one isolated track near the intersection between La Descubridora and Carriza-lillo ravines, approximately 11 km southea...
The early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-early Turonian) was characterized by extreme greenhouse conditions. Polar Regions were free of ice and sea surface temperatures may have reached 35°C, or more. Late Cretaceous times are still considered to have been greenhouse-dominated, but a major gradual decline in global temperatures is seen during the Late...
We describe a new specimen of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the upper Maastrichtian of central Chile. The specimen includes a relatively complete dorso-caudal series, a few cervical vertebrae, and a fragmentary pelvic girdle. The specimen is identified as a sub-adult non-artistonectine elasmosaurid (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) based on graphic b...
Three specimens of elasmosaurid plesiosaurs (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from Upper Cretaceous beds of Antarctica are described here. These include postcranial remains of a single adult individual recovered from late Maastrichtian beds of Marambio (=Seymour) Island, possessing a distinctive combination of features: cervical vertebrae having centra...
We present new records of chondrichthyans recovered from strata of Maastrichtian age of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation, Seymour (=Marambio) Island, and from levels of latest Campanian age of the Santa Marta Formation, James Ross Island, both located in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula. The material from Marambio Island comprises an associated asse...