David Rodriguez-RuizUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | ULPGC · Department of Physical Education
David Rodriguez-Ruiz
M.S. and Ph.D.
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Additional affiliations
March 2011 - December 2011
Asociación Alzheimer Canarias y Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Efectos de un programa de actividad física específico en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo
December 2010 - December 2011
Universidad Europea de Madrid S.L. y Financiado por la Fundación del Deporte de la Universidad Europea de Madrid (2010/UEM15)
- Estudio de los factores condicionales que indican la capacidad de salto en jugadores y jugadoras de voleibol de alto rendimiento mediante la monitorización de la actividad muscular ('TMG') de la capacidad de salto ('PDC') y de la cineantropometría. Perfiles asociados al rendimiento
January 2010 - October 2010
Fundación Lídia García y la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Financiado por el Consejo Superior de Deportes (Nº: 04/SAL30/10).
- Estudio del perfil profesional del responsable de la actividad física con personas mayores en Gran Canaria
September 1989 - June 1994
Publications (153)
El propósito del estudio fue describir, a través de TMG, los cambios producidos en las características mecánicas de la musculatura responsable de la flexo-extensión de la articulación de la rodilla: antes y después de un periodo de entrenamiento, en jugadoras de voleibol de alto nivel competitivo. Así, se controlaron el Vasto Medial (VM), el Recto...
Situado entre os cinco maiores esportes de prestígio no mundo, o voleibol é um esporte que exige potência, agilidade, bem como alta velocidade de seus atletas, principalmente quando praticado em alto nível de competição. Seguindo esse contexto, torna-se importante o surgimento de ferramentas que possam servir de subsidio para a orientação de novos...
Situado entre os cinco maiores esportes de prestígio no mundo, o voleibol é um esporte que exige potência, agilidade, bem como alta velocidade de seus atletas, principalmente quando praticado em alto nível de competição. Seguindo esse contexto, torna-se importante o surgimento de ferramentas que possam servir de subsidio para a orientação de novos...
Since its debut at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, beach volleyball has grown on the international sports scene. An extensive collection of data from several countries and levels of competition will provide a database that can be used to characterize beach volleyball players and define references for training stages.
The purpose...
Background: Futsal is a team sport involving intermittent technical actions of high intensity, and high physical (strength) and muscular demands. In this regard, the Tensiomyography (TMG) is a useful and non-invasive tool for the monitoring and assessment of the muscle's contractile capacity. This study aimed to analyze the changes in the...
Research background and hypothesis. Several attempts have been made to understand some modalities of
sport from the point of view of complexity. Most of these studies deal with this phenomenon with regard to the
mechanics of the game itself (in isolation). Nevertheless, some research has been conducted from the perspective
of competition between...
Objective: Alzheimer's disease has been studied from various areas of knowledge (biomarkers, brain structure, behavior, cognitive impairment). Our aim was to examine the effects of an exercises protocol developed using complexity theory concepts.
Method: Exercise improves neuroplasticity (neuronal ability to change and adapt as a result of experien...
Interest in studying mechanical skeletal muscle function through tensiomyography (TMG) has increased in recent years. This systematic review aimed to (a) report the reliability and measurement error of all TMG parameters [i.e., maximum radial displacement of the muscle belly (Dm), contraction time (Tc), delay time (Td), half-relaxation time (½ Tr),...
El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido comparar las opiniones de las personas encargadas de la realización de las actividades de ejercicio físico centrado en la mejora de la salud y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, con las de los usuarios a las que va destinada. La muestra se basó en 45 personas que se encargan de las actividades físi...
Morales-Artacho, Antonio J., Paulino Padial, Dario Rodríguez-Matoso, David Rodríguez-Ruiz, Amador García-Ramos, Juan Manuel García-Manso, Carmen Calderón, and Belén Feriche. Assessment of muscle contractile properties at acute moderate altitude through tensiomyography. High Alt Biol Med 00:000-000, 2015.-Under hypoxia, alterations in muscle contrac...
Las personas con demencia primarias (DP) padecen un decline en sus funciones cognitivas. Este estudio evaluó los cambios en el deterioro de las funciones cognitivas en personas mayores con DP que se sometieron a un programa de actividad física específico, para conseguir la ralentización del deterioro en la ejecución y planificación de las habilidad...
This study used tensiomyography to examine the changes observed in the response of the biceps femoris muscle of the dominant leg of ten young female gymnasts (Mean age ± SD: 13.2 ± 1.8 years, height: 153.9 ± 6.0 cm, body mass: 42.0 ± 5.3 kg) after performing two different stretching protocols: contract-relax (CR) and static-stretching (SS). Results...
Introduction: bodyboarding is a kind of surfing that has been growing very rapidly over the last decade and has
now developed into one of the fastest growing water sports in the world. Objectives: evaluate the effects of fatigue on rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) and biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST) du...
Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo el verificar si el control postural, en condiciones estáticas, es un factor discriminante entre niñas practicantes de gimnasia rítmica (GR) de alto nivel y sus homólogas normalmente activas.
Método: Dieciséis atletas practicantes de GR que competían a nivel nacional español (GR: 9,7 ± 1,4 años; 32,3...
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la correlación de los valores obtenidos
de la medición del porcentaje graso del muslo (%G), del pliegue de muslo medio
(PMM) y de la pierna (PMP) y, del perímetro del muslo (PM) y de la pierna (PP) y el
diámetro del fémur (DF), con los parámetros obtenidos con la Tensiomiografía
(TMG) en el Recto Femoral...
El control postural consiste en mantener el centro de masas dentro de la base de
sustentación, la cual disminuye con el avance de la edad aumentándose el riesgo de
caída. El objetivo del estudio es analizar, evaluar y comparar los efectos de un
programa de entrenamiento de ejercicios de equilibrio estático y otro de estáticodinámico
sobre el contro...
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y evaluar los efectos de un programa de
entrenamiento de ejercicios de equilibrio (estático y dinámico) sobre los sistemas
somatosensorial (propiocepción) y cognitivo (atención) del control postural en
mujeres de mediana edad. La muestra se compone de 31 mujeres (48,64±5,13
años; 162,33±4,46 cm; 68,55±1...
El objetivo del estudio es analizar, evaluar y comparar los efectos de un programa de
entrenamiento de ejercicios de equilibrio estático y otro de estático-dinámico sobre el
control postural en mujeres de mediana edad. La muestra se compone de 33
mujeres (47,57±7,93 años; 164,36±6,57 cm; 65,09±10,49 kg), divididas en dos
grupos de entrenamiento: pr...
Changes in pacing rhythm are translated into functional and metabolic changes that can be significantly reflected in the final results of an athlete.
Ten male subjects, with moderate performance level (age: 25.2 ± 2.2 years; VO2max: 56.9 ± 5.7 ml kg⁻¹ min⁻¹), performed four 5-min races with different pacing strategies: constant-pa...
OBJETIVOS. Conocer los efectos de la liberación miofascial sobre la recuperación de la
fatiga metabólica (tiempo de relajación-tr y mantenimiento-ts) del bíceps femoral (bf) y
semitendinoso (st) de ambas piernas tras la realización de un ejercicio de peso muerto.
MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se evaluaron doce varones (n=12) estudiantes de la facultad de
The aim of this study was to evaluate the normalized response speed (Vrn) of the knee musculature (flexor and extensor) in high competitive level volleyball players using tensiomyography (TMG) and to analyze the muscular response of the vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF) in accordance with the...
BACKGROUND: Several studies have demonstrated that aging, disease and/or disorder results in a loss of complexity in various biophysical signals (e.g., hormonal patterns, blood pressure, and human postural control). With respect to postural control system, a recent study of Rigoldi et al. (2013) suggests that center of pressure (CoP) oscillations r...
Background: Several studies recommend a specific aquatic exercise program as complementary work to therapeutic treatment to achieve benefits at the motor level (improve muscle dystonia and flexibility), extend the range of motion, and increase muscle strength and endurance as a way to enhance PD patients’ quality of life (1).
Purpose: This study an...
Objective: This study analyses the differences on the mechanical parameters (maximum muscle belly radial displacement - Dm, delay time - Td, contraction time - Tc, relaxation time - Tr, sustain time - Ts) of the muscles responsible for flexing (biceps femoris – BF) and extending (rectus femoris - RF, vastus medialis - VM and vastus lateralis - VL)...
Neuromuscular fatigue induces impairments in the motor unit recruitment and decreases in the muscle fiber conduction velocity (1). Howard & Enoka (2) suggested that interlimb interactions during maximal bilateral contractions are mediated by neural mechanisms. Bagesteiro & Sainburg (4) propose that distinct neural control mechanisms are employed fo...
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características antropométricas del jugador español (hombres y mujeres) de voley playa y comparar el perfil antropométrico de estos deportistas en las diferentes categorías en las que se organiza la competición: Sub-19, Sub-21 y Absoluto. Fueron evaluados 150 jugadores (79 hombres y 71 mujeres...
The objective of this study was to determine the anthropometric characteristics of Spanish beach volleyball players (men and women) and compare their anthropometric profile across competition categories: Under 19, Under 21 and Senior. A total of 150 players (79 men and 71 women) participating in the 2011 Spanish Beach Volleyball Championship were a...
This study sought to establish the most important factors affecting the service in high-level women’s volleyball and the relative weighting of such factors on this technical part of the sport. A total of 1300 services from eight matches played in two Final Fours of the Indesit European Champions League were analysed. The services were delivered b...
This study aims to determine the normalized response speed (V
rn) in vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (BF) muscles in different age groups using tensiomyography. Eighty-four male subjects were divided into four age groups: teenage subjects (T); undergraduate students (U), adult subjects (A), and the elderly group (E). Differences in V
rn we...
Aim: The aim of this study was to confirm, through bone densitometry, the incidence that the tennis practice has in experienced players’ body composition and detect possible asymmetries in semi-professional tennis players.
Methods: Thirteen players were evaluated: age: 21.1±3.8 years; height: 178.3±5.5 cm; weight: 74.3±7.3 kg; %Fat: 12.9±6.2. Subje...
An important number of sport modalities sustain its performance in the capacity to repeat efficiently a sport movement without fatigue. However, it is a fact that this mechanism will appear and affect the athletes' velocity magnitudes. The aim of this study was to compare the Peak Velocity (PV) in two protocols: Traditional Training (TT) vs. 20 s i...
Tensiomyography (TMG) is an innovative tool to control athletic training, and prevent and follow up muscular injuries. The reliability and validity for different population (sport modality, physical activity level, medical history, body composition, etc.) have been reported (Rodriguez-Matoso et al., 2012; Tous-Fajardo et al., 2010). Body compositio...
It's well established that by the age of 13, children are capable of applying a postural strategy looking very similar to that adopted by the adults. It's also widely acknowledgment that several years of sport training and competition implies to master stability, particularly in those sports requiring fine postural control, such as rhythmic gymnast...
OBJETIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a physical activity (PA) program and subsequent detraining on the contractile capacity of the Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Biceps Femoris (BF) in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
A total of 37 subjects were divided in: the intervention group (IG) consisted of 19 subjects (...
High volumes of work affect the movement technical quality, reducing the muscular capacity to develop high magnitudes of force. One of the most important parameters that we can use to regulate the training loads are the inter-repetition rests (IRR). The purpose of this study was to compare the Peak Power output (PP) magnitudes in three different in...
Investigation of postural control in sports which require excellent postural performance, like surfing, gives insight into development of specific control strategies. The aim of the current study was to compare postural performance and strategy between young surfers of different levels of competition (international and national).
Twenty surfers wer...
Abstract Scoring in a basketball game is a highly dynamic, non-linear process. NBA teams try to be more and more competitive each season. For instance, they incorporate into their rosters the best players in the world. This and other mechanisms concur to make the scoring process in NBA games exciting and rarely predictable. This paper is to study t...
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effects of HMB (Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate) ergogenic aid during and after a strength exercise on the mechanical characteristics of the triceps.
Methods: Tensiomiography (TMG) was used as a diagnostic device to assess the muscular responses. Muscular displacement (Dm), contraction time (Tc)...
Introduction/Aim: Analyze the level of physical condition achieved in older age groups with different levels of physical activity and justify the specific exercise programs for older people. Method: Were assessed 66 people, divided into four groups: 15 subjects in the Tai Chi group (GT) with a mean age of 70.6 years +/- 7.00 and an exercise program...
Introducction/Aim: During challenging postural tasks such as surfing, the ability to recruit and suppress biomechanical degrees of freedom to gradually change postural strategies without compromising stability is crucial. Although the role of expertise and vision in postural control have been widely demonstrated (Era P etal, 1996; Paillard & Nóe, 2...
Introducction/Aim: The aim of the present study was to analyse the effects of aquatics exercises program focused on improving balance and gait in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Method: Aquatic exercise program was performed for 9 weeks, with two weekly sessions of 60 minutes each, following the same temporal structure: start with 15 minutes...
El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido realizar una “fotografía” de la realidad de la Actividad Física para personas mayores, centrando el estudio en las personas que la llevan a cabo en los centros dependientes de entidades públicas (Cabildo y Ayuntamientos) de la isla de Gran Canaria. Para poder alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos intentado dar...
The aim of the present study was to analyse differences in muscle response and mechanical characteristics of the vastus medialis, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris in elite volleyball players of both sexes using tensiomyography. To this end, 47 players of nine nationalities playing for teams in the men's and women's Spanish Super...
The degree of overall competitiveness of a sport league is a complex phenomenon. It is difficult to assess and quantify all elements that yield the final standing. In this paper, we analyze the general behavior of the result matrices of each season and we use the corresponding results as a probably density. Thus, the results of previous seasons are...
Objective: The aim of this investigation is to obtain information about muscle stiffness, the mechanic
and contractile properties of the muscles using the TMG with high level beach volleyball players as well
as to demonstrate the usefulness of this method to evaluate the muscles in charge of the knee flexion
and extension. Methods: The investigatio...
Tensiomiography is a muscle assessment method developed in the nineties in the School of Electric
Engineering of the University of Ljubliana (Slovenia) by Vojko Valencˇicˇ. It is based on measuring muscle
radial displacement when muscle is electrically stimulated. The magnitude of the changes, and the time
during which these changes take place allo...
This study sought to establish the most important factors affecting the service in high-level women’s volleyball and the relative weighting of such factors on this technical part of the sport. A total of 1300 services from eight matches played in two Final Fours of the Indesit European Champions League were analysed. The services were delivered by...
Tensiomiography is a muscle assessment method developed in the nineties in the School of Electric Engineering of the University of Ljubliana (Slovenia) by Vojko Valenčič. It is based on measuring muscle radial displacement when muscle is electrically stimulated. The magnitude of the changes, and the time during which these changes take place allows...