David ParcerisaPolytechnic University of Catalonia | UPC · Mining Industrial amd ITC Engineering Department
David Parcerisa
PhD in Geology
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David Parcerisa currently works at the Mining Engineering and Natural Resources Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. David does research in Geology, Petrology and Mining Engineering. Their current projects are related with geofluids, geological and mining heritage and earth engineering.
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February 2006 - February 2007
Publications (134)
Metaheuristic algorithms due to flexibility can be applied to a wide range of complex engineering optimization problems. The effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability of such algorithms can significantly be enhanced through the modified variants. In this paper a novel modified bat algorithm (MoBA) using the concept of expectation value is propose...
The reddened granitoid facies in the basement of the Polish Sudetes exhibits two categories of alteration spatially arranged with respect to fractures: (1) saussuritization and sericitization within light-colored facies in the interior of fracture-bounded blocks and (2) albitization and hematization in reddened facies occurring adjacent to fracture...
Subsidence is an important environmental and safety issue in the mining sector, yet there remain voids in knowledge in terms of management and prediction. This study aims to improve knowledge on the impact of mining operations on the surface, reducing their effect on the environment, increasing the safety of mining operations, monitoring stress beh...
Mapping the subsurface temperatures can efficiently lead to identifying the geothermal distribution heat flow and potential hot spots at different depths. In this paper, an advanced adaptive multitask deep learning procedure for 3D spatial mapping of the subsurface temperature was proposed. As a result, predictive 3D spatial subsurface temperatures...
The Port del Comte Massif (SE, Pyrenees) contains one of the most important vulnerable and strategic karst aquifers for supplying freshwater to the city of Barcelona (Spain). It is a fragile system, whose possible environmental impact is highly conditioned by land use. To improve the hydrogeological knowledge of the system, between September 2013 a...
Shells of an Ovulidae species with unusual morphological features have been collected in the axial part of the Oliana anticline (Bartonian, south Pyrenean Basin, NE Spain) New genus and new species are described.
The hydrogeological processes driving the hydrochemical composition of groundwater in the alpine pristine aquifer system of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM) are characterized through the multivariate statistical techniques Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) in the framework of Compositional Data (CoDa) analysis. Als...
The present study deals with a particular clastic rock from the Montjuïc hill exploited since Roman times in Barcino (present-day Barcelona (NE Spain)). Polarized and cathodoluminescence microscopies have been used to describe the main petrographic features of Montjuïc sandstones. Several characteristic provenance markers have been identified; amon...
Near-surface diagenesis has been studied in the Langhian siliciclastic rocks of the Montjuïc Hill (Barcelona Plain) by means of petrographical (optical and cathodoluminescence) and geochemical (electron microprobe, δ18O, δ13C, δ34S and 87Sr/86Sr) analyses. In the hill, these rocks are affected by strong silicification, but the same unit remains non...
Analitical data of several minerals (quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, Monazite) of the albitized granites of the Variscan basement in Europe. The samples come from the Catalan Coastal Ranges, the Pyrenees, the Morvan massif and the Sudetes. Most of this data have been used in several papers and in the Carles Fàbrega PhD Thesis.
Fàbrega, C....
The accurate quantification of the Instrumental Mass Fractionation (IMF), i.e. mass bias, is a key step to obtain confident results during stable isotope analyses of minerals by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). The IMF is determined by the analysis during the same session of reference minerals presenting well-known isotopic composition. Usua...
This presentation shows the use of Response Surface Methology for correcting IMF in two examples of stable isotope SIMS analyses.
Geochemical analyses and hand and microscopy pictures of the samples belonging to the geostandards collection of the Valenti Masachs Geology Museum (UPC Manresa).
Parcerisa Duocastella, D. [et al.]. (2017). Predicting instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of stable isotope SIMS analyses by response surface methodology (RSM) [Dataset]. 1 v....
Extensive areas of the Variscan granitic basement in NE Spain display profiles of red-stained albitized facies characterized by albitization of Ca-plagioclase, chloritization of biotite and microclinization of orthoclase, along with the alteration of igneous quartz to secondary CL-dark quartz. These profiles have a geopetal structure beneath the Tr...
An improved approach is presented to model the product particle size distribution resulting from grinding in high-pressure roll crusher with the aim to be used in standard high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR). This approach uses different breakage distribution function parameter values for a single particle compression condition and a bed compressio...
A database of tourist mines and caves has been created to investigate the requirements of an integrated monitoring system with the aim of ensuring the safety of visitors and preserving the environment of the activities. It contains the main features of each site, in particular the physical, geological and technical information. The results unfold t...
Predicting and correcting for instrumental mass fractionation
(IMF) is one of the key steps to obtain reliable
results during in-situ stable isotope secondary ion mass
spectrometry (SIMS) analysis. The IMF depends on multiple
factors concerning the characteristics of each ion microprobe
model, the specific instrumental working conditions
used in th...
The modelling of high pressure grinding rolls is described by the population balance model, a mass balance which includes several functions that are related to the mineral characteristics, material kinetics and operative conditions of the device. The breakage distribution function is one of these functions and refers to the way in which the daughte...
The Penouta Sn-Ta deposit, in the northwest of Spain, is a greisenized granitic cupola where Ta minerals occur mainly as disseminations in a leucogranite body intruded in Precambrian–Lower Cambrian gneisses and mica-schists. This leucogranite is a medium- to fine-grained inequigranular rock consisting mainly of quartz, albite, K-feldspar and muscov...
Preservation of the architectural integrity of archaeological sites requires detailed information about the properties of the building materials and their decay processes. This study investigates the petrophysical properties of the Eocene nummulitic limestone rock used in the construction of the Roman City of Dougga (Tunisia) and its resistance to...
Instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of isotopic SIMS analyses (Cameca 1280HR{,} CRPG Nancy) was predicted by response surface methodology (RSM) for 18O/16O determinations of plagioclase{,} K-feldspar and quartz. The three predictive response surface models combined instrumental and compositional inputs. The instrumental parameters were: (i) X and...
Large volumes of borate resources exist in Bolivia, with the most important being the Rio Grande deposit, located close to the Salar of Uyuni. Here, borates occur in beds and lenses of variable thickness. A mineralogical and thermal characterization of borates from the Rio Grande was made using XRD, FTIR, SEM and DTA–TG. The deposit is mainly compo...
Tantalum is a strategic metal with multiple applications in the new technologies. Tantalum deposits are scarce in EU. Thus, more efficient extracting processes are necessary to contribute to major European independency on these critical raw materials. Tantalum occurs mainly in pegmatites and leucogranite deposits and its placers. Europe does not pr...
In Bolivia Sn mining activity produces large tailings of SiO2-rich residues. These tailings contain potentially toxic elements that can be removed into the surface water and produce a high environmental pollution. This study determines the thermal behaviour and the viability of the manufacture of glass-ceramics from glass. The glass has been obtain...
Tourism is a key sector of the European economy, generating more than 5% of the EU GPD (Gross Domestic Product). Usually, underground touristic sites receive non-expert visitors; nevertheless these activities are poorly regulated or completely deregulated. Nowadays, safety is provided by underground expert professionals whom proceed to regular insp...
Olianatrivia riberai n. gen., n. sp. (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda), a singular Ovulidae from the Bartonian (middle Eocene) of Catalonia (Spain).Shells of an Ovulidae species with unusual morphological features have been collected in the axial part of the Oliana anticline, Catalonia: Olianatrivia riberai n. gen., n. sp. (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) who...
Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua, Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for glass manufacturing. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas th...
The core of the Montseny-Guilleries Massif (Catalan Coastal Ranges) is
mainly composed by late-Hercynian granitoids (leucogranites and
granodiorites) intruded within Cambrian to Carnoniferous metasediments.
The granites are unconformably covered by Triassic (Buntsandstein) and
Paleocene red beds at the western boundary, preserving a continuous
This work is part of a project to design an integrated system for continuous monitoring of touristic mines and caves. The aim of the project is to achieve an efficient control system that ensures the safety of visitors and environmental preservation of biodiversity and geodiversity or other heritage elements present in the underground touristic act...
The middle Miocene sandstones outcropping in the Montjuïc hill are affected by a strong silicification; however, the same unit appears unsilicified in core samples around the mountain. This geometry can be the result of the fluid flow through the faults responsible for tilting of the Montjuïc block. The silica cements, together with K-feldspar and...
The Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au Tizapa ore deposit is located in the Guerrero terrain, Mexico. It is considered as a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit. It is hosted within phyllites and schists of Cretaceous age. Mineral composition of these schists and phyllites is quartz, plagioclase, chlorite and muscovite. Calcite and dolomite fill small vein hosted in...
RESUMEN Bolivia posee una de las mayores riquezas mineralógicas del mundo. Una buena representación de ellas se encuentra en el Museo Mineralógico de la Facultad de Minas de la UTO en Oruro. La trayectoria de más de 100 años de la colección había provocado que esta no se encontrara en su mejor situación. Por eso se decide una catalogación, inventar...
RESUMEN El patrimonio geológico y minero y la geodiversidad de una zona son un signo de su identidad. En primer lugar dichos elementos configuran el paisaje, pero hay otros aspectos identitarios de países, regiones, comarcas, ciudades o pueblos que, en mayor o menor medida, se ven influenciados por la geodiversidad. El pueblo de La Granadella const...
The Montseny-Guilleries High is a Miocene horst composed of Variscan basement rocks, situated in the northeastern part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Iberia). The Montseny-Guilleries High has an asymmetric profile with an abrupt faulted scarp at the southeastern margin and a smooth surface dipping to the Northwest; here Paleocene sediments of th...