David NocarPalacký University Olomouc · Department of Mathematics
David Nocar
Asst. Prof: Mgr. Ph.D.
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David Nocar is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Palacký University Olomouc in the Czech Republic. Specialization: analytical geometry, educational media, information and communication technologies (digital technologies) in education, e-learning, derivation and visualization of geometric terms using dynamic geometry software, inquiry-based (constructivist) approaches in mathematical education using ICT (DT), economic and financial mathematics, interdisciplinary relations.
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September 2002 - August 2004
September 2004 - present
September 2004 - present
Publications (143)
This article explores the accessibility of symbolic computations, such as using the Wolfram Mathematica environment, in promoting the shift from informal experimentation to formal mathematical justifications. We investigate the accuracy of computational results from mathematical software in the context of a certain summation in trigonometry. In par...
Lately, in the Czech Republic, there is a very current demand for the development of students' digital literacy in the teaching of mathematics, while there are more and more digital tools on the market that can be used for this purpose. And we're not just talking about the hardware side, but the software as well. There is a lot of software that is...
The article concludes a series of contributions focused on Apollonius' problems and their solution possibilities at different levels of education. Apollonius' problems have always occupied a particularly important place among planimetric problems. As part of the undergraduate training, we include these problems in the teaching, because when solving...
The article continues the series of contributions focused on Apollonius' problems and their possible solutions at various levels of education. The focus on this type of problems stems from their interest and suitability for inclusion in mathematics education and in prospective mathematics teachers' training, because just as new mathematical knowled...
The article is meant to provide elementary math teachers (and their colleagues at grammar schools) with a set of interesting tasks selected from the international competition Mathematical Kangaroo – Benjamin category. They include different ways of complete solutions, which can be used by teachers in their lessons. To make the application in the le...
Všem zájemcům o matematické soutěže nabízíme sérii článků, které se věnují jednotlivým kategoriím soutěže Matematický klokan. V tomto článku naleznou úplná řešení vybraných úloh kategorie Benjamín, která je určena žákům 6. a 7. ročníků základní školy a 1. a 2. ročníkům osmiletých gymnázií. U všech úloh nabízíme několik způsobů řešení.
Solving linear equations with 2 integer unknowns is a standard theme in the mathematics curricula at both elementary and secondary schools. The aim of this article is to emphasize the effectiveness of the Wolfram Notebooks that use all the power of the Wolfram Language and the Wolfram Notebook system in the cloud. Students (and all other people) co...
This article focuses on two concrete Apollonius' problems, the PLC (point-line-circle) and PCC (point-circle-circle) problems, which can be solved standardly by students only at university. The reason is that the usual method of solving Apollonius' problems of this type is the circular inversion which students only become familiar with in tertiary...
Asymmetric cryptography is a group of cryptographic methods in which different keys are used for encryption and decryption, which is a fundamental difference from symmetric cryptography, which uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetric cryptography contains huge possibilities to enrich mathematics learning also at lower second...
This article focuses on two specific Apollonius' problems PPL (two points and one line) and PPC (two points and one circle), which can be solved by high school students. Again, let's remember these interesting problems, because Apollonius' problems have always occupied a particularly important place among planimetric problems. Apollonius' problems...
March 2020 posed a huge challenge for Czech education. In essence, all types of schools have been closed day by day as a result of measures against the spread of COVID19. From day to day we were forced to change the style and methods of teaching, consulting, conducting final theses and also examing or testing. The changes affected both students in...
This article focuses on one specific Apollonius' problem LLC (two lines and one circle), which can be solved by high school students. Again, let's remember these interesting problems because Apollonius' problems have always occupied a particularly important place among planimetric problems. Apollonius' problems are not standard problems in mathemat...
The article focuses on some types of Apollonius’ problems, such that even secondary school students can solve them. The focus on Apollonius’ problems is because Apollonius' problems have always occupied a particularly important place among planimetric problems. The reason is that their solution requires knowledge of various mathematical relationshi...
V článku je předvedeno, jak žákům základní školy mohou grafy funkcí dvou proměnných pomoci při hledání a verifikaci řešení některých úloh i přesto, že se s takovými grafy ještě nesetkali; obrázky funkcí dvou proměnných jsou pro ně v těchto případech dostatečně srozumitelné. Na druhé straně, redukcí počtu proměnných se řešení nestává názo...
Effective use of different resources to support teaching is a teacher competence and most teachers are already able to use Open Educational Resources (OER), which are often defined as freely accessible materials that are used for teaching, learning and evaluation. The educational use of these resources must be made consciously and wisely. Also, mat...
Digital technology is rapidly developing in our time. Emerging generations should acquire knowledge and skills on how to use them effectively in everyday life, but also in their education. The use of digital technologies needs to be effectively integrated into the educational process. This topic is currently being discussed more and more in society...
Studijní text k projektu "Podpora moderních trendů ve vzdělávání v pregraduální přípravě budoucích pedagogických pracovníků na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci". Olomouc: PdF UP, 2019.
Po prostudování tohoto studijního textu:
• budete stručně seznámeni s řeckým matematikem Apolloniem z Pergy a jeho dílem,
• seznámíte se s tzv. Apolloniovými úloha...
Abstrakt Budoucí učitelé matematiky na prvním stupni ZŠ by se měli cítit připraveni pro výkon své budoucí profese jak po stránce odborné, tak po stránce didaktické a osobnostní. Podstatným momentem jsou zejména nároky na jejich oborově předmětné kompetence, které jsou výrazně odlišné oproti jiným kategoriím učitelů. Vysoké požadavky vyplývají z mul...
Using interdisciplinary/inter-subject/cross-curricular relations in teaching (not only) natural sciences has increasing importance in modern educational techniques and procedures. In the Czech Republic, the teaching in elementary schools often lacks such an attitude and natural science topics are usually taught separately, with missing or only part...
Eye Tracking technology is used not only in economics, army, and marketing or i.e. during web pages creation but it is beginning to be applied in other areas. We integrated the Eye Tracking technology to pedagogy-didactic research because we have some experience with the use of it. Eye Tracker-Gazepoint version-is currently one of the most availabl...
Interdisciplinarity became a frequently discussed topic for many reasons in recent years. Connection of the real world and theoretical knowledge spreads across the schooling systems and undoubtedly brings a lot of advantages we do not have to highlight. Unfortunately, it also brings disadvantages, which we want to pay attention to in our work. This...
Digital technologies play an increasing role in our life, so it is necessary to direct the educational process more and more towards the development of digital literacy of pupils. As great attention is paid to MS Excel at primary and secondary schools, it is useful to find new ways to motivate pupils to use this software. Since various board games...
The purpose of this paper is to show how the rapid growth of Information and Communication Technologies, (ICT) is central to school efforts to improve student outcomes. This study investigates the effectiveness of using GeoGebra software on Mathematics learning among more than one hundred pre-service teachers in the Czech Republic. Learning Mathema...
The article responds to the current issues in the area of education in the Czech Republic, namely the implementation of digital literacy in the educational process and the development of pupil's digital literacy in all educational areas defined by the Framework Education Program for Basic Education. The issue is the content of currently discussed a...
The present study investigated and compared students´ strategies during solving physics tasks. The physics tasks were prepared as part of the project "NATURE". To understand how students think during writing tests were used Eye-trackers and pen-tablets. Teachers can analyze outputs and they think about students´ strategies. Although there are many...
Especially the demands on the subject-specific competencies of mathematics prospective teachers, which are distinctly different from other categories of teachers are an essential moment in the preparation of future primary school teachers. These demands arise from the multidisciplinary nature of their studies, based on a single teacher training sys...
Abstrakt V souvislosti s aktuálně diskutovanou reformou kurikulárních dokumentů se mění vnímání digitální gramotnosti a její implementace do vzdělávacího procesu, do výuky matematiky nevyjímaje. Kromě požadavku na digitální kompetence učitelů se objevuje i požadavek reagovat na aktuální změnu vnímání cílů matematického vzdělávání, zejména ve vztahu...
In connection with the current discussed reform of curricular documents in the Czech Republic the perception of digital literacy and its implementation into the educational process is changed, into the teaching mathematics including. In addition to the requirement of the teachers' digital competencies, there is also a requirement to respond to the...
Currently implemented reform of curricular documents in the Czech Republic increases demands on teachers of all subjects. One of the main learning objectives is the development of pupils' digital literacy in the teaching of all subjects. This results in high demands, especially for primary school teachers. These teachers should have adequate digita...
It seems that propositional logic word problems are interesting for pupils aged 9 to 16 years. Younger pupils usually solve the propositional logic word problems by means of the systematic analysis of possible cases. In this way, they significantly develop their combinatorial skills.
Nevertheless, we can solve the propositional logic word problems...
It seems that propositional logic word problems are interesting for pupils aged 9 to 16 years. Younger pupils usually solve the propositional logic word problems by means of the systematic analysis of possible cases. In this way, they significantly develop their combinatorial skills.
Nevertheless, we can solve the propositional logic word problems...
Předmětem studie a realizovaný průzkum mezi učiteli 1. stupně ZŠ Olomouckého kraje reaguje na aktuální trend a vývoj vzdělávacího procesu v ČR. V posledních letech je jedním z trendů stále větší snaha implementace digitálních technologií do vzdělávacího procesu. Tyto technologie byly vždy implementovány do výuky jako didaktické prostředky, které ma...
Předmětem výzkumné studie byla analýza vztahu učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ k dostupnému matematickému softwaru a jejich schopnosti jej použít k názornějšímu výkladu vybraných partií matematiky. Konkrétně jsme zkoumali jejich názory na Open Source program GeoGebra a jeho využití pro výklad dělitelnosti a nalezení největšího společného dělitele. Základní myš...
Příspěvek je zaměřen na přesvědčení učitelů o vlastní efektivitě používat digitální technologie ve výuce matematiky jako efektivního didaktického instrumentu. Vychází z principů self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977; Gavora, 2008; Dofková & Kvintová, 2017) a konkrétně identifikuje, které technologie jsou studenti ve své budoucí výuce připraveni používat. Vý...
The paper studies the possibilities of interconnecting the subject of chemistry and mathematics at the second level of elementary schools. Interdisciplinary relations are one of the main aspects to understand the usefulness and applicability of school mathematics. It is necessary to ensure that the content of the materials are chosen naturally and...
The article deals with interdisciplinary relations because in the field of education in the Czech Republic this issue is probably not given enough attention, which can be deduced from this, that some research articles or studies on this topic are difficult to trace in last years. The project NATURE of the University of Ostrava, which Palacký Univer...
The cooperation among teachers and students is the important part of education. The secondary school in Nový Jičín realized project tried to improve this cooperation. The basic idea of the project was, thanks to the help of students and teachers, to create a workbook of natural science that improved School Education Program (SVP). The school wanted...
This paper deals with a research on students using the Gazepoint device to visualise the practices and strategies that students used to solve assignments in the disciplines of natural science. The Eye Tracking is an advanced technology method that can be applied in research in many ways. The principle of this technology is in monitoring the human e...
Economic imbalance in China has resulted in a huge gap in education between the ethnic areas and the other areas. Through literature review, we learned that some problems exist in ethnic area education, which includes disadvantages in workplace position and job security, a low level of compulsory education, insufficiently qualified teachers, weak b...
There has been a trend in education to improve the effectiveness of teaching, especially in mathematics instruction at elementary schools. Current ideas for improvement of mathematics instruction include a constructivist approach called inquiry-based education (IBE). In previous research we analyzed elementary school teacher awareness of this const...
Článek nabízí vhled do vzniku a historického vývoje jedné z nejvýznamnějších celosvětových matematických soutěží, jednu kapitolu věnuje historii a organizaci českého Matematického klokana. Stěžejní část článku představují některé úlohy, jimiž čeští autoři obohatili mezinárodní soutěžní zadání.
Studijní text k projektu "Moderní trendy ve vzdělávání v pregraduální přípravě budoucích pedagogických pracovníků na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci", projekt MŠMT ČR – Fond vzdělávací politiky.
V rámci tohoto studijního textu se seznámíte s poměrně častým výskytem jednoho zajímavého čísla v přírodě. Toto číslo také úzce souvisí s dalšími velmi zná...
Digital learning objects (DLOs) can be defined as interactive (web-based) tools that are mainly used and reused for learning, education or training. In mathematics education, we use DLO for its potential to help students to understand phenomena, whose introduction in the traditional way of teaching mathematics could be problematic. We analysed one...
Publikace s názvem Reflexe vzdělávacích potřeb učitelů matematiky jako východisko jejich profesního rozvoje je společným dílem autorů z katedry matematiky Pedagogické fakulty UP v Olomouci. Jejich pedagogické přesvědčení a současně společného jmenovatele všech kapitol publikace lze vyjádřit větou: „Mají-li se žáci něčemu naučit, musejí se chtít uči...
Jedním z motivačních faktorů soudobého vzdělávání je implementace a využívání informačních a komunikačních technologií (ICT) v edukačním procesu. Vznikl tak nový fenomén zvaný e-learning. Implementace ICT do vzdělávacího procesu byla reakcí na měnící a vyvíjející se podmínky a s rozvojem počítačových technologií nemohl zůstat pozadu ani proces vzdě...
Currently, one of the constructivist approaches in teaching is known as inquiry-based teaching. In the article, we point out the results of the research among teachers of mathematics at elementary schools which aim was to find out what awareness of inquiry-based teaching teachers have, whether they know this approach, whether they use it, whether t...
Výzkum Analýza vzdělávacích potřeb učitelů matematiky Olomouckého kraje provedený Katedrou matematiky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého ukázal, že mezi nejžádanější témata patří právě „Využívání ICT ve výuce matematiky“. V článku se seznámíme s nabídkou předmětů zaměřených na využívání ICT v rámci oboru Matematika se zaměřením na vzdělávání...
Na jaře 2017 bylo provedeno dotazníkové šetření za účasti 119 učitelů matematiky na dvanácti základních školách ve městech Leshan, Chendu a Meishan v provincii S'-čchuan v Číně. Cílem bylo zjistit úroveň ICT kompetencí učitelů a využívání ICT ve výuce matematiky. Z analýzy dat vyplynuly následující závěry: Učitelé přikládají velký důraz implementac...
The paper presents the use of visualization of mathematical concepts in the teaching of mathematics at elementary schools. A questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers and pupils in Brno elementary schools (lower secondary school-6th to 9th grade; teaching pupils aged between 11 and 15) in the school year 2016/2017. Brno is the second larges...
The paper presents the use of visualization of mathematical concepts in the teaching of mathematics at elementary schools. A questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers and pupils in Brno elementary schools (lower secondary school-6th to 9th grade; teaching pupils aged between 11 and 15) in the school year 2016/2017. Brno is the second larges...
Negativním fenoménem současné vzdělanostní společnosti je nízká úroveň geometrické prostorové představivosti. Pro vysokoškolské studenty technických oborů to nemusí znamenat jenom větší problémy při samotném studiu, ale může se to projevit i jako limitující faktor v jejich případné tvůrčí činnosti v budoucím zaměstnání. K řešení této situace je tře...
V posledních letech dochází v Číně v oblasti vzdělávání k obrovským změnám. V součinnosti s plánovanou informatizací čínského školství (2011-2020) jsme se v rámci projektů IGA realizovaných Katedrou matematiky PdF UP podívali tentokrát na ICT kompetence učitelů matematiky v uvedeném regionu. Na jaře 2017 bylo provedeno výzkumné šetření s cílem zjis...
Aktuální trendy současné pregraduální přípravy učitelů matematiky jsou orientovány nejen na kvalitu poznatků a vědomostí, které si mají studenti osvojit, ale také na způsob, kterým jim mají být předávány. Teoretické základy aktuálních vzdělávacích přístupů by se studenti učitelství měli dozvědět v průběhu studia obecných psychologických a pedagogic...
Příspěvek analyzuje užívání ICT prostředků ve výuce matematiky učiteli prvního stupně ZŠ v Olomouckém kraji: prezentační a matematický software, interaktivní tabule, využití a tvorba e-learningových prostředí a studijních materiálů apod. Vychází z výsledků výzkumného šetření realizovaného ve školním roce 2015/2016 na školách, jehož cílem bylo ident...
The contribution completes the trilogy of articles publishing the results of the pilot research realized within the student grant project " ICT in Mathematics at elementary schools in Olomouc and Leshan City ". This project was carried out at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Education of the Palacký University in Olomouc. Within this...
This contribution is based on the premise that positive beliefs of pre-graduate math teachers at elementary schools and the quality of their didactic preparation may guarantee their positive attitude to their future profession. This contribution is based on a research study carried out in May and June 2016 among a total of 111 prospective elementar...
Abstract (EN):
Why is it warmer in the summer than in winter? Because the Earth is closer to the Sun in summer than it is in winter, right? No, not at all. It is because the spread of sunlight in summer is dierent from the spread in winter. The intensity of solar radiation is largely a function of the angle at which the Sun's rays strike the Earth...
As the project team continuous researched for Sichuan province comprehensive reform pilot project of the 2nd that is “depth integration of modern education technology into the primary and lower secondary school education pilot”, we investigated the education informatization in 5 representative schools in the area of pilot launched a pilot area. We...
The paper continues the article by authors Nocar, Tang, Bártek: " Educational Hardware and Software: Digital Technology and Digital Educational Content " published in EDULEARN16 Proceedings in June 2016. There were published the results of the first part of the research realized within the specific student grant project " ICT in Mathematics at elem...
Regularly conducted educational needs analysis of teachers is an essential aspect of innovation curricula realised by the Department of Mathematics, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic). It also allows to respond flexibly to the demands of the " education market " , reflecting socioeconomic changes in society and adequately incorporate educa...
The paper deals with the manner how the use of ICT tools may help to support a transition from an operational to a structural understanding of function. These tools can flexibly and dynamically deal with various functions representations such as graphs, formulas and tables and this fact may help to exceed the hardness of integrating the operational...
The paper deals with the research project concerning the efficiency of GeoGebra for self-education on the geometric concept regular tessellations to compare with the traditional methods (paper and pencil or using paper models). The project was provided on the sample of more than 70 students of non-mathematics bachelor studies. Our results point tha...
The paper deals with the conditions for successful implementation of modern teaching methods i.e.
effective use of ICT and digital learning materials. Nowadays the emphasis is on new class model
termed as New Generation Classrooms. Such classrooms have its arrangement and equipment to
support the constructivist approach in the educational process a...
E-learning support of the educational process requires modern digital technology but another
important aspect is the educational content composed from the digital learning objects. Digital learning
objects (DLOs) represent the interactive digital components used for educational purposes.
Mathematics education does not fall behind where is possible...
One of the important mathematical skills which pupils need to develop is the ability of geometrical thinking. Pupils need stimulating activities which enable them to solve geometric problems. Development of geometrical thinking takes time and therefore the pupils requires of geometrical terms and their characteristics. An example might be various g...
The paper deals with the fact that in the certain phase of high school students' mathematical development their teachers are forced to make the formalization of trigonometric functions, for the geometrical definition, which students usually meet, is intuitive – the existence of the bijection of the interval [0, 2π] on the set of all points of the u...
V první kapitole se seznámíte s historii a vývojem počítačů od sálových zařízení vážících tuny a zabírající celé budovy až po dnešní mobilní zařízení vážících ne víc než gramy. Druhá kapitola je nejobsáhlejší, popisuje jednotlivé komponenty počítače a vysvětluje jejich činnost jako součást funkčního celku. Poslední třetí kapitola představuje další...
Vlastní obsah je zaměřen na počítačové aplikace, se kterými se dnes učitelé i studenti - budoucí učitelé setkávají nejčastěji. Text obsahuje tři kapitoly, které vycházejí z nejužívanějších programů balíku MS Office (Word, Excel a PowerPoint). Tyto programy jsou dnes nedílnou součástí téměř každého osobního či pracovního počítače. V první kapitole s...