David MenierUniversity of Southern Brittany | UBS · Laboratoire Géosciences Océan UMR CNRS 6538
David Menier
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My main research topic is focused on the interplay of tectonics, sediment supply and climate in controlling the stratigraphy of basins and coastal zones.
Skills and Expertise
Additional affiliations
October 2016 - January 2017
Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
- Principal Investigator
October 2016 - January 2017
Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
- Associate Professor, Laboratory Head
January 2016 - December 2016
Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
- Associate Professor HDR
Publications (148)
Surface sediments of the river channels provide a proxy to understand contemporary-paleoconditions of sedimentary environments, climate, pro-venan ce, etc. Systematic field mapping, and delineation of geological and geo-morphic features was conducted, followed by collection of surface sediments from river channels. Laboratory analyses included gran...
Harmful algal blooms occur when toxin-producing microalgae grow excessively in coastal waters. In France, surveys are done by Ifremer since 1987 through two networks, REPHY and REPHYTOX. Temporal series of toxic microalgae populations are necessary to better assess the dynamics of these recurring seasonal phenomena. Unfortunately, only about 40 yea...
Harmful algal blooms occur when toxin-producing algae grow excessively in coastal waters. In France, surveys are done by the Ifremer since 1987 through two networks, REPHY and REPHYTOX. Temporal series of toxic algae population are necessary to better assess the dynamics of change of these recurring seasonal phenomena. Unfortunately, only about 40...
The coast of Galicia (NW Spain), about 1,700 km long, is formed by cliffs and deep estuaries (Rias) flooded during the Late Holocene and the most characteristic sediments are sand and gravel deposits. Sandy sediments (aeolianites) are the most widespread along the entire coast and they are due to a massive aeolian accumulation that began at the end...
The establishment, development and abandonment and/or destruction of ancient civilizations were catalytically controlled by geomorphic features such as lakes and rivers and the climate. This paper examined the possible influence of tectonism and climate on six habitations of the ancient Vaigai River Basin civilization in South India, using multiple...
In Southeast Asia, an increase of 20 million people in the coastal zone have accentuated the infrastructure risk. In Malaysia, littoral erosion due to seasonal monsoons can critically affect the coastal population and the country lacks practical plans to attenuate coastal erosion. In this study, a systematic coastal vulnerability assessment that co...
The geomorphologic processes and tectonics settings are the leading drivers in regional monsoonal flow control and river systems. The Vaigai river system is aggravated in the case of an ephemeral-monsoon flow-controlled river system which covers an area of 7380 sq. km and has the apex at the Manamadurai. Drainage morphometry analysis of the Vaigai...
The spatially widely distributed and temporally protracted Santonian–Campanian stratigraphic records of the Sillakkudi Formation of the Ariyalur Group, Cauvery Basin, southern India represent an onland exposure of a Gilbert‐type delta. Here, we present geochemical, mineralogical, and petrographic analyses of two composite stratigraphic sections, an...
We document evidence for the role of fluvial dynamics-stream channel avulsion and flooding, tectonics and climatic conditions on the occurrence, shifting and burial of ancient cultural sites in the Vaigai River Basin in southern India. Systematic regional mapping, geophysical investigations and archaeological excavations in the flood plains of the...
Some significant indication identifying a coastal dynamic during Late Pleistocene to Recent is the evolution of isochrone patterns throughout glacial-interglacial stages. This study aims to identify the sediments stratification of Jakarta Bay during the Late Pleistocene – Recent in the framework of coastal dynamic triggered by the sea-level changes...
The major climatic oscillations during the Quaternary Period significantly influenced the evolution and distribution of ancient and modern coastal systems. Here we investigate the morphology and sedimentary infilling of submerged Late Quaternary incised valleys along the northern coast of Java Island (Indonesia) using high-resolution geophysical, s...
Some significant indication identifying a coastal dynamic during Late Pleistocene to Recent is the evolution of isochrone patterns throughout glacial-interglacial stages. This study aims to identify the sediments stratification of Jakarta Bay during the Late Pleistocene – Recent in the framework of coastal dynamic triggered by the sea-level changes...
Le littoral et la mer sont des ressources naturelles environnementales. C’est-à-dire des ressources qui, sans être un produit de l’activité humaine, influent ou pourraient influer sur
l’économie des pays ou le bien-être de leurs habitants. Partout dans le monde, ces zones concentrent des populations croissantes et des activités multiples. Les impac...
Indonesia is currently intensively developing its renewable energy resource and targets at least 23% by 2025. As an archipelago country, Indonesia has the potential to benefit from its abundant renewable energy resources from its offshore regions. However, the short tidal range of mixed semi-diurnal and the suitable tidal turbine capacity may hinde...
The morphology and internal structure of the Horaine Bank (Bay of Saint-Brieuc, NW France) are described based on multibeam echosounder and high-resolution seismic datasets coupled with vibro-core data. The Horaine Bank shows large-scale bedforms in the lee of a submerged rocky shoal, which allowed defining it as a Banner Bank. The internal structu...
Serpulids are marine filter‐feeding annelids that live in calcareous tubes. Their distribution, colonization, and proliferation are dependent on physical environmental variables, including energy conditions. This article documents the occurrences of serpulid colonies over opportunistic colonizing trace fossil of Ophiomorpha‐rich sedimentary unit in...
In term of designing the foundations for offshore seawall structures, this paper provides a new insight of marine sediment behaviour in reclamation response of Jakarta Bay. The goal is to deliver a realistic reference case study for research and practice in the field of an offshore seawall foundation. The marine sediment data used are field investi...
The internal architecture and evolution of isolated carbonate buildups rely on multiple forcing factors, including tectonics and eustatic fluctuations. These parameters control the developmental phases of carbonate buildups such as initiation, growth, and termination stages, and give insights into other morphologic patterns such as backstepping and...
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The Indian Ocean has witnessed some of the most important geodynamic events that shaped our present-day Earth during the last plate tectonic episode. From the early fragmentation of the Gondwana super-continent sustained by an intense hotspots activity to the real-time birth of a new volcano in 2019 in the Comoros Archipelago, almost 200 Myr of geo...
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Occurrences of the highly productive, yet complex oil and gas‐ bearing Oligocene–Miocene buried carbonate platforms of the South China Sea and adjoining onshore equivalents necessitates understanding the form, timing and pathways of hydrocarbon migration plays. Here, we report the occurrence of structural‐stratigraphic controls on relict seepage an...
During the Miocene, extensive carbonate deposition thrived over wide latitudinal ranges in Southeast Asia despite perturbations of the global climate and thermohaline circulation that affected the Asian continent. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of its emergence, adaptability in siliciclastic-dominated margins and demise, especially in southern South...
Current worldwide projections of sea-level rise show a staggering increase in water level of up to 2 m by 2100 owing to global warming exacerbated by anthropogenically induced climate change. While amplified rates of sea-level rise is an immense hazard to coastal communities, storm surges are expected to increase in intensity and
frequency making i...
Menier, D.; Mathew, M.; Cherfils J.-B.; Ramkumar, M.; Estournès, G.; Koch, M.; Guillocheau F.; Sedrati, M.; Goubert, E.; Gensac, E.; Le-Gall, R., and Novico, F., 2019. Holocene sediment mobilization in the inner continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay: Implications for regional sediment budget offshore to onshore. Sediment mobilization, especially f...
Peninsular India is an amalgam of transient landscapes evolved from the interactions between tectonic and climatic forcings. In order to appraise the tectono-geomorphic evolution of South India, it is essential to understand the relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic processes and their geomorphic expressions at a river basin scale. Seven ge...
In the eastern side of the Malay Peninsula, thick successions of limestone formations preserve important records of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic events. Here we investigate the strata- and fracture-bound hydrothermal dolomites in the Palaeozoic carbonates of the Kinta Valley, western Peninsular Malaysia. Based on their textural
and morphologi...
Beach profile surveys and a set of spatial analyses were used to examine, respectively, the short-term and long-term evolution of the beaches of the Gâvres-Penthièvre beach dune system. The long-term coastline variations were analyzed based on aerial photographs of the years 1952, 1985, 1999 and 2004. Spatial data include sediment cover, coastline...
Sprawling between high-tide water mark and up to 200m isobath and accounting for about 18 % of Earth’s surface and 25% of global primary productivity, the coastal zones are the environmentally sensitive, ecological niches. It may not be an exaggeration that the coastal zone is being overexploited and undermanaged and needs systematic remediation an...
India is the seventh largest country in the world covering an area of 3.29 million sq. km which is only 2.4 % of the world's land area sustaining ~ 8% of the world's biodiversity. Owing to its unique geography, landscape and rainfall pattern, the Indian subcontinent experiences dual problems related to water: severe droughts and flooding simultaneo...
Sprawling between high-tide water mark and up to 200m isobaths and accounting for about 18 % of Earth’s surface and 25% of global primary productivity, coastal zones are the most fragile, yet important environmental niches. Although constituting a mere 5% of the total landmass, coastal regions sustain almost three-quarters of the world’s population...
The Srirangam interfluve, formed between the Kaveri and Kollidam Rivers in southern
India, has been a religious and cultural human settlement for over 2000 years of
recorded history. It contains thousands of ancient, yet in use, man‐made structures.
Owing to its geographic location, and episodic catastrophic floods from the Kaveri
and Kollidam Rive...
Advances in photogrammetry have eased the acquisition of high-resolution digital information from outcrops,
enabling faster, non-destructive data capturing and improved reservoir modeling. Geocellular models for flow
dynamics with in the virtual outcrop in siliciclastic deposits at different sets of sandstone facies architecture
remain, however, a...
Explosive volcanic events often produce pyroclastic materials that can be recognized from the geological record. These discrete pyroclastics form regional marker beds. Here we report the occurrence of a tephra layer interbedded within very thick coal beds near Mukah, Sarawak, Borneo. Traceable for tens of kilometers in the Mukah area of Sarawak, th...
This chapter presents a brief overview on sequence development and examines the impact of sea-level fluctuations over distribution, geographic shift, and areal extents of habitats. The basic consideration in the theory of sequence development is that, the oscillations in sea-level significantly shift the principal loci of deposition and erosion. Th...
The sequence stratigraphic concepts espoused the control exercised by tectonics–climate-relative sea-level fluctuations, sediment influx/production as the reason for shoreline dynamics, facies distribution, and stacking pattern. The studies that followed have largely overlooked the implication of these controls on biotic realms, as the causes of se...
Review of previous publications and on a perspective of practicality in geological context showed that the term “habitat” can be defined by an area, either terrestrial, aquatic, or otherwise that provides ecosystem services for biota to engage in life functions. Thus, “habitat” of organisms should be defined by physical, chemical, and biological at...
The Cauvery Basin is one of the most studied basins of India that encompasses diverse depositional systems/meso-micro habitats as represented by alternations of siliciclastic–carbonate dominated cyclic facies bundles. Within the major siliciclastic–carbonate dominated depositional systems, many lithological types deposited by high-frequency relativ...
Sedimentary environments or subenvironments or depositional setting or depositional systems are unique areas with definable areal extent, geographic distribution, and geomorphic attributes, in which unique set of physical, chemical, and biological conditions prevail. The spatial extents of the sedimentary environments or depositional systems are re...
Given cognizance to the sequence stratigraphic concepts and the nexus between sea-level fluctuations, depositional systems, and resultant facies type occurrence and distribution, the relative roles of geological events including sea-level fluctuations over habitat diversity, area of distribution, and stratigraphic heterogeneity are examined in this...
The use of facies type, facies succession, and stacking pattern as proxies for assessment of habitat heterogeneity and dynamics was examined in this chapter. This approach may supplement the conventional assessment methods of habitats, which are often subjective, tenuous, discordant, and suffer from various biases. It was followed by the examinatio...
The Cotentin Peninsula (Normandy, France) displays sequences of marine terraces and rasas, the latter being wide Late Cenozoic coastal erosion surfaces, that are typical of Western European coasts in Portugal, Spain, France and southern England. Remote sensing imagery and field mapping enabled reappraisal of the Cotentin coastal sequences. From bot...
Carbonates of Central Luconia, Malaysia, had been serving as hydrocarbon reservoirs for more than 25 years. However, the relationship and impacts of extensive tectonic events to the growth of Miocene carbonates in Central Luconia have not been revealed sufficiently. In this work, two carbonates platforms in the southern part of Central Luconia were...
Nature and evolution of the Quaternary coastal sedimentary wedge of the northern part of Java Island The Quaternary sedimentary architecture of Jakarta bay show a succession of marine to coastal plain deposits overlaid by present-day offshore deposits in relation to high sediment supply during the Late Cenozoic. As the NCICD's research project, the...
Sedimentary basins often develop above internal zones of former orogenic belts. We hereafter consider the Malay Peninsula (Western Sunda) as a crustal high separating two regions of stretched continental crust; the Andaman/Malacca basins in the western side and the Thai/Malay basins in the east. Several stages of rifting have been documented thanks...
A significant percentage of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves are found in shallow marine sandstone rocks. Understanding reservoir connectivity and quality of shallow-marine sandstones from outcrop analysis and facies characteristics is a challenging task. Here, we analyze well-exposed outcrops of the Miri Formation, Sarawak Basin, Borneo, to charac...
Eustatic High-Frequency Sea Level Cycles and Habitat Heterogeneity: Basinal-Regional-Global Implications presents the current understanding and future directions of the research on Cretaceous sea level cycles in a single source. This reference work is for beginners, graduates, and postgraduates who are interested in the subject and intend to ventur...
Empirical models have simulated the consequences of uplift and orographic-precipitation on the evolution of orogens whereas the effects of these forcings on ridgelines and consequent topography of natural landscapes remain equivocal. Here we demonstrate the feedback of a terrestrial landscape in NW Borneo subject to uplift and precipitation gradien...
Nature and evolution of the Quaternary coastal sedimentary wedge of the northern part of Java Island The Quaternary sedimentary architecture of Jakarta bay show a succession of marine to coastal plain deposits overlaid by present-day offshore deposits in relation to high sediment supply during the Late Cenozoic. As the NCICD's research project, the...
Intrinsic magmatic processes are considered as critical operators of plate movements. Here we demonstrate the role of extrinsic processes consequent to intrinsic processes as a catalyst for anomalous rapid plate movement. The rapid and accelerated flight of the Indian subcontinent since Deccan volcanism until its collision with Eurasia remains as o...
2D and 3D seismic data have emerged as a key tool in the oil and gas industry to visualize and understand subsurface morphology and boundaries. In addition to providing excellent structural images, the dense sampling of 2D and 3D survey can sometimes make it possible to map reservoir quality and the distribution of hydrocarbon with well-marked limi...
The island of Borneo is enveloped by tropical rainforests and hostile terrain characterized by high denudation rates. Owing to such conditions, studies pertaining to neotectonics and consequent geomorphic expressions with regard to surface processes and landscape evolution are inadequately constrained. Here we demonstrate the first systematic tecto...
The Indian subcontinent comprises accreted cratonic fragments that underwent subsequent rifting-subduction-collision processes along major mobile belts. It is also a storehouse of a prolonged history of crustal evolution involving repeated episodes of magmatism, volcanism, sedimentation and metamorphism, and the formation of intracratonic and forel...
The development of the Central Luconia carbonates in offshore Sarawak has been governed by the orientation of the Luconia Platform, syn-depositional features generated by the rifting and oceanographic parameters, such as sea level fluctuations, hydrodynamic, climate changes, salinity, and oxygen levels. The studied carbonate platform is developed o...
From the Glénan Island to Guérande plateau in south Brittany (France, Bay of Biscay), based on 10000 km of seismic lines, submerged rocky barriers/inherited structural elements were interpreted as the primary controls on variance of coastal topography and incision of palaeovalleys. Sediment infilling is regulated by valley morphology and fluctuatio...
Modeling of littoral sandstone reservoirs are challenging due to different scales of heterogeneities. This
study introduces an improved understanding of internal structures of sandstone and the way heterogeneities in facies
distribution can affect variance in reservoir flow pattern. The methodology presented in this study is based on
outcrop study...
Shallow marine sandstones are substantial hydrocarbon
reservoirs located around the globe and in Southeast
Asia.Understanding the internal characteristics, distribution,
geometry and lateral extent of these sandstones are essential
parts of successful exploration and production strategy. This
study presents the first detailed work on reservoir sand...
Estuaries are coastal areas controlled by hydrodynamic factors such as sea-level changes, waves and tidal currents, and river discharge. This study focuses on the Vilaine Estuary which is strongly impacted by human activity after construction of Arzal dam in 1970. The purpose of this research is to differentiate the role of natural from anthropogen...
Using 3D seismic and well data, detailed seismic interpretation has been conducted on two carbonate Platforms EX and FY located in the Central Luconia Province, Malaysia. The results provide an insight to understand the relationship of faulting with syn-depositional carbonate growth. Five geo-seismic units were interpreted from the Late Oligocene t...