David Langlet

David Langlet
Uppsala University | UU · Faculty of Law



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Now a professor of environmental law at Uppsala, I have previously been professor of ocean governance law at University of Gothenburg and research fellow at Oxford University. My research has touched on a wide range of topics in the fields of environmental and climate law, law of the sea, and trade law as well as transdisciplinary environmental studies. I have a particular interest in ecosystem based management and the design and selection of policy instruments to tackle complex problems.
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December 2008 - December 2010
University of Gothenburg
  • Senior Researcher


Publications (78)
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The Nord Stream gas pipeline is one of the largest and doubtless most controversial energy infrastructure projects in Europe. In addition to technical and political challenges the project has navigated a web of substantive and procedural legal issues spanning five national jurisdictions in addition to EU- and international law. The article takes a...
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The Arctic is subject to increasing levels of human activities and environmental stresses. The need to protect Arctic ecosystems and utilize the region's resources sustainably necessitates effective and coordinated management of human activities. A potentially important instrument is marine spatial planning (MSP). The article analyses the potential...
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Recent decades have seen an increasing emphasis on (re)structuring marine governance regulation to fit relevant natural systems in terms of scale and spatial scope, and thus also on the delimitation of spatial units. Being at the heart of ecosystem based management, this focus on the relationship between scale and space in nature and in regulatory...
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In this, concluding chapter, we draw on the various perspectives and experiencesdiscussed in the preceding chapters, with a view to identifying commonthemes and challenges as well as distinctive features of the understandingand operationalization of the ecosystem approach to ocean management inthe EU and beyond. We highlight important insights and...
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The report engages with the concepts of ecosystem approach and maritime spatial planning and the relationship between them with a particular focus on the Baltic Sea context. The HELCOM-VASAB Guideline for the implementation of ecosystem-based approach in maritime spatial planning is assessed in the light of scientific literature on the ecosystem ap...
Technical Report
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Att utveckla en förvaltning av Sveriges hav, med dess långsträckta kust och varierande ekosystem såväl i havet som på land är en utmaning. I antologin ger erfarna praktiker och akademiker inom olika samhälleliga discipliner sina bilder av förvaltningen i 16 artiklar. Fokus riktas på hur nationella förvaltningen fungerar utifrån ambitionen att arbet...
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Human use of marine resources is changing, as is the marine environment itself, and our understanding of marine ecosystems and biodiversity is developing. This open access book explores the challenges this raises for legal regimes pertaining to the oceans and their domestic implementation. It engages with developments in areas such as bioprospectin...
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Human use of marine resources is changing, as is the marine environment itself, and our understanding of marine ecosystems and biodiversity is developing. This open access book explores the challenges this raises for legal regimes pertaining to the oceans and their domestic implementation. It engages with developments in areas such as bioprospectin...
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Human use of marine resources is changing, as is the marine environment itself, and our understanding of marine ecosystems and biodiversity is developing. This open access book explores the challenges this raises for legal regimes pertaining to the oceans and their domestic implementation. It engages with developments in areas such as bioprospectin...
Technical Report
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This report focuses on possible policy measures that the Swedish authorities could adopt to lower URN by regulating the speed of ships. The report presents an interdisciplinary analysis, using a case study of an area in the southern Kattegat that covered several maritime zones, different national jurisdictions, intensive traffic, and high natural v...
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Measures taken as part of marine governance can have significant implications for the social, economic and cultural interests and identities of individuals and groups of people. This makes it important to inquire about the legitimacy of key laws and policies in this field. The EU has developed a comprehensive set of rules for protection of the mari...
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Regulation of Risk provides comprehensive insight into regulation of risk in transport, trade and environment. Contributions provide national, regional and international perspectives on pressing questions: How is risk conceived in light of novel technological deployment, climate change, political upheaval, evolving geopolitics, and the COVID-19 pan...
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Shipping is a global activity, and its environmental impacts are largely regulated in a harmonized way at the international level. This minimizes the impediments to navigation that may result from a regulatory landscape characterised by local variation. The ecosystem approach on the other hand calls for measures to be adaptable to the specific cond...
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Resilience is increasingly described as a prerequisite for a sustainable EU. Against this backdrop, Langlet looks at the potential of EU environmental law, widely construed, to create and maintain conditions for environmental resilience, and thereby support the realization of a sustainable society. He does this by assessing to what extent EU law ha...
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The oceans are by far the largest carbon sink and are estimated to have absorbed roughly 40 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions since the beginning of the industrial era. The climate services performed by the oceans can be described as an interaction between a physical and a biological carbon pump. Whereas the role of the physical car...
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Ships waiting at anchor are associated with considerable environmental pressures and impacts. Growing and congested anchoring areas are receiving increasing scholarly attention to understand the environmental effects caused by large sea-going ships anchoring in coastal waters. While there is a lack of studies addressing the entire spectrum of envir...
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Massive resource infusion and coordination between state and market actors are needed to develop and diffuse deep decarbonisation technologies. This makes wise policy design imperative. Policy-makers are confronted with a plethora of diverging views on which policies are preferable for a low carbon transition, and which interventions , such as R&D...
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This article explores how the conflict between the interests of protecting water quality in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea from nutrient emissions on one hand, and supporting blue growth in the aquaculture sector on the other, has played out in the Nordic legal systems and industry practice. It does so by reviewing the legal and industrial de...
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The destruction of the Amazon is a major global environmental issue, not only because of greenhouse gas emissions or direct impacts on biodiversity and livelihoods, but also due to the forest's role as a tipping element in the Earth System. With nearly a fifth of the Amazon already lost, there are already signs of an imminent forest dieback process...
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In the last 20 years, the EU has adopted some rather ambitious pieces of legislation with the aim to achieve a good environmental status in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Both the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) have a strong focus on the natural environment and biological criteria for assessing...
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EU-inträdet innebar fördelar för svenska yrkesfiskare och som liten fiskenation hade Sverige knappast nått bättre resultat med en egen politik. EU:s fiskeripolitik har i sin tur reformerats betydligt sedan 1995, men kan fortfarande bli enklare och mer hållbar. Det skriver forskarna Håkan Eggert och David Langlet, som menar att Sverige bör verka för...
Technical Report
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Executive summary To support the implementation of the Ecosystem Based approach to Management (EBM), ICES strives to provide evidence-based scientific advice and relevant management options that also assess potential trade-offs among sectors or between environmental status and human uses. To help achieve this, the Workshop on Challenges, Opportunit...
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This chapter aims to discuss, from an international- and partly EU law perspective, the challenges of managing conflicting interests associated with the use of the seabed for transport purposes. To do so it uses the Nord Stream pipeline project in the Baltic Sea, one of the most complex and contentious energy transport projects in Europe, as a case...
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The phenomenon of collective action and the origin of collective action problems have been extensively and systematically studied in the social sciences. Yet, while we have substantial knowledge about the factors promoting collective action at the local level, we know far less about how these insights travel to large-scale collective action problem...
Recent decades have seen an increasing emphasis on (re)structuring marine governance regulation to fit relevant natural systems in terms of scale and spatial scope,and thus also on the delimitation of spatial units. Being at the heart of ecosystem based management, this focus on the relationship between scale and space in natureand in regulatory sy...
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We began this book, in Chapter 1, by suggesting that the need for an ecosystem approach to the management of ocean resources seemed almost intuitive, in theory, but that in practice its effective implementation might be anything but. The reason for such difficulty was, we posited, a logical result of the many and varied complexities inherent not on...
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Ocean temperatures are rising; species are shifting poleward, and pH is falling (ocean acidification, OA). We summarise current understanding of OA in the brackish Baltic-Skagerrak System, focussing on the direct, indirect and interactive effects of OA with other anthropogenic drivers on marine biogeochemistry, organisms and ecosystems. Substantial...
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Major climate and ecological changes affect the world’s oceans leading to a number of responses including increasing water temperatures, changing weather patterns, shrinking ice-sheets, temperature-driven shifts in marine species ranges, biodiversity loss and bleaching of coral reefs. In addition, ocean pH is falling, a process known as ocean acidi...
The chapter addresses legal issues relating to the use of the continental shelf for carbon storage in the Baltic Sea. Following an introduction to the technology, the focus is on inconsistencies within and between different regulatory layers in this novel yet fairly well-regulated field and on the ability of the legal system to manage the many inte...
This volume explores the institutional, constitutional, and historical premises for the adoption and application of substantive EU environmental law and further expounds upon the dynamics between EU Member States and the EU. The book additionally provides an introduction to the specific subject areas of EU environmental law through thematic chapter...
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The vast amounts of fossil fuels available and the forecasts regarding their future utilisation can make carbon capture and storage/sequestration (CCS) an attractive option, despite the various challenges associated with the technology. In order to be viable, many CCS projects will have to be transboundary, in the sense that CO2 will be stored in a...
The prospects for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the EU are currently rather bleak. Nonetheless the technology remains a potentially vital part of EU climate strategy, although one associated with considerable financial but also legal challenges. Particularly CCS operations of a transboundary nature have not received the attention that the com...
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The Nord Stream project, which comprises two natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, eminently illustrates several of the ambiguities that pertain to the ability of coastal States to regulate the laying and operation of transit pipelines in their exclusive economic zone and, conversely, the extent of the right of other States to carry out such act...
In International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security the contributors debate how changing concepts and conceptions of security have affected fields such as the use of force, law of the sea, human rights, international environmental law and international humanitarian law. © 2014 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands. All rights reser...
This chapter focuses on a relatively narrow, although hugely significant, class of natural resources, namely minerals, and the legal approaches to handling scarcity or insecure supply in this area. Even this susceptibly discrete subsection of non-renewable natural resources is subject to a maze of conditions, perceptions and norms which influence t...
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This paper presents an ongoing project with the aim to assess a CO2 infrastructure in the Skagerrak/Kattegat region (the sea bordered by north of Denmark, south coast of Norway and the west coast of Sweden). The area comprises 10–12 CO2 emission sources of more than 0.5 Mt/year.The geological and geophysical assessment of CO2 storage potential in t...
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This paper provides some initial results from the project “CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region” which is an intraregional CCS project partly funded by the EU. The project assesses the prospects for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) from industry and power plants located in the Skagerrak region which comprises northern Denmark, south-east coast of N...
Carbon capture and storage or sequestration (CCS) and production of nuclear energy are both associated with potentially hazardous geological disposal or storage operations (of captured carbon dioxide [CO2] and spent nuclear fuel, respectively). Using Sweden as a focal point, applicable domestic, EU, and international rules affecting site selection...
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been described as an indispensable element in fighting dangerous climate change. At the same time, the technology is associated with significant uncertainties and risks. Focusing on the geological storage of captured CO2, this article takes stock of ongoing processes for accommodating CCS in international law. I...
This study is the first book to take a comprehensive approach to the subject of transboundary shipments of hazardous substances and the instruments employed for regulating such shipments. It fully explains which types of trade regulating instruments are employed by which agreements, and then goes on to evaluate the pros and cons of these instrument...
When this report was written, no commercial production of genetically modified crops had yet taken place in Sweden. The commencement of commercial growing of GMOs may, however, be expected in the relatively near future. About 115 field trials have been conducted over the past 17 years, the vast majority of which have involved potato, rape seed or s...
The article provides a background on the perceived risks and benefits of living modified organisms (LMOs) and major scientific assessments made. It gives a brief account of the negotiations which led to the adoption of the Cartagena Protocol. The main focus is on describing and analysing the Advance Informed Agreement (AIA) procedure and the provis...
The issue of trade in hazardous chemicals has long been contentious on the international agenda. Gradually the notion of prior informed consent has developed as a means to strengthen the regulatory abilities of importing countries, taking its legally binding form in the 1998 Rotterdam Convention. It is now being implemented by the EC, itself a Part...


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