David HoyosUniversity of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Econometria y Estadistica (Economia Aplicada III)
David Hoyos
PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
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Ph. D. in Economics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and M.A. (econ) in Development Economics at the University of Manchester (GB). Lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics III (Econometrics and Statistics) since 2010. Associate researcher at EKOPOL (Research Group on Ecological Economics and Political Ecology), BC3 (Basque Centre on Climate Change) and HEGOA (Development and International Cooperation Studies Institute).
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September 2009 - present
March 2004 - present
October 2009 - October 2009
September 1991 - July 1995
Publications (62)
This dataset presents a detailed description of the data and information used in the life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the Basque Y HSR line, which is a high-performance line for mixed traffic still under construction in 2023 (190 km). The LCI data presented in this paper support the original research carried out on whether the construction of the Bas...
Coastal and marine ecosystems provide many essential services to society. Despite the benefits offered, these ecosystems are subject to a number of human pressures, including the constant and often uncontrolled growth of tourism activity in coastal areas. Current intensity of coastal tourism, one of the fastest-growing forms of tourism in recent de...
This paper assesses Spanish households’ willingness to thermally insulate their homes and the drivers that influence such a decision-making process. Stated preference data were collected through a discrete choice experiment (DCE). The final sample of 191 respondents and 1,145 observations was analysed by the use of a mixed logit model, weighing the...
This article proposes a teaching innovation aimed to deepen the education-research-sustainability teaching strategy by integrating the major challenges facing the planet as set out in the United Nations’ SDGs. Thus, the teaching process acquires a professional identity that integrates teaching and research through the interrelation between teaching...
A life cycle assessment (LCA) of the Spanish high speed rail (HSR) network in service in 2016 (2583 km) was conducted. Life cycle inventory (LCI) data related to the construction and maintenance phases of the infrastructure was collected using Google Earth tool, and complemented with data obtained from the LCA carried out by Tuchschmid et al. [1]....
Spain has the world's second longest network of high speed rail lines built and in service. High-Speed Rail (HSR) is usually presented as a sustainable means of transport with huge potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption. The majority of studies carried out on this mode of transport have focused on analysing and es...
This chapter outlines the essential topics for developing and testing a questionnaire for a discrete choice experiment survey. It addresses issues such as the description of the environmental good, pretesting of the survey, incentive compatibility, consequentiality or mitigation of hypothetical bias. For the latter, cheap talk scripts, opt-out remi...
This chapter describes and compares suitable software for the analysis of basic and advanced discrete choice models. Software packages are classified into proprietary and non-proprietary, according to the operating system required and modelling capabilities. Abilities of both selected commercial (Stata, SAS and Latent Gold, e.g.) and open-source pa...
This chapter focuses on the calculation of marginal and non-marginal welfare measures. It outlines how the calculation of welfare measures is related to the specified model and the assumptions underlying that model. It further describes how the calculation of these measures is affected by the inclusion of preference heterogeneity, including the inc...
This chapter starts by briefly presenting the theoretical background of welfare economics and introducing key aspects such as the indirect utility function, the expenditure function, or the concepts of compensating surplus or equivalent surplus. Next, it draws attention to willingness to pay and willingness to accept, essential measures in environm...
This chapter discusses aspects related to data collection. It focuses, firstly, on sampling issues and, secondly, on the survey mode. Sampling issues include sample size and the type of sampling that enable precise estimates to be obtained. Regarding the survey mode, discrete choice experiments can be implemented by mail, telephone, face-to-face or...
This open access book (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-62669-3) offers up-to-date advice and practical guidance on how to undertake a discrete choice experiment as a tool for environmental valuation. It discusses crucial issues in designing, implementing and analysing choice experiments. Compiled by leading experts in the field, th...
This chapter concerns different aspects of validity and reliability of a discrete choice experiment. Firstly, it focuses on three essential concepts for assessing the validity of the welfare estimates obtained in the choice experiment, namely content, construct and criterion validity. Secondly, it discusses how the reliability of the recorded choic...
This chapter addresses basic topics related to choice data analysis. It starts by describing the coding of attribute levels and choosing the functional form of the attributes in the utility function. Next, it focuses on econometric models with special attention devoted to the random parameter mixed logit model. In this context, the chapter compares...
This chapter is devoted to advanced issues of econometric modelling. The topics covered are, among others, models in willingness to pay space, the meaning of scale heterogeneity in discrete choice models and the application of various information processing rules such as random regret minimisation or attribute non-attendance. Other topics are ancho...
This chapter covers various issues related to the experimental design, a statistical technique at the core of a discrete choice experiment. Specifically, it focuses on the dimensionality of a choice experiment and the statistical techniques used to allocate attribute levels to choice tasks. Among others, the pros and cons of orthogonal designs, opt...
Economic valuation of ecosystem services has emerged as a valuable tool to promote conservation and sustainable land management. Our study adds to this literature, by reporting the results of a discrete choice experiment used to analyse local population preferences and willingness-to-pay for selected ecosystem services resulting from different mana...
Game-based learning refers to the use of game thinking and mechanics to engage and motivate students in the learning process. We applied this innovative concept to complement the theoretical sessions of an introductory course on ecological economics in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). A partic...
Endogeneity is an often neglected issue in empirical applications of discrete choice modelling despite its severe
consequences in terms of inconsistent parameter estimation and biased welfare measures. This article analyses
the performance of the multiple indicator solution method to deal with endogeneity arising from omitted explanatory
This paper explores the influence of regional climate variability on the elasticity of
price for residential water demand in Spain. The data comes from the Spanish Survey of
Family Budget (INE 2012), a national based survey of household living conditions including
more than 15,000 observations. The econometric analysis included other determinants o...
This paper analyses the contribution of the high speed rail project in the Basque Country, Spain, to energy consumption reduction and to climate change mitigation by means of a simplified Life Cycle Assessment. The calculation of CO2 emissions and energy consumption reductions over the service lifetime of the infrastructure (60 years) shows that, e...
Cuando se cumplen 10 años del inicio de las obras y más de 20 años desde su diseño, el proyecto
de tren de alta velocidad para el País Vasco, comúnmente conocido como Y vasca, parece moverse
a baja velocidad, lastrado por la escasez presupuestaria y las crecientes dudas acerca de su utilidad
social. Este trabajo muestra, desde una perspectiva trans...
This paper analyses the Spanish residential demand of a bundle of goods conforming the basic services of the households (i.e. electricity, natural gas and drinking water) in 2012. The analysis is made using a QUAIDS model modified in order to consider the censoring in the consumption of natural gas following the approach of Tauchmann (2010), one of...
This paper analyses the Spanish residential demand of a bundle of goods conforming the basic services of the households (i.e. electricity, natural gas and drinking water) in 2012. The analysis is made using a QUAIDS model modified in order to consider the censoring in the consumption of natural gas following the approach of Tauchmann (2010), one of...
This paper analyzes the Spanish housing demand for electricity, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquid fuels using a QUAIDS model. Since not all households consume all fuels at a time, this model is adapted to consider censored data. The data used belong to the Spanish Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares (EPF) of 2013. The results in...
This chapter estimates the direct rebound effect in residential heating and domestic hot water services in Spain in 2012. The fuels analysed are electricity and natural gas. Contrary to previous research, the direct rebound effect is calculated using, among others, data on unit variable cost of energy, the amount of energy consumed per annum and re...
Managing protected areas (PAs) requires dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (i.e. social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time. Uni-dimensional and top-down approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the multidimensional natur...
Landscapes throughout the world are increasingly being altered as a result of human actions and natural processes, therefore necessitating urgent management. Acknowledging this situation, the European Landscape Convention (ELC) was approved in 2000 with the explicit objective of protecting, managing and planning European landscapes. In this paper,...
In contingent valuation, the willingness to pay for hypothetical programs may be affected by the order in which programs are presented to respondents. With inclusive lists, economic theory suggests that sequence effects should be expected. However, when policy makers allocate public budgets to several environmental programs, they may be interested...
In a travel cost exercise, reported past visits to mount Jaizkibel, a natural area located in the Basque Country (Spain), are compared for convergent validity to stated intended future trips under the assumption that the natural resource's conditions will remain the same. In line with the results obtained by other studies, the empirical evidence of...
In the last few years, there has been a growing body of literature on how to detect and deal with the fact that some respondents seem to ignore one or more attributes in a discrete choice experiments.
This paper aims to analyse the performance of two econometric approaches devoted to solve this problem: the stated attribute non-attendance approach...
This paper summarizes the long history of the contingent valuation method, stressing the important dates and events that influenced its economic applications. It reviews the economic theory of contingent valuation, highlights the related survey design, alludes to the econometrics methodology involved and discusses the validity and reliability of th...
One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated p...
This paper presents the results of an empirical application aimed at estimating the economic value of the potential environmental impacts to mount Jaizkibel (Spain) resulting from the construction of a new seaport over its hillside. A choice experiment technique is applied for an ex-ante natural resource damage assessment in monetary terms. The res...
Assessing the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of the general public for climate change mitigation programmes enables governments
to understand how much taxpayers are willing to support the implementation of such programs. This paper contributes to the
literature on the WTP for climate change mitigation programmes by investigating, in addition to global be...
One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is how to design and implement sustainable management plans accounting both for the social cost and benefits of conserving these sites. This paper provides with an empirical application of a discrete choice experime...
This paper provides with a review of the state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments (DCEs). The growing body of literature on this field serves to emphasize the increasing role that DCEs are playing in environmental decision making in the last decade. The paper attempts to cover the full process of undertaking a ch...
This paper examines the various tests commonly used to select random parameters in choice modelling. The most common procedures for selecting random parameters are: the Lagrange Multiplier test as proposed by McFadden and Train (2000), the t-statistic of the deviation of the random parameter and the log-likelihood ratio test. The identification of...
There is a growing body of literature acknowledging that respondents to DCE often use simplifying strategies, like ignoring one or several attributes to provide with their choices. Two main approaches have appeared to analyse the impact of attribute non-attendance on welfare estimates: the stated non-attendance (SNA) approach and the analytical non...
Translated by Robert Forstag When people first became aware of ecological problems in the 1960s, such issues were seen as discrete and unconnected concerns that each had perfectly identifiable causes (normally related to industry). For this reason, it was thought that such issues could be approached with corrective ad hoc policies, preferably with...
This paper provides with a review of the state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments (DCE). The growing body of literature on this field serves to emphasise the increasing role that DCE are playing in environmental decision making in the last decade. The paper attempts to cover the full process of undertaking a choi...
Aunque los efectos perjudiciales del ruido sobre la salud humana habían sido reconocidos desde los años setenta, fue la aprobación de la Directiva Europea sobre ruido ambiental (2002) la que marcó el inicio de una etapa en la política ambiental en donde la contaminación acústica ocupa un lugar preferente. El objetivo de este artículo es establecer...
This paper shows that cultural identity may have considerable influence on the WTP to protect natural resources. The Basque Country, the region with the highest ethnic homogeneity in Europe, serves as an example to illustrate how important this issue can be in the environmental valuation of natural resources. The rationale for this influence may be...
The magnitude of the social and environmental costs owed to transport in the European Union (EU) has shown the urgent need to introduce measures for the internalization of externalities and to advance, this way, towards a more efficient transport system. The growing development of the theory of externalities and the most efficient instruments for i...
Developmental monetary benefits of coast artificialisation projects are rarely confronted with the environmental benefits that its conservation may entail. As a consequence, policy-makers often face decision making processes in which monetary benefits have to be balanced with physical impacts ending up in undervaluation or overvaluation of environm...
This paper shows that cultural identity may have considerable influence on the WTP to protect natural resources. The Basque Country, the region with the highest ethnic homogeneity in Europe, serves as an example to illustrate how important this issue can be in the environmental valuation of natural resources. The rationale for this influence may be...
En la UE se ha estimado que los costes de la congesti�n representan el 2% de su PIB y que el coste de la poluci�n del aire y ruido supera el 0,6% del PIB, siendo alrededor del 90% de los mismos ocasionados por el transporte terrestre. Ante este hecho y el continuo aumento de la demanda del transporte privado frente al p�blico para los desplazamient...
El continuo desarrollo de la literatura internacional sobre costes externos durante las últimas décadas ha contribuido a situar la materia en una fase de considerable madurez. Este artículo tiene por objeto estimar los costes externos del transporte en Euskadi en el año 2000 a partir de los últimos avances en el estado del arte. El objetivo último,...
This work has been presented in: V Conference AERNA, Faro (Portugal), 30 May 2012-1 June 2012 and IV Workshop on Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain), 12 July 2012-13 July 2012.