David Guedes

David Guedes
David verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
David verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon | ISCTE · Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS)

Doctor of Psychology


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Psychology researcher at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Main research interests include the determinants of healthy and sustainable food choices and dietary practices, namely the role of sensory and affective variables.
Additional affiliations
January 2019 - January 2019
University of Lisbon
  • Research Associate
October 2011 - June 2015
University of Lisbon
Field of study
  • Clinical and Health Psychology
October 2009 - June 2011
University of Lisbon
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (35)
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Multisensory research has shown that music can positively influence sustainable consumer decisions. However, the relationship between sensory attributes of sustainability and musical characteristics has not been explored. This study bridges this gap by taking the first empirical steps toward crafting soundscapes that enhance the consumption experie...
Large amounts of money, time and effort are devoted to sensory and consumer research in food and beverage companies in an attempt to maximize the chances of new products succeeding in the marketplace. Many new products fail due to lack of consumer interest. Answers to what causes this and what can be done about it are complex and remain unclear. Th...
Large amounts of money, time and effort are devoted to sensory and consumer research in food and beverage companies in an attempt to maximize the chances of new products succeeding in the marketplace. Many new products fail due to lack of consumer interest. Answers to what causes this and what can be done about it are complex and remain unclear. Th...
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CADERNO DE LABORATÓRIO é uma publicação periódica do LAPSO-Laboratório de Psicologia, Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, em colaboração com o CIS_Iscte. Uma parte muito significativa do conhecimento que acumulamos ao longo do nosso percurso enquanto investigadores/as é desenvolvido (ou consolidado) quando colaboramos com os/as nossos/as coleg...
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CADERNO DE LABORATÓRIO é uma publicação periódica do LAPSO-Laboratório de Psicologia, Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, em colaboração com o CIS_Iscte. Uma parte muito significativa do conhecimento que acumulamos ao longo do nosso percurso enquanto investigadores/as é desenvolvido (ou consolidado) quando colaboramos com os/as nossos/as coleg...
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Sounds are important sensory cues for food perception and acceptance. We developed and validated a large-scale database of kitchen and food sounds (180 stimuli) capturing different stages of preparing, cooking, serving, and/or consuming foods and beverages and sounds of packaging, kitchen utensils, and appliances. Each sound was evaluated across ni...
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The presence of music while eating can influence how foods are perceived. One line of inquiry has focused on the potential of music to evoke taste-related associations (such as perceiving a song as “sweet”) to enhance the perception of congruent taste/flavor attributes in foods. However, music is also an expression of emotion, and its influence on...
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Recent research has demonstrated that audition can shape the perception of foods/drinks. In this context, the concept of sonic seasoning has been put forward as the way by which sounds may be deliberately selected to be congruent with specific taste/flavor sensations and, consequently, modify their salience in the sensory matrix of foods/drinks. In...
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OBJECTIVE: Shifting from meat-centric to plant-rich diets may help to enable healthier and more sustainable food systems. Here we present the results of a 1-week intervention to promote plant-based eating in a meat-centric food context (i.e. canteen). DESIGN: The intervention included environmental restructuring strategies (e.g. promotional materi...
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Previous research suggests that people reliably associate sounds and tastes. One important and often-cited implication of these crossmodal correspondences is the modulatory effect of sound on taste perception. In contrast, the potential impact of gustatory sensations on auditory perception has received less empirical attention. This paper presents...
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Previous research has shown that music can influence taste perception. While most studies to date have focused on taste intensity ratings, less is known about the influence of musical stimuli on other parameters of taste function. In this within-subjects experiment (N = 73), we tested the effects of three sound conditions (High Sweetness soundtrack...
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Collective meal contexts such as restaurants, cafeterias and canteens can help accelerate transitions to healthier and more sustainable diets. However, evidence from intervention studies on these contexts lacks integration. This scoping review aimed to map determinants of dietary change in collective meal contexts across multiple settings, interven...
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Taste perception results from integrating all the senses. In the case of audition, research shows that people can associate certain auditory parameters (e.g., pitch) with basic tastes. Likewise, the surrounding sonic environment (e.g., noise, music) may influence individuals’ evaluation of the taste attributes of foods and drinks. This paper presen...
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Global environmental and public health challenges related to current food systems call for large-scale shifts towards increasingly plant-based diets, especially in Western meat-centric societies. School meal systems can play a role in these changes due to their widespread prevalence and multi-sectoral impact. However, there is a lack of evidence ab...
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Evidence consistently shows that men (compared to women) tend to be more attached to meat consumption, less willing to follow plant-based diets, and overall more likely to express defensiveness toward plant-based eating. This study expands knowledge on the meat-masculinity link, by examining whether negative affect toward plant-based eating helps e...
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Current food systems face immediate and complex challenges in feeding a growing global population. It is necessary to mitigate the environmental impact of food systems while ensuring food security across the globe. Drawing on the example of recent multi-sectoral approaches which focus on the interconnections between public health and the environmen...
Reducing sugar intake is an important nutritional goal in most developed countries. Despite the health consequences of excessive sugar consumption (e.g., non-communicable diseases), individuals are often reluctant to shift dietary habits due to the high hedonic appeal of sugar-rich products. Manipulating the intrinsic sensory attributes of foods (s...
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Este conjunto de ferramentas, do inglês “toolkit”, destina-se aos intervenientes de espaços de restauração coletiva que pretendam desenvolver e implementar um plano de transição para uma alimentação mais saudável e sustentável nos seus contextos de refeição – com foco em refeições equilibradas de maior base vegetal.
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The purpose of this chapter is to outline a framework of values for Giftedness and Talent Education (GTE). We begin by discussing the functions of education and the issue of purpose in educating the gifted and talented. We then address the meaning of values and their role in guiding research and practice. Our discussion is centered around five pair...
Music is a ubiquitous stimulus known to influence human affect, cognition, and behavior. In the context of eating behavior, music has been associated with food choice, intake and, more recently, taste perception. In the latter case, the literature has reported consistent patterns of association between auditory and gustatory attributes, suggesting...
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PURPOSE: Recent reviews and reports have highlighted the need for integrated, context-specific efforts to enable sustainable food transitions. This study aimed to identify pathways to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly food practices in school contexts, with a focus on increased plant-based eating. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The...
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in severe, unprecedented changes affecting the world population. Restrictions in mobility, social distancing measures, and the persistent social alarm, during the first period of pandemic, resulted in dramatic lifestyle changes and affected physical and psychological wellbeing on a global scale. An international resea...
Conference Paper
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Traditional food is an important element of cultural heritage and is gaining interest as tourism attraction. Moreover, it is based on the use of regional products, valorising seasonality and making it of interest for local economy and sustainability. Alentejo cuisine is national and internationally recognized, but different opinions are frequently...
Restaurant menus have been shown to be important communicating and selling tools. In this online experimental study, we focused on the role of descriptive menus in influencing food choice and shap-ing customers’ perception of a traditional restaurant. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two menu conditions. In the intervention menu, five...
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Em virtude de uma história vincada pela tradição psicométrica e por uma conceptualização eminentemente intelectual, a avaliação da sobredotação permanece, aos dias de hoje, fortemente dependente da utilização de um conjunto relativamente restrito de provas cognitivas. No terreno clínico e educacional, por outro lado, as necessidades de tomada de de...
Food preferences play a major role in food choices and consequent dietary habits. It is known that foods are associated to emotions and positive emotions are frequently associated to preference and intake, whereas negative emotions result in rejection. However, one food item is associated to certain emotions by some persons and to different emotion...
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Após décadas de investigação e intervenção na área das altas capacidades, a eficácia na identificação de crianças e jovens com estas características permanece comprometida. Se por um lado, se colocam entraves de natureza teórica, com uma persistente dissidência conceptual, por outro, a insuficiente disseminação do conhecimento acumulado consente a...
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The DSM-5 proposes a model of conceptualizing personality disorders in which they are characterized by impairments in personality functioning and maladaptive personality traits. The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) is a self-report measure that assesses the presence and severity of the maladaptive personality traits. There is a long form of...
The DSM-5 Section III proposes a hybrid dimensional-categorical model of conceptualizing personality and its disorders that includes assessment of impairments in personality functioning (criterion A) and maladaptive personality traits (criterion B). The Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 is a new dimensional tool, composed of 220 items organized i...
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O presente trabalho divide-se em duas unidades fundamentais. A primeira detém-se sobre o estado atual da ciência da emoção e os desafios epistemológicos, teóricos e metodológicos que a investigação enfrenta. Na segunda parte do trabalho, introduz-se o constructo de complexidade emocional e apresenta-se o estudo de conceção e validação de uma escala...
Conference Paper
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Resumo A Psicologia das Emoções é herdeira de um longo debate sobre a natureza do seu objeto de análise. Em virtude das diferentes tentativas de delimitar e definir emoção, desenvolveram-se diferentes linhas teóricas, apartadas por diferendos aparentemente irresolúveis e sustentadas em dicotomias que, por definição, assumem a divisão do todo em con...
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resumo: As emoções são frequentemente entendidas como fazendo parte da experiência quotidiana, uma vez que são indissociáveis do processamento cognitivo. Nos últimos anos, a ideia de que a experiência emocional não é preformada mas descoberta durante o ato de expressão permitiu à emoção emancipar-se do seu papel de catalisadora do processo criativo...
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As emoções são frequentemente entendidas como fazendo parte da experiência quotidiana, uma vez que são indissociáveis do processamento cognitivo. Nos últimos anos, a ideia de que a experiência emocional não é preformada mas descoberta durante o ato de expressão permitiu à emoção emancipar-se do seu papel de catalisadora do processo criativo para co...


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