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Publications (130)
The privatization of education is a controversial process. It is recommended by a broad spectrum of actors and generates sometimes strong opposition as its presupposed benefits have not been empirically and rigorously tested globally (Verger et al., 2016, p. 3). Nevertheless, the privatization of Education is now a global phenomenon which is consta...
In the global landscape of privatization of education, the Education Priority Areas are among the common targets of neoliberal policies. Within the European Union, France is one of the last countries to tackle the reform of priority education and its scheduled disappearance. Until 2019, the neoliberal attacks on priority education have been low int...
Cet article interroge la portée stratégique du laboratoire perpignanais du Rassemblement national au regard de la vague RN aux élections présidentielles et aux législatives dans l’ancien Languedoc-Roussillon. Nous partons de l’hypothèse formulée par E. Négrier et J. Audemard que, dans l’ex-Languedoc-Roussillon, la stratégie du RN consiste désormais...
Cet article dresse un panorama inédit diachronique et international du champ de la géographie de l’éducation. Il souligne le rapport tardif, complexe et incomplet que les géographes entretiennent avec l’éducation. La géographie de l’éducation naît dans les années 1960-1970 de façon échelonnée et relativement cloisonnée en France et en Allemagne, pu...
In this paper, I explore the dynamics of an educational reform aimed at transforming individual and collective attitudes towards school among Gypsy/Roma families living in urban spaces of advanced social marginality. In Perpignan, Gypsy/Roma people are highly marginalized, living in a deprived urban environment (violence, unemployment, poor housing...
L’éducation est une thématique encore peu investie par les géographes alors qu’elle figure au cœur de nombre d’enjeux contemporains dont la mondialisation. Le propos de cet article consiste à interroger les rapports qui unissent éducation et espaces au travers des processus concomitants de mondialisation et de privatisation des questions éducatives...
Le succès électoral de Louis Aliot aux municipales de 2020 à Perpignan fait figure d’exception en raison de la taille de la ville, de la personnalité du candidat élu et des singularités de Perpignan. Régulièrement classée comme l’une des villes les plus pauvres de France métropolitaine, marquée par d’importantes tensions sociales et par une ethnici...
Cet article explore les façons dont une parentalité gitane inédite s’exprime au sein d’un quartier gitan de Perpignan. Il s’agit de comprendre en quoi le rapport à l’espace joue un rôle moteur dans les formes émergentes de parentalité chez les jeunes couples. Le quartier choisi, Saint-Jacques, lieu emblématique de la communauté gitane de la ville,...
During the last decade, the emergence of urban social movements such as the Occupy Wall Street, the Indignados, and Taksim Park protests nurtured an important literature in social sciences (Nichols 2009; Castaneda 2012; Fahmi 2009). These contributions emphasize the role of networked social movements and the emergence of hybrid spaces based on larg...
The purpose of this paper is to question evolutionary relationships between schools and its spaces, regarding major French decentralisation policies in education and spatial planning. Behind the watchword territoire, one can find complex strategies, practices, ideologies and policies for the “local” to adapt to paradoxical injunctions. After discus...
El text proposa una visió dels espais transfronterers des de la perspectiva dels soft spaces —espais tous— en relació amb el planejament territorial. Amb aquesta s’aconsegueix una interpretació molt més ajustada del que són en realitat les àrees transfrontereres així com de les dinàmiques que s’hi produeixen. D’altra banda, l’article fa un repàs de...
This article debates on the changing geographies of higher education and research crossborder cooperation by providing a critical analysis of academic cross-border cooperation in the European Union. We examine the role of higher education and research institutions within the multi-scalar and multi-actor context of cross-border cooperation in the Eu...
Article disponible en ligne : http://www.revue-urbanites.fr/les-villes-americaines-obama-et-lecole-neoliberalisation-et-marchandisation-des-districts-scolaires-urbains/
Celebrated as “Montpellier the gifted” and “the most creative French city”, Montpellier is a paradoxical ordinary city. Ranked second in the country for population growth and first for attracting knowledge workers, Montpellier is also one of the French poorest cities in which unemployment and social inequalities reach high levels. Much more than a...
We examine two academic traditions that address the nature-society interface. These traditions are organized around two main concepts: social-ecological system and territoire. These traditions have grown independently and are rooted respectively in ecology and social geography. We show that they have much in common: Both come with a systemic view o...
Si depuis les années 1960, l'école et les questions éducatives fonctionnaient aux Etats-Unis comme un levier des politiques urbaines de déségrégation, depuis 2001-et le tournant néolibéral pris par l'administration Bush-, les réformes en cours visent moins à la déségrégation qu'à l'adoption de normes managériales et éducatives avec pour horizon la...
New masters of the South? Decline of geopolitical systems and recomposing of electoral landscape in Beziers and Perpignan
The political breakthrough of extreme right parties in Béziers and Perpignan at municipal elections in March 2014 has been the result of process to work for several decades. Behind the push of the extreme right one can read in f...
The political breakthrough of extreme right parties in Béziers and Perpignan at municipal elections in March 2014 has been the result of process to work for several decades. Behind the push of the extreme right one can read in filigree the decline of local geopolitical systems, which dominated these cities, and a recomposing of political and electo...
La rénovation urbaine concrétise depuis une dizaine d’années l’ambition de transformer les quartiers d’habitat social avec de nouvelles modalités d’intervention. Elle vise la production de formes architecturales et urbaines moins denses, pour accueillir des ménages aux profils socio professionnels diversifiés et assurer la mixité sociale dans les q...
Urban citizenship as a means for understanding urban changes?
Urban citizenship is given considerable coverage in the scientific literature on the city. In a context of globalization, crisis of politics, ethno-racial diversification of urban areas, urban citizenship – as an alternative to nation state citizenship- is founded on a revised relationsh...
Toward a center city/surburbs reversal in the United States?
For the first time since 1928, annual data from the US Census Bureau show higher rates of growth in urban spaces than in suburbs. Many urban theorists analyze these changes as an inevitable metropolitan reversal characterized by the end of urban sprawl, a generalized decline of suburbs an...
Urban citizenship is given considerable coverage in the scientific literature on the city. In a context of globalization, crisis of politics, ethno-racial diversification of urban areas, urban citizenship - as an alternative to nation state citizenship- is founded on a revised relationship to urban spaces. Urban citizenship is foremost in public ac...
La pauvreté est indissociable en Amérique du Nord de la constitution des deux nations américaines et mexicaines, contrairement au Canada où elle occupe une place moins marquée dans l'histoire comme dans la géographie du pays. Le chapitre analyse les évolutions récentes et les dynamiques actuelles de la pauvreté dans ces trois sur le plan économique...
This chapter discusses how social geography methodology and concepts can be used in helping local and marginalized communities to address urban issues. It focuses on a participatory research lead from 2006 to 2008 in a mostly deprived gipsy neighbourhood in Perpignan, in southern France.
Dealing with social issues in the US has for over forty years rested on excessive resort to midlevels of political power and local arenas as the preferred basis of commercialized public services, whose merchandization resulted from the exigencies of global metacapitalism. Current reforms aim at establishing an institutional order carrying neocapita...
Kept out of the French/Spanish cooperation, the Catalan cross-border space hosts many changes. The creation of a eurodistrict intends to make easier the emergence of a new cross-border local space in a region known for its dissemmetry. Based on the analysis of rhetoric and representations, this paper investigates the imaging values of this cross-bo...
Texte intégral accessible sur : http://tem.revues.org/1285
Recent US Census data show a new Hispanic wave overflowing from the South and Southwest states, characterized by a complex sprawling form operating at different scales (State, metropolitan, local). The purpose of this paper is to question the processes at work. The sprawl figure helps to understand new modes of housing, from a far different stance...
Recent US Census data show a new Hispanic wave overflowing from the South and Southwest states, characterized by a complex sprawling form operating at different scales (State, metropolitan, local). The purpose of this paper is to question the processes at work. The sprawl figure helps to understand new modes of housing, from a far different stance...
Kept out of the French/Spanish cooperation, the Catalan cross-border space hosts many changes. The creation of a eurodistrict intends to make easier the emergence of a new cross-border local space in a region known for its dissemmetry. Based on the analysis of rhetoric and representations, this paper investigates the imaging values of this cross-bo...