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David Giauque (david.giauque@unil.ch) is Full Professor at the University of Lausanne. He is a member of the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), and heads the Human Resources Management Unit. His current research interests include high-performance HR practices, human resources management in the public sector, New Ways of Working and their impacts on individual wellbeing and organizational performance, AI and HR practices,sociology of organizations and public administrations.
Additional affiliations
September 1999 - May 2003
September 1995 - July 1997
September 1991 - July 1994
Publications (116)
Although stress has been a longstanding issue in organizations and management studies, it has never been studied in relation to Public Service Motivation. This article therefore aims to integrate PSM into the job demands–job resources model of stress to determine whether PSM might contribute to stress in public organizations. Drawing on original da...
Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. This article argues that the theoretical construct of PSM should be contextualized by integrating...
This article aims to determine the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on public service motivation (PSM) and organizational performance. Based on a survey of Swiss cantonal public employees (N = 3,131), this study shows that several HRM practices may be considered as organizational antecedents of PSM and strong predictors of percei...
This article sets out to question the impact of new public management (npm) reforms on the functioning of public organizations. This investigation uses the concept of organizational regulation as a basis. We assume that the introduction of npm principles and tools results in the constitution of a new type of regulation that we refer to as ‘liberal...
This study aimed to identify work-related factors contributing to perceived stress (SP) among employees at a large Swiss university hospital and to determine if these factors also affect employees’ willingness to recommend their employer (WRE). Utilizing the Job Demands-Resources framework, this research involved a survey of over 13,000 employees,...
Les principes et outils de la nouvelle gestion publique (NGP) ont-ils laissé la place à d’autres orientations managériales, se sont-ils transformés ? Quelle direction ont pris les mouvements de modernisation des organisations publiques depuis l’avènement de la NGP ? Ce sont deux des questions auxquelles cet article entend répondre. En relevant le d...
During the COVID-19 crisis, organizations had to demonstrate organizational resilience (OR) to continue to carry out their missions. We conducted qualitative research to identify the factors that contributed to the OR of police and penitentiary institutions in French-speaking Switzerland, in terms of their operations and management. The modes of ac...
The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics provides a comprehensive analysis of the many different facets of the Swiss political system and of the major developments in modern Swiss politics. Its breadth offers analyses relevant not only to political science but also to international relations, European studies, history, sociology, law, and economics. T...
Ce chapitre vise à mieux comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles la féminisation du corps des agents de détention est compliquée. Cette réflexion s'inscrit dans le cadre de la réalisation d'une recherche-action au sein d'établissements pénitentiaires de Suisse (partie francophone). Un certain nombre de facteurs institutionnels, organisationnels, lié...
The diffusion of New Ways of Working (NWW) is an important trend in contemporary
organizations. Many related empirical studies have been produced, but none have focused on differences in employees’ perceptions of the opportunity to use NWW according to organization sector (private, semi-public, public). This study, based on neo institutionalism and...
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour ESKA. Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour ESKA. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement....
The diffusion of New Ways of Working (NWW) is an important trend in contemporary organi-zations. Many related empirical studies have been produced, but none have focused on differences in employees’ perceptions of the opportunity to use NWW according to organization sector (pri-vate, semi-public, public). This study, based on neoinstituionalism and...
Plus de deux ans après la première crise Covid-19, il nous a sem-blé utile de revenir sur les tensions liées au déploiement du télé-travail, mais aussi avec l'installation durable d'un nouvel envi-ronnement de travail hybride, nécessitant de jongler entre périodes de présentiel et de distanciel. Nous présentons une liste de ces tensions managériale...
Travailler en mode hybride et impacts sur les managers et les salariés La pandémie de COVID-19 a conduit à une mutation aussi rapide que profonde des conditions de travail dans notre pays. Cette situation est exceptionnelle et tout simplement unique du fait de son ampleur et sa rapidité. Ainsi, la part des travailleurs helvétiques pratiquant le tél...
Un chapitre proposant un aperçu de l'administration fédérale suisse, de l'évolution récente de ses frontières, des réformes administratives entreprises, y compris à l'aune des évolutions internationales en la matière, des principaux organes constituant l'administration fédérale et des récentes transformations intervenues en matière d'instrumentatio...
La gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) a pour objectif principal de réguler les collectifs de travail. Autrement dit, d’assurer la coordination des salarié·e·s, mais aussi de définir les conditions organisationnelles en vue de faciliter leur coopération. De nos jours, les pressions politiques, budgétaires et financières contribuent à rendre omnip...
At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Swiss federal government implemented a lockdown that prompted a majority of private and public organizations to implement teleworking solutions for their employees. This study aimed to examine the impact of work modalities, job-related, relational, and organizational climate variables on employees’ engage...
In this chapter, we aim to define the job demands-resources (JD-R) model and to present the main research findings in relation to public sector organizations. After describing the two main processes (work engagement process vs. health impairment process), we underline the proximity of the JD-R model with other theoretical constructs. Then, we prese...
This chapter summarizes the objectives, the approach undertaken, and the results related to action research carried out in correctional institutions in a Swiss canton. The aim was to identify organizational, managerial, and individual measures to feminize the profession of prison officer. After conducting about 50 semi-directed interviews with seni...
A new research stream emerged in the 2000s dedicated to flexible work arrangements in public and private organizations, called “new ways of working” (NWW). This article aims to examine NWW from both a theoretical and empirical perspective, focusing on definitional issues as well as on HR outcomes of this new concept. Current definitions of NWW are...
This chapter deals with an important issue in every public organization: employees’ well-being, which the academic literature consistently relates to organizational performance. After addressing the definition of well-being, the chapter presents the two main theoretical lenses through which well-being is considered: the job demands–resources (JD–R)...
A new research stream emerged in the 2000s dedicated to flexible work arrangements in public and private organizations, called “new ways of working” (NWW). This article aims to examine NWW from both a theoretical and empirical perspective, focusing on outcomes of this new concept and the debate between “mutual gains” vs. “conflicting outcomes.” Thr...
In recent decades, some governments (e.g. Canada, the UK, Australia) have imposed far-reaching professionalisation processes on national sport federations (NSFs), while others (e.g. Switzerland) have made only minor impositions and relied more on NSFs to self-regulate. As governments must decide on the extent to which sport policy imposes profes-si...
Cet article synthétise, en français, les récentes recherches portant sur le concept de motivation à l'égard du service public et souligne les principaux résultats concernant les antécédents et les effets d'un tel type de motivation. Une réflexion est également proposée pour l'application d'une telle idée au contexte scolaire.
Dans le monde du travail, pour un nombre grandissant de travailleuses et de travailleurs, le vécu professionnel est insatisfaisant et génère stress, mal-être et même burnout. En cause: des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) contestables et une pression à la performance difficilement soutenable. Cette évolution est-elle inéluctable?...
La presse professionnelle se fait régulièrement l’écho de paradoxes qui traversent le management dans le secteur public. Les paradoxes apparaissent au coeur des problématiques des managers, comme une des formes centrales de management de ces structures. Peu de travaux de recherche ont porté sur l’analyse des paradoxes
dans les organisations publiqu...
Ce chapitre souligne les paradoxes qui peuvent émerger d'un nouveau type de gouvernance qui est en train de se développer actuellement dans les pays de l'OCDE: la gouvernance à distance ou par les indicateurs. En effet, l'hyper spécialisation administrative, la présence de silos administratifs, le cloisonnement des politiques publiques incitent les...
This paper illustrates a contribution of ergonomics to the evaluation of a public policy. We measured the outcomes of a psychosocial risk inspection campaign, and identified inspectors’ work practices in this field. Inspection visits positively affected the management of health and safety, employers’ competencies in psychosocial issues and their wi...
Workplace responses to labour inspectorate interventions regarding psychosocial risks at work are not well known. This study aimed to assess the effects of inspection visits at company level. A survey was conducted in two groups of companies. In one group, companies were visited by a labour inspector some days after the survey, and in the other gro...
In this study, we present a review of public agents’ job satisfaction in Africa between 1990 and 2014. Using the systematic review methodology, we analyse and put in perspective 22 English and French publications on this subject. Results suggest that work environment attributes are the most important antecedents of job satisfaction among African pu...
The purpose of this paper is to identify types of professionalization in Swiss national sport federations (NSFs) and analyze organizational characteristics associated with specific types of professionalization. Such types reveal common patterns among the increasingly complex organizational designs of NSFs and thus contribute to the underst...
This article applies social exchange theory to investigate the relationships between work opportunities and organizational commitment in four United Nations agencies. It demonstrates that international civil servants who are satisfied with their altruistic, social, and extrinsic work opportunities are more likely to declare high levels of organizat...
L’article porte sur les pratiques mises en oeuvre pour prévenir les risques psychosociaux (RPS) dans les entreprises. Selon les connaissances scientifiques actuelles, réduire ces risques requiert une approche intégrée qui vise à développer les ressources collectives et individuelles des travailleurs, ainsi qu’à réduire leurs contraintes professionn...
Aim and design: This study explores causes for professionalization in Swiss national sport federations (NSFs). We conducted a multiple-case study employing a qualitative approach with interviews and documents from seven NSFs. A three-level framework guided the analysis in distinguishing NSF endogenous causes, and causes in their external and intern...
Research question: This study examines the conditions and configurations that particularly influence International Federations’ (IFs) commercialisation.
Research method: Crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA) is used to determine the conditions that are related to an IFs’ commercialisation. Sixteen interviews were conducted in six Olymp...
In a changing and complex environment, international sport federations (IFs) have to face new challenges. These challenges can trigger or hinder IFs’ professionalization processes. While researchers have examined organizational change and professionalization of national sport federations (NFs) and clubs, studies on IFs are rare. Considering profess...
Objectives: Little research exists on workplace responses to labour inspectorate interventions regarding psychosocial risks at work (PSRs). The study aimed at evaluating the outcomes of a 4-year enforcement action in Switzerland. Methods: The study relied on a quasi-experimental design using structured telephone interviews with the person “who best...
Le stress est le principal risque psychosocial, mais il en existe bien d’autres. De nombreuses PME et TPE manquent encore de connaissances sur les moyens d’y faire face et sur les responsabilités dans ce domaine. Une recherche doit permettre d’évaluer l’impact des actions de prévention par les inspecteurs du travail.
Stress ist das wichtigste, aber nicht das einzige psychosoziale Risiko am Arbeitsplatz. Viele KMU und Kleinstunternehmen verfügen noch nicht über die nötigen Kenntnisse, um dieser Verantwortung nachzukommen. Eine Studie soll die Wirkung einer entsprechenden Präventionskampagne der Arbeitsinspektorate messen.
Little research exists on the effectiveness of workplace visits by labour inspectors in relation to psychosocial risks. The study aimed to produce a consistent and transferable evidence-based framework.
We conducted a systematic literature review using the realist synthesis approach. Searches in three electronic databases, sys...
This study investigates whether work opportunities have an impact on stress and the related turnover intentions of employees working in intergovernmental international organizations. It contextualizes the job resources and demands model within international organizations’ specific work conditions. The empirical test is based on original data from a...
Purpose: This study aims to identify social and organizational antecedents of stress. This paper also investigates whether attitudes toward organizational changes and reforms might explain stress perception and mediate the relationships between social and organizational job characteristics and stress perception.
Design/methodology/approach: A quant...
Little research exists on the effectiveness of workplace visits by labour inspectors in relation with psychosocial risk. We conducted a systematic literature review grounded in a realist approach, in order to highlight the factors influencing inspection outcomes. It yielded a programme theory relating public intervention measures, mechanisms of act...
Das Praxishandbuch ermöglicht Personen mit Führungs- und Managementfunktionen in den öffentlichen Verwaltungen einen raschen Zugang zu den zentralen Führungsfragen und enthält praktische Anleitungen zur Bewältigung von Managementproblemen. 50 Wissenschafter mit professionellem beruflichen Hintergrund haben die vorliegenden Inhalte entsprechend den...
Existing research on sport organizations is imprecise in the use of the concept of 'professionalization’. Furthermore, we do not know if analytical concepts of professionalization correspond with the understanding in practice. This study explores the perceptions of practitioners and proposes a framework to analyse professionalization in national sp...
Cette étude décrit l’état de la recherche sur la satisfaction au travail dans les administrations publiques en Afrique entre 1990 et 2014. Utilisant la méthodologie de la revue systématique, 22 publications anglophones et francophones sur le sujet sont analysées et mises en perspective. Les résultats montrent que les caractéristiques liées à l’envi...
Au coeur d’un environnement en transformation profonde et rapide, l’administration contemporaine ne cesse de se réinventer depuis plus de trente ans. Les nombreux programmes de réformes, nécessaires pour la plupart d’entre eux, n’ont cependant pas toujours abouti aux résultats escomptés. Parmi les causes essentielles : une vision par trop technocra...
Research question: International and national sport federations as well as their
member organisations are key actors within the sport system and have a wide
range of relationships outside the sport system (e.g. with the state, sponsors, and
the media). They are currently facing major challenges such as growing
competition in top-level sports, democ...
This study aims at identifying the organisational antecedents of
public service motivation (PSM). It focuses on human resources management
(HRM) practices as one category of organisational factors that impact on PSM.
Concretely, this research questions how intrinsic and extrinsic HRM practices
are related to PSM and whether these relationships are...
Positive attitudes toward change (PATC) are an important current issue in public organizations facing profound financial and managerial reforms. This study aims to identify social and organizational antecedents of PATC. The investigated population is composed of middle managers working in Swiss public hospitals (N = 720), which are currently being...
Cet article porte sur les tiraillements identitaires des cadres intermédiaires des hôpitaux romands. Face à des réformes hospitalières nombreuses et de grande ampleur, les cadres intermédiaires sont contraints d’endosser un rôle managérial remettant en cause leur attachement à leur groupe professionnel d’origine. De multiples tensions professionnel...
This article analyzes whether and to what extent the policy environment of civil servants has an impact on their level of Public Service Motivation (PSM). It hypothesizes that public employees working in different policy domains and stages of the policy cycle are diversely motivated by four PSM orientations (Compassion, Commitment to the public int...
The slow transformation of Swiss federal administrative elites
This article sets out to study the profile of Swiss administrative elites at federal level by showing how their profile has evolved in the light of what has come to be known as the wave of New Public Management (NPM), which has benefited from a very fertile ground in Switzerland. These...
This article sets out to study the profile of Swiss administrative elites at federal level by showing how their profile has evolved in the light of what has come to be known as the wave of New Public Management (NPM), which has benefited from a very fertile ground in Switzerland. These elites correspond to a specific institutional order, in relatio...
This article tests different P-E (person-environment) fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussio...
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour I.I.S.A.. © I.I.S.A.. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissem...
Stress, suicide au travail, harcèlement, mal-être, épuisement professionnel… Les mots pour dire les maux du travail ont envahi le discours médiatique et politique, mais aussi la vie quotidienne des organisations publiques et privées. Pourtant, derrière chacun de ces mots d’allure parfois simple se cachent des partis pris théoriques qui gênent la bo...
After decades of management reforms in the public sector, questions on the impact of leadership behavior in public organizations have been attracting increasing attention. This article investigates the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and organizational citizenship behavior as one major extra-role outcome of transformationa...
Le management stratégique est devenu un outil de gestion presque incontournable dans les organisations publiques, notamment du fait de la généralisation de la contractualisation et de gouvernance à distance. Bien sûr, gérer sur la base d’une stratégie afin d’atteindre des objectifs précis paraît fort raisonnable. Cependant, l’étude du fonctionnemen...
L’article vise à identifier les déterminants du stress et de la satisfaction au travail parmi
une population de cadres intermédiaires exerçant dans des établissements hospitaliers de
Suisse romande. Il vise également à combler un vide dans les études sur les administrations
publiques suisses : mieux saisir, au moyen d’une enquête par questionnaires...
This article focuses on middle managers working in hospitals in western Switzerland. We propose a double reading regarding this population: first, the evolution of their professional identity, and, secondly, the impact of managerial and organizational changes on middle managers, more specifically on their well-being. We emphasize that contemporary...
This article examines the relationship between red tape, Public Service Motivation (PSM) and a particular work outcome labelled ‘resigned satisfaction’. Using data from a national survey of over 3754 public servants working at the municipal level in Switzerland, this study shows the importance of looking more closely at the concept of work satisfac...
Putting public service motivation into context: a balance between universalism and particularism
Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. T...
Zusammenfassung Existiert die Public Service Motivation (PSM) in den öffentlichen Organisationen der Schweiz? Welches sind deren Ursachen? Ist das Konzept der PSM ein entscheidender Mechanismus für das Verständnis der Motivation im öffentlichen Sektor? Der Artikel behandelt diese drei Fragenstellungen, dies basierend auf einer Mitarbeiterumfrage in...
This article analyzes if, and to what extent, the public service motivation (PSM) construct has an added value to explain work motivation in the public sector. In order to address the specificity of PSM when studying work motivation, the theoretical model underlying this empirical study compares PSM with two other explanatory factors: material ince...
This paper explores the effects of human resource management (HRM) practices in Swiss small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). More specifically, the main objective of this study is to assess the impacts of HRM practices developed in Swiss SMEs upon the commitment of knowledge workers. Using data from a survey of over 198 knowledge workers, this study s...
New public management : abolishing bureaucracy only to bring it back again
New public management (abbreviated in French as NGP) is a reforming move-ment which aims to rationalise the functioning of public administration. However, little attention has been paid to the unexpected consequences, though a number of experts have shown that the facts real...
On the basis of three case studies, the authors attempt to identify changes in relationships between politicians and senior civil servants. Reforms inspired by ‘New Public Management’ (NPM) have been implemented with the aim of creating a clearer separation between strategic activities entrusted to politicians, and the operational or managerial tas...
Modernization routes and relations between political and administrative spheres in Switzerland
On the basis of three case studies, the authors attempt to identify changes in relationships between politicians and senior civil servants. Reforms inspired by ‘New Public Management’ (NPM) have been implemented with the aim of creating a clearer separati...