David Garcia Cantalapiedra

David Garcia Cantalapiedra
Complutense University of Madrid | UCM · Departmento de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia Global

PhD, Political Sciences
Strategic Studies, US Foreign Policy, Indo-Pacific


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David Garcia Cantalapiedra currently works at the Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales Complutense University of Madrid. He is Co-Director, Complutense Group on International and Strategic Studies. Currently, he participates in a 2021-24 National R&D project on Organized Crime.
Additional affiliations
September 2016 - present
Complutense University of Madrid
  • Professor (Associate)- US Foreign Policy, Master on North American Studies
September 2014 - September 2018
Escuela Superior de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Joint Staff Course.
March 2009 - March 2009
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  • Analyst
  • Transatlantic team to review NATO AF strategy
September 1991 - September 1993
Amsterdam University; UAH
Field of study
  • European Law and Instituttions
September 1986 - June 1991
Complutense University of Madrid
Field of study
  • Political Sciences


Publications (98)
This book analyzes the limitations in the Europeanization of Spanish security and defense policy. For various reasons, Spain has maintained an amalgamated security system based on agreements with NATO, the EU and the US. This combination has produced a dysfunctional system, as it is not truly able to address some of the country’s vital security int...
A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad la violencia ha estado muy presente, desempeñando un destacado papel en la esfera de la política y lo político. En consecuencia, no es de extrañar que se la identifique como uno de los principales riesgos para la paz y la estabilidad mundiales, de socavar el Estado de Derecho y de generar graves y negativos...
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The decline of the multilateral liberal international order, in which the EU felt comfortable and dominant in practical and theoretical terms, imposing and disseminating its normative vision, paradoxically feeds the weaknesses of the EU´s position in the current and future scenarios: the problem of insecurity and the end of Western dominance over t...
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En el complejo entorno globalizado en el que nos encontramos, donde las fronteras se vuelven cada vez más rígidas y las interacciones económicas entre países se intensifican, la seguridad nacional e internacional adquiere una relevancia crucial. La necesidad de ahondar en el conocimiento en este ámbito se hace imperativa para comprender en profundi...
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Interacción de las grandes potencias en Asia Oriental (1): EEUU, la RPC e India Interacción de las grandes potencias en Asia Oriental (1): EEUU, la RPC e India Publicado originalmente en: Asia Oriental, la interdependencia como causa de conflicto Editado en septiembre de 2023 Resumen: El papel clave de Estados Unidos en la disputa sobre Taiwán es e...
Technical Report
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The key role of the United States in the dispute over Taiwan is the best example of the action of the powers in East Asia is essential for the region, first of all, because it is marked by the global geopolitics of our days: the strategic rivalry between China and United States. In it, the Americans are betting on alliances such as the AUKUS, the Q...
Technical Report
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Las elecciones al Congreso de EE. UU. (aunque también a gobernador en 36 estados) de este martes 8 de noviembre van a estar marcadas probablemente por una división y una competición por los escaños en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado como no se veía en años. Además, las elecciones se contemplan también como un referéndum sobre la Administrac...
Las elecciones de Estados Unidos siempre han generado interés en todo el mundo por sus repercusiones en la política internacional, y de un modo creciente en la última década. Sin embargo, sigue existiendo un desconocimiento generalizado sobre el sistema electoral estadounidense e incluso sobre su sistema político. Este capítulo explica cual es el o...
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NATO and the Greater Maghreb offers a distinctive focus and study of NATO’s future policy in North Africa and the Sahel after the new 2022 Strategic Concept, expected to be published during the next NATO Summit in Madrid. The book will use three main axes to frame the contributors’ analysis, which are not usually used together for analyzing NATO p...
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Documento Opinión *NOTA: Las ideas contenidas en los Documentos de Opinión son responsabilidad de sus autores, sin que reflejen necesariamente el pensamiento del IEEE o del Ministerio de Defensa. República Popular de China desde su fundación en 1949 siempre ha confiado, además de en las instituciones del estado, en una serie de mecanismos no tradic...
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Esglobal. 3 junio 2021. https://www.esglobal.org/terrorismo-en-africa-expansion-del-yihadismo-en-todo-el-continente/
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Dossier IPSI Europe-China Relations in 2021: Prospects and Constraints https://www.ispionline.it/it/pubblicazione/europe-china-relations-2021-prospects-and-constraints-29138
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In a declining liberal order within the context of great power competition, the European Union needs a more realist and geopolitical approach, including the creation of an EU capability of global projection to gain credibility and influence as a global actor. Thus, the centrality of the Indo-Pacific in this new scenario should motivate an “EU pivot...
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La Unión Europea y, en general, Occidente debe reconocer que la evolución del sistema internacional nos sitúa en el fin del orden internacional liberal multilateral tal y como lo conocíamos. Con el despliegue por parte de Rusia y, sobre todo, de la República Popular de China de un entorno estratégico que desarrolla el concepto de «Guerra ilimitada»...
Since Henry Kissinger argued that the gravity centre of the world affairs was moving from the Atlantic to Asia-Pacific, a strategic refocusing to a new main scenario has occurred: the Indo-Pacific. Four major power strategies come together: China Maritime Silk Road, India’s Act East Policy, the Pivot to Asia/ 2018 National Defense Strategy/Indo-Pac...
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El mantenimiento de MENA como marco principal para la política y estrategia de la Unión Europea para el norte de África y el Sahel ya no responde a las dinámicas de seguridad de la zona. Estas no solo muestran que este modelo está en declive, sino que prácticamente se diluye por la vía de los hechos. Está siendo sustituido por un complejo regional...
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El nuevo escenario estratégico ha sufrido un severo impacto debido a la pandemia de SARS-COV-2 que hará más compleja la dinámica del sistema internacional. La amenaza biológica no solo va a ser un problema de pandemia global y de seguridad humana sino que transciende esas consideraciones y va a pasar a formar parte de los parámetros del espacio de...
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The creation of "A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy” (often referred to as EU Global Strategy or EUGS), with a CSDP with a more defined role, opening a process for enhancing the effectiveness and strengthening of military capabilities and the European defense industry through an “Implementation Package”. No doubt...
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Toward a new security concept in a multi-domain space: complexity, war and cross-domain security Toward a new security concept in a multi-domain space: complexity, war and cross-domain security Abstract: Due to a transformative scenario in the Westphalian State system and the concept of War, influenced by hybrid threats and Unrestricted Warfare; th...
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En un escenario de transformación del Estado westfaliano y el concepto de la guerra, cada vez más influida por las amenazas híbridas y la guerra ilimitada; la integración de la seguridad interior y exterior, y un espacio de multidominio y competitivo, la concepción de la seguridad no parece ya la que se ha mantenido hasta ahora, sino buscando el ob...
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En el año 27 antes de Cristo, Octavio lleva a cabo una reforma constitucional en la República romana que permitió unir bajo una sola magistratura la auctoritas o saber reconocido socialmente y la potestas, cuya manifestación suprema era el imperium, convirtiéndose en Imperator Caesar Augustus. El Imperium era la potestad general que ejercían los có...
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ABOUT THIS BOOK This book represents a different approach in the study of the Sahel region in North Africa. Due to the hybrid security threats sweeping across the area, the whole region becomes a new security complex different from Middle East and more related to Western and Central Africa developments, including the impact of drug-trafficking comi...
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The new security space created by the different domains and their integration render obsolete the current security concepts. The Security Studies as a discipline, but also current political and strategic conceptions, have not developed any real alternative. Due to this situation, it is necessary and urgent to develop a new conception that responds...
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El fenómeno migratorio en España. Reflexiones desde el ámbito de la Seguridad Nacional.
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the EU holds a proactive trade agenda supporting the multilateral liberal international order the EU promotes this agenda through a set of administrative areas with several regional actors in Asia includes a roadmap for strengthening EU–ASEAN security cooperation. However, the impact of the 2008 recession and the whirlpools of the political crisis...
Anticipated already Hedley Bull at the end of the seventies in his seminal The Anarchic Society, the possible changes that could occur in the structure of the international system where States, that Wesfalian system, begin to lose their dominance: a progressive loss of sovereignty in favor of non-state actors, the occurrence of private violence and...
Dos factores estructurales han impactado de manera decisiva sobre el marco general de las relaciones transatlánticas durante la última década: la Gran Recesión de 2008 y el ascenso de Asia como centro de los asuntos mundiales, afectando severamente la postura estratégica en ambos lados del Atlántico. A pesar de converger sobre la mayoría de las cue...
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Con el ascenso de China, la Administración Trump se puede mover entre Primacía y OSB, pero también dentro del llamado Internacionalismo Independiente. Sin embargo, la cuestión más importante en este debate es probablemente si Estados Unidos va a abandonar los dos postulados básicos de su postura estratégica que se remontan a la Segunda Guerra Mundi...
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This article tries to present an appropriate redefinition of EU policy towards North Africa and the Sahel, both geographically and in strategic terms, as set forth in the new European Strategy (June 2016). The article compares the principles and the evolution of the European Security Strategy (2003) and the European Neighbourhood Policy with the ne...
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Decisión de la Corte Permante de Arbitraje sobre el caso Filipinas-RPC relatico a la Nine-dash Line. Impacto en la seguridad de la zona y Asia en general.
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The United States has been in a process of external rebalancing, strengthening its partnerships in priority areas such as Europe and Asia. The expectation is that, with a reduction of economic and budget problems, internal rebalancing options have increased. While reaffirming certain aspects of a Nixonian foreign policy, the factors most related to...
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2016 NATO Warsaw SUmmit results
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The 2014 US-PH Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, EDCA is a further step in the reaprochement between the United States and Philippines and in the US Pivot Strategy. The PRC posture on the South China Sea is pushing the countries in the area toward a Security Dilemma, favouring a chaing gang among these states and the United States.
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The United States has been in a process of external rebalancing, strengthening its partnerships in priority areas such as Europe and Asia. The expectation is that, with a reduction of economic and budget problems, internal rebalancing options have increased. While reaffirming certain aspects of a Nixonian foreign policy, the factors most related to...
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Los debates sobre los cambios en la estructura del sistema internacional, afectan no sólo al cambio de la posición de la relación transatlántica a nivel mundial, sino también su significado y contenido. En este contexto, la renovación de las relaciones transatlánticas lleva a reconocer los cambios en esta realidad que había sido negada por ambos la...
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The network created by undergoverned spaces, corruption, organized crime and terrorism is the threat that the EU and its member states faced in the Great Maghreb, which is recreating a new Southern Flank, different from that which existed during the Cold War. The increase in extremist activity in the Sahel-Sahara since 2005 has gone hand in hand wi...
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The Global Counterterrorism Forum was born in 2011 as a consultative forum for the fight against terrorism, using a distinctive approach to combat it based on a search for social strategies. It has been one of the most innovative pillars of the US counterterrorism policy review in its international facet from the cancellation of the GWOT in 2010. A...
Conference Paper
The impact of the 2008 Great Recession has been a key factor to understand the new 2013 Spanish National Security Strategy. The reduction of resources and a declining position in the EU and in the international scenario put Spanish governments in a difficult situation on security and defense alternatives. Although it sets a clear continuity with th...
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This book examines the evolution of Spanish foreign policy since 1975, through five different presidencies, spanning its transformation from a dictatorial political system and backward economy to a modern European state, fully democratic and with a well-functioning market economy, under strain from the Eurozone Sovereign Debt crisis. It explains ho...
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As a member of the International Community, Spain has transformed in ways that could barely have been envisaged back in the late 70s and the beginning of the Transition. Notwithstanding the objective data, the image of Spain and how Spain is perceived in the world depends on many factors and evolves over time. Undoubtedly, Peacekeeping Operations c...
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Resumen: El cambio climático es una realidad en la sociedad global. Como lo es su incidencia en los conceptos clave de seguridad humana e inseguridad alimentaria. El presente texto estudia sus efectos en la zona del Norte de África. A lo largo del mismo, son presentados los principales modelos de cambio climático referentes a la región mediterránea...
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The impact of the structure of the international system is a key feature to take into account when you address the problem to create a security strategy. The polarity of the international system and the systemic effects create for this feature are necessary mechanisms to understand the dynamic of the International System in order to create a correc...
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The book gathers a set of works related to transatlantic relations and the developing world from a multidisciplinary point of view to set a map of the relations of the United States, the Eu, and the so-called North-South relations.
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The general framework created by the Obama Administration for US foreign policy between 2009 and 2011 has changed the strategic vision to-ward South Eurasia and the Indian Ocean, creating some kind of“Greater South Asia” vision. Asia could be re-defined as a unity of destinies whose borders could be envisaged from the Middle East to the Pacific Oce...
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As the premier power of early modern Europe, Spain did much to perfect the art of statecraft. The lead state of the Hapsburg Empire lost in the end, but for 30 years during the great war of the seventeenth century, Spain managed to fend off all comers bent on displacing her from the apex of military capability in Europe.1 Observers living in the An...
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Resumen: este capítulo es una versión revisada y ampliada de una articulo de 2012. La Administración Obama se enfrenta también a un sistema internacional cambiante y al síndrome Irak, que puede ayudar o paralizar a EEUU en situaciones de crisis a la hora del uso de la fuerza. Consistente con su visión del sistema internacional y de su política exte...
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Reseña de "John F. Kennedy y Vietnam: la caída de Camelot" de Herrero, Rubén. UNISCI Discussion Papers, núm. 30, octubre, 2012, pp.
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Resumen: La Administración Obama, al igual que la Administración Nixon y las subsiguientes administraciones norteamericanas se tuvieron que enfrentar con un cambio profundo en la estructura del sistema internacional y al síndrome Vietnam, creando la política de Detente y aplicando la Doctrina Nixon, la Administración Obama se enfrenta también a un...
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Las relaciones hispano-norteamericanas han sufrido aparentemente grandes vaivenes en una etapa histórica clave en nuestra época reciente. Independientemente de las explicaciones basadas en las interpretaciones y afinidades ideológicas, se pude realizar un análisis realista de los intereses de España, las inclinaciones perdurables de la política ext...
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Spanish paradox: Spain might not find enough benefits in burden-sharing in NATO nuclear deterrence policy in the future if there is no response for Spanish vital interests. Spain would try to sustain its burden-sharing responsibilities in NATO but might be unable to defend its vital interests.
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El problema al que siempre se ha enfrentado Rusia ha sido su indefensión geográfica. Rusia no tiene ríos, océanos, pantanos, montañas y otros elementos naturales, que de verdad lo proteja. Para compensar estas vulnerabilidades, Rusia históricamente ha tenido que hacer dos cosas: consolidar la organización interna del Estado mientras purgaba las inf...
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Este artículo analiza la postura estratégica de los EEUU y de la RPC y su impacto en Asia. Aunque ambos estados mantienen una relación económica y estratégica vital, esto no ha reducido las tensiones de fondo en la zona, no sólo entre ambos países sino en las relaciones de la RPC con sus vecinos del norte y sur de Asia. Este progresivo cambio en la...
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This article deals with the role of NATO as a cornerstone of the Transatlantic Relationship, and its possible development as a regional or global organization. In this regard, NATO has launched the development of a new Strategic Concept and Transatlantic Relations are being redefined in an international context of loss of US hegemony. Obama's forei...
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This article is intended to offer “food for thought” in the debate about the future of NATO deterrence policy and the new Strategic Concept, from the point of view of a Non-Nuclear Weapons State (NNWS), focusing on the problems of burden-sharing and risk- and responsibility-sharing within the Atlantic Alliance. Because Spain may offer a useful illu...
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Afghanistan approached in 2009 a tipping point. Its stabilisation hangs in the balance. The strategy for Afghanistan which President Barack Obama presented in March 2009 and which was accepted by the allies at NATO’s StrasbourgKehl Summit in April –amounts to a step-change. However, it came a year too late. The 2008 Bucharest Summit could have agre...
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The Obama Administration will be conditioned by the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, not so much because of its policies but because of the complexity of current international security and the vital interests of the United States. Although there are no direct military adversaries in the US, there are growing threats, both functional and r...
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Cuando parecía que EE UU había dejado atrás el �síndrome de Vietnam�, surge de nuevo su fantasma reforzado por la vacilante voluntad europea ante operaciones militares que impliquen bajas. El buzkashi es el deporte nacional de Afganistán, aunque su origen probable sea Uzbekistán.
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En este trabajo analizaremos la importancia de la inteligencia en un tipo de conflicto asimétrico como es la contrainsurgencia, tomando como ejemplo la concepción estadounidense al uso de la misma, y tomando como referencia el caso de la invasión de Irak y las lecciones aprendidas en esta operación y en la Guerra Global al Terror (Global War on Ter...
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El debate sobre política exterior y seguridad nacional ha estado condicionado por la crisis financiera y el paquete de ayuda de 700.000 millones de dólares. Además, ha estado muy medido y reducido a temas muy concretos como Irak, Afganistán, Irán, Rusia y la posibilidad de otro 11 de septiembre. China, la alianza con Europa, la reforma de la ONU, l...
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The “Global War on Terror” has now become the “Long War”. Lessons learned in Afghanistan and Iraq and the evolution of GWOT have led Washington back to multilateral realism. Central Asia and Africa are good examples of the new policies that have developed the Greater Central Asia concept and created AFRICOM. However those adjustments will not chang...
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Resumen: Este artículo analiza el desarrollo por parte de EE.UU. de un sistema de defensa estratégica contra misiles balísticos (BMD), en el contexto de la crítica al concepto de disuasión nuclear tras la Guerra Fría y de la política de seguridad y defensa de la Administración Bush. En las conclusiones, se relacionan estas capacidades con la políti...
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Energía, terrorismo y grupos separatistas marcan la posición de EE UU y China en Asia Central.
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EEUU mantiene una gran superioridad espacial sobre Rusia y China. Ambos Estados, por su competición estratégica con EEUU y la búsqueda de un orden internacional multipolar, tratan de limitar estas capacidades, ya que son la base de la superioridad estratégica-militar norteamericana. Con este fin ambas potencias han planteado en la Conferencia de De...
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EEUU ha creado un mando regional para África, el AFRICOM, que responde a los cambios estratégicos del fin de la Guerra Fría y a las nuevas prioridades en los intereses globales y regionales de EEUU.
After two years traveling around Middle East, a Spanish academic research team delivered to the IUGM and the Spanish Ministry of Defese the conclusions about the effect of the Irak invasion on the area, European policy and Spanish policy. My chapterin this report explained the US policy toward the area, his rationale, Irak and the prospective for U...
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The real consequences of a change in the Irak policy and in the GWOT after the 2004 elections were not so clear, although different forms were expected due to the origin and development of the Bush Doctrine, the situation in Irak, the transatlantic relations and the structure of the international system.
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Northeast Asia was established as the center of the U.S. National Security Policy and U.S. Strategic Policy in the Asia-Pacific region before September 11 occurred. The 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review outlined an enhanced focus on Asia security even after its post 9/11 release. In fact, the U.S. policy responded to the following guidelines: • a U.S...
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After a short revision of changes in international system that affect transatlantic relations, this paper analyses the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the Transatlantic Relations, even if they are not expressly treated in it. We try to show that main innovations on CFSP and ESDP are able to improve the transatlantic link. Accordingly, a refusal to t...
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La Administración Bush creó en su segundo mandato una aproximación específica para el Cáucaso y Asia Central, con el concepto de “Gran Asia Central”. Ahora ha desarrollado un nuevo plan, un Road Map para recuperar su posición entre los Estados de Asia Central. Con la implicación de la OTAN en la zona y la dinámica de la situación en Pakistán y Afga...


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