David Florido

David Florido
University of Seville | US · Social Anthropology

Ph. D.


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The research activity has been deployed in two major thematic areas, in order of importance: (i) Anthropology of Fishing and Maritime (public maritime-fishing Policies, Fisheries Governance –special attention devoted to SSF; and (ii) maritime-fishing Heritage. It is characterized by transdisciplinarity (participating in projects with marine biologists, economists, and sociologists...), and by collaborating with environmental organizations interested in intervention projects in fisheries.
Additional affiliations
April 1997 - present
University of Seville
  • Lecturer


Publications (97)
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Los parques naturales se diseñaron para compatibilizar objetivos conservacionistas y de desarrollo local, y se han definido como laboratorios de participación social. Usando técnicas grupales (grupo focales) y participativas (talleres), ofrecemos las percepciones de actores sociales e institucionales de los Parques Naturales del Estrecho y Los Alco...
Explicaremos la ecología del atún como ente viviente (como especie en la perspectiva científica), y cómo esa ecología es interpretada y respondida prácticamente mediante los modos históricos de las almadrabas. Para ello nos basaremos en los conceptos de engaño y de lance, en tanto que práctica. Nuestra hipótesis es que la almadraba es un tejido, un...
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En este texto para el debate parto del trabajo de David Graeber y David Wengrow (2022), El amanecer de todo. Una nueva historia de la humanidad. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel (841 págs.), para realizar una reflexión sobre sus ideas principales y una interpretación del sentido general de la obra: proponer una apertura intelectual a la sociedad contempo...
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Applications of network analysis have spread widely in the understanding and governance of natural resources in general and the marine environment in particular. However, along with the growing number of innovations, it is necessary to systematize the network intervention experiences accumulated in recent years. This Research Topic explores the use...
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Andalusia, located in southern Spain, has a long coastline and a rich history of fishing activities that encompass extraction, industrialization, and commercialization. However, women have traditionally been underrepresented in various stages of the fishing chain in this region. Despite this, women have made significant contributions to the sustain...
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Most of the Gulf of Cadiz commercial species stocks, such as anchovy or shrimp, depend to a great extent on their connection with the nursery area located at the Guadalquivir estuary and neighbouring waters. Hence, the environmental conditions at this essential fish habitat ultimately have an effect on the Gulf of Cadiz fisheries. The Guadalquivir...
The need to better understand the trade-offs between food production, trade and consumption; social and environmental impacts and health requirements remains a critical challenge. Additionally, there is an urgency to transform the food system to reach the dietary patterns required to address the current diet-environment-health trilemma. Transformat...
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This study examines the participation of minors in fishing activities in the communities settled in the mangroves of the Gulf of Fonseca, in Honduras. With a survey of 88 fishermen from San Lorenzo (in the province of Valle), we describe the perception of adults regarding the involvement of minors in fishing and we examine the threats to the mangro...
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Between 1978 and 1989, a nationally and internationally acclaimed nature conservation model was created in Andalusia. It would be the result of a complex political process, marked by contradictory tendencies (the transition from Francoism to parliamentarism, from centralism to autonomy), social-environmental activism, and disputes among professiona...
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Entre 2010 y hasta la actualidad ha discurrido un proceso de activación para la declaración de una reserva marina de interés pesquero (RMIP, una de las posibles figuras de protección de espacios marinos en la legislación española) en el entorno del puerto de Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, España), aún no concluido. Territorialmente, la zona inicialme...
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In complex marine socioecosystems, where multiple sectoral activities coexist, management can be especially complicated. This is the case of the coupled Guadalquivir estuary - Gulf of Cadiz (Ge-GoC) system. The Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain) plays a central role in the whole Gulf of Cadiz since many fish species use these waters as a nursery area....
Se realiza un análisis histórico que tiene en cuenta los factores políticos, sociales y económicos que permiten el florecimiento de la extracción pesquera y los tráficos comerciales en el período histórico comprendido entre el siglo XIV y el siglo XVIII, en Andalucía. Se detallan los artes y pesquerías más importantes, los modos de comercialización...
Conference Paper
En primer lugar se expone el marco de crisis multidimensional al que se enfrentar las pesquerías artesanales en el marco español, para a continuación explicar tres de las fórmulas de gestión que se vienen aplicando en los últimos años en distintos territorios, ejemplificando con casos de éxito: planes de gestión de pesquerías; reservas marinas de i...
Conference Paper
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El texto tiene el objetivo de explicar el proceso, parcialmente fallido, de investigación participativa llevado a cabo entre 2016 y 2017 en la zona de la Desembocadura del Guadalquivir, con la intención de generar mecanismos de gobernanza más eficaces de la Reserva Marina establecida en este espacio desde 2004, dependiente de la Junta de Andalucía....
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The economy of the tuna traps [almadrabas] in the southern Mediterranean has historically been based on various complementary organisational principles: reciprocity, redistribution and the market, but always within the institutional framework of a wide-ranging system of trade relations. Taking into account ethno-historical notes referring to the tr...
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La colaboración entre la Administración, los actores locales (también a título personal), asociaciones ambientalistas y patrimonialistas (y cualesquiera otras que se sumen a un proceso concreto) y los especialistas académicos en el ámbito del patrimonio constituye la estrategia más eficaz para superar los obstáculos que normalmente limitan la acció...
Technical Report
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El objeto fundamental de este informe es ofrecer una análisis comparativo de los sistemas de gobernanza de las pesquerías de pequeña escala (PPE) de España. Para ello se realiza una definición del sistema de gobierno por comunidad autónoma (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Cataluña, Islas Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia, Andalucía,...
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The goal of this paper is to reflect upon the processes of knowledge construction of Andalusian fishermen (Southern Spain), linked to diverse forms of material and cognitive appropriation systems of marine environment. Making use of a set of anthropological concepts embedded in the post-structuralist and ontological turns, I seek to explain the rel...
Small-scale fisheries constitute an important segment of the Spanish fishing fleet. Within the European context, the Spanish small-scale fleet is the third largest behind only Greece and Italy. The historical, cultural, economic, and social significance of this fishing sector in Spain is high, as is the range of gears and strategies used. This chap...
Conference Paper
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Aplicacion de conceptos como extractivismo/aporvechamiento de ecosistemas marinos, soberanía alimentaria, metabolismo socio-ecosistémico, sostenibilidad a distintos estudios de caso de extractivismo pesquero, en los que se ha puestos de manifesto dinámicas de insosatenibilidad, tanto en pesca extractiva como en actividad acuícola, tanto por parte d...
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This paper revolves around the role that food-from-the-sea plays in European maritime security. It aims to illustrate the links between food, fisheries, and maritime security by considering these as coexisting attributes of security in general and of maritime (in)security, in particular. The article analyzes three dimensions of this issue: the link...
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Pretendo ensanchar los límites convencionales del concepto de economía, haciendo referencia a los bienes que salen de los talleres de artesanía y arte para el culto público católico. Se utilizan como herramienta de análisis el concepto de don, de artesanía, a partir de referencias teóricas como las de Arendt, Sennet, Appadurai y Kopyttof.
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Se analiza el sistema de aprovisionamientos, los alimentos y recetas habituales en la Sevilla del Barroco, subrayando las funciones sociales, identitarias y religiosas de los modos de alimentación.
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Analysis of the activities, modes of fishing, economic strategies, and expectances of recreational fishermen who carry out their activity in the marine territory around the Trafalgar Cape. A proposal of classification of socio-economic profiles of fishermen is addressed, in which the from conceptual perspective problematic category "commercial recr...
Conference Paper
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Los conflictos ambientales relacionados con el proceso de "remineralización" de las economías periféricas de Europea, en el contexto de una segunda globalización de las industrias minero-metalúrgicas que se está desarrollando desde el año 2000, obligan a un replanteamiento de los modos de abordar el análisis de estas nuevas arenas de disputa. Los r...
Historically, tuna fishing has been based on a complex network of socio-labor interactions involving a significant number of fishers with a broad variety of specific functions. Tasks have been divided into three main stages: preparation and deployment of the fishing gear, harvesting activities inside the trap, and the dismantling of this impressive...
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Historically, tuna fishing has been based on a complex network of socio-labor interactions involving a significant number of fishers with a broad variety of specific functions. Tasks have been divided into three main stages: preparation and deployment of the fishing gear, harvesting activities inside the trap, and the dismantling of this impressive...
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The distribution of fishermen by fishing zones is an element of internal differentiation of fishing communities, observed both in fishing reserves and in less regulated fishing environments. Two case studies were carried out in a Fishing Reserve in Chipiona (Gulf of Cádiz) and in a non-Reserve location in Sant Antoni de Portmany (Balearic Islands),...
By Author: Abstract This article seeks to rehabilitate the concept of ideology as a necessary tool of struggle against present-day capitalism. Post-structuralist epistemologies, by celebrating pluralism and the emergent character of knowledge and politics, have rendered the intellectual production of a unitary theory an obsolete remnant of a Modern...
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Abstract. Networks of ecological information, social support, and acquaintanceship among the boats of the port of Chipiona authorized to fish in the Fishing Reserve of the Mouth of the Guadalquivir River were analysed (n= 40). The Social Network Analysis was completed by a survey (n=6) upon the vernacular knowledge on the ecosystemic dynamics, and...
Through an ethnographic description of heritage initiatives related to the fishing and maritime culture within Andalusian ports and their contexts, we intend to make visible the complexity of the initiatives of “heritagisation”, both public and privates ones. At the same time we explore initiatives carried out by individuals and local groups that d...
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A partir del referente de Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, Andalucía) y de otros casos andaluces, se explican las distintas dinámicas de patrimonialización de la cultura marítimo-pesquera, partiendo de un concepto pluridimensional de patrimonio, que hace referencia a sus dimensiones social, política y económica (tomando como referencia el concepto de "...
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Las almadrabas suratlánticas para la captura del atún rojo constituyen uno de los artefactos culturales de mayor continuidad histórica de este territorio. Sobre una actividad predatoria permanente se han ido sucediendo distintos paisajes culturales, en función de diversas técnicas productivas, modelos de explotación, sistemas de relaciones socio-po...
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Resumen La extensión de la montería, en la diversidad de sus formas de gestión, se ha desarrollado notablemente en los últimos cuarenta años, reflejando el arraigo social de la misma en los territorios serranos de Andalucía, fenómeno que no es atribuible solo a la funcionalidad económica de la actividad, sino principalmente a los valores sociocultu...
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Examinamos las redes de conocidos, apoyo social e información ecológica local de los patrones de embarcaciones del puerto de Chipiona autorizadas a pescar en la Reserva de Pesca de la Desembocadura del Guadalquivir (n= 40), en el suroeste de España. El tiempo invertido en cada zona de la reserva mostró una relación inversa con la distancia al fonde...
Conference Paper
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Being captain of a tuna trap: practice, knowledge, and skills for the sustainability of an age-old mode of fishing. ABSTRACT Tuna fishing has historically been based on a complex network of socio-labor interactions involving a significant number of fishers having a variety of specific functions. Tasks have been divided into three main stages: prepa...
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Texto del catálogo de la exposición "Coreografías para la salvación", de Pilar Albarracín (2010, Murcia, España). En esta exposición la autora realiza su inquietud artística a través de los detalles del mundo cofrade y de las inversiones sociales, dos aspectos que ya han estado presentes con anterioridad en su obra. http://www.pilaralbarracin.com/...
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In this chapter we will present a mixed methods approach combining network analysis with a community-based partipatory research strategy, specifically, stakeholder analysis.
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This study examines the organizational network of the extractive sector in Andalusian fishing enclaves. For this, we have evaluated 6 types of informal and institutional relationships between a total of 30 guilds and ship-owner associations in 21 Andalusian fishing ports. The analyzed networks were found to have a core-periphery structure with the...
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In this chapter we present a mixed-methods approach combining network analysis with a community-based participatory research strategy, specifically, stakeholder analysis. In a case study, we demonstrate how utilization of this approach resulted in enhancing the involvement of fishing communities in the governance of natural resources.
In mixed methods social network research, a network analysis is used in the context of a combination of qualitative and quantitative strategies of data analysis. Particular attention is paid to network visualization as a way to present relational data and as a valuable tool for collecting, exploring, and analyzing data. The chapter focuses on the c...
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RESUMEN Este artículo analiza la memoria colectiva de las protestas contra la reconversión naval a través de las historias de vida de dos sindicalistas de las centrales CCOO y CNT en el astillero de Puerto Real (Cádiz). Los relatos de los sindicalistas se centraran en las experiencias de movilización contra el segundo periodo de reconversión del se...
Conference Paper
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There is a growing demand for procedures and tools for the inclusion of social agents in the policy making processes. European policies are no longer conceived without including procedures to guarantee public participation. In the academic filed, the governance approach is well defined and it is proposed as a necessary government style to improve t...
Conference Paper
Spanish small-scale fisheries (SSF) are second in importance in Europe after Greece, in terms of number of vessels and employment. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of SSF in Spain, including the trends of the sector. In particular, we will focus on key factors that influence the develop...
Conference Paper
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It is done an analysis about the relational structure of the fishing entities of Andalusia (Southern Spain), proposing an interactive governance model for the management of the Andalusian fishing sector. This proposal is made in the framework of the historical dynamic of the fisheries management in Spain. The empirical data are obtained of the proj...
Conference Paper
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En el marco de la investigación Dinamización de los enclaves pesqueros del sistema portuario andaluz. Usos económicos, Gobernanza y Patrimonialización (2013-2015) (financiado por los Fondos Estructurales Europeos y la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía), presentamos una propuesta de puesta en valor de los valores patrimoniale...
This chapter describes some of the geographical features that as a result of the formulation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea are transforming States' territorial bases. It explores the changing hierarchies hereto based exclusively on emerged land, and identifies new areas of geostrategic interest linked to the incorporation o...
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The aim of this chapter is to discuss the basic concepts of the heritage discourse, by opening up a theoretical and critical debate on the concepts of culture and heritage that may lead to a reflection on current heritage creation processes in the maritime and fishing domains, in the context of the ethnographical background of the Atlantic coast of...
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La instauración del Consorcio Nacional Almadrabero (CNA) (1928-1971) significó una apuesta estatal por una transformación de la organización empresarial y social de las almadrabas suratlánticas, confirmando procesos ya anunciados previamente e inaugurando otros nuevos. La concentración empresarial, la racionalización productiva de los enclaves fabr...
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In 1982, the Spanish government passed the Shipbuilding Industry Restructuring Act. In the mid-1980s, conflicts occurred at shipyards throughout the Spanish state. This article focuses on workers’ resistance to shipbuilding restructuring in the shipyard of Puerto Real (Cádiz, Spain). We discuss the causes behind the singularity of this episode of w...
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This approach to the concept of ethnological heritage highlights its intangible facets. The subject of this study is the tuna fishing with traps (also called pound nets and seines) that has traditionally been carried out off the Atlantic coast of Andalusia in the Straits of Gibraltar. The study is divided into two main parts: the first sets out a c...
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1. EL PAPEL DE LOS ANTROPÓLOGOS EN EL CAMPO MARÍTIMO-PESQUERO ACTUAL No ha sido resultado intencionado que la preparación final de este monográfico de la Revista Andaluza de Antropología dedicado a la Antropología Marítima y de la Pesca coincida con dos eventos políticos de calado que afectan a las pesquerías andaluzas: la reforma de la Política Pe...
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Este trabajo supone un acercamiento al problema de la violencia ejercida sobre las mujeres desde una nueva perspectiva. El objetivo principal es incluir en el debate teórico nuevas ideas que ayuden a entender el mantenimiento y recrudecimiento de estas prácticas. Partimos de la necesidad de articular dos planos distintos: el normativo (dimensión so...
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Pretendemos reflexionar sobre los conceptos básicos del discurso patrimonialista, promoviendo un debate teórico-crítico sobre los conceptos de cultura y patrimonio que permita promover una ejercicio de reflexión sobre los procesos de patrimonialización que se están poniendo en marcha en relación con los ámbitos marítimo y pesquero, utilizando como...
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Descripción histórica y tecnológica de los corrales de pesca de la Andalucía Atlántica (Cádiz, Andalucía, España), poniendo de manifiesto su naturaleza de paisaje cultural
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Pretendemos reflexionar, por una parte, sobre la fiesta que los trabajadores de la almadraba de Zahara de los Atunes (Barbate, Cádiz) organizan con ocasión de la fiesta de San Juan; por otra, sobre las iniciativas que desde las agencias de la Administración se están llevando a cabo para promocionar eventos festivos, gastronómicos y comerciales usan...
The fisheries sector is currently contending with the hectic development of its own political economy framework being convulsed by the dynamics of decentralisation. This process is enshrouded in an environment of economic globalisation, taking place against the backdrop of the governance approach. With this situation as the starting point, the main...
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The history of the port of Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, South Atlantic Coast of Andalusia) is reconstructed. The theoretical view is the contextualization of the port, conceived as an engineering artefact, inside the net of socioeconomic local and regional dynamics, and the political framework (public policy regarding to fisheries and ports). The d...
This article sets out to explore the extent to which the maritime policies that have been formulated in recent years are public policies on a par with other State-level policies, or whether the geographical domain where they are applied makes them exceptional. Maritime policy and territorial structure are very closely related, and it can be seen th...
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Today is necessary a reflection upon the opportunities and challenges of the application at global level of the governance paradigm to fisheries, in a global frame where both ecological and institutional crises demand a holistic approach. First, it is explained the different meanings of 'governance' concept, addressing the institutional and politic...
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1. Introducción. En su sentido más amplio y extenso la gobernanza de la pesca de captura marina ha sido la acción de gobierno que ha experimentado un mayor desarrollo científico-técnico e institucional desde la Revolución Industrial y, al mismo tiempo, ha constituido el motor de las iniciativas de los Estados y de las transformaciones en el campo d...
This paper analyses how artisanal fleets in the South Atlantic Coast of Spain (Andalusia) are transformed at the macro-level by political and economic processes. The article will first describe the web of economic and political dynamics, and it will then outline several socioeconomic and cultural patterns of artisanal fleets, examining strategies t...
During the process by which the number of actors was increased manifold as a result of the development of civil society, the fisher community has lost prominence and importance, fading into the wide spectrum of interests with which it is competing to make its voice heard in decision-making bodies and in the media. This results in what could be term...
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Partimos de la necesidad de realizar, desde una perspectiva crítica, una reflexión acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la aplicación del concepto de la gobernanza como paradigma de gestión en la pesca, a un nivel global. Partiendo de la situación de crisis, ecológica e institucional, que afronta en la actualidad la pesca, se exponen los d...
Conference Paper
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T. Bekker Nielsen and D. Bernal Casasola (eds.). Monographs of the Sagena Project 2, Cádiz- Aarhus, 2010:
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Queremos establecer una serie de conexiones conceptuales entre autores eminente en el desarrollo de la Antropología: Marx, Weber, Malinowski, Mauss, Polanyi y Sahlins, bajo la hipótesis de que el empeño teórico -y en algunos casos político-de los mismos tuvo como denominador común cuestionar la Economía Política dominante desde el siglo XVIII en ad...
One billion people around the world rely upon fish as their primary and in many cases, their only source of protein. At the same time, increasing demand from wealthier populations in the U.S. and Europe encourages dangerous overfishing practices along coastal waters. 'Fish for Life' addresses the problem of overfishing at local, national, and globa...
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The South Spanish Fisheries are concerned by negative tendencies from 1980s. Our proposal is to analyze the manner how artisanal fleets at South Atlantic Coast of Spain (Andalusia) are concerned by political and economic processes at macro level (regarding to South Europe and North Africa regional links). First, it is proposed a concept of artisana...
Conference Paper
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Almadraba tuna trap-net fishing is a traditional, specific method of fishing that has been employed on Spain’s South Atlantic coast since time immemorial. The existence of a series of statistics spanning the period from the mid-16th to mid-18th centuries, commissioned by the Duchy of Medina-Sidonia and compiled between 1757 and 1763 by the naturali...
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I Conferencia internacional
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Se pretende aplicar una propuesta teórico-metodológica de acercamiento al patrimonio cultural en el caso de colectivos pesqueros a través de un análisis de la almadraba. La propuesta consiste en abrir los contenidos del concepto patrimonio a instituciones y procesos que no son habituales formas de organización del trabajo, modelos de estructuración...
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En este trabajo describimos la tecnología fisiológica, conjunto de capacidades y habilidades desarrolladas tradicionalmente por los pescadores a partir de su propio cuerpo y de las cualidades perceptivas para el ejercicio de esta actividad: nos referimos a habilidades sensitivas, como el uso de percepciones visuales, olfativas y auditivas, u otras...
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RESUMEN Partiendo de un enfoque que incide en la articulación de procesos globales y efectos socioeconómicos y territoriales localizados –en el puerto pesquero de Barbate-, la primera parte del trabajo resume algunas de las principales líneas que caracterizan la globalización de los mercados pesqueros, y, buscando una mayor concreción geoeconómica...
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ResumenIdioma David Florido plantea en este escrito por qué la capacidad crítica del antropólogo en cuanto al ámbito de antropología de la pesca no ha podido plasmarse en actuaciones prácticas, a pesar de la intensa labor teórica llevada a cabo en las dos últimas décadas respecto del tema de la actividad pesquera. Español
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ResumenIdioma La Declaración de la Reserva de la Biosfera Intercontinental del Mediterráneo (RBIM) en 2006, entre el Sur de Andalucía y el Norte de Marruecos, supone una importante innovación en la política territorial aplicada a espacios protegidos, por cuanto su carácter transcontinental implica una importante complejidad administrativa y de gest...


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