David Draper MuntUniversity of Lisbon | UL · Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais
David Draper Munt
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My research issues are: Effect of Global Change on plant species, management of endangered species; restoration of populations; Ex situ and Plant Genetic Resources conservation; Seed conservation; Red listing; Plant-environment interactions; Population fragmentation and its relevance for population dynamics; Alien species and its impact on local flora
Deep experience in GIS, Bioinformatics mainly related on Data Base management of Biological collections, nomenclatural issues, data quality and data standardization.
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September 2015 - present
September 2011 - April 2012
March 2007 - September 2011
September 1991 - September 1996
Publications (108)
Plant translocation is a conservation technique increasingly used around the world. In Europe, numerous unpublished initiatives have resulted in scattered information in grey literature that is difficult to access. This represents a major obstacle to the exchange of information and experience among scientists, practitioners and competent authoritie...
Fragmented forests often experience altered environmental conditions that can change species' behaviors and ranges, potentially leading to new hybridization opportunities. In some cases, hybridization can be beneficial, providing a genetic rescue effect for small, isolated populations by introducing new genetic material, increasing genetic diversit...
Hybridization and introgression are complex evolutionary mechanisms that can increase species diversity and lead to speciation, but may also lead to species extinction. In this study, we tested the presence and genetic consequences of hybridization between the rare and Ecuadorian endemic O. loxensis van der Werff and the widespread O. infrafoveolat...
Ecuador has a high diversity of orchids, but little is known about levels of genetic diversity for the great majority of species. Understanding how orchids might adapt to changes is crucial as deforestation and fragmentation of forest ecosystems threaten the survival of many epiphytic orchids that depend on other species, such as fungi and their ho...
Climate changes (CC) are a main global phenomenon, with a worldwide impact on natural and agricultural ecosystems. The objective of this study was to analyse the potential impact of future CC on the suitability of areas
for rainfed coffee growth, both at the Mozambique national scale and in the Gorongosa Mountain, under Agroforestry (AFS) and Full...
World food production will need to increase by at least 50% to meet our future needs [...]
The diversity of genetic resources is essential to cope with environmental changes. However, despite forests play a crucial role in mitigating changes, genetic knowledge has scarcely been used for forest conservation. In this study, we used nuclear microsatellites to understand the patterns of genetic diversity and population genetic structure in O...
Ecuador is considered one of the most biodiverse countries in the world but currently has one of the highest deforestation rates in South America. However, genetic knowledge needed to sustain conservation actions is generally absent in most species. In this study, we developed eight nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) to study the patterns of genetic di...
A single plant might be visited by many flower visitors but not all might act as pollinators. Legitimate pollinators might also differ considerably in their efficiency, limiting pollination success. Unsuitable climatic conditions such as rain also affect pollinator activity. However, in the evergreen rainforest there is no prolonged dry season and...
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is a neglected crop native to Africa, with an outstanding potential to contribute to the major challenges in food and nutrition security, as well as in agricultural sustainability. Two major issues regarding cowpea research have been highlighted in recent years—the establishment of core collections and the characterizatio...
Interspecific hybridization is one of the most controversial—and usually neglected—issues in conservation due to its multiple evolutionary consequences that might include the origin and transfer of adaptations, the blur of distinctive lineages or the formation of maladaptive hybrids. However, despite different outcomes, most conservation laws do no...
Seventeen European endemic plant species were considered extinct, but improved taxonomic and distribution knowledge as well as ex situ collecting activities brought them out of the extinct status. These species have now been reported into a conservation framework that may promote legal protection and in situ and ex situ conservation. Species once c...
Cowpea is a multiple-purpose drought-tolerant leguminous pulse crop grown in several dry tropical areas. Its domestication center is thought to be East or West Africa, where a high level of genetic diversity is apparently still found. However, detailed genetic information is lacking in many African countries, limiting the success of breeding progra...
Lista vermelha da flora vascular de Portugal Continental. Os autores apresentados foram os autores das fichas que deram origem ao livro
Introduction. During an investigation into the world-wide distribution of Anthoceros caucasicus Steph., we examined a voucher collected from Sierra Leone by A. J. Harrington in 1966 and subsequently studied by E. W. Jones.
Methods. Based on spore observations using light and scanning electron microscopy we found that three Anthocerotophyta taxa wer...
Conservation translocations of threatened species are being widely used to mitigate human impacts. However, their effects are surrounded by some controversy since these actions have often failed to meet planned objectives. Despite the limited number of published studies, existing evidence indicates that a main constraint for the long-term success o...
The study of the drivers that shape spatial genetic structure across heterogeneous landscapes is one of the main approaches used to understand population dynamics and responses in changing environments. While the Isolation-by-Distance model (IBD) assumes that genetic differentiation increases among populations with geographical distance, the Isolat...
This plant is present in the western Mediterranean countries of Spain and Portugal. It has dense populations in part of its range, some of them being located in protected areas. Although it is impacted by overgrazing and urban development in North Africa, and there is a potential threat of future over-exploitation of wild subpopulations for commerc...
Natural hybridization and polyploidy are currently recognized as drivers of biodiversity despite early sceptical views about their importance. The Mediterranean region is a biodiversity hotspot where geological and climatic events have created numerous opportunities for speciation through hybridization and polyploidy. Still, our knowledge on the fr...
The elaboration of a comprehensive database about the distribution of the South American genus Nassauvia has allowed investigate its conservation biogeography. The combined use of historical (dispersal vicariance analysis) and ecological (UPGMA) biogeographical approaches has led to detecting past, present and future critical areas in the evolution...
Human influence and its impacts are perceptible in all ecosystems resulting in land transformation,
changes in global biogeochemistry, climate change, and loss of biological diversity. Mapping the spatial
and temporal patterns of human influence is essential to address land use management and conservation
programs. In this study, we tailored the Hu...
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) seeks to assess the conservation status of the world vascular plants by 2020, and to guarantee that at least 75% threatened taxa are conserved in situ. A comprehensive evaluation of IUCN categories for 7269 Spanish vascular plants (GSPC Target 2), using distribution data and environmental niche mode...
Climate change will impact several ecosystems, and the resilience of the weakest links of the ecological networks may be decisive in maintaining the ecological structure. The assessment of tendencies in the distribution and resilience of endangered medicinal species against global change can be an excellent tool to predict and minimize future negat...
Apart from the overwhelming cases of allopolyploidization, the impact of speciation through homoploid hybridization is becoming more relevant than previously thought. Much less is known, however, about the impact of climate changes as a driven factor of speciation. To investigate these issues, we selected Festuca picoeuropeana, an hypothetical natu...
Four accessions of rocket of wild origin held at the Universidad Polite'cnica de Madrid germplasm bank were regenerated in isolated cages with bumblebees as pollinators. The genetic diversity of parental (P) and regenerated (R) populations was studied by means of molecular markers: RAPD and two Brassica rapa SSR loci. From RAPD markers, UPGMA clust...
The success of plant translocations rely heavily on obtaining suitable baseline information on the species to correctly identify the critical factors that condition population viability of the species, as well as to know how to successfully conduct the translocation. This baseline information is normally not available at the time translocations are...
Studies on hybrid zones are essential to understand the origin and evolution of reproductive barriers in plants. To achieve this goal, multidisciplinary approaches are often required to investigate the role of multiple reproductive isolation (RI) mechanisms. For Epidendrum denticulatum and E. fulgens, two Neotropical food-deceptive orchid species,...
Studies on hybrid zones are essential to understand the origin and evolution of
reproductive barriers in plants. To achieve this goal, multidisciplinary approaches are often
required to investigate the role of multiple reproductive isolation (RI) mechanisms. For
Epidendrum denticulatum and E. fulgens, two Neotropical food-deceptive orchid species,...
Because of their fragmented nature, inselberg species are interesting biological models for studying the genetic consequences of disjoint populations. Inselbergs are commonly compared with oceanic islands, as most of them display a marked ecological isolation from the surrounding area. The isolation of these rock outcrops is reflected in the high n...
Hybridization and polyploidy are central processes in evolution and speciation. These mechanisms often lead to complex patterns of genetic variation and the creation of novel genotypes, which may establish if they become isolated from gene flow. However, in the absence of reproductive isolation, species boundaries might easily be disrupted. Here, w...
Small fragmented populations often exhibit reduced plant–pollinator interactions and scarce outcrossing opportunities. In this context, mixed-mating systems can be advantageous since selfing can provide reproductive assurance, but they may also carry relevant costs such as those involved in inbreeding depression. This study examines the advantages...
The Iberian mountain spiny fescues are a reticulate group of five diploid grass taxa consisting of three parental species and two putative hybrids: F. × souliei (F. eskia × F. quadriflora) and F. × picoeuropeana (F. eskia × F. gautieri). Phenotypic and molecular studies were conducted with the aim of determining the taxonomic boundaries and genetic...
Spatial variation in species richness is one of the most frequently studied topics on macroecology. However, the relative importance of the factors affecting richness across scales and their influence on some groups of small-sized organisms, such as bryophytes, remain unclear. We evaluate the relative importance of biogeographic region, climate, to...
The seasonality of the Mediterranean climate has important implications for plant physiology and some specific conditions must be met before germination can occur. Most plants sprout during the spring season although a few germinate during the autumnal rainy period. To understand the patterns of germination under autumn conditions we selected five...
Flower longevity, the period of time that a flower remains open, is a crucial factor in plant reproductive fitness. Though longevity varies substantially among angiosperm species, longer flower longevities may be a selective advantage under unpredictable or scarce pollination activity. This study examined this hypothesis in Narcissus serotinus L. (...
The genus Diplotaxis, comprising 32 or 34 species, plus several additional infraspecific taxa, displays a considerable degree of heterogeneity in the morphology, molecular markers, chromosome numbers and geographical amplitude of the species. The taxonomic relationships within the genus Diplotaxis were investigated by phenetic characterisation of g...
Flower longevity, the period of time that a flower remains open, is a crucial factor in plant reproductive fitness. Though longevity varies substantially among angiosperm species, longer flower longevities may be a selective advantage under unpredictable or scarce pollination activity. This study examined this hypothesis in Narcissus serotinus L. (...
The aim of this paper is to design a collection strategy in Spain, identifying sampling areas to ensure a greater genetic diversity of Mentha L., both intraspecific and interspecific, and to minimize collecting efforts.
The unpredictable seasonality of the Mediterranean climate imposes on the development
of specific life-cycle phenologies such as those seen in geophyte species that have a period
of dormancy to avoid stressful abiotic conditions. To date, two life-cycle strategies are
recognized in Mediterranean geophytes. In some species, growth and reproduction o...
Taxón restringido a una única
localidad. Hábitat reducido y
degradado por puesta en cultivo y
roturación del terreno
Rumex palustris Sm. es una planta anual o bienal, de distribución eurosiberiana aunque introducida en América desde 1877 (Dawson, 1979). Se extiende hacia el norte, hasta Dinamarca y este, hasta Turquía. Se distingue perfectamente de sus congéneres por sus hojas basales, cuneadas en la base y mucho más largas que anchas. A pesar de que la distribuc...
Evolutionary consequences of natural hybridization between species may vary so drastically depending on spatial, genetic, and ecological factors that multiple approaches are required to uncover them. To unravel the evolutionary history of a controversial hybrid (Narcissus x perezlarae), here we use four approaches: DNA sequences from five regions (...
Identificación Herbácea perenne con roseta. Hojas anchamente oblolanceoladas, a veces marchitas en la antesis. Indumento corto, papiloso. Escapos escasos, de 8-45 cm, zigzagueantes, ramificados desde el cuarto inferior. Ramas de primer orden divarica-das, las inferiores a veces estériles y cortas, las superiores casi patentes. Cáliz 3,8-4,4 mm, con...
Em 2002 a VI Conferência das Partes para a Conservação da Biodiversidade aprovou os 5 temas básicos que dariam suporte à Estratégia Global para a Conservação da Biodiversidade (EGCB): (a) Compreender e documentar a diversidade vegetal (b) Conservar a diversidade vegetal (c) Usar a diversidade vegetal de forma sustentável (d) Promover a educação e a...
Trans-boundary conservation of Narcissus cavanillesii in the Guadiana valleyPalabras clave. Fragmentación de poblaciones, comportamiento metapoblacional, conservación transfronteriza, Portugal, España.Key words. Fragmented populations, metapopulational behavior, trans-boundary conservation, Portugal, Spain.
These proceedings contain 49 papers presented in the following sections: (i) crop wild relative conservation; (ii) establishing inventories and conservation priorities; (iii) threat and conservation assessment; (iv) genetic erosion and genetic pollution; (v) in situ conservation; (vi) ex situ conservation; (vii) information management; (viii) gene...