David Davage

David Davage
Umeå University | UMU · Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

ThD in Old Testament Exegesis


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David Davage (formerly Willgren) is Associate Professor in Old Testament Exegesis at Academy of Leadership and Theology, Umeå, Sweden, and Høyskolen for Ledelse og Teologi, Oslo, Norway. He is post-doctoral researcher at Umeå University and Research Fellow at University of the Free State, Bloemfontain, South Africa. He is currently working on a project focusing on how Isaiah became an author.


Publications (49)
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In this study, David Willgren attempts to provide answers to two fundamental questions in relation to the formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the diachronic growth of the collection (how are these processes to be reconstructed, and on what grounds?), while the second relates to questions of purpose (to what en...
The placement of v. 20 in Psalm 72 has long puzzled scholars and has raised a number of questions: Why is [inline-graphic 01] used? Why does the verse state that the prayers of David are ended? Where does this leave Solomon (v. 1)? Why is the verse placed after the doxology of vv. 18–19? And why is it found in the middle of the Elohistic Psalter? T...
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The Book of Isaiah is considered one of the greatest prophetic works in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The complex history of the book's composition, over several time periods, can often perplex and enthrall. The editors to this volume encourage readers to engage deeply with the text in order to get a grasp of the traces and signs within it that c...
Conference Paper
In the research on the formation of the “Book” of Psalms, one of the most fundamental aspects recognized when reconstructing earlier collections is the presence of superscriptions in general, and “author” designations in particular. By observing that the Masoretic collection contain long sequences of psalms attributed to similar “authors,” not leas...
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It is often argued that the Masoretic “Book” of Psalms is a carefully redacted collection whose final shape carries substantial interpretive significance. The way psalms are placed in sequence is deemed important, but the actual shapes of the earliest Dead Sea psalms scrolls are not often taken into account. The current article revisits these issue...
The ‘biographical’ notes of the Masoretic ‘Book’ of Psalms are often understood as placing the psalms in dialogue with 1-2 Samuel, and casting David as a pious exemplar. As David prayed psalms in his distress, so can anyone. Indebted to an influential article by Brevard Childs, many scholars also see early traces of midrashic exegesis. However, thi...
Zusammenfassung Es ist eine vertretene Ansicht, dass Ps 1 entweder allein oder in Kombination mit Ps 2 die Funktion eines Vorwortes zum »Buch« der Psalmen erfüllt. Obwohl diese Sicht von der frühchristlichen Rezeption unterstützt wird, hängt viel davon ab, wie man תורת יהוה in Ps 1 versteht, und wie man die Beziehung zwischen den ersten beiden Psal...
Det sägs att Bibeln är världens mest lästa och spridda bok, och inom ramen för dess pärmar framstår Psaltaren som en av de mer tongivande rösterna. Martin Luther (1545) föreslår till exempel i en inledning till hans översättning av Psaltaren att Psaltaren skulle kunna ses som ”en liten bibel … för att den som inte kan läsa hela bibeln ändå här skal...
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I discuss my new book The Formation of the ‘Book ‘of Psalms (Mohr Siebeck, 2016) at the new books network (http://newbooksnetwork.com/david-willgren-the-formation-of-the-book-of-psalms-mohr-siebeck-2016/).
Vilken roll hade kvinnorna i den tidiga anabaptismen?
Conference Paper
Being the first two psalms in the MT "Book" of Psalms, Pss 1–2 have been argued to perform implicit paratextual functions. Proceeding from observations as to their placement at the beginning of the collection, their lack of superscriptions, their peculiar characters as a torah psalm and royal psalm respectively, and, not least, overlapping vocabula...
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In ‘Antwort Gottes: Isaiah 40–55 and the Transformation of Psalmody’, David Willgren presents and assesses the hypothesis that the impetus for the transition of the reading of the psalms from prayer to instruction is to be found outside the book of Psalms, namely, in the prophetic activity following the exile. Willgren hence puts the suggestion by...
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The following books are reviewed: Herbert W. Basser with Marsha B. Cohen, The Gospel of Matthew and Judaic Traditions:A Relevance-based Commentary (Tobias Ålöw) Alicia J. Batten och John S. Kloppenborg (red.), James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Early Jesus Traditions (Leonhard Franke) Bible Works 10 (Bo Krister Ljungberg) Derek R. Brown, The God of This Age:...
Conference Paper
The so-called ‘biographical’ notes of the ‘Book’ of Psalms provide an interesting glimpse of how psalms have been read and appropriated as prayers in new circumstances. Now forming part of the superscriptions of 13 psalms in the MT ‘Book’ of Psalms, 11 share the same syntax, and place the psalms in dialogue with parts of the stories of David. Hence...
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Are you interested in purchasing a copy? Please send me an e-mail! This is a study of the formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms that attempts to provide answers to two fundamental questions: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the diachronic growth of the collection (how are these processes to be reconstructed, and on what grounds?), while the sec...
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Tankar kring lovsång och ledarskap utifrån Psaltaren, kaoskamp mm. Skriven i en (svensk) frikyrklig kontext.
Review of DeClaissé-Walford, Nancy L. (ed.), The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship. Ancient Israel and Its Literature 20. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2014. Paperback. 290 pages. ISBN: 9781628370010. $36.95.
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Review of Tucker Jr., W. Dennis. Constructing and Deconstructing Power in Psalms 107–150. Ancient Israel and Its Literature 19. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2014. Paperback. 240 pages. ISBN: 9781589839724. £28.95.
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Review of Brown, William P. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Hardcover. 684 pages. ISBN: 9780199783335. £105.00.
Review of DeClaissé-Walford, Nancy L., Rolf A. Jacobson, & Beth LaNeel Tanner, The Book of Psalms. The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014. Hardcover. 1073 pages. ISBN: 9780802824936. $60.00.
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Psaltaren och internet står på dagordningen när Anton och Simon ringer upp David Willgren! David är doktorand i Gamla testamentets exegetik vid Lunds Universitet och arbetar med frågan om på vilket sätt Psaltaren kan ses som en bok. Dessutom pratar vi om desorienterad lovsång, sumeriska skriftrullar, bibelsyn och huruvida David är internets mest tå...
Conference Paper
Recent research on the Book of Psalms has been dealing intensively with issues relating to its so called “final shape." Proceeding from, among others, an influential dissertation by Gerald H Wilson, scholars have argued that the collection, as it now stands, is “more than the sum of its parts” (so e.g. McCann). Although such a notion is fairly stra...
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The following books are reviewed: Heinrich Assell, Stefan Beyerle och Christfried Böttrich (red.), Beyond Biblical Theologies, (Hanna Stenström) Jean-Dominique Barthélemy, Studies in the Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project (LarsOlov Eriksson) Brennan W. Breed, Nomadic Texts: A Theory of Biblical Recep...
Conference Paper
In recent years, several studies have focused on the final psalms of the MT ‘Book’ of Psalms as important keys to understand its formation. Scholars like e.g. Wilson, Zenger, Kratz, Leuenberger and Ballhorn have all pre- sented interesting ideas as to how the so called ‘fifth book’ in the MT ‘Book’ of Psalms might have taken shape, and although the...
Conference Paper
In this article, I ask if Deutero-Isaiah, by adapting earlier forms of psalms, also in some way might have preserved or reshaped the contents of earlier psalms, and suggests that two basic notions of use could be observed. While complaint psalms provided means for a message of hope, royal psalms were collectively reinterpretated, and re-oriented to...
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Review of Susan Gillingham, A Journey of Two Psalms: The Reception of Psalms 1 & 2 in Jewish & Christian Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Hardcover. 368 pages. ISBN: 9780199652419. £35.
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Review of Walter Brueggemann, William H. Bellinger Jr, Psalms. New Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Paperback. 670 pages. ISBN: 9780521600767. £23.99.
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Denna text innehåller både min recension av Seth Erlandsson, Anders Gerdmar, Göran Lennartsson, Johannes Hellberg, Olof Edsinger, Bruno Frandell, Stefan Swärd, Bibeln – Myt eller Sanning. Handen: Xp Media, 2014. Inbunden. 275 sidor. ISBN: 9789186683559. SEK 249, samt en respons från Seth Erlandsson
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Hur kan en Jesuscentrerad identitet formas i en tid då en mängd sätt att beskriva verkligheten inte bara står sida vid sida, utan också kämpar om inflytande i människors liv?
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The following books are reviewed: Gunnel André, Det står skrivet – med inblickar mellan raderna: Kommentar till Den svenska evangeliebokens gammaltestamentliga texter (LarsOlov Eriksson) William Baird, History of New Testament Research: Volume 3: From C. H. Dodd to Hans Dieter Betz (Jan H. Nylund) Jennie Barbour, The Story of Israel in the Book of...
Conference Paper
In this paper I focus on the (inter)titles of the Book of Psalms. The guiding question being whether the titles were added or used either with the individual psalm in view, or with some larger collection, I first provide an overview of the terminology of Genette, where e.g. the difference between a title and an intertitle is discussed. In part 2, I...
Conference Paper
Ps 72:20 has long been puzzling psalm scholars. It reads כלו תפלות דוד בן־ישי, (the prayers of David, son of Jesse, are ended), and as such, it raises a number of questions. The first observation to be made is that the word תפלה is used, not תהלה. That this is a potential problem is clear already in the LXX, where תפלה is corrected to ὕμνοι. Second...
Conference Paper
The study of the composition of the Book of Psalms has gained much scholarly attention since the groundbreaking dissertation by Gerald H Wilson in 1985. One of the clearest signs of redaction was the addition, or use, of four doxologies in Pss 41, 72, 89 and 106. They all share a number of features, but not two are identical. As they are considered...
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Tankar kring lovsång och ledarskap utifrån en läsning av Dom 4–5. Skriven i en (svensk) frikyrklig kontext.
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Tankar om lovsångsledarens funktion och tjänst utifrån en läsning av 1 Mos 14–5. Skrivet in i en (svensk) frikyrklig kontext.
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Review of: Andrew J Schmutzer and David M Howard Jr (eds.), The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul. Chicago: Moody, 2013. Paperback. 288 pages. ISBN: 9780802409621. £17.99.
Conference Paper
The starting point for this paper is the conclusions reached in the paper presented at the last OTSEM conference. There, I claimed that the methodological foundation for reading the Book of Psalms as a book was somewhat wanting, that synchronic readings, focusing the theology of the entire book, were not always kept distinct from diachronic conside...
Conference Paper
Following the unrolling of 11QPsa, much attention has been paid to the question of its implications on the process of canonization of the Book of Psalms. Opposing positions have been carved out, mainly stressing either the secondary nature of the scroll, as compared to the MT-150 Book of Psalms, or its true canonical status. Much work has been done...
Conference Paper
Since the 1980’s, a slightly new shift in focus has emerged in the research on the Book of Psalms. Even if such a shift never occurs without precursors, it can be seen as a distinct move away from being primarily interested in original (cultic) contexts of individual psalms, and towards an increasing focus on the arrangement of these psalms into a...
Conference Paper
The starting point of my paper is the observation that the methodological foundation for reading the Book of Psalms as a book is still somewhat wanting. This is not to say that it should not be read as a book, rather that there exists some confusion as to how the (supposedly intentional) ‘final’ message is conveyed. Synchronic readings, focusing th...
Conference Paper
Psalm studies at the end of the twentieth century bear witness of a major paradigm shift. Recent research no longer treats the Book of Psalms as a loosely assembled hymnbook with no overarching organization, but rather as a book that got its present shape through careful editing. In recent years an increasing interest in the arrangement of the Book...


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