David S Butler

David S Butler
Independent Researcher


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Publications (40)
Background: Disruption of cortically-held working body schema has been associated with a variety of pain conditions. A motor imagery technique - the left right judgement task (LRJT) - has been used as an indirect assessment of the integrity of the working body schema. To date there is no LRJT specifically designed to investigate the body schema of...
Über Tausende von Jahren haben wir ein bemerkenswertes sensorisches System entwickelt, das unser Gehirn ständig über Veränderungen in unserem Körper informiert. Unser Gehirn reagiert darauf fast immer, ohne dass wir uns dessen bewusst sind [29, 53, 64, 65]. Ein Bestandteil dieser Sinneswahrnehmung ist das sogenannte Gefahrenmeldesystem – ein hochen...
Niemand kennt eine einfache Therapie für alle Schmerzen. Schmerzen sind, wie Menschen, immer verschieden. Die Schmerzerfahrung, wie wir sie in dem »Zwiebelschichten und Orchester«-Modell dargestellt haben, ist eine Erfahrung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ihrem Körper (und natürlich Ihrem Gehirn), Ihrer Umgebung und Ihrer Gesellschaft.
Wir haben darüber gesprochen, dass Schmerzen ein Teil einer unaufhaltsamen Kraft im menschlichen Körper sind,die darauf ausgerichtet ist, das Überleben zu sichern. Sie sind nicht der einzige Prozess. Zeitgleich setzen nämlich selbst bei einer winzigen alltäglichen Verschleißerscheinung schon die natürlichen Heilungskräfte des menschlichen Körpers e...
Viele Leute und Gruppen von Leuten wollen Ihnen helfen, wenn Sie von Schmerzen geplagt sind. Aber seien Sie vorsichtig. Es könnte ein klinischer Alptraum auf Sie warten.
Niemand möchte gerne Schmerzen haben. Sobald man Schmerzen hat, möchte man sie am liebsten wieder loswerden. Das ist verständlich, denn Schmerzen sind unangenehm. Aber gerade wegen dieses unangenehmen Gefühls sind Schmerzen so effektiv und ein wichtiger Teil des Lebens. Schmerzen beschützen Sie und alarmieren Sie bei Gefahren, oft schon bevor überh...
Wie Schmerzen durch Gewebeverletzungen hervorgerufen werden, wurde in ► Kapitel 3 erklärt. Das hilft uns, viele weitere Aspekte von Schmerzen zu verstehen, auch solche, die oft fälschlicherweise als etwas »seltsam« gelten. Fast immer hat das Auftreten von Schmerzen auch etwas mit Vorgängen in den Geweben zu tun, z. B. mit einer Entzündung, einem se...
Unlabelled: The pain field has been advocating for some time for the importance of teaching people how to live well with pain. Perhaps some, and maybe even for many, we might again consider the possibility that we can help people live well without pain. Explaining Pain (EP) refers to a range of educational interventions that aim to change one's un...
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Alexithymia, or a lack of emotional awareness, is prevalent in some chronic pain conditions and has been linked to poor recognition of others' emotions. Recognising others' emotions from their facial expression involves both emotional and motor processing, but the possible contribution of motor disruption has not been considered. It is possible tha...
There is mounting evidence that cortical maps are disrupted in chronic limb pain and that these disruptions may contribute to the problem and be a viable target for treatment. Little is known as to whether this is also the case for the most common and costly chronic pain - back pain. To investigate the effects of back pain characteristics on the pe...
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Objective: Evaluate content and educational delivery methods of preoperative education in total joint arthroplasties of the hip and knee (THA and TKA) addressing postoperative pain. Data sources: Systematic searches conducted on Biomed Central, BMJ.com, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, NLM Central Gateway, OVID, ProQuest (Digital Dissertations), Ps...
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We wanted to find out whether people who suffer from dizziness take longer than people who do not, to perform a motor imagery task that involves implicit whole body rotation. Our prediction was that people in the “dizzy” group would take longer at a left/right neck rotation judgment task but not a left/right hand judgment task, because actually per...
Postoperative rehabilitation for lumbar radiculopathy has shown little effect on reducing pain and disability. Current preoperative education programs with a focus on a biomedical approach feature procedural and anatomical information, and these too have shown little effect on postoperative outcomes. This report describes the development of an evid...
Understanding motor imagery of the hands and feet has led to promising new treatments for neurological and chronic pain disorders. We aimed to extend this line of research to the neck with a view to developing the definitive platform study upon which clinical and experimental studies can be based. In a cross-sectional experiment with a convenience...
Background: Yoga is a popular recreational activity in Western society and there is an abundance of literature suggesting that yoga may be beneficial for people with a chronic pain disorder. Despite consistently positive results in the literature, the mechanisms of effect are unclear. On the grounds that chronic pain is associated with disruptions...
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We sought to determine current utilization, importance, content, and delivery methods of preoperative education by spine surgeons in the United States for patients with lumbar radiculopathy. An online cross-sectional survey was used to study a random sample of spine surgeons in the United States. The Spinal Surgery Education Questionnaire (SSEQ) wa...
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To evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of neuroscience education (NE) for pain, disability, anxiety, and stress in chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. Systematic searches were conducted on Biomed Central, BMJ.com, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, NLM Central Gateway, OVID, ProQuest (Digital Dissertations), PsycInfo, PubMed/Medline, ScienceDire...
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People in persistent pain have been reported to pay increased attention to specific words or descriptors of pain. The amount of attention paid to pain or cues for pain (such as pain descriptors), has been shown to be a major factor in the modulation of persistent pain. This relationship suggests the possibility that language may have a role both in...
Despite the high prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome, the quality of clinical practice guidelines is poor and non-invasive treatment modalities are often poorly documented. The aim of this cadaveric biomechanical study was to measure longitudinal excursion and strain in the median and ulnar nerve at the wrist and proxim...
Peripheral neuropathic pain is the term used to describe situations where nerve roots or peripheral nerve trunks have been injured by mechanical and/or chemical stimuli that exceeded the physical capabilities of the nervous system. Clinical manifestations of peripheral neuropathic pain are often discussed in terms of positive and negative symptoms....
Letters to the Editor-in-Chief of JOSPT as follows: “Neural Mobilization: The Need for More Answers ” “More to Neurodynamic Testing” “Support for Neural Tissue Mobilization” “In Defense of Neural Mobilization” “Negative Overgeneralizations About Collegiate Athletics” “‘Rape’ Poor Choice of Words” “Collegiate Athletics: Benefits Worth the Cost” “Ath...
In the past three decades, a scientific revolution has occurred in the understanding of the experience of pain. However, a clinical revolution based on the new science is yet to occur. Pain is a multidimensional experience with many contributing and interacting biological/pathobiological mechanisms. These mechanisms may be nociceptive, peripheral n...
Verondersteld wordt, dat het concept om tests zoals het heffen van het gestrekte been en het buigen van de knie in buiklig toe te passen om de ‘dura’ ’ of wat Maitland(1978) als ‘pijngevoellige structuren binnen het wervelkanaal’ heeft aangeduid ’ onder spanning te brengen een te eenvoudige voorstelling is van de werkelijke anatomische en biomechan...
The functional anatomy of the nervous system includes mechanisms to allow adaption to body movements. Injury or impairment of these mechanisms may lead to symptoms. Clinicians using tension tests as part of assessment and treatment have noted that altered nervous system movement and extensibility is a very frequent finding in many disorders. This p...
Key features identifying typical signs, symptoms and history of disorders demonstrating adverse mechanical tension of the nervous system are addressed. An approach to “musculoskeletal pain” embracing a broader outlook to all possible sources of presenting symptoms is highlighted as the “component concept”. The treatment principles of presentations...
The concept of using tests such as the straight leg raise and prone knee bend to stress “dura” or what Maitland (1978) has termed “pain sensitive structures within the vertebral canal” is believed to be an oversimplification of the true anatomical and biomechanical facts. This paper expands this concept to embrace the nervous system as a whole. It...


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