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Publications (209)
We discuss the cyclical nature of action research (AR) in information systems (IS) and contrast it with other research approaches commonly used in IS. Often those who conduct AR investigations build on their professional expertise to provide a valuable service to a client organization while at the same time furthering knowledge in their academic fi...
The offshoring of information systems (IS) work has seen phenomenal growth in the past 5 or more years. This has resulted in IS professionals, interacting with workers from vastly different cultural backgrounds, in order to deliver IS project and support services. This cultural ‘barrier’ has been highlighted in the IS literature as a key challenge...
The relevance of action research as a research method in the information systems (IS) discipline is not disputed. Nevertheless, the extent to which action research is published in good journals is infrequent enough to indicate a serious problem. In this article, we explore the reasons underlying this situation and make recommendations aiming to inc...
In this paper, we argue that reflexivity should be as essential a component of interpretive studies as the much vaunted rigour and relevance. We propose a classification of three forms of reflexivity for interpretive studies: self-reflexivity, domain reflexivity and collaborative reflexivity. We use a case study of a project from a French public or...
In this paper, we suggest an alternative way of producing Information Systems (IS) case studies in which researchers act as narrators of stories following the spirit and techniques of the French New Novel (FNN). As such, authors attempt to represent the richness of a problem situation. The readers’ role is more demanding compared to traditional cas...
Even though the idea of science enjoys an impressive reputation, there seems to be no precise conception of science. On the one hand, there is no unified definition of the extension of activities subsumed under the notion of science. According to the narrow conception that is common in Anglo-Saxon countries, science is restricted to those disciplines...
This paper suggests that there is too much emphasis on the requirement for theory use and theory building in qualitative research published in our leading journals. We discuss six concerns that we have that relate to this high status of theory in such papers. We argue for what we refer to as ‘theory light’ papers where theory plays no significant p...
This article follows on from a case study discussed in Avison and Malaurent (2007) which described a largely unsuccessful implementation of a French multinational corporation’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) project in its Chinese subsidiaries. Many features imposed by the ERP template did not fit in the Chinese context. This present article de...
Increased interest in lower income consumer groups in developing markets has led to the conceptualization of inclusive innovation (the means by which new goods and services are developed for marginalized groups such as those living on lowest incomes). But so far researchers have not addressed fully the development impact (issues such as well-being,...
This paper discusses how research with practitioners can help reconcile the top-down requirements of headquarters with the bottom-up local needs in the context of global information systems. Based on a 12-month canonical action research project that took place at the Chinese branches of a French multinational corporation, our research revealed and...
In this rejoinder we discuss six commentaries to our earlier debates and perspectives paper ‘Is theory king?: questioning the theory fetish in information systems’. We argue again for theory light rather than theory free papers, we discuss the potential scope of theories in information systems, we reflect on our terminology and exemplar paper, and...
In this rejoinder we discuss six commentaries to our earlier debates and perspectives paper
`Is theory king?: questioning the theory fetish in information systems’. We argue again for
theory light rather than theory free papers, we discuss the potential scope of theories in
information systems, we reflect on our terminology and exemplar paper, and...
This case study examines the process by which a startup in the resource-constrained environment of India
was able to develop an innovative mobile payment solution using resource bricolage, recombining
elements at hand. We illustrate how the startup, facing internal resource constraints and operating in an
infrastructure and regulatory constrained e...
This paper suggests that there is too much emphasis on the requirement for theory use and theory building in qualitative research published in our leading journals. We discuss six concerns that we have that relate to this high status of theory in such papers. We argue for what we refer to as ‘theory light’ papers where theory plays no significant p...
This paper argues for a greater emphasis on the sociocultural aspects in the teaching, research and practice of IS project management. It does not advocate disregarding the technical aspects, but suggests that an equal regard for these other key elements for the successful development of information systems is appropriate, indeed essential. Guideli...
In this paper we attempt to show the actual and potential contribution of qualitative research in information systems. We looked at two recent volumes (2011-12) of MISQ, EJIS and SIM and found that there were a low proportion of qualitative papers in MISQ, a balance of qualitative to quantitative papers in EJIS and a high proportion of qualitative...
Understanding the relationships between technologies and organizing has been one of the main concerns of the disciplines of information systems (IS) and organization studies.1 Recent research has found it useful to theorize on the concepts of human and material agencies to address the processes of social and material interweaving constituting techn...
Reflecting on 25 years as editors of the Information Systems Journal(ISJ), we analyse some statistics on the ISJ over this period. These include the origins of papers published in terms of author gender, geographical region and academic department, the type of research in terms of positivist or interpretive (and empirical, critical and descriptive,...
In this comparative case study research, we reflect on two enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation stories at two large petrochemical companies in China. These companies implemented the same ERP system in a similar time span (though not at the same time). They are two very large Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and in this paper we...
The telecommunications business is undergoing a critical revolution, driven by innovative technologies, globalization, and deregulation. Cellular networks and telecommunications bring radical changes to the way telecom businesses are conducted. Globalization, on the other hand, is tearing down legacy barriers and forcing monopolistic national carri...
Information systems development (ISD) is a core issue of information systems teaching, practice and research. In this chapter
we provide a brief history of information systems development and then focus on ISD today, where speed-of-development issues
have changed the scene greatly. We look at one approach, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM),...
Previous research on information and communication technologies (ICT) in developing countries has documented multiple variations in technology acceptance, use and work practices. While these variations are mainly seen as culturally, historically and contextually based, recent research suggests that these can also occur because because new actors, d...
Previous research on sociomateriality, a recently developed perspective arguing that social and material aspects acquire their properties in the process of their mutual imbrications, has mainly focused on an intra-organizational level of analysis. In this paper we take another perspective and investigate how the external environment and inter-organ...
This paper discusses the potential of qualitative research in providing insights into the domain of information systems through a brief overview of some recent examples: action research to understand information systems development at a bank; hermeneutics to understand the purchasing behaviour of individuals using the Internet; conversation analysi...
This paper studies the nature and the importance of the link between macro and micro levels of innovation management in the knowledge society of Denmark, Sweden, USA, India, Russia, and Moldova, suggesting that countries with different levels of knowledge society development have different link types between the macro and micro levels of innovation...
Track 1. Quality of Education––A new Vision Track 2. Technology-Enhanced Learning––Learning Technologies––Personalization-E-learning Track 3. Educational Strategies Track 4. Collaborative/ Constructive/ Pedagogical/ Didactical Approaches Track 5. Formal/ Informal/ and Life–Long Learning Perspectives Track 6. Contribution of Education to Sustainable...
Recent rapid advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
have highlighted the rising importance of the Business Model (BM) concept in
the field of Information Systems (IS). Despite agreement on its importance to
an organization’s success, the concept is still fuzzy and vague, and there is
little consensus regarding its composition...
This book, in conjunction with the volume CCIS 49, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second World Summit, WSKS 2009, held in Chania, Crete, Greece, in September 2008. The 62 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 256 submissions. The papers are deal with information technologies - knowledge management syst...
Although the ideas of innovation management have been developed and indeed implemented widely at the macro and micro levels,
the intersection between the two has not been studied to the same extent. We argue that innovation management can only be
fully effective through paying attention to this intersection, which is free of biases inherent in each...
This paper is concerned with the design and implementation of an information system which fulfils some of the local needs of fourteen nursing and para-medical professions working in the community in a district health authority, whilst satisfying the statutory requirements of the NHS Körner steering group for those professions. The implementation of...
In this paper we attempt to assess the impact of IS research on practice. It is important to show a positive impact, if we can, so that academia, prospective students and the outside world more generally sees that the IS discipline has made a positive and major impact on organizations, people and society. Our research fills a gap as there has been...
This paper looks at virtual teams issues through the lens of the Organizational Behavior (OB) literature. We underline how the actual challenges faced by virtual teams were articulated centuries ago: the management of geographical, temporal and social distance. Nevertheless, it seems that Open Source Software communities succeed in building strong...
The offshoring of information systems (IS) work has seen phenomenal growth in the past 5 or more years. This has resulted in IS professionals, interacting with workers from vastly different cultural backgrounds, in order to deliver IS project and support services. This cultural ‘barrier’ has been highlighted in the IS literature as a key challenge...
The launch of a new journal in information systems prompts thought and debate concerning the state of the subject area and some contemplation on its past and future. This introductory paper reflects the views of the editors, views which will not be shared by all. We find a wide spectrum of interpretations and experiences concerning the nature of in...
In this paper we reflect on the first 17 years of the Information Systems Journal (ISJ). The reflections are considered under three headings: origin of papers (authors, geographical period, gender and departments), research paradigms (positive/interpretive, qualitative/quantitative, non-empirical/empirical, espoused theories and research method) an...
Recent rapid advances in ICTs, specifically in Internet and mobile technologies, have highlighted the rising importance of the Business Model (BM) in Information Systems (IS). Despite agreement on its importance to an organization’s success, the concept is still fuzzy and vague, and there is no consensus regarding its definition. Furthermore, under...
In this paper we present potential insights provided by Giddens' structuration theory to study the effects of cultural differences experienced by western companies establishing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in their Chinese subsidiaries. We use the data from a case study of a French firm's ERP project in its Chinese subsidiary to demo...
This book, in conjunction with the volume LNAI 5288, constitutes the refereed proceedings of theFirst World Summit, WSKS 2008, held in Athens, Greece, in September 2008. The 95 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 286 submissions. The topics include applications for the human and the society; information systems a...
This paper puts forward a case for using hermeneutics in information systems (IS) research. Unlike case study and action research, which could now be described as 'mainstream' interpretive research in IS, hermeneutics is neither well accepted nor much practiced in IS research. A suitable hermeneutic approach is described in detail. A brief account...
The context of this paper is the recent downturn in information systems (IS) student enrollment which has had negative implications for the academic employment of doctoral students in IS. We regard this downturn as a temporary phenomenon: there have been cycles of enrollments in the past in all disciplines, and these will continue. Indeed, at the t...
ERP systems are central to the information systems (IS) strategy of most international companies. With the global economy, there is pressure to implement such applications at a global level, in order to control and manage all the company processes at all sites. However, rolling out a global template in each of the different countries is risky as it...
The number of information systems development methodologies has proliferated and practitioners and researchers alike have
struggled to select a ‘one best’ approach for all applications. But there is no single methodology that will work for all
development situations. The question then arises: ‘when to use which methodology?’ To address this questio...
The health care system in the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) has started building a modern, dependable, information and communication technology (ITC) under its program, National Program for Information Technology (IT), run by the government agency National Health Service (NHS). The program is different from other health care initiatives in...
Action research is a qualitative research method that emphasizes collaboration between researchers and practitioners. The
process of action research requires that choices be made determining how power is balanced in various ways between researchers
and their collaborators within the host organization. We discuss three aspects of power: the procedur...
Students have been deserting IS and ICT courses in droves over the last three or four years, despite forecasts that job prospects in the IS/ICT industry are improving and that there is an impending skills shortage. This paper discusses implications of the current crisis, suggesting that there are in fact two related crises, before outlining a local...
What has IFIP contributed to the field of information systems and organizations through the activities of Working Group 8.2,
its central working group in information systems? What has WG 8.2 delivered to its constituents? What have the results and
impacts of the WG 8.2 been on the larger community? This panel will not shy away from controversy as i...
For the past 30 years and more, Information Systems Development (ISD) has been at the heart of the study and practice of Information
Systems (IS). This paper examines the history of ISD methodologies and looks at some of the trends and issues concerning ISD,
and shows how these have been reflected in methodologies and how organizations use (or do n...
Three case studies are presented to show that senior management sometimes lack awareness of the importance of Information Technology and its governance on the success of large IT projects. The first case was related to Sydney Water, a public utility company that invested AU$61 million in a customer relationship management and billing system. The au...
First published almost ten years ago, Information Systems Development is used by lecturers and students worldwide. Through long experience of teaching with the text and feedback from colleagues and students, the authors have continued to build from the solid foundations of the original text. The new 3rd edition of Information Systems Development ha...
International Federation for Information Processing
The IFIP series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The scope of the series includes: foundations of computer science; software theory and practice; education; computer applications in technology; communication systems; systems mode...
– Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of aligning information systems with organizational processes, goals and strategies. One way of representing and analysing strategic alignment is through the creation of a causal‐loop diagram, a subject which this paper seeks to examine.
– The exp...
Information technology practitioners are required to make calls of judgement in both a technical and a professional capacity. Professional codes of conduct and codes of ethics are intended to provide guidance in making such calls of judgement. This paper looks at the Australian Computer Society code of ethics in the light of the information technol...
Issues: For many researchers, conferences are seen as opportunities for presenting their research and for interacting with fellow researchers. Undertaking conference officer roles with leading conferences like ECIS can also often be seen as an important measure of esteem for academics, which can assist them in their career development as well as pr...
This paper is intended to encourage members of the IS community to participate in Information Systems conferences. For lecturers and research students participation includes such academic roles of presenter, discussant, panel member, and PhD Consortium student or faculty member. For people further along in their careers, participation includes the...
The literature suggests that firms cannot be competitive if their business and information technology strategies are not aligned. Yet achieving strategic alignment continues to be a major concern for business executives. A number of alignment models have been offered in the literature, primary among them the strategic alignment model (SAM). However...
The emergence of new digital media has led to new sources and locations of power, and as a result, a heated debate on the regulability of cyberspace. the myth that cyberspace is by its nature free and uncontrollable has been challenged by Lessig's New ...
Analysis and development techniques have played an important role in information systems, providing support for developers in structuring and directing tasks. They also provide cognitive support in collecting, collating, analyzing, and representing information about system requirements and attributes. However, by developing previous work further, i...
The potential of the Internet to reach a large and growing body of customers, coupled with low communication costs, makes it a very attractive business medium to many organizations. Although there is significant interest in the use of the Internet for ...
The literature about the development of information systems tends to concentrate on methodologies, techniques and tools. There is significant published research about the potential negative aspects of using methodologies and tools (along with that discussing their potential benefits). Techniques, on the other hand, are seen largely as benign, very...
An examination of the eras of system development and their feasibilities are discussed. It is found that today's 'post-methodology' era involves methodologies that can be viewed by developers as outdated and inappropriate for rapid development, Web applications, and other current requirements. The characteristics, advantages, and the disadvantages...
Multiview is a framework to support the information systems development process. It was formulated originally in 1985, but has been developed and changed since that time. It was originally defined to take into account the human and organisational aspects of information systems development, as the alternative methodologies of the time-and most since...