Dasim BudimansyahIndonesia University of Education | UPI · Department of Citizenship Education
Dasim Budimansyah
Prof. Dr. S.Pd., M.Si.
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Dasim Budimansyah is Professor of the Department of Citizenship Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). He was as Chairman of the Citizenship Education (2006-2010) and General Education (2010-2014). Areas of expertise are Sociology of Citizenship, Learning in Values, Moral and Character Education.
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Publications (152)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penurunan gejala moral yang menjadi masalah utama pada penanaman karakter tanggung jawab pada siswa. Badan Pusat Statistik menyebutkan bahwa ada kenaikan angka pada jumlah kasus kenakalan remaja di Indonesia sebanyak 10,7% di tahun 2013-2015. KPAI juga merilis pernyataan mengenai kasus tawuran pelajar di Indones...
STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) plays a crucial role in elementary schools because it provides a strong foundation for students' skill development and understanding in science and technology. STEM education can help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity from an early age This r...
STEM education, which includes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, is essential to prepare students with the skills and knowledge required in the modern world. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of a STEM-integrated module combined with Wasaka character values to enhance student learning outcomes. The...
This research aims to investigate the impact of policies to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile project on the welfare of students in Indonesia. This research seeks to understand how implementing this policy, especially through the Merdeka Curriculum and the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project, affects student welfare. This re...
The one-to-one trial phase within the instructional design development model has frequently been neglected in prior research. This stage should provide much in-depth insight considering its nature, which is in-depth face-to-face data collection between designers and participants. In this study, we aim to analyze a particular instance of module deve...
This article explains and provides an overview of what has been faced in border areas, as well as efforts that can be made to resolve dynamic problems in border areas. Especially people in the border areas in West Kalimantan, which borders directly with Malaysia. The problems that arise are very complex, especially in various fields, especially the...
In this era of globalization, students in Indonesia face increasingly complex challenges in understanding, addressing, and contributing to global issues. However, the existing curriculum often fails to provide adequate perspectives and skills to tackle these global problems. Therefore, this research aims to provide students with a holistic, practic...
Although in traditional trade practices, unethical practices are increasingly occurring, characterized by a lack of principles of honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency among traders, on the contrary, in traditional river-based trade practices at the Lok Baintan floating market with local wisdom "kuranglabih" can realize these practices. Fairtr...
The rivalry and fanaticism of football fans in Indonesia often leads to clashes, both among supporters and with the police and even football players. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the causes of football fan riots and their resolution from a political communication perspective. The method used is a literature review. The results...
Politicians and scientists all over the world agree that democracy requires educated citizens. However, controversies exist around the issue of what kind of education befits democracy. Civic education is a vehicle to sustain and develop democracy. It is important for creating democratic citizens and supporting the democratic machinery. However, wha...
Indonesia is a country with diverse tribes, religions, ethnicities, and traditions. Although Indonesia makes a unique contribution to the life of the archipelago and its citizens, it does not rule out the risk of disputes and conflict. One of them is the existence of ethnic differences, which give rise to stereotypes of certain ethnicities, such as...
Civic education serves as a crucial foundation for students' character building, particularly in fostering their understanding of democratic principles. With the advancement of technology, digital literacy has become an essential element that significantly enhances student engagement in democracy. This study aimed to investigate the impact of digit...
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan merupakan sarana pendididkan demokrasi dimana nilai-nilai demokrasi diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran agar warga negara memiliki kompetensi untuk menjadi warga negara demokratis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kembali konsep kecerdasan kewargaan (civic intelligence) untuk memperluas konsep kompetensi warga...
Indonesia, as a country with rich cultural diversity, shows a strong commitment to developing social dynamics to care for and maintain this diversity. This research explores the role of ethnic Tionghoa in their contribution to national diversity and unity. Through qualitative methods with an ethnographic approach and literature study, with a total...
Lexical choices in a law text contribute to the creation of discourse. The issuance of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation Law in Indonesia has resulted in a controversial public discussion concerning questionable educational practices in Indonesia. This study attempted to investigate the accumulated ideas that depict a represented discou...
Character education is one of the fundamental pillars of education because education not only aims to develop specific skills and knowledge but also fosters certain attitudes, norms, and values in students. One of the values that needs to be cultivated in students is the value of responsibility. The purpose of this study is to investigate learning...
The aim of service learning is to give students a learning experience that is connected to real-world situations and progresses over time while also helping the community. Service learning is a way of teaching that connects what students learn in lectures and theories from the classroom to the community's needs and situation. This study plans to lo...
This research explores the integration of character education, specifically focusing on drawing inspiration from the abundant cultural wisdom embedded in Mamanda theater—an invaluable cultural asset in South Kalimantan. The central aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing Mamanda’s theater arts as a catalyst for collaborative...
Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia face major challenges due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and globalization, which include adaptation to digital technology, expansion of social networks, and integration of Islamic boarding school values in technology-based curricula. This research focuses on the role of social capital in maintaining the rele...
This study examines the development of research on the use of augmented reality (AR) in education with bibliometric mapping analysis using VOSviewer. This article was compiled from the Google Scholar database using the Publish or Perish application. Titles and articles are searched by entering the keywords "augmented reality, education". This study...
Objective: Finding appropriate ways to internalize the character values of caring for the environment in elementary schools through a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students in terms of civic behavior, skills, and attitude. Method: This research is mixed research with quasi-experiment, with a population of 500 students from 5 elemen...
This study aims to identify the relationship between social media use and civic engagement among digital natives in Indonesia using the Grounded Theory method. The study involved 15 digital natives aged 18-24 who actively use social media, selected through a purposive sampling technique. The analysis in this study used NVivo version 12 Plus for Mac...
This study examines the integration of local wisdom, Islamic values, and early childhood engagement in the river-based traditional trade at the Lok Baintan Floating Market. The study delves into the enduring "Kuranglabih" principle rooted in the values of the Banjar community, which permeates traditional trade. This enduring principle, which harmon...
This study aims to uncover the potential of empowering digital natives through digital literacy to strengthen utopian civic engagement for a better future. The research methodology employed in this study is grounded theory, with data collected through in-depth interviews with 15 digital natives respondents in Bandung, Indonesia. The collected data...
The study aims to develop a Project-Based Learning (PBL) blended learning strategy to enhance the human literacy skills of students taking Citizenship Education in higher education. The research uses the Research Development (RD) method combined with the ASSURE model, which involves six stages: analyzing students, expressing goals, selecting method...
This research is motivated by the problem of the contribution of project-based learning (PBL) to the learning process which only helps the teacher's task or has a significant contribution to the acquisition of student knowledge. The aim of the research is to investigate the effectiveness of PBL in involving students in the learning process, the con...
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the decline of national morality, especially the younger generation, especially among students. This is indicated by the increasing prevalence of social-social phenomena such as the fading tradition, culture, social values, ethical norms and noble mind and character have begun to fade among students....
Karakter peduli lingkungan siswa SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto masih rendah, padahal terletak di wilayah kabupaten rawan bencana alam: banjir, longsor lahan, kekeringan, dan angin puting beliung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efektivitas metode pembelajaran studi kasus religius dalam bahan ajar mitigasi bencana untuk pengembangan karakter peduli...
This paper aimed to analyze digital citizenship in civic education learning, focusing on the practice and implications of digital citizenship in civic education learning. This article provided a systematic review of 41 selected articles from the SCOPUS database of digital citizenship in civic education learning by analyzing content as a methodology...
Citizenship Education is currently interpreted as a multidimensional education, even Citizenship Education includes various disciplines related to citizenship issues. One of the actual citizenship problems is about environmental damage, because it is a problem experienced by all nations in the world. This study aimed to develop an instrument to mea...
Learning models appearing in the classroom are psychologically far from students’ daily lives, despite the fact that there are numerous traditions available to students that might form the basis for the development of a learning model. This study was intended to produce a model of Project Based Learning (PBL) based on Batobo. The Batobo tradition p...
Environmental conservation has become an actual thought and issue amid the threat of various natural disasters. The environmental crisis is one of the biggest problems of this century that has an impact on the present and future inhabitants of the world. Experts have mapped out that the environmental crisis has caused various natural disasters. Whe...
The use of mobile learning in education has increased. In order to understand how to use mobile learning, it is necessary to have a common overview of the research carried out. This systematic review has determined the trend (especially tolerance) of using smartphone apps to learn characters through comprehensive analysis and comprehensive research...
Humans and the environment are two elements that should coexist. All levels of society should own related awareness of maintaining the environment. However, in reality, the river border community's awareness of the importance of preserving the environment is still lacking. One of the triggering factors is the lack of public legal awareness about th...
The research aims to foster a sense of civic responsibility through service-learning based Civic Education. The research uses qualitative methods with descriptive-analytical approaches that track a variety of actual references to civic engagement in society. The results showed that civic involvement in society can foster a sense of responsibility f...
Civic education in Indonesia is a general compulsary subject within the scope of general education. Theoretically, civic education has to instill the values of nationalism and patriotism. However, in its implementation, civic education faces several obstacles. The obstacles are not only in terms of materital, method, and evaluation, but also from t...
One of the factors leading to success in learning is the teacher’s lesson plan. The more well-developed the lesson plan is, the better the result. Recent findings suggest some teachers in Indonesia neglect the development of their lesson plans. Their planning may be superficial, and their documents may be prepared merely to satisfy educational admi...
The development of the world of technology has provided many changes in the pattern of human life, including influencing environmental phenomena that have an impact on the way of life of citizens. To prevent environmental destruction. So ecological education is one of the efforts to continue the effort to create citizens who care about the environm...
This study aims to identify the model of strengthening the national identity through the cadre pattern in the Islamic Student Association organization (HMI). This study applied a qualitative approach with a case study method. Student organizations have a crucial role in providing insight, sense, and spirit of Indonesian nationalism that is wrapped...
Kebebasan untuk berpendapat dan berserikat merupakan landasan fundamental demokrasi dan dilindungi oleh negara. Dalam perkembangannya, kebebasan berserikat tersebut termanifestasikan pada pembentukan kelompok dan organisasi kemasyarakatan. Fungsi positif dari terbentuknya organisasi kemasyarakatan ini yaitu terjaminnya kebebasan individu, namun di...
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia memiliki beberapa fungsi salah satunya sebagai pendidikan pendahuluan bela negara. Namun dalam praktiknya, proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di perguruan tinggi masih belum menemukan formula yang sesuai dengan konsep pendidikan bela negara untuk warga negara sipil. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk...
The development of the anti-drug abuse model for junior high schools in Indonesia is driven by the absence of facilities that can connect important components in efforts to prevent drug abuse in school environment. The five components are family, school, peer group, community, and stakeholders. This research aimed at developing applications of Asta...
The development of the drug network that has entered educational institutions, makes worried the future of the next generation. Various models of approaches have been carried out both families, schools, peer groups, communities, and stakeholders. However, these components have not been whole and comprehensive together to overcome the problem of dru...
On recent years, the development of technology and information requires the citizens' skill to implement and adapt their self to the changing and expanding of the global flows. This attention is needed by the students to make them to able to engage their linear and relevant ways of thinking, hard skills and soft skills to mobilize technology and in...
This study aims to analyze the effect of lifelong, notably adult and informal, learning experiences on the business capability and productivity of poor women entrepreneurs in rural Indonesia. The measures of entrepreneurial ability of the research subjects were in terms of their engagement, as microcredit receivers, in adult learning processes thro...
Critical thinking ability is one of the
competencies that must be possessed by students. Critical
thinking is an intellectual skill of one character that has
become an issue in education in facing industrial revolution 4.0.
This study aims at describing the development of students’
critical thinking ability in learning Civic Education. The